Sunday, 30 January 2011
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1/30/2011 11:52:00 pm
date : 30th January 2011 time : 2354hrs Assalamualaikum~ When I was younger, I've always wanted be a soccer player when I grow up.. Playing for Manchester United was my big dream.. I worked my way through - I played for my primary school team, took part in inter-class tournaments during secondary.. but then, effort went down the drain after I broke my leg when I was in Sec 3 - I was playing soccer with my friends, dribbling the ball from the center of the field right up to the penalty box.. I saw a defender in front charging towards me.. so before I let my opponent gets the ball, I shoot with my eyes close.. the next thing I know, I was on the ground.. I saw the ball was in the goalpost, happiness surrounded me that I scored.. but when I tried to straighten my right leg, there was a great pain on my knee.. when I looked at it, it was not in its normal shape.. The defender that charged me, kicked my leg.. Everyone went panicked and we called for an ambulance.. I underwent a surgery and got my knee casted for 3 months.. 3 screws were placed in my knee to support the joint.. Dreams ; shattered.. Knowing that I can't play soccer anymore and not wanting it to be my profession ever again, I turned to acting.. I joined the ITE Tampines drama group and I also joined external drama production - my first was "Phoenix production".. Acted in a few shows and hosted a few events.. and because of some internal conflicts, I left.. Not me having problems with the management but it was a conflict among themselves that made me leave.. And then I tried musiq.. formed a band with my ITE friends.. got my own Samick bass guitar.. jammed a few sessions.. auditioned for ITE Stardom, well, we didn't make it and the band disbanded.. WTFarq.. Somehow I find musiq interesting.. I continued playing musiq with other bands.. still on my bass.. but I came to realise that we were only playing for fun.. till I met Jimmy who needs a drummer for his band, we were campmates back then.. well, I have some basic drumming skills so I joined "Nightfall" - Jimmy, Jeff, Jon and me.. We jammed, played in gigs and took part in competitions until the day Jon created a "scene".. we disbanded and I followed Jimmy to form up another band.. it also didn't work out well so we went on hiatus till Jeff decided to play with me and Jimmy.. and the three of us are still jamming till today.. we still need a vocalist and a rhythm guitarist to perfect some of our songs.. Anyway, while I was doing musiq, I got involved in drama too.. I joined Theater Peti Karma, did a few shows but it didn't go a long way.. I stick to musiq ah.. haha! I can't seem to achieve what I wanna be.. WAIT~ At least I'm playing musiq now.. And I thought I will never have a bright future.. well, look, I'm currently employed and I'm earning awesomely, Alhamdulillah~ except that I can't make my dreams come true.. It's ok - keeping myself positive.. These are the people who inspires me to be in the musiq scene.. I want to................ ![]() sing like Jared Leto from 30 Seconds to Mars ![]() strum the guitar like Matthew Bellamy from Muse ![]() pluck the bass like Mark Hoppus from Blink 182 ![]() farq the drums like the late Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan from Avenged Sevenfold ![]() and be creative with pom-poms like the girl in the picture above.. woooopz~ [ she's my adviser and motivator ;) ] And these are the bands that I wish to play with if I have the opportunity~ ![]() ![]() Rufio (nothing related to my farqinq ex gf.. I got over her..) Anyway, congrats to my ITE friend, Sudhakar.. he got married yesterday.. And also to my secondary school friend Rahim, who is getting married next month.. And also congratulations to me coz I donno when I will be getting married.. haha~ So I will end my entry here.. Nothing lovey dovey this time.. just sharing random stuffs.. have a great week, everyone~ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0139hrs |
Saturday, 29 January 2011
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1/29/2011 02:28:00 am
date : 29th January 2011 time : 0229hrs Assalamualaikum~ It's 0230hrs in the morning and I'm not sleepy yet.. maybe because I carried my dumbbells just now, then had my solat.. and I'M SUPPOSED TO FEEL SLEEPY.. but I couldn't sleep.. that's why I'm blogging.. haha.. I love blogging AH EH! Anyway, Miss NSbA posted this in her Facebook ; ![]() I purposely commented that to answer her question indirectly without anyone suspecting anything.. Well, we wanna keep our relationship low.. heh~ Anyway, my actual answer was ; ![]() The words were abit too small kan? Pandai² ah adjust.. haha.. Anyway, there are more reasons why she's special to me.. First thing that I need in a relationship is, communication.. me and her can communicate very well with each other.. we're open