Sunday, 29 March 2009
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3/29/2009 01:02:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0103hrs Alo! ![]() It's a very damn hardcore early Sunday morning.. haha.. I'm not that sleepy yet.. and I have alot to update.. Anyway, last Friday went jamming with my band.. it's a great jamming session.. we played like almost to perfection.. cey~~ but I really enjoyed myself.. with funny dude like Jimmy, crazy fellow like Tauhid and my little miss lovey dovey Darlz.. life's so amazing.. Tauhid brought his cuzzin Haz and his friend, Fi, short for Firdaus.. heh.. we jammed from 2000hrs till around 2130hrs.. after jamming, Tauhid and peepz when 'only-God-knows-where', Jimmy went Central Mall, me and Darlz head home.. me and Darlz celebrated our 2 Years 7 Months Anniversary just like that.. hehe.. we're a simple couple.. haha.. although it's a small celebration, but it meant alot to us.. Before going for jamming, I met my mom at Hougang Mall coz my mom asked me to accompany her to see the car she's buying.. nice ah.. she thought of buying the 8-seater one like a mini van but she said that my dad tak berkenan.. haha.. my mom heard rumours about Geely's car.. alot of bad comments.. but I told her to just give it a try and if tak guna nak mampoz, buy new one.. haha.. senangnye cakap.. Yesterday went Bukit Batok to Screenbox's office with Darlz.. when I reached there, the clerk told me that there's no more prizes for me to collect coz I've collected with Afi last time.. haha.. yelah mana tau they forgot to give me prize money.. haha.. but seriously ah, waste time.. after that we went West Mall coz Darlz wanna get a new pair of shoes.. got it from Bata and it's nice and ehem!.. expensive.. hehe.. while walking in the interchange, I bumped into Irwan a.k.a Sergeant Boyot.. my %^#^&#$&$-ed up Sergeant during NS in Khaib Camp.. he, in his orange overall, dengan muka dia "step" tak menjadi, told me that he's working at Jurong Island.. kirakan gaji besar ah and muka "step" kirakan to attract Darlz ah.. haha.. I know him lah.. nak "berg" je depan perempuan.. only talked for awhile then we took 852 to Ang Mo Kio to meet Jimmy.. We had band session.. modifying lyrics and composing songs.. too bad Tauhid couldn't join us.. Jimmy also brought along this irritating toy which he got for his birthday.. when the head gerak, it'll say something irritating which I don't really heard clearly ah.. haha.. Anyway, the song that I'm stucked halfway is finally finished.. woohoo! Now we got 3 songs to jam.. And while composing songs, we also searching for band name.. Darlz came out with "Burnt of the Candid", Jimmy thought of "Half Age".. then I thought "Half Age" is like for pakcik-pakcik tua and should be changed to "Half Edge".. but corny.. so we combined "Burnt of the Candid" with "Half Edge" and we got ourselves "Burning of the Edge".. sounds macam garang but.. ok pe! Around 2030hrs, Nirza came and joined us for awhile.. me and Darlz went back around 2130hrs while Jimmy and Nirza went to meet Kurt to play LAN at Jalan Ikan Merah.. I think today I'll just stay home.. wanna enjoy my Sunday watching TV.. Anyway, kesian almari aku dah jahanam.. and my parents already bought for me a new one.. Thanks, parents.. I love you guys so much! Alrite, have a great Sunday.. Woosh! - aif - time : 0153hrs |
Thursday, 26 March 2009
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3/26/2009 11:51:00 pm
day : Thursday time : 2352hrs Alo! ALHAMDULILLAH!!! Aku pass RTT [Riding (dirty) Theory Test].. Ape ni type bahasa melayu.. haha.. But if I were to fail pon, like tak patut ah.. like buat malu je.. BTT and FTT can pass, RTT also must pass ah.. they are like siblings except that they have different surname.. one is B, one is F and the other is R.. nama bapak tetap maintain TT.. haha.. whatever lah Aif.. what matters now is just that I have to complete my practs.. cey~~ Enough of celebrations, let's proceed with today's agenda.. step agenda je.. I went CDC with Tauhid in the evening.. when we're in the test room, I was surprised to see Zul and Erwin.. haha.. after the test, Alhamdulillah, the 4 of us passed.. Although we don't have to print