Sunday, 27 February 2011
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2/27/2011 04:42:00 pm
date : 27th February 2011 time : 1647hrs Assalamualaikum~ Last Monday, 21st February 2011, was my bestdude Zaf 26th Birthday.. Kurt called me in the evening to join him and Zaf for dinner cums celebrate Zaf's birthday at Hougang Mall's Pizza Hut.. So I did.. The most amazing part was that we also got a surprised from the Pizza Hut crew.. they switched off the lights and came in with a pizza lighted up with a candle.. haha.. they also gave Zaf a muffin and an ice cream.. awesome xia the staffs.. and they took a picture of us and instantly developed the pic and gave Zaf as a token of appreciation?! Awesome night lah! Okay.. I think I will end my entry here.. Kurt's already at my crib.. going out soon.. continue when I'm home.. :) time : 1712hrs date : 28th February 2011 time :1512hrs Assalamualaikum~ What an awesome Monday! Went to work in the morning to submit time sheet and hopefully will get my long-awaited pay soon.. heh! Ok~ let me continue to where I stopped yesterday.. The next day, 22nd February 2011, it was the Teh Tariiiq Gang's turn to celebrate Zaf's birthday.. Yan picked me up in the afternoon.. we thought of meeting Jimmy at his workplace but when we reached there, he wasn't around.. Hoooo wellz~ Kak Jana, Jimmy's Supervisor, greeted us and she was so kind to make us sandwiches and iced chocolate drinks FOR FREE :) Fuad came abit later and joined us.. We left the cafe after awhile and we picked up Aziz at his workplace.. we then went Aljunied to get the birthday cake and candles.. From there, we went to Zaf's office to disturb him.. After he knocked off from work, we all went to Mustafa Centre coz Zaf wants to get a perfume but end up we were just wasting our time.. finally we went to AMK's Mr Teh Tarik.. we chilled for awhile before heading to Jimmy's void deck.. We looked for a spot at the void deck and we prepared the cake.. and so..... we celebrated Zaf's 26th Birthday... :) Today is my last day of becoming a CRE for Singtel.. Schweeet~ tomorrow starts my first day as an installer.. more better lah kan.. Alhamdulillah! But I will miss my CRE dudes.. you guys are awesome lah.. :) I will end my entry here.. Kay~ Have a great week! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time :1630hrs |
Sunday, 20 February 2011
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2/20/2011 09:44:00 pm
date : 20th February 2011 time 2151hrs Assalamualaikum~ This week had been such a farqed up week.. Reason ; I met Rufi twice.. on Wednesday and just now.. The sight of her just makes me sic.. I can get along very well with other exs but when I saw her, my heart shattered into pieces and I'm fucking pissed off.. Me and Ryna were watching the angklong performance at the Esplanade when I turned and saw her with her husband and daughter.. there were a few others also, I think they're her in-laws ah.. Maybe she saw me standing nearby before I turned and saw her, thats why she quickly wanna walk away from there.. What's more hurting was when I saw them pushing the stroller that I bought for her when we were together.. My mobile phone's battery was dead so I cant text Ida about it.. fortunately, Ryna was there for me.. we talked and I teared up.. I was very scared.. and I'm still now.. scared I might get hurt again.. I know I can trust Ida but I'm still scared.. heart/feelings can change anytime.. the future is unpredictable.. you will never know what will happen, even in the next minute.. I still remember what kind of person I became after Rufi left me for the first time.. I took advantage of girls.. fling around with whoever and whenever I want.. Alhamdulillah I'm not that person anymore after she left me for the 2nd time.. Ida showed me that Allah never leaves behind His servants and family are always around to love you, Ryna lets me know that there's always someone for me whenever I'm down and Rafiean is a good friend who - maybe shows me that guys are always GEREK to hang out with.. Rufi just making it harder for me to trust women ah.. Aaargh~ Fuck you lah Rufi.. Sometimes I just wish that I dont even have an ex girlfriend.. the experiences that I had are just killin' me.. Wait~ maybe those experiences taught me to be a better person.. especially being a boyfriend in a relationship and so on~ I just received a text from Ida and it's very soothing.. it calms me down.. I'm feeling alot better and more confident to be in a relationship.. Well, her words are very motivational and encouraging.. Thank you.. besides her, Ryna also advised me not to think too much about what just happened in the evening.. unfortunately, I cant do that.. I will still