with random topics/discussions.. I loike that~ Secondly, we share common interest.. sports, venture new places, shopping and do silly things.. haha.. Only I'll do the silly things.. And after that, followed by trust, honesty, so on and so forth.. To add on to that, she's special because she's my source of motivation.. the person who inspires me to be better.. to advice me to always keep a positive mind and go through challenges.. to cheer me up whenever I'm down.. to be that someone who will catch me whenever I fall.. But I'm scared, what if I'm the one who isn't perfect for you.. will you still stay? "Baby please don't go, if I wake up tomorrow will you still be here?" taken from Mike Posner's "Please don't go".. And even if "I know I'm not perfect but I keep tryin', cause that's what I said I would do from the start.." taken from Hedley's "Perfect".. And I'm lucky to have her in my life coz she encouraged me to stop smoking and yeah~ my health's improving.. Awesome yah! I just love the direction this friendship is heading to and how it's progressing from time to time.. how feelings can develop from just a mutual friendship to liking each other and now love blooms.. it's awesome to have this feeling to love someone and to be loved by someone.. And if that doesn't scream 'YOU ARE SPECIAL', then I don't know what else does.. Maybe I'm not good with words.. Or MAYBE I shud just stop typing, zip my mouth and get more practical.. "You're never gonna be alone from this moment on~" taken from Nickelback's "Never gonna be alone".. Anyway, I cant wait to meet her later.. Maybe going to the National Museum coz I guess she's never been there.. then at night she's watching a midnight movie with her family and I watch a midnight movie with my dudes.. Awesome weekends~ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0347hrs |
Friday, 28 January 2011
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1/28/2011 05:39:00 pm
date : 28th January 2011 time : 1740hrs Assalamualaikum~ Firstly, I'd like to thank Allah for giving me the bestest life.. Alhamdulillah.. After friday prayer just now, a lady from Singtel called me and asked if I'm interested to be in the FTTH team.. I was like "HELL YEAH I WANT!".. haha! So freaqin' excited xia.. No more being a CRE.. I prefer to do hands-on job.. heh~ I can't wait to go for the course..! Anyway, it feels like I have no one to share my feelings with.. haha.. sounds pathetic but that's how I feel.. The only way I can express my thoughts is through here.. Anyway, I watched "if you really knew me" in MTV just now and it was an interesting show.. it showcased teenagers who are able to express their feelings to people/friends that they just knew.. Somehow, it got me all teared up especially when listening to the teens' problems.. haha.. I'm big physically but I have a soft heart.. mostly are family-related problems.. Alhamdulillah my family is awesome but I'm just not close enough with them.. especially when comes to personal issue, I'll keep it to myself.. Coz I hate it when I approach someone for advice but all I receive are criticisms.. Of coz I have friends.. loads of 'em.. but they are just people who I love slackin' with but not ones who I will share my probs to.. maybe 2 or 3 that I trust but did not share entirely about my life.. I'm getting used to it.. There's something I wanna confess.. I'm in love with Miss NSbA.. hahahaha! Hoo gawd! She can just drive me nuts with her smile.. She's just beautiful in herself ; slender, imperial, a thing made of silk and inner-fire.. everytime before we meet, I got my palms all sweaty and my tummy full of butterflies - or maybe bats.. I donno.. Nervous to da max~ I just can't wait to meet her again.. maybe tomorrow, insya'Allah.. ![]() Hopefully it doesn't rain later.. I wanna go jog with Aziz.. yesterday I jogged and I lost 1 kg.. hey, it's impressive ok.. if I jog like almost everyday and keeps losing 1kg per jogging session, I will be kurus jiller by end of the year.. haha! Oh yah! Today is the 2nd day of not puffing.. I'm so farqinq proud of myself.. who says smokers can't quit in a day.. it's a matter of you want it or not.. ceydebah~ haha! Anyway, it's A.I.F - Alhamdulillah It's Friday! Haha! Enjoy your weekends! Coz I'm gonna enjoy mine~ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1853hrs |
Thursday, 27 January 2011
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1/27/2011 03:08:00 pm