the result, we still did.. yelah, at least ade "evidence" kita pass.. we celebrated by................................ lepak at CDC's coffeeshop.. haha.. ok pe.. me and Tauhid left early as I'm meeting Ihsan at Tampines.. time is 0000hrs HAPPY 2 YEARS 7 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY TO AifiRa Alhamdulillah!! Wanna thank my Darlz for loving me and also for giving me the support whenever I need it.. I love you so much from the bottom of my heart.. Muackz! Cey~~ continue -> When we're at Tampines, we slacked bawah block near our school with Ihsan and his 3 other friends.. his friends were like.. they are 21 but behave like.. only-God-knows-what.. 2 of them beating 1's head like, WHERE ARE YOUR EFFIN RESPECT FOR YOUR FRIEND, DUDES.. and the guy kana bully also like donno how to react.. I know I joke around and rembat my friends but not on their head, man.. joke is joke but not to that extend.. mak kow! Around 2000hrs, me, Ihsan and Tauhid went to Ihsan's house to get the DVDs that Ihsan wanna lend me.. "Street Fighter : The Legend of Chun Li" and "The Unborn".. Baik pe.. wanna watch it later.. heh.. And this Saturday, I'm collecting the prizes for Aksi Gerek from Screenbox.. padahal hari tu baru collect then they send another letter asking me to collect another prize.. donno lah what prize.. collect only ah.. haha.. maybe my mom's "aura" is coming into me.. haha.. ![]() Amek prize lah!! And oh yah.. now I know what bike to buy once I get my 2B license.. A....................................... ![]() VESPA!!! I know some of you might not agree but being Aif, ape aku kisah ape orang nak kata.. haha.. ok pe.. I'm not into those sport bikes but yah, vespa looks cool.. I want a purple or maroon Vespa.. I thought of pink but pink is for well-you-know.. WAIT!!! Maybe pink boleh.. tapi like for small designs ah.. sounds like a gay bike but nice saa~~ Imagine, man.. Maroon Vespa with pink designs.. Oklah, I wanna relax and rest.. ain't both the same? Anyway, you guys have a great day.. Wooosh! - aif - time : 0040hrs |
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3/26/2009 12:08:00 am
day : Wednesday time : 0009hrs Alo! My mom just gave me a shock of my life.. SHE BOUGHT A CAR.. not for me lah, it's for my dad.. tapi bole jugak aku drive around.. hehe.. but my mom is the damn sweetest lady in the damn Universe lah.. buy my dad a car tau.. I wish someone will buy for me a car in the future *thinking of Darlz*.. Hehe.. mana nak dapat bini maciam mak aku.. Her rezki Alhamdulillah makin bertambah.. that day she just bought a Panasonic 42 inch flat-screen TV, then few days later, she won a lucky draw - 40 inch flat-screen Samsung.. and after buying the car, she got herself a 42 inch TV with home theater player.. ALHAMDULILLAH! Oh well, I wish I'm as lucky as her.. Insya'Allah.. Anyway, later in the evening I'll be taking my RTT (Riding Theory Test).. Hopefully my mom's luck will pass to me so that I can pass.. dah pass BTT and FTT kereta, takkan tak bole pass RTT motor pulak kan.. I think that's all for my entry today.. just sharing my mom's happiness.. take care! - aif - time : 0023hrs |
Monday, 23 March 2009
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3/23/2009 06:29:00 pm
day : Monday time : 1840hrs Alo! Wassup everyone! About a week since I last blog.. not that Im busy but I was trying to revamp, rebuild, reconstruct or re-"whatever" my blog layout.. my old layout had only 2 sections but the new one has 3.. hehe.. I just want my entry section to be in the center.. haha.. thanks to Zaf for recommending the site to help me with my layout.. Anyway, me and a group of IFC Malay dudes had our barbeque gathering on Saturday.. we invited many but little turned up.. it's oklah.. we had alot of fun.. it went like this.. On Friday: Me, Tauhid, Zul, Azim, Ihsan and his girlfriend Nisa went Pasir Ris' Sheng Song to do last minute barbeque shopping.. after that we went Zul's crib to put some barang² and after maghrib, we went Tauhid's crib to put the rest of the barang² there.. I'm supposed to meet Darlz on that day but I was so busy.. Sorry Darlz.. On Saturday: Met Ihsan at Tampines Interchange then we took bus to Tauhid's crib.. while