Monday, 23 March 2009
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3/23/2009 06:29:00 pm
day : Monday time : 1840hrs Alo! Wassup everyone! About a week since I last blog.. not that Im busy but I was trying to revamp, rebuild, reconstruct or re-"whatever" my blog layout.. my old layout had only 2 sections but the new one has 3.. hehe.. I just want my entry section to be in the center.. haha.. thanks to Zaf for recommending the site to help me with my layout.. Anyway, me and a group of IFC Malay dudes had our barbeque gathering on Saturday.. we invited many but little turned up.. it's oklah.. we had alot of fun.. it went like this.. On Friday: Me, Tauhid, Zul, Azim, Ihsan and his girlfriend Nisa went Pasir Ris' Sheng Song to do last minute barbeque shopping.. after that we went Zul's crib to put some barang² and after maghrib, we went Tauhid's crib to put the rest of the barang² there.. I'm supposed to meet Darlz on that day but I was so busy.. Sorry Darlz.. On Saturday: Met Ihsan at Tampines Interchange then we took bus to Tauhid's crib.. while waiting for his mom to finish cooking nasi goreng, we played Tauhid's brand new PS3.. we left his house at 1630hrs.. took cab to Pasir Ris Park and walked to our pit.. It was raining heavily but me, Ihsan and Tauhid were determined to set up the tent and to put