date : 27th January 2011 time : 1508hrs Assalamualaikum~ And so today my journey as an 'ex-smoker' begins.. meaning, I'm not gonna smoke anymore.. Q-U-I-T, quit.. Yes! Believe it or not, I've decided.. Reason being; firstly, it's for my sake - health, looks (smoking can destroy my awesome hunky look.. AHAKZ!), money.. and also, to think of it, I could have saved alot of cash just by not smoking.. So yerpz.. secondly, for HER sake.. she told me before that it'd be a plus point for her if she can get someone who doesn't smoke.. so, I'm doing it for her.. heh~ thirdly, for our sake.. I dont want anyone to be my passive smoker.. and I dont want anyone to die earlier than me unless dah takdir lah kan.. heh~ At least with the money saved, I can buy myself a Gymkhana 3 or a trip to Rome for honeymoon *hint hint* Anyway, mark this date - 27th January 2011.. I QUIT! Alhamdulillah things have been alot better for me.. especially after getting to know HER.. she asked if I want to come for the religious class held at her house and I'd love to.. People might think that I'm attending the class for her sake but it's actually out of sincerity to learn more about the Quran and Islam.. I maybe 26 but my religious knowledge sucks.. I guess this is the time or opportunity I should take before I really wanna get settle down.. And I'm so proud to have her as a partner coz she's able to read the Quran and she can even teach.. Even I'm not capable of doing so but that wont stop me from trying.. Besides wanting to go for the class, yesterday Aziz also asked me whether I wanna learn Arabic.. sounds like qool.. at least after I learn the language, I can understand the Quran even better, insya'Allah.. And also, Alhamdulillah I've started praying - except sometimes when I'm outside and I'm in my bermz.. It's not something 'WOW' lah.. but I just would like to share.. it's true what people were saying about after praying.. your heart and soul will be at peace and you will feel optimistic, insya'Allah.. but that's how I feel everytime I finished praying.. the tranquility is super awesome.. ![]() Wish me best of luck on this journey - A cyclist, a jogger, a body-builder and now a non-smoker.. at the same time, polishing my religious knowledge.. and I have a new hobby, READING.. I've been reading my "Vampire Diaries" novel that Jimmy gave to me for my 26th birthday.. AND! I have a new addiction, I've been playing sudoku in my phone.. haha! EH! Makin kental pe hidop aku?! Haha! Kay that's all~ I'll not reveal my kentalness (if there are still) anymore.. heh! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1604hrs |
Sunday, 23 January 2011
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1/23/2011 11:41:00 pm
date : 23rd January 2011 time : 2340hrs Assalamualaikum~ Few more minutes to Monday.. haiz~ So not looking forward to go to work tomorrow.. Boring to da max.. Once my contract ends, I wanna apply for technical postion ah.. Anyway, somehow I miss my bestdudes - Kurt and Zaf.. Haiz.. I miss the times that we used to spend at Esplanade.. haha.. now everyone's busy with their own stuffs.. Work lah, ape lah.. Hopefully I get to meet up with Kurt this Tuesday.. ![]() Zaf - me - Kurt Though I miss these dudes, but I still miss *EHEM* more lah kan.. haha! Kay~ going to bed now.. good nite! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0000hrs |
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1/23/2011 01:07:00 am
date : 23rd January 2011 time : 0107hrs Assalamualaikum~ This entry is dedicated very specially to Miss NSbA (I purposely abbreviated her name to hide her identity.. heh~).. Dyla, my ex poly friend, @Mention in twitter me this : "mabok cinta eh?".. And my answer to that is, Yes, I am.. After I broke up with my farqinq ex-girlfriend, I thought I will be so lazy to even go out on a date with girls.. I posted in my previous entries how awesome life is being a single dude.. and I used to think "I'd never sing of love if it does not exist..." taken from Paramore's "Only Exception".. Until SHE came into my life.. Me and HER were used to be colleagues from the same company but we didn't even talk to each other.. maybe because I was attached to someone and she's attached to my colleague so I have this.. erm.. respect?! not to talk to my colleague's girlfriend.. Well, maybe.. Anyway, just now I semangat to check when was the date we added each other in FB (it takes effort to do this coz I have to scroll all the way down and look line by line for the update).. haha! And it was on 27th September 2010, if I'm not wrong lar.. Kay~ back to why I didn't talk to her when we're working together in the same company.. Well, besides having the idea that I mentioned earlier, it was also because many guys were woo-ing at her.. wishing she would be their girlfriend.. WAIT~ I still think it's because I'm attached at that point of time that made me not to have the guts to even utter a word to her, or even smile.. I think that's the reason ah.. haha.. And so, we didn't talk until I got retrenched from that company (the good thing is, I have her FB).. :) Then things didn't go the way we wanted and the 2 of us went single.. I think that's when I begin to 'like' some of her posts in FB that were very inspiring and motivational.. It was until she posted this ; "It is good being single. But it feels better when you have someone taking care of you, thinking about