waiting for his mom to finish cooking nasi goreng, we played Tauhid's brand new PS3.. we left his house at 1630hrs.. took cab to Pasir Ris Park and walked to our pit.. It was raining heavily but me, Ihsan and Tauhid were determined to set up the tent and to put up the canvas above our barbeque pit so it wont kana the rain.. then Din and Azim came.. after setting up everything, the 4 of us played soccer for awhile.. Si Ihsan, I donno go where but later found out that he went home.. Then Hadi came.. help us to cook.. not long, Faizal, Arif and Zul came.. At night then Ihsan, Hid, Ritz, Aki and his girlfriend came.. we shoot a video which you guys can watch on the left.. funny.. around 2300hrs, some start to leave.. left Me, Faizal, Ihsan, Zul, Tauhid, Din and Arif.. around 0200hrs, we went to the swamp.. very dark.. we expected to see some "beings" but Alhamdulillah there was nothing.. after the night walk, we head back to our pit and slack.. Around 0600hrs, Ihsan, Arif and Faizal left.. The 4 of us then cleaned up our pit and left around 0800hrs.. I was so PENAT when I reached home!! Had some sleep.. then met Darlz in the afternoon at Orchard and went Lido Shaw House to watch.............................. ![]() click here to see trailer Dragonball : Evolution It's a good story.. nice fighting scenes.. makes Darlz wanna be one of them.. hehe.. but the idea of the white guy being "Goku" is so out-of-point.. I'm not a fan of Dragonball comics but overall, it's nice ah.. I give a rating of 8/10.. And today, just stay home to do my blog.. That's all for my entry.. wohoo!! - aif - time : 1919hrs |
Monday, 16 March 2009
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3/16/2009 12:32:00 am
day : Monday time : 0053hrs Alo! Yeehaa!! Yesterday was great! Me and Darlz had our movie marathon at Lido Shaw House @ Orchard.. baik kepe.. I left my house at 1300hrs.. thought of taking bus 132 but I'm scared I'll be late so I took NEL.. I bumped into an old friend of mine from NS, Juan.. A cool dude from Panama and now he's a PR in Singapore.. he was going to the IT Fair which I think in Suntec.. we chit-chat alot about our glory days during the National Service.. haha.. glory kebabai.. we also update ourselves on our latest doings.. we separated at Dhoby Ghaut MRT as we were taking different trains.. I took the one going Orchard.. I was early.. while waiting for Darlz, lots of Filipino ladies walking passed me were like staring at me and some smiled.. I was scared and hoping Darlz will reach any sooner.. I just hope that they wont mistaken me for their own kind.. haha.. FINALLY! Darlz reached around 1420hrs and I hold her hand.. haha! Pengecot sa' aku.. We walked to Lido Shaw House and quickly bought the tickets for "Race to Witch Mountain" at 1450hrs and "Watchmen" at 1720hrs.. around 1445hrs, we went in the theatre and got into our seats.. Our 1st movie.. "Race To Witch Mountain" : I have to say, the movie was like flat, 39% boring and some will agree with me that it is dry.. doesn't kick our ass much.. somehow, my focus was on the The Rock.. I love his acting.. cool dude.. Overall, I gave it a 7/10.. The movie ended around 1640hrs.. I thought of having dinner but Darlz wasn't hungry.. so we head to Far East Plaza to walk around.. Darlz tried the beanie-cum-cap, like mine, at 77th Street and it suits her.. nice! But unfortunately, it was expensive.. maybe I'll try to get it for her.. looks adorable on her.. around 1715hrs, we walked back to the cinema and got ready to watch our next movie.. There was a technical error before the movie.. I think it lasted for like 10 minutes until the screen is back to normal.. tu takpe, me and Darlz got the couple seat and it was nice and comfortable UNTIL.............................................. this big fat "parasu" guy sit beside me.. and he was alone.. the row that we were sitting is for couples but he................. aiyah! Disturbing the peace.. and not to forget, while watching the movie, he was munching his nachos, slurping his soda and it was effin noisy.. MY GOSH! And wait, there's more, HE EVEN BURP! