Sunday, 23 January 2011
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1/23/2011 01:07:00 am
date : 23rd January 2011 time : 0107hrs Assalamualaikum~ This entry is dedicated very specially to Miss NSbA (I purposely abbreviated her name to hide her identity.. heh~).. Dyla, my ex poly friend, @Mention in twitter me this : "mabok cinta eh?".. And my answer to that is, Yes, I am.. After I broke up with my farqinq ex-girlfriend, I thought I will be so lazy to even go out on a date with girls.. I posted in my previous entries how awesome life is being a single dude.. and I used to think "I'd never sing of love if it does not exist..." taken from Paramore's "Only Exception".. Until SHE came into my life.. Me and HER were used to be colleagues from the same company but we didn't even talk to each other.. maybe because I was attached to someone and she's attached to my colleague so I have this.. erm.. respect?! not to talk to my colleague's girlfriend.. Well, maybe.. Anyway, just now I semangat to check when was the date we added each other in FB (it takes effort to do this coz I have to scroll all the way down and look line by line for the update).. haha! And it was on 27th September 2010, if I'm not wrong lar.. Kay~ back to why I didn't talk to her when we're working together in the same company.. Well, besides having the idea that I mentioned earlier, it was also because many guys were woo-ing at her.. wishing she would be their girlfriend.. WAIT~ I still think it's because I'm attached at that point of time that made me not to have the guts to even utter a word to her, or even smile.. I think that's the reason ah.. haha.. And so, we didn't talk until I got retrenched from that company (the good thing is, I have her FB).. :) Then things didn't go the way we wanted and the 2 of us went single.. I think that's when I begin to 'like' some of her posts in FB that were very inspiring and motivational.. It was until she posted this ; "It is good being single. But it feels better when you have someone taking care of you, thinking about you, and honestly, sweetly, faithfully loving you." ;) .. That was the post where I commented (alot) and we began to exchange words to the extend we decided to chat using the Facebook chat.. heh! Awesome~ We talked about Vampire Diaries and she even offered me her hard disk so I can watch the series easily without having the hassle of opening a browser and wait for an episode to finish streaming.. I was surprised lar, we just started chatting and she already trust me with her hard disk.. Amazing~ And so we met around mid December.. I was at town with Ryna and Aziz and she came down to meet me to pass the hard disk.. and she hanged out with us after that.. ate at Wendy's.. And somehow I love her attitude and her character.. she has this unique vibe to make dull situation into an awesome one.. she simply loves to laugh.. and she laughs VERY LOUD which I find it sexy and I don't mind.. heh~ We met again on the eve of New Year 2011.. We met up at Marina Bay Sands with Ryna, Aziz, Zul and Kid.. I was surprised she told me that it was her first time watching New Year's fireworks.. I was happy to be the first to bring her watch the pyrotechnics display.. :) There were also minor meet ups like passing back her hard disk, going to the gym and also having a random dinner outing.. haha.. benda² macam gini pon nak post eh.. haha.. abeh~ for kenangan sake.. One of the most memorable date was when I met her a day after my birthday.. Can refer to the entry on the 16th of January 2011 <- click Then yesterday, we met again and it was an awesome date.. the both of us loved it so much (even though I spoilt the beginning coz I was late).. heh~ she was mad when I approached her at AMK.. but soon situation soothed down and we began laughing.. From AMK we went to City Hall coz she wanna bring me to Marina Bay Sands to explore the place a bit more.. we walked around MBS and there is a canal where sampans; maneuvered by a young dude each in their own, traveling from one end to the other and back to where it started.. like nice ah~ so we bought our tickets and had our sampan ride.. we made friends with the dude who maneuver our sampan and he's such a cool guy.. She finds him good looking and I agree with her.. haha! He wears this name tag with the name "Jebat".. I thought that was his nick coz in my mind was, those who are working there are wearing these old apek² cina costume and the name also must be nama orang² lama.. but I was wrong.. his name is really Jebat.. Sharul Jebat.. Cool ya~ The best part was, we get an extra ride for FREE! And for every ride, there will be a photographer taking a picture of us.. At the end of the 2nd ride, this Jebat dude asked us to go to the photo counter to collect our photos.. And he gave us 2 of the same photo - one for her, one for me for FREE! If we were to pay for the photo, it'll be $16 for each.. The both of us love that Jebat dude.. heh~ *mentang² kasi free aje, love ah* haha! After exploring MBS, we head back to Marina Square and at the same time we planned what to do for our next date.. heh~ We had dinner at McDeez and exchange thoughts after that.. I really love looking at her face ah.. very awesome to look at.. something I will never get bored of doing.. "I can't take my eyes of you" taken from the song 'you and me' by Lifehouse.. heh~ We left Marina Square around 2000hrs and head home.. We really enjoyed ourselves seh and we love the date.. And I'm looking forward to have the next one.. Oh by the way, all these dates were all planned by her.. see how amazing she is.. 22nd January 2011 had been very awesome and I'm gonna Seize The Day one of my favourite songs from Avenged Sevenfold.. She's just someone perfect I need in my life.. we're able to communicate VERY well and we trust each other so much.. And I shared with her my darkest secret which I don't even share with my close friends.. I thought I will never fall in love again, but you changed all that.. I thought I can never see anyone with me in the future, until you came and I see you.. ![]() Ok, I will end my entry here.. Wow~ Took me 4 hours to type out this entry.. Heh~ Alrite, have a wonderful weekend and also an awesome week ahead! And to her, I MIZ YA~ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0442hrs |