you, and honestly, sweetly, faithfully loving you." ;) .. That was the post where I commented (alot) and we began to exchange words to the extend we decided to chat using the Facebook chat.. heh! Awesome~ We talked about Vampire Diaries and she even offered me her hard disk so I can watch the series easily without having the hassle of opening a browser and wait for an episode to finish streaming.. I was surprised lar, we just started chatting and she already trust me with her hard disk.. Amazing~ And so we met around mid December.. I was at town with Ryna and Aziz and she came down to meet me to pass the hard disk.. and she hanged out with us after that.. ate at Wendy's.. And somehow I love her attitude and her character.. she has this unique vibe to make dull situation into an awesome one.. she simply loves to laugh.. and she laughs VERY LOUD which I find it sexy and I don't mind.. heh~ We met again on the eve of New Year 2011.. We met up at Marina Bay Sands with Ryna, Aziz, Zul and Kid.. I was surprised she told me that it was her first time watching New Year's fireworks.. I was happy to be the first to bring her watch the pyrotechnics display.. :) There were also minor meet ups like passing back her hard disk, going to the gym and also having a random dinner outing.. haha.. benda² macam gini pon nak post eh.. haha.. abeh~ for kenangan sake.. One of the most memorable date was when I met her a day after my birthday.. Can refer to the entry on the 16th of January 2011 <- click Then yesterday, we met again and it was an awesome date.. the both of us loved it so much (even though I spoilt the beginning coz I was late).. heh~ she was mad when I approached her at AMK.. but soon situation soothed down and we began laughing.. From AMK we went to City Hall coz she wanna bring me to Marina Bay Sands to explore the place a bit more.. we walked around MBS and there is a canal where sampans; maneuvered by a young dude each in their own, traveling from one end to the other and back to where it started.. like nice ah~ so we bought our tickets and had our sampan ride.. we made friends with the dude who maneuver our sampan and he's such a cool guy.. She finds him good looking and I agree with her.. haha! He wears this name tag with the name "Jebat".. I thought that was his nick coz in my mind was, those who are working there are wearing these old apek² cina costume and the name also must be nama orang² lama.. but I was wrong.. his name is really Jebat.. Sharul Jebat.. Cool ya~ The best part was, we get an extra ride for FREE! And for every ride, there will be a photographer taking a picture of us.. At the end of the 2nd ride, this Jebat dude asked us to go to the photo counter to collect our photos.. And he gave us 2 of the same photo - one for her, one for me for FREE! If we were to pay for the photo, it'll be $16 for each.. The both of us love that Jebat dude.. heh~ *mentang² kasi free aje, love ah* haha! After exploring MBS, we head back to Marina Square and at the same time we planned what to do for our next date.. heh~ We had dinner at McDeez and exchange thoughts after that.. I really love looking at her face ah.. very awesome to look at.. something I will never get bored of doing.. "I can't take my eyes of you" taken from the song 'you and me' by Lifehouse.. heh~ We left Marina Square around 2000hrs and head home.. We really enjoyed ourselves seh and we love the date.. And I'm looking forward to have the next one.. Oh by the way, all these dates were all planned by her.. see how amazing she is.. 22nd January 2011 had been very awesome and I'm gonna Seize The Day one of my favourite songs from Avenged Sevenfold.. She's just someone perfect I need in my life.. we're able to communicate VERY well and we trust each other so much.. And I shared with her my darkest secret which I don't even share with my close friends.. I thought I will never fall in love again, but you changed all that.. I thought I can never see anyone with me in the future, until you came and I see you.. ![]() Ok, I will end my entry here.. Wow~ Took me 4 hours to type out this entry.. Heh~ Alrite, have a wonderful weekend and also an awesome week ahead! And to her, I MIZ YA~ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0442hrs |
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
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1/18/2011 08:48:00 am