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet...! Screw him lah.. haha! Oh well, me and Darlz just tahan with his disgusting, disturbing, discomforting, discourteous and disastereous disaster.. "Watchmen" : To be honest, I don't understand the movie.. so many................... I donno.. I don't understand what some characters were saying.. they were like mumbling.. brrrbrbrrrbrbrbrrrbrbrbrbrbrrrr all the way.. and there were naked men.. the blue guy and the "Night Owl".. I didn't pay to see naked men.. I wanna see fighting actions! There wasn't any villains.. the only thing is that the superheroes were having misunderstandings between themselves.. as superheroes, I expect to see supernatural abilities but they don't even carry a gadget.. except for the blue guy.. he can grow big and his mind can control anything.. Ok², there were a few fighting scenes, good ones.. but still, there were naked men!!!! Aiyah! Got to rate it 6/10.. I'd rate it 6.1/10 if there was no naked men.. After the movie, we had dinner at Long John Silvers'.. we talked about the movies that we had watched.. both movies were @#$%#$%%^#$#%^^%#^%$ (maki²) but the most important thing is that I get to spend time with Darlz and able to make Darlz happy.. and Alhamdulillah I've made my loved ones happy too.. I made my parents happy with my success in the exams, I made Kurt happy for successfully helping him choose his new laptop and I'm happy to see people happy.. Ok people, I wanna watch my Kyle XY now.. have a great week! - aif - time : 0154hrs |
Sunday, 15 March 2009
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3/15/2009 12:55:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0056hrs Alo! Had a great Saturday yesterday.. not that happening ah but I enjoyed my day ah.. haha.. especially with Darlz.. hehe.. the both of us bergaya.. I wore my new cap (maciam serkop nenek²) and Darlz wore her new polo tee and the shades I bought for her.. hehe.. cey~~ Met Darlz at Yishun Interchange around 1430hrs.. then we took bus to Chinatown.. had lunch at McDeez @ Chinatown Plaza.. around 1700hrs, met Jimmy near the jamming studio.. Tauhid didn't turn up coz I think he has some other stuff to do.. we practiced our song and got to be honest, Darlz sang really well.. of course, she needs more practice to be the best.. without guitar, like empty ah.. but it's oklah, we had fun.. I hope Tauhid can turn up for our next jamming session.. After jamming, me and Darlz took train to Dhoby Ghaut.. Jimmy went Yishun to meet Nirza.. From Dhoby Ghaut, we walked to City Hall.. at first we thought of going Marina Square but it's too crowded due to the IT Fair.. we then walked to Esplanade.. there were gigs like almost everywhere.. but most of the bands were playing jazz or blues.. cool ah.. sekali sekala like sedap ah.. me and Darlz chilled near the Waterfront area.. soon mats and minahs crowded our spot but ok ah.. tak kecoh.. dorang pon chill.. while we're having our conversation, Hidayat, an old secondary school friend of mine, walked pass me with his cousin.. I called him and he also lepak with us.. lama jugak ah.. I miss those secondary school years.. walaupon sekolah semua lelaki but it was damn memorable.. haha.. soon after he and his cousin left, me and Darlz also left Esplanade.. Tomorrow my uncle is having an audition for bakat² baru for his upcoming production but I don't think I'm going.. I'm scared I might have too many commitments in the future.. ni pon after sekolah bukak, I'm starting my MP/SIP.. tak jadi popular pon takpelah, as long as I achieve what I want in life.. and let my interest in acting and hosting stay in TPK.. Anyway, me and Darlz will be having our movie marathon tomorrow.. watching "Watchmen" and I-donno-what-other-movie-we'll-be-watching.. gerek pe.. Oklah.. for now, I wanna watch Kyle XY.. have a great weekend.. - aif - time : 0126hrs |
Thursday, 12 March 2009
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3/12/2009 01:01:00 am