keep thinking about it but I will look at it in a positive perspective.. Thank you too.. Anyway, tomorrow is my bestbud, Zaf, 26th Birthday! HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY! He shares the same birthdate as Sam but Sam tak penting ah.. haha! Hopefully you will have the greatest life ah eh! You have ur WR scrambler, now what you need is a girlfriend.. or I will give u a girl as your present.. C'mooon~ Before I end, I'd like to share the logo that I drew and designed.. It's a picture of a rat.. Well, in my cliques, we each have our own animal name/calling.. as for me, I'm a rat.. Kurt started it first.. reason, he said I have huge ears.. ok, lame reason.. I was inspired to design this after I saw Blink 182's documentary and Mark Hoppus shared about his Octopus logo.. So I came up with my rat logo.. Hahaha! Kay, have an awesome week ahead.. See ya! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 2334hrs |
Friday, 18 February 2011
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2/18/2011 02:59:00 pm
date : 18th February 2011 time : 1555hrs Assalamualaikum~ Yesterday my bro Adil was enlisted in the army.. Hopefully when he books out, insya'Allah he will lose some weight.. haha.. I think currently he's weighing at 106kg.. he's heavier than me.. my gawsh! Haha! I had my bike practical in the morning.. did my revision for my Pract 5.. Maybe next month once I got my pay, I'm gonna book for Pract 5 ah.. Anyway, today Ryna was attached at Bedok Library and she met my Dad.. me and her, we're sms-ing now.. even she said that my Dad's condition is bad.. I want my Dad to resign xia.. hmmm~ I pray that everything's gonna be ok.. :'( I was watching Ne-Yo's "One in a Million" and I find that the girl in the video damn hot~ Well, her name is Galen Hooks.. she's an actress and a choreographer.. and her hair is soooooooo SEXY~ like, seyriuzly! My Gawsh! Besides her, I also love the choreography of the dance.. damn smooth and sleeq~ Chris Brown's "Yeah yeah yeah" also caught my attention.. Awesome dance moves.. but unfortunately, I'm not born to dance.. heh~ ![]() Galen Hooks Somehow I love editing.. Videos, pictures.. doesn't matter.. but I'm not gonna make a career out of it.. just a hobby.. If I were to have an editing company, I'm gonna call it "OneFive".. My favourite number.. haha! Kental xia.. here's one of my worst edit.. :) ![]() Today's Friday.. Alhamdulillah It's Friday.. Aziz just text me about my Ladee R6 a.k.a Miss NSbA.. She's busy lah.. And I pity her xia.. she has working for more than 12 hours almost everyday.. haiz! Whoever that Nishant is, F**K YOU! If she has to work on both weekend, I donno what to say ah.. Giller ah that company.. haiz~ Kay lah.. Have a great weekend everyone.. :) Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1625hrs |
Saturday, 12 February 2011
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2/12/2011 04:45:00 pm
date : 12 February 2011 time : 1646hrs Assalamualaikum~ Since yesterday, my heart felt like something's not right.. I donno if it's insecurity or sadness or.. I donno.. I donno how to put it in words.. I donno how to explain.. but what I know is that somehow my heart aches.. How do I share with people when I myself donno what it is.. Wait~ I think its gotta do with love.. maybe thats the reason why my heart is aching.. suddenly I feel scared.. very scared.. scared that I might get hurt again.. I should be moving on and leave the past behind but how can I move on when the "scars" are still there in my heart.. "SCARS".. Scars that only my eyes can see.. nobody can feel the pain that I'm feeling.. I may be laughing and joking on the outside but only Allah and myself knows what my true feelings are.. I'm a good liar.. a farqing good liar.. I managed to convince everyone that I'm ok but actual fact................. well, you know.. It seems that I have alot of people that I can talk to but somehow I still feel alone.. Alone by myself.. in my own world.. full of sadness overlaid by fake happiness.. What keeps me going, is my own strength.. my own confidence.. being my ownself.. making people happy, makes me happy.. I'm happy, sometimes.. sometimes mean not all the time.. Farq this emo shytz.. I'm going out to meet Kurt.. Your GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1707hrs |
Thursday, 10 February 2011
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2/10/2011 10:05:00 am