date : 18th January 2011 time : 0850hrs Assalamualaikum~ It's a very cold morning.. Nowadays the weather is getting cooler and cooler.. Global warming?! Onlee Allah knows.. but to think of it, isn't it supposed to be getting hotter and hotter?! Maybe I'm the one who is getting "hotter"and "hotter".. haha~ I dont think I can tahan working in this line ah.. though some people think it's good to makan gaji buta, but I feel bad and bored.. I wanna learn something and pick up knowledge.. Anyway, I applied for an installer/technician position.. The pay is quite good and it's hands on work.. insya'Allah I get to learn about fixing cables and wires.. haha.. better than sitting at home and do nothing and at the end of the month you get money.. Oh yah! Muamar texted me yesterday and asked me to go for an interview at Hitachi Chemical as a technician assistant.. If the company can give me my expecting salary, then I will join.. If not, I will just stay in my current organisation but I will change to a different field.. Anyway, my mind keeps thinking about that someone.. I'm not sure whether it is love or it's just me missing that person.. I guess it's both.. heh~ but really, I'm not being all mushy and purposely wanna make people puke with my love stories but it's something that comes from my heart.. "Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy." taken from Bruno Mars' "Just the way you are".. I don't think she hates her laugh lar but becoz of her laughter, I like her.. jyeah! She has this unique vibe that I like ah.. Very bubbly, fun and cheerful.. Awesome~ I love the way she smiles whenever she looks at me.. haha.. Wah~ dah macam jiller bayang.. Hoooo shytz.. but if I semangat sangat and onlee get cold response in return pon, macam steam kering je.. hahahahaha! ![]() I love hanging out with my colleagues especially on Mondays after our briefing.. heh~ We're supposed to go for our jobs after briefing but instead we hang out at Orchard farqinq early in the morning.. They just love looking at ladies in office wear and Filipino chicks.. -_- Me, I have my own lady in mind.. Cey~ |
Sunday, 16 January 2011
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1/16/2011 11:16:00 pm
date : 16th January 2011 time : 2318hrs Assalamualaikum~ Firstly, HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY TO MUHAMMAD ARIFF BIN MOHAMED (who is ME lah) Alhamdulillah I turned 26 yesterday.. Not a very nice number but I had a farqin awesome birthday.. It all began.................................................................................................14th January 2011 In the morning, I met up with Rabbani at Paya Lebar for awhile to collect some stuffs and after that I went to collect my new spectacles before I head home.. My specs were whoresome! I love 'em! Anyway, I left house in the evening to meet Aziz at Ang Mo Kio and the both of us then went to meet Rafiean and Jimmy at Mr. Teh Tarik nearby Jimmy's crib.. Zaf joined abit later.. We then head to Jimmy's crib to lepak and played his PS3.. Well, we dont really played the games ah.. we used his PS3 to watch Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" on Youtube and try to follow the dancers' dance step.. we're like damn gay larrr.. Exactly at 0000hrs, Jimmy switched off his room's light and he brought in 2 slices of cake with 2 candles on top and an elf in front of the 2 cakes.. it was just a small cake but I appreciated it alot! I was surprised larr..! I never thought my guy friends will do something like that for me.. heh.. And so we sang the birthday song before I blew the lighted candles.. Ceydebah! I received my first birthday present from Jimmy (and his girlfriend) - a Vampire Diaries storybook.. EXTREMELY WHORESOME #1.. Bayeek! Now I'm gonna take up reading as a new hobby.. heh~ Around 0100hrs, Rafiean and Aziz went home and the rest of us began to make our bagedil with Jimmy's mom's help.. We managed to make 100 chicken bagedil and 100 beef bagedil before 0400hrs.. By the time we finished, we were already physically faggot and had our sleep.. 15th January 2011 The 3 of us woke up at around 0900hrs and can already smell the awesomeness of the bagedil that Jimmy's mom was frying.. Zaf made the delivery to the location in the afternoon and we received our first modal.. heh~ Not much lah but it was awesome for a start.. Zaf and me left Jimmy's crib in the evening and we head home.. Around 2100hrs, I left my house and took cab to Bugis to meet my ex polymates - Kid, Azim, Seri, Juana, Ihsan and Zul.. Ryna came later with Aziz.. We walked our way to Arab Street and went Amirah's grill to have our shisha.. I had a great reunion with 'em.. talked about what we did in TP and reminiscin' about the past.. Anyway, Ryna gave me a keychain with my name on it.. damn nice! I loike.. EXTREMELY AWESOME #2.. Around 2300hrs, my kaki gerekz that we called ourselves "Zombies" - Zaf, Sazli, Jimmy, Rafiean and Fuad, joined us but they sat on a different table.. My ex polymates left around 0100hrs and I joined the "Zombies" after that.. Rafiean gave me a box of Ferrero Rocher wrapped in newspapers.. they also sabo-ed me with this glow-in-the-dark hair gel.. My hair was screwed up.. haiyah! Well, me and the Zombies left the cafe after awhile and we head off in search of Singapore's Scariest places - Old Changi Hospital.. heh~ Once we reached there, the main entrance were closed.. so we thought of going in from the alternative entrance.. but to get to the entrance, we have to climb up a staircase which lead to it.. Unfortunately when we just arrived at the staircase, cops came and screened us.. Farqed up~ haha! We then proceeded to Changi Village to see some bapoks before we head off to Changi Airport to have our late dinner / early breakfast.. We left the airport around 0430hrs and headed home to sleep.. EXTREMELY AWESOME #3.. 