day : Thursday time : 0102hrs Alo! Before I start typing my blog, I wanna announce that Alhamdulillah I passed.. I thought I'm gonna fail my damn EWA (Enterprise Web Ape-ah²) but.. WOOOHOOO! Pass lah beb.. no effin' supp paper.. So Ihsan, I'm gonna be your reliable partner for our MP/SIP.. cey~~ On Tuesday, I failed my bike pract 4 AGAIN but still, that wont demoralise me.. I'm still determined.. biar fail practical, takmo fail exam sekolah.. ahakz! Met Darlz just now after sending my laptop for repair.. gave her the stuffs which I bought for her during my holiday in KL.. bought for her chewing gum, key chain with her name "Siti" on, a big packet of sotong gula, a big pair of sunglasses and a cap.. she loves the cap and the sunglasses.. I love it when she's happy.. heh.. Hmm.. this will be a short entry.. wanna watch Kyle XY.. interesting show to watch.. Oroits, to those who passes their exams, congratulations.. to those who didnt make it, try your best in your supp paper.. adios! - aif - time : 0115hrs |
Monday, 9 March 2009
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3/09/2009 09:45:00 pm
date : 9th March 2009 time : 2153hrs Alo! WOOHOO!!!!!!!! I just got back from Kuala Lumpur and the trip was , dudes! I went with Kurt.. like honeymoon.. haha.. It's my first time going beyond Johor with a friend.. cool ah eh! Like independent ah.. we learnt alot during the trip.. like budgeting (actually we don't really budget, we lantak what we want.. haha!), jalan² around KL without rush and we also can do what we want.. haha.. that's the best part.. Before the trip, we were concerned about Kurt's pay.. if he didn't get his pay, we'll have to cancel the trip.. but Alhamdulillah, he called me Friday morning (around 0100hrs) to tell me that he already got his pay and we shall continue with the KL trip.. I met Kurt in the Friday afternoon at Istiqamah Mosque.. we also met up with Zaf and Hisham.. after prayers, me and Kurt went Victoria Street to buy our bus tickets.. our departure time was at 2100hrs.. after getting the tickets, we changed our money to Malaysian currency at Peninsula Shopping Centre.. we then took cab and picked Darlz up at her workplace, then head off to Hougang Mall.. we had dinner at Pastamania, Kurt's treat.. SEDAP!! We then balik to siap² our stuffs.. Darlz waited for me bawah block.. takkan nak bawak naik atas.. kau ni pon..! After my maghrib prayers, I met Darlz and we went back to Hougang Mall to meet Kurt.. Zaf said that he'll meet us up but.. haiz.. Darlz sent us till we got a cab.. she went home after that.. it's damn hard to get a cab lah that time.. we reached Beach Road around 2050hrs.. the bus was very spacious.. comfortable lah.. it departed around 2130hrs.. That's when our journey started.................. Day 1 (Saturday): The bus travelled through the second link in Tuas.. the bridge damn long.. ahakz.. cool ah.. after the kelecehan at the checkpoints, the bus continue its journey.. it stopped at a pit-stop near I-donno-where.. me and Kurt went for a smoking break and a toilet break.. had sandwiches as alas perut.. it was only 2315hrs then.. after the 20-minutes break, the bus continued the journey to KL.. We reached KL's Puduraya around 0220hrs.. had our puffs and slack there for awhile.. we then took a cab to Brisdale Hotel at Chow Kit Road.. we checked in around 0400hrs.. put our stuffs and I jumped onto my bed.. ahakz! After resting, we went down to have late supper at Shazz Restaurant.. it's not exactly a restaurant.. more like a warong.. haha.. After makan, we went 7-11 to buy cigarettes.. murah, beb! went back to the hotel and we chit chat till around 0600hrs then we slept.. we're supposed to have breakfast between 0700hrs to 1000hrs.. we woke up at 0930hrs and we rushed to the cafehouse dengan keadaan belom mandi.. ahakz! So we had our breakfast.. haha.. disgusting but ape bole buat....... After breakfast, we head back to our room and we prepare for jalan².. we left the hotel in the afternoon and took the train to Jalan Nanas.. our purpose was to get to KLCC.. we're supposed to change train at Jalan Nanas to KLCC but we couldn't find the other train station.. so we walked.. luckily it was near.. Kurt wanna go to the Twin Tower's Skybridge so we quickly get the tickets.. it was free.. baik ah! We then walked around KLCC and had lunch at Pizza Hut.. fuh! After lunch, we continue walking around and later slacked at the park in front of KLCC.. around 1650hrs, we went to the Twin Tower Skybridge's counter.. the ushers brought us