Friday, 28 January 2011
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1/28/2011 05:39:00 pm
date : 28th January 2011 time : 1740hrs Assalamualaikum~ Firstly, I'd like to thank Allah for giving me the bestest life.. Alhamdulillah.. After friday prayer just now, a lady from Singtel called me and asked if I'm interested to be in the FTTH team.. I was like "HELL YEAH I WANT!".. haha! So freaqin' excited xia.. No more being a CRE.. I prefer to do hands-on job.. heh~ I can't wait to go for the course..! Anyway, it feels like I have no one to share my feelings with.. haha.. sounds pathetic but that's how I feel.. The only way I can express my thoughts is through here.. Anyway, I watched "if you really knew me" in MTV just now and it was an interesting show.. it showcased teenagers who are able to express their feelings to people/friends that they just knew.. Somehow, it got me all teared up especially when listening to the teens' problems.. haha.. I'm big physically but I have a soft heart.. mostly are family-related problems.. Alhamdulillah my family is awesome but I'm just not close enough with them.. especially when comes to personal issue, I'll keep it to myself.. Coz I hate it when I approach someone for advice but all I receive are criticisms.. Of coz I have friends.. loads of 'em.. but they are just people who I love slackin' with but not ones who I will share my probs to.. maybe 2 or 3 that I trust but did not share entirely about my life.. I'm getting used to it.. There's something I wanna confess.. I'm in love with Miss NSbA.. hahahaha! Hoo gawd! She can just drive me nuts with her smile.. She's just beautiful in herself ; slender, imperial, a thing made of silk and inner-fire.. everytime before we meet, I got my palms all sweaty and my tummy full of butterflies - or maybe bats.. I donno.. Nervous to da max~ I just can't wait to meet her again.. maybe tomorrow, insya'Allah.. ![]() Hopefully it doesn't rain later.. I wanna go jog with Aziz.. yesterday I jogged and I lost 1 kg.. hey, it's impressive ok.. if I jog like almost everyday and keeps losing 1kg per jogging session, I will be kurus jiller by end of the year.. haha! Oh yah! Today is the 2nd day of not puffing.. I'm so farqinq proud of myself.. who says smokers can't quit in a day.. it's a matter of you want it or not.. ceydebah~ haha! Anyway, it's A.I.F - Alhamdulillah It's Friday! Haha! Enjoy your weekends! Coz I'm gonna enjoy mine~ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1853hrs |