16th January 2011 I woke up like almost to 1100hrs.. Switched on the PC to check FB and replied to every single person that wished on my wall.. damn alot! I have 50+ wishes.. More than I expected.. My gawd~ Anyway, what I really looked forward to was a date with someone.. I left home in the afternoon and met that someone at Orchard MRT station.. HOOOOO MY GAWD, I tell you, SHE'S FARQINQ GORGEOUS! Well, I just can't help it and I told her that she looked gorgeous.. AWESOMELY GORGEOUS! Kay~ tak bole banyak², nanti ade orang tu kembang.. heh! Because I was late, I have to do a forfeit, that is, have to carry her bag the whole day.. Aaaargh.. no kick lah.. I can even carry her lah.. Anyway, we went to Cineleisure to get the tickets for "The Fighter".. It was a farqinq awesome movie.. I rate it 9.8/10.. very inspirational.. I wanna have a heavenly body like a boxer ah.. soon ah eh~ After the movie, we went to Swensen's just outside Cineleisure.. It was my birthday treat from her.. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I get to finally sit infront of her and see her face.. Awesome~ And as we ate, we confessed about how we feel about each other.. I was surprised with what she told me.. My heart pumps like farq like as if Mike Portnoy was playing drums in my chest.. I think my face went all red.. haha! After dinner, I sent her home and I head home after that.. It's just a simple date but it's farqin SPECIAL to me.. Thank you so much, awak~ So thats all for my entry.. Thank you to those who wished me in FB and through the phone.. You guys are appreciated.. Next week then I will celebrate my birthday with my family.. :) Well, I miss that someone already.. And I'm still wondering how we can get so close.. Will text her tomorrow.. Kay! wanna go to sleep.. working later.. :) Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0128hrs |
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
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1/12/2011 01:35:00 pm
date : 12th January 2011 time : 1336hrs Assalamualaikum~ What ay bright Tuesday afternoon.. Hopefully it wont rain in the evening.. I need to go for my jog badly.. I'm actually irritated with my arms ah.. no matter how many times I carry those weights, my muscles aint gettin' any bigger.. maybe it's growing bit by bit or maybe I just want instant results.. haha.. I was sitting alone in my room just now and thinking about my life.. some call it, self-reflection?! Sometimes I just wish I could just turn back time and "fix" whichever were not right.. If I'm able to do that, maybe my current life will be an even brighter one.. Only Allah knows best.. Well, whatever mistakes I did in the past, taught me a very valuable lesson.. I used to think that I'm never gonna make it but, hey, I'm standing tall and I can say I'm quite successful now.. And this question popped up randomly in my mind - "when will I have a girlfriend?".. Well, I donno.. I'm very happy with my current status right now.. living a carefree life.. just go where ever I wanna go and be with anyone I wanna be with.. So yah, maybe I prefer to be single.. well, MAYBE.. heh~ I'm not gonna waste my time looking for love anymore, just let love look for me.. but I think if love ever spotted me, I'll hide.. heh~ I tried to imagine myself with random minahs but I just can't seem to visualise.. Maybe my heart had stopped loving or............. EH! Asal emo ni?! Ok, I shall stop with my love nonsense.. heh~ I have this close friend who I always.. or used to.. share stuffs with.. but eversince that friend of mine is, well, attached, I feel like it's not appropriate to talk to %$%$# anymore.. maybe once in awhile but I wanna have this "gap" between us.. I dowanna create any misunderstandings or controversies.. So yerpz~ The important thing is, you treasure my friendship, I treasure yours too.. I love our friendship as much as you do and I dowan it to end either.. And seriously, I'm blessed that I met you and we became close.. It's not that I'm avoiding you but it's some kind of respect for your relationship ya~ Cheer up! ![]() I think that's all for my entry yah.. Have a great day.. Lets pray that it will not rain this evening.. ^_^ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1419hrs |
Sunday, 9 January 2011
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1/09/2011 09:46:00 pm