to a room for us to watch a visual animation about the Twin Tower Skybridge.. we have to put on shades to really see the animation.. ingatkan style ah.. haha.. after the 7-minutes show, we took lift up.. it was high.. once we were there, we took photos and see KL from a very high position.. position?? Whateverlah.. haha.. ![]() The free tickets ![]() Sexy pose! ![]() Gerek, beb! ![]() See that, dude! ![]() I'm so high!! ![]() We love high heights! ![]() It's so small from the top.. ![]() Kurt amazed ![]() I'm amazed too! ![]() Chill.. ![]() And I feel good! ![]() Tangkap handsome.. ![]() Tangkap glamour.. After the KLCC trip, we took cab to Bukit Bintang.. kat sana maciam Orchard Road.. full of matreps and minahreps.. ahakz! Tapi over there more rabak ah.. the population of matreps and minahreps there were 6 times more compared to Singapore.. haha.. I don't feel comfortable walking around there coz I sensed like these matreps and minahreps were looking at me.. There was this huge shopping mall called the Pavillion Megamall.. it was damn humongous but barang² dia mahal giller babz ah.. we later had dinner at Naab Restaurant along the street.. it's an Iranian restaurant.. and it's really a restaurant ah.. heh.. they serve beers but their beers were non-alcoholic and it comes with different flavours.. like you drink root beer (got the word 'beer').. except that this is like a fruitty soda water.. haha.. so we ordered the beers and we pretended we're drunk.. heh.. after that we ordered shisha.. lepak kepe..! We left Bukit Bintang at 2130hrs and head back to our hotel.. End of Day 1.. ![]() Tired after walking ![]() Tiredness wont stop me to smile (weirdly).. ![]() Enaaaaak, dong!!! ![]() Syiok! ![]() Prince of Shisha ![]() King of Shisha ![]() Beer that can't get you drunk.. ![]() My pomegranate beer.. ![]() Kurt's Mango beer.. Day 2 (Sunday): We woke up at 0730hrs and we had our shower.. went for breakfast.. after that lepak in our room.. Left the hotel in the afternoon and went to Mid-Valley Megamall.. it was a huge shopping mall.. bigger than the Pavillion.. I promised myself to atleast get something from there.. we walked around and Kurt saw slippers.. he bought one for himself and one for me too.. Thanx Kurt! Around 1400hrs, we went for lunch at a Thai Restaurant.. Power Gedemak tapi mahal, beb.. sekali-sekala oklah.. after lunch we continue walking around the huge mall and finally I saw a kedai where I can do my shopping.. we left the Megamall around 1730hrs and head back to our hotel coz Kurt's stomach felt uneasy.. Later after my maghrib prayers, we went down and went to the neighbourhood kedai² around our hotel.. got some more stuffs for my loved ones.. hehe.. we also bought burger Ramly and we brought back to our room to have our dinner.. we slept early that day.. damn tired.. End of Day 2.. Day 3 (Monday, last day): Me and Kurt woke up at 0730hrs, showered and went for our last breakfast at the hotel.. after breakfast, we lepak in our room the whole morning.. like sedih wanna leave KL.. we had so much fun.. although it was only 2 of us, we really know how to enjoy ourselves.. Ate at an expensive restaurants, we wrestle on our beds, took photos here and there, and we also learnt alot from the trip.. Anyway, we checked out of the hotel at 1130hrs.. we took cab to Puduraya.. bought the bus tickets and waited for the bus to come.. we're supposed to depart at 1230hrs but the bus was lambat so we have to wait.. some people were very impatient.. the bus came around 1330hrs and it was the same bus that we took on the first day.. haha.. after a long journey, it singgah at the same pit-stop.. me and kurt borong keropok and bubblegums.. we also had lunch there.. after the 30-minutes break, it continued its journey to Singapore.. the bus alighted us at Beach Road.. wait a minute, before I alighted, I saw a cigarette pack which someone forget to take along with him, so I took and keep it lah.. it was still unopened.. baik ah! Rezki, beb.. from Beach Road, we took cab home.. The End.. Oroitz.. hope you too enjoyed your holidays.. Adios! Tomorrow I'm having my bike practical.. wish me luck! Now I'm late to call Darlz.. see ya! - aif - time : 2331hrs |