Tuesday, 18 January 2011
0 comment(s) / 1/18/2011 08:48:00 am

date : 18th January 2011
time : 0850hrs


It's a very cold morning.. Nowadays the weather is getting cooler and cooler.. Global warming?! Onlee Allah knows.. but to think of it, isn't it supposed to be getting hotter and hotter?! Maybe I'm the one who is getting "hotter"and "hotter".. haha~

I dont think I can tahan working in this line ah.. though some people think it's good to makan gaji buta, but I feel bad and bored.. I wanna learn something and pick up knowledge.. Anyway, I applied for an installer/technician position.. The pay is quite good and it's hands on work.. insya'Allah I get to learn about fixing cables and wires.. haha.. better than sitting at home and do nothing and at the end of the month you get money.. Oh yah! Muamar texted me yesterday and asked me to go for an interview at Hitachi Chemical as a technician assistant.. If the company can give me my expecting salary, then I will join.. If not, I will just stay in my current organisation but I will change to a different field..

Anyway, my mind keeps thinking about that someone.. I'm not sure whether it is love or it's just me missing that person.. I guess it's both.. heh~ but really, I'm not being all mushy and purposely wanna make people puke with my love stories but it's something that comes from my heart.. "Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy." taken from Bruno Mars' "Just the way you are".. I don't think she hates her laugh lar but becoz of her laughter, I like her.. jyeah! She has this unique vibe that I like ah.. Very bubbly, fun and cheerful.. Awesome~ I love the way she smiles whenever she looks at me.. haha.. Wah~ dah macam jiller bayang.. Hoooo shytz.. but if I semangat sangat and onlee get cold response in return pon, macam steam kering je.. hahahahaha!

I love hanging out with my colleagues especially on Mondays after our briefing.. heh~ We're supposed to go for our jobs after briefing but instead we hang out at Orchard farqinq early in the morning.. They just love looking at ladies in office wear and Filipino chicks.. -_- Me, I have my own lady in mind.. Cey~

me - Suheimi - Fir

Kay~ I will end my entry here.. wanna carry those dumbbells.. been days since I last carried them.. My hands are becoming weaker.. need to pump them some more.. I will have a body of a boxer some day.. Awesome~

Yours GEREK-ly,

time : 1000hrs

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