date : 10 February 2011 time : 1010hrs Assalamualaikum.. I have no mood to go to work today.. I'll just go to office later to collect my job thingy.. Anyway, I'm so pissed off with my grandma.. being so unappreciative.. like what xia~ always finding fault with my Ma.. Yesterday when I got back from gym, I overheard my mom talking to my dad.. she said something about my grandma talking about her behind her back.. My gramps told everyone that she feels like a prisoner being at home alone and somehow blamed my family for not bringing her out.. Like C'MOOOON~ Where is her 8 other BELOVED children?! Some has a car but......... buang sua kereta korang tu.. one cabot to Australia.. ape salah nye bawak mak kau gi Australia.. Ok, maybe I respect Wak Jas for always bringing her out when he's not working.. but why MY FAMILY and not other?! Is it because we stay just beside each other, my family has to everyday entertain the nonsense?! We as a family also wants to have our own family activity and hates it when people interfere with our stuffs.. She keeps calling my house everyday.. EVERYDAY.. to check on us - who is at home or what are we doing.. I'm not sure if she checks on the other families but it sometimes irritate me to the max to the extend that now I'm farqinq lazy to pick up the house phone even if my mom calls.. if anybody wanna look for me, they just call my mobile.. I don't understand why gramps just don't appreciate my family, especially my mom.. I wish that one day Allah just open her eyes to see the wonders of my mom.. compare my mom to other of her in-laws or even children, my mom is the best lah.. NONE of her children ever brought her to places beyond Malaysia.. My mom - brought her to Indonesia and/or maybe China.. I can't remember if gramps tagged along when my parents went to China.. but Indonesia is for sure coz I went with them.. As I'm typing this, I was reminded about the past when there was a family gathering at my gramp's and after the doa selamat, everyone talked about my family - especially my mom for not being a responsible wife/mother.. what tha farq! They anyhow shoot when they don't even know what's happening in my house.. FUCK IT lah~ Not gonna blog about it.. makes me more farqinq pissed off.. So yesterday I was so down and I went out to take a breather.. I texted with Miss NSbA and Alhamdulillah she calmed me down.. My temper drops everytime I received her text messages, I swear~ I used to smoke whenever I'm stress or I think too much but now I can distress myself by just texting her.. Or maybe I just need someone to talk to.. :'( I will end my entry here.. Oh! I booked my bike practical edy! After a year of not going for lessons.. haha.. if it wasn't for Miss NSbA, I donno when I will be going to get my 2B license.. it's not that she pressures me but it's more to - I wanna make Miss NSbA proud.. haha.. And another wonderful news is that I will have an interview at Singapore Poly as a lab tech next week.. Insya'Allah can get ah.. Kay~ that's all folks.. wanna get ready to go to office.. have a great day! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1108hrs |
Monday, 7 February 2011
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2/07/2011 02:27:00 pm
date : 7th February 2011 time : 1429hrs Assalamualaikum~ I was with Ryna at AMK yesterday and we shared memories in TP when suddenly I received a call from Ijal.. He informed me that Aki met an accident and was sent to NUH ICU.. Though I was like goofeying around but inside, I was sad and worried.. Aki is an awesome dude.. some, including me some times, find him lame but he's a very supportive guy who are always there for his friends.. he may not be there for me, coz we're not that close, but I know he's a nice guy.. surprisingly he knows people from my cliques too, like Yan and Fuad.. and he also knows my Sec school fren, Hazwan.. it is such a small world.. OR he's a super friendly guy that people everywhere knows him.. Anyway, Alhamdulillah he's conscious now but still need intensive life support, I donno what does that mean but I assume he still need to undergo a few operations.. Insya'allah later I'll be visiting him with Hazwan and Ryna.. Hazwan is driving us there.. Get well soon, bruh~ ![]() Another man that I'm worried about is my own dad.. he even has a difficulty getting up from the sofa yet he still wanna work.. me and my mom advised him to resign but he's just worried about my 2 bros.. he wants to give the best education to the both of them ; at least a Diploma.. I wish my 2 bros can be sensitive towards this and respect my dad for his effort to bring them up.. Alhamdulillah he had did his part on me and I'm slowly returning back the sacrifices he made but it seems that I still havent done enough for him.. So while he's still alive, I'm gonna put in every effort to be there for him.. insya'Allah.. :) Ok, I will end my entry here.. lets pray for our loved ones yah.. "Family comes first." - Miss NSbA.. she keeps reminding me this.. thank u~ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1534hrs |