date : 9th January 2011 time : 2130hrs Assalamualaikum~ Here's something I wanna share with you guys.. MY BROTHER CAN ACTUALLY RAP! Farqinq whoresome or what! Enjoy and I hope this song will motivate you to be stronger to face through nonsense.. heh~ click --> Stronger - Adil Buggerdil <-- click Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 2133hrs |
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1/09/2011 02:35:00 pm
date : 9th January 201 time : 1436hrs Assalamualaikum~ What a Sunday.. Went jogging in the morning and after that carried some weights.. Now I'm so farqinq "faggot" but it's for my own good.. heh~ I wanna have a nice body ah.. I wonder how those guys in the gym can do it.. I have to stay positive, I'm on my way to have a nice body.. Whoresome!! Well, I think with the routines that me and Aziz had planned out, I believe can achieve my target to have a well-sculptured body.. Cey~ Jogging on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.. Gym session on Tuesdays and Thursdays.. Wait.. *looking in the mirror* Hoooooo shit! My body full of.............................. ![]() MUSCLES AH EH!!!! AND NOT... ![]() mussels... Yesterday I went jamming with my band - Jimmy and Sazli.. Jamming was awesome and will forever be.. After jamming, the 3 of us met up with Fuad and Kurt to watch the movie "Saw 3D" at Cineleisure.. it was farqinq disgusting.. I hate to see blood get spilled on the floor.. but what amazed me was, I MANAGED TO OPEN MY EYES TO SEE EVERY JIGSAW's TORTURINGS.. I'm a brave boy lah~ Haha! After movie, Jimmy and Sazli went home.. Fuad, Kurt and me went for dinner at Wendy's.. It was Kurt's and Fuad's first time munching Wendy's stuffs.. And I think they loved it.. heh~ Anyway, I wanna share something.. I'm not sure if I'm ready to fall in love again.. I keep telling everyone that I'm lazy to get to know girls, no time to go for dates and all sorts of reason but the truth is, I dowanna hurt anyone and I dowanna get hurt by someone.. there's a saying "it's easy to get to know alot of people but it's hard to find the perfect person." Go figure~ Actually there is someone that I like but I donno.. we've only been friends for quite some time.. She has the personality that I look for in someone, the positive attitude and I feel so comfortable COMMUNICATING with her.. communication is a very important factor in a relationship, that's why I caps lock the word.. heh.. Cey~ berbual step macam aku dah matair dengan dia.. haha! Oh well, it's a just a crush.. Crushes come and go~ I will end my entry here.. Wanna play Maroon 5's "She will be loved" on my guitar.. a very nice song.. I dedicate it to her.. heh~ K, have a nice week ahead.. :) Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1623hrs |
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
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1/04/2011 12:18:00 pm
date : 4th January 2011 time : 1220hrs Assalamualaikum~ I wanna share my New Year's resolution in this post.. #1. To improve myself to be a better person (which I've kept been doing for the past 25 years) #2. To constantly pray 5 times day (meaning, I have to wear long pants whenever I go out?!) #3. To gain more religious knowledge (PLUS! I need to learn how to recite the Quran) #4. To be an obedient son to my parents and a good example to my brothers (erm.. sometimes I just langgar the rules) #5. To be a better friend to all my friends ^_^ #6. To be a trustworthy/hardworking employee (ni ade maciam paham sikit) #7. To lose weight - at least to an accepted BMI value (check out yours - BMI calculator) #8. To get my motorbike license - only then I can proceed to get my Class 4 license #9. To at least play a gig with my band #10. To participate in any marathons that will be organised in Singapore I wanna list out to 15 but I can't think of anything else.. I will just go with the flow.. Well, I dont think getting a girlfriend will be in the list.. I will let Allah decide on that.. heh~ Now for my birthday list.. I wish to have.................. #1. A Samsung Galaxy Tab ![]() #2. A Playstation 3 ![]() Now, who wanna get me these gadgets for my birthday? Haha! Asking too much.. It's just my wish.. but what I really want for my birthday, is just to spend time with my family and friends.. that will be the most awesome gift.. ^_^ Alrite.. I will end my entry here.. have a nice day, peepz! Might be going gym later or maybe just carry the weights I have at home.. take care~ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1322hrs |
Monday, 3 January 2011
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1/03/2011 11:41:00 pm
