Monday, 3 January 2011
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1/03/2011 11:41:00 pm
date : 4th January 2011 time 0003hrs Assalamualaikum~ I hope it's not too late to wish everyone a HAPPY 2011.. Well, 2010 had been a farqed up year for me.. especially when I broke up with an angel for a heartbreaker.. And I end up being the one who loses both.. Lesson learned.. not gonna repeat the same mistakes again.. there's a quote, "once bitten, twice shy" but mine is "twice cheated, never gonna get cheated again." Heh~ I did not regret doing the wrong stuffs coz that's when I learned about life.. to improve myself to become a better person and appreciate what had been given to me.. sometimes I can get a lil selfish though.. Anyway, Ida posted this "Why, I'm being emo again. Nobody will understand me and my past." That strikes me.. suddenly I was reminded about my past.. my 'dark past'.. which I forbid myself to share it to others.. Well, only certain ones who I farqin trust most, knows about it.. I'm just scared that some people might not be able to accept me for who I am or who I was back then.. whatever it is, I've changed for good.. I've never looked back and keeps achieving stuffs that are essential for my life.. There are goals that have not been scored and hopefully this year I'm able to deliver it with perfection.. well, macam paham but really.. Going for religious class will be a good start for me.. at the same time I shall go for Quran reciting classes too.. Darul Arqam organises a Quran reciting class every Sunday.. I will register for it very soon.. Hooo shit~ I can't get rid of my past after I triggered it back from my memory.. hmm.. this suck big time~ (refer to the post on 26th December 2010) I shared about me and my friends doing the 'bagedil' business.. well, surprisingly, we have orders on the 15th of January 2011.. 100 bagedil daging and 100 bagedil ayam.. superb~ I still haven't do the proper budget planning for the bagedil.. I'm scared we might not get any profits if we sell it at a low price.. I will discuss the matter with my business partners again.. cey~ anyway, here are the pics that we took while doing our bagedil.. ![]() ![]() ![]() My New Year celebration was awesome.. Met up with Ryna in the afternoon and we went Esplanade.. there, I surprised Aziz with Ryna's presence.. he was shocked to see Ryna coz all along he thought Ryna was at home doing house chores.. heh~ we walked around City Link before we head up to Marina Bay Sands to meet up with Ida.. she was alone and I thought she was with Mus.. Well, Mus left early.. luckily we came, well, quite early to give her some entertainment.. It became even better after Kid and Zul joined in.. while waiting for the fireworks to fill the air, we played some games to shoo away our boredom.. At exactly 0000hrs, the fireworks blast into the air and coloured the dark sky.. Wah~ dah maciam poetry.. heh~ after the firework display, we sent Ida to the nearest MRT station and the rest of us went Lau Pa Sat for supper.. met Fitri and Emmy there.. we head home after that.. to get a cab was farqin heinous that nite.. ![]() ![]() On the 2nd January 2011, me and my friends, who we call ourselves "Zombies" - Jimmy, Rafiean, Fuad, Zaf and Aziz.. went for cycling at Pulau Ubin.. it was awesome.. we met in the afternoon at Changi and had lunch before we rode the bumboat to Pulau Ubin.. I think it was my first time to Pulau Ubin.. I dont remember going there before.. We rented a bike as soon as we arrived at Ubin.. we cycled into the rural areas.. some are abandoned kampongs.. scary.. We went to the German girl shrine.. not that eery though.. I almost fell off my bike when we were cycling on the gravels.. Alhamdulillah I managed to get back my balance.. If I fell, I will get farqed up for the rest of the day.. I think it sucks to get scratches from the gravel on your legs.. especially when the burning sensation starts to irritate.. After our cycling expedition, we chill at a drink stall to pamper ourselves with a Thai coconut each.. We left Ubin around 1800hrs and took the bumboat back to main land.. we had seafood at a nearby seafood restaurant.. after our dinner, Fuad and Aziz went home and the rest of us head to Jimmy's crib.. well, Rafiean only sent Jimmy to his crib and he went home after that.. Rafiean came back to Jimmy's crib at about 2300hrs but by then I was already knocked out.. Around 0400hrs, the 4 of us went to Mr. Teh Tarik to have supper.. Rafiean head home after that supper and the 3 of us walked back to Jimmy's crib and had our sleep.. We woke up around in the afternoon and we ordered McDeez coz we were farqin hungry.. heh~ Zaf's treat.. thanks, man! ![]() see how he eats the burger.. chilli sauce on top of the bun.. Anyway, I'm excited to jam again with my new band but my genre is waaaaaay different from theirs.. they love playing Metallica but me on the other hand, not a fan of the band.. but I will try.. this will teach me to be a flexible musician.. cey~ but seriously, they are awesome jammers.. ![]() Karim on guitar - Adha on drums (actually there is one more guitarist - Chris) Alrite.. I will end my entry here.. before I leave, here's something for you to read from Bob Marley.. very farqin' meaningful.. Have a great day ahead.. I still yet to typed out my new year resolution and my birthday list.. heh~ on the next entry, insya'Allah.. :) Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0251hrs |