Friday, 4 February 2011
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2/04/2011 02:14:00 am
date : 4th February 2011 time : 0216hrs Assalamualaikum~ It's already late and I can't sleep.. so when I can't sleep, I blog.. heh~ Firstly, I wanna say that I miss Miss NSbA.. tak abes² but that's what I'm feeling right now ☺ .. Anyway, I had an awesome Thursday yesterday.. Yesterday, me and my GEREK GUYZ (Jimmy - Jeff - Aziz - Yan - Zaf - Fuad) went hiking at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve park.. Awesome~ We had breakfast at Ar-Azhar Restaurant at Bukit Timah before we head to the park.. As usual, Zaf was late.. we waited till he arrived at around 1300hrs, I think~ So we set off for our adventure.. to cut it short, the adventure was tiring but fun.. we crapped along the way and motivate one another to go up high steps and steep slopes.. it was heinous, only Allah knows.. heh~ besides that, I also faced personal challenges especially when the guys were smoking.. they will stop and smoke at almost every pit stop.. I was so tempted to smoke but I'm able to divert my attention by thinking about Miss NSbA, I swear~ We finished our adventure around 1630hrs and we slacked at the carpark near to where we started.. Jeff and Jimmy were too tired so they head home and the rest of us went Adam Road to have our makan.. The sop lidah that I bought was awesome.. sodap jiller~ After makan, we rode to Orchard Rd coz Zaf wants to go Zara to get some clothes.. after walking around, he ended up not buying anything.. buang karren~ We then went AMK's Mr. Teh Tarik for dinner.. We left around 2215hrs to head home.. I'm lucky to be part of this group.. they're the dudes that I've been looking for.. we're not like mat² who loves to slack and drink and get drunk.. We're just an awesome clique that loves to do awesome stuffs ☺.. Next month ; PAINTBALL! And I will force Miss NSbA to join us! Or maybe not coz she's going overseas.. see how lah huh :( ![]() ZOMBIES Lying down : Aziz Squatting : Jeff - Fuad - Zaf Standing : Yan - Jimmy - me Let me share how we got together ; Yan, Jimmy, Aziz and me were camp-mates back during our NS days.. though we ORD-ed different dates but we still keep in touch till today.. Jeff and Jimmy were good friends since Kindergarten.. the two of them and me are now in the same band.. Fuad and Zaf were friends from the same poly.. and now they're working together in the same company.. Me and Zaf are best-dudes.. we know each other since Primary but got separated during Secondary coz we went to different schools.. we contact back along the way and since then we've been lepak-ing together.. And when friends introduce to friends, the clan become bigger.. and that's how we're formed.. heh~ ![]() Miss NSbA She's my Miss Awesome.. I call her Green Gorgeous - she loves green and she's gorgeous.. I tell her (almost) everyday.. Sometimes I wish I can tell her how much I love and miss her but words are just lame piece of 'only-Allah-knows-what'.. I'm gonna say no more but I'm gonna show her instead.. Well, that's what she wants actually.. ♥_♥ Oklah.. I end my entry here.. today's Friday.. A.I.F - Alhamdulillah It's Friday.. Miss NSbA has to work pulak.. haiyah~ Klah, nak do-re-mi-fa-so-la-TEEDOH! Good Noitz~ Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0305hrs |
Thursday, 3 February 2011
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2/03/2011 02:22:00 am
date : 3rd February 2011 time : 0223hrs Asslamualaikum~ Today is Chinese New Year 2011 ![]() I'd like to wish all my Chinese friends a prosperous and awesome Lunar New Year.. I dowanna ask for hong bao but what I'm asking for is just be nice to other races k? Haha~ For those who is purely a PRC, please be considerate and try to talk softly over the phone.. That dude on the other line will soon die of ear-bleed.. Anyway, yesterday was................................... FARQED UP!! I wanted to bring Miss NSbA to the CSI Exhibition but when we reached there, it was closing early due to CNY eve.. they didn't update on their website seh! Kepala butang~ I was damn disappointed but surprisingly, she's fine with it.. Hokay~ So we went to Jurong Point.. We walked around and she got herself a bag.. GREEN BAG.. haha.. We then walked around but all the shops were closing so we chilled at Starbucks.. Bought some drinks and cakes.. Now I know what's her favourite drink from Starbucks - Caramel Frappe.. Awesome~ I love Caramel too! We shared alot about ourselves.. I'm glad to be her listening ear and vice versa.. And I will give my best to be by her whenever she needs me.. Though we only met for awhile but it's a very meaningful