date : 4th January 2011 time 0003hrs Assalamualaikum~ I hope it's not too late to wish everyone a HAPPY 2011.. Well, 2010 had been a farqed up year for me.. especially when I broke up with an angel for a heartbreaker.. And I end up being the one who loses both.. Lesson learned.. not gonna repeat the same mistakes again.. there's a quote, "once bitten, twice shy" but mine is "twice cheated, never gonna get cheated again." Heh~ I did not regret doing the wrong stuffs coz that's when I learned about life.. to improve myself to become a better person and appreciate what had been given to me.. sometimes I can get a lil selfish though.. Anyway, Ida posted this "Why, I'm being emo again. Nobody will understand me and my past." That strikes me.. suddenly I was reminded about my past.. my 'dark past'.. which I forbid myself to share it to others.. Well, only certain ones who I farqin trust most, knows about it.. I'm just scared that some people might not be able to accept me for who I am or who I was back then.. whatever it is, I've changed for good.. I've never looked back and keeps achieving stuffs that are essential for my life.. There are goals that have not been scored and hopefully this year I'm able to deliver it with perfection.. well, macam paham but really.. Going for religious class will be a good start for me.. at the same time I shall go for Quran reciting classes too.. Darul Arqam organises a Quran reciting class every Sunday.. I will register for it very soon.. Hooo shit~ I can't get rid of my past after I triggered it back from my memory.. hmm.. this suck big time~ (refer to the post on 26th December 2010) I shared about me and my friends doing the 'bagedil' business.. well, surprisingly, we have orders on the 15th of January 2011.. 100 bagedil daging and 100 bagedil ayam.. superb~ I still haven't do the proper budget planning for the bagedil.. I'm scared we might not get any profits if we sell it at a low price.. I will discuss the matter with my business partners again.. cey~ anyway, here are the pics that we took while doing our bagedil.. ![]() ![]() ![]() My New Year celebration was awesome.. Met up with Ryna in the afternoon and we went Esplanade.. there, I surprised Aziz with Ryna's presence.. he was shocked to see Ryna coz all along he thought Ryna was at home doing house chores.. heh~ we walked around City Link before we head up to Marina Bay Sands to meet up with Ida.. she was alone and I thought she was with Mus.. Well, Mus left early.. luckily we came, well, quite early to give her some entertainment.. It became even better after Kid and Zul joined in.. while waiting for the fireworks to fill the air, we played some games to shoo away our boredom.. At exactly 0000hrs, the fireworks blast into the air and coloured the dark sky.. Wah~ dah maciam poetry.. heh~ after the firework display, we sent Ida to the nearest MRT station and the rest of us went Lau Pa Sat for supper.. met Fitri and Emmy there.. we head home after that.. to get a cab was farqin heinous that nite.. ![]() ![]() On the 2nd January 2011, me and my friends, who we call ourselves "Zombies" - Jimmy, Rafiean, Fuad, Zaf and Aziz.. went for cycling at Pulau Ubin.. it was awesome.. we met in the afternoon at Changi and had lunch before we rode the bumboat to Pulau Ubin.. I think it was my first time to Pulau Ubin.. I dont remember going there before.. We rented a bike as soon as we arrived at Ubin.. we cycled into the rural areas.. some are abandoned kampongs.. scary.. We went to the German girl shrine.. not that eery though.. I almost fell off my bike when we were cycling on the gravels.. Alhamdulillah I managed to get back my balance.. If I fell, I will get farqed up for the rest of the day.. I think it sucks to get scratches from the gravel on your legs.. especially when the burning sensation starts to irritate.. After our cycling expedition, we chill at a drink stall to pamper ourselves with a Thai coconut each.. We left Ubin around 1800hrs and took the bumboat back to main land.. we had seafood at a nearby seafood restaurant.. after our dinner, Fuad and Aziz went home and the rest of us head to Jimmy's crib.. well, Rafiean only sent Jimmy to his crib and he went home after that.. Rafiean came back to Jimmy's crib at about 2300hrs but by then I was already knocked out.. Around 0400hrs, the 4 of us went to Mr. Teh Tarik to have supper.. Rafiean head home after that supper and the 3 of us walked back to Jimmy's crib and had our sleep.. We woke up around in the afternoon and we ordered McDeez coz we were farqin hungry.. heh~ Zaf's treat.. thanks, man! ![]() see how he eats the burger.. chilli sauce on top of the bun.. Anyway, I'm excited to jam again with my new band but my genre is waaaaaay different from theirs.. they love playing Metallica but me on the other hand, not a fan of the band.. but I will try.. this will teach me to be a flexible musician.. cey~ but seriously, they are awesome jammers.. ![]() Karim on guitar - Adha on drums (actually there is one more guitarist - Chris) Alrite.. I will end my entry here.. before I leave, here's something for you to read from Bob Marley.. very farqin' meaningful.. Have a great day ahead.. I still yet to typed out my new year resolution and my birthday list.. heh~ on the next entry, insya'Allah.. :) Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0251hrs |