Thursday, 27 January 2011
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1/27/2011 03:08:00 pm
date : 27th January 2011 time : 1508hrs Assalamualaikum~ And so today my journey as an 'ex-smoker' begins.. meaning, I'm not gonna smoke anymore.. Q-U-I-T, quit.. Yes! Believe it or not, I've decided.. Reason being; firstly, it's for my sake - health, looks (smoking can destroy my awesome hunky look.. AHAKZ!), money.. and also, to think of it, I could have saved alot of cash just by not smoking.. So yerpz.. secondly, for HER sake.. she told me before that it'd be a plus point for her if she can get someone who doesn't smoke.. so, I'm doing it for her.. heh~ thirdly, for our sake.. I dont want anyone to be my passive smoker.. and I dont want anyone to die earlier than me unless dah takdir lah kan.. heh~ At least with the money saved, I can buy myself a Gymkhana 3 or a trip to Rome for honeymoon *hint hint* Anyway, mark this date - 27th January 2011.. I QUIT! Alhamdulillah things have been alot better for me.. especially after getting to know HER.. she asked if I want to come for the religious class held at her house and I'd love to.. People might think that I'm attending the class for her sake but it's actually out of sincerity to learn more about the Quran and Islam.. I maybe 26 but my religious knowledge sucks.. I guess this is the time or opportunity I should take before I really wanna get settle down.. And I'm so proud to have her as a partner coz she's able to read the Quran and she can even teach.. Even I'm not capable of doing so but that wont stop me from trying.. Besides wanting to go for the class, yesterday Aziz also asked me whether I wanna learn Arabic.. sounds like qool.. at least after I learn the language, I can understand the Quran even better, insya'Allah.. And also, Alhamdulillah I've started praying - except sometimes when I'm outside and I'm in my bermz.. It's not something 'WOW' lah.. but I just would like to share.. it's true what people were saying about after praying.. your heart and soul will be at peace and you will feel optimistic, insya'Allah.. but that's how I feel everytime I finished praying.. the tranquility is super awesome.. ![]() Wish me best of luck on this journey - A cyclist, a jogger, a body-builder and now a non-smoker.. at the same time, polishing my religious knowledge.. and I have a new hobby, READING.. I've been reading my "Vampire Diaries" novel that Jimmy gave to me for my 26th birthday.. AND! I have a new addiction, I've been playing sudoku in my phone.. haha! EH! Makin kental pe hidop aku?! Haha! Kay that's all~ I'll not reveal my kentalness (if there are still) anymore.. heh! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1604hrs |