one.. Hoooo gawd~ I ♥ NSbA.. She also taught me to be nice to girls.. I've been rough to ladies.. as in, I teased with my female friends by punching and tapping hard on them but Miss NSbA told me that I need to be gentle on girls.. Erm.. Well, I will only be gentle on her but not other ladies.. haha! Oh by the way, I forgot to tell her that I kept all her sweet messages in a folder in my phone ☺.. I named it "Green Gorgeous".. haha! Anyway, later I will be going to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve with my Kaki GEREKZ - Jeff, Jimmy, Fuad, Aziz, Zaf and Yan.. I've always wanted a clique like these dudes.. We don't only lepak together but also organise an activity once in a while.. Decent activities.. Some thing Miss NSbA would love to know ☺.. Somehow I feel challenged when I'm with them.. All of them smoke except me.. I was tempted la but I always think about Miss NSbA.. not that I wanna be mushy but it's the fact.. thinking about her helps me not to think about smoking.. Anyway, Aziz sent this through FB inbox.. haha! Keep disturbing me with R6 coz SOMEONE loves R6! |
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
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2/02/2011 02:22:00 am
date : 2nd February 2011 time : 0229hrs Assalamualaikum~ Alhamdulillah that my dad's ok except that he has this sickness.. It's kinda personal to share it in my blog.. I'm farqinq worried about him.. he's getting older and weaker.. I feel like he needs his family to support him and I will contribute my part.. :) I've been feeling down these few days.. I think it's caused by the lack of nicotine? Oh by the way, today marks one week of not smoking.. Alhamdulillah.. Rufi ever told me that my mood changes whenever I didn't get my daily dosage of nicotine.. Maybe she's right.. Or maybe I hate going out with her.. thats why I throw tantrum.. haha! Whatever reason it may be, I overcame it just now.. I think I've found the solution - to keep a positive mind.. I keep telling myself that I don't need cigarettes to satisfy my urge.. But when the cravings come, I divert my mind to someone.. Someone who is my source of motivation.. ;) And slowly that crave goes away.. cey~ Anyway, yesterday I met Ryna and she told me that never once she saw me cry.. My answer was, I tend not to get very emotional when I'm with my friends.. I never show the sensitive side of me.. Who they see is who they know about me - being goofey.. heh~ I will only get emotional when I'm alone, especially after prayers.. Sometimes I didn't even realise I teared up.. Well, it's only for a moment until I managed to control it.. Alhamdulillah I've someone to share my problems with.. but sometimes I'm scared that she might be busy and I'm adding extra "work loads" to her.. But I still shares with her lah whenever she's free.. :) Ryna is another friend whom I can talk to.. but whenever we talked about something serious, we'll end up laughing.. haha.. is it something we said or just our personalities..? Well, of course I have guy bestfriends but it's weird to get all emotional when I'm with them.. haha~ Whatever it is, I'm happy lah.. And I've found a new spot where I can relax my mind.. :) I kinda like the song "Animals" by Neon Trees.. Or maybe I like the band coz they have a female drummer.. haha.. And I find female drummers so hot! Haha! These are a few bands that have a female drummer in them.. ![]() Neon Trees Elaine Bradley [DRUMMER!!!!] - Branden Campbell [Bassist, Vocals] - Tyler Glenn [Vocals] - Chris Allen [Guitar] ![]() Skillet Jen Ledger [DRUMMER!!!] - Ben Kasica [Lead Guitarist] - John Cooper [Vocals, Bassist] - Korey Cooper [ Rhythm Guitarist] |
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
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2/01/2011 11:40:00 am
date : 1st February 2011 time : 1140hrs Assalamualaikum~ My mom told me that my dad is not in good health.. she and my brother, Afiq just left to send him to the hospital to do some check ups.. I'm worried xia.. I pray that nothing will happen to my dad.. :'( So many responsibilities on my shoulder.. but I priorities my family ah.. currently, my dad.. he worked so hard for the family but I don't think I've done anything for him in return.. I'm not supposed to look back at the past ah but I realised that I sacrificed more on the ex-girlfriends than on him.. sacrifice as in time, money, etc~ and even though I'm single now, I spend most of my time with friends than with my family.. since situation ain't that good now, I feel spending time with family is much more better.. I don't feel like continuing this entry.. continue next time.. :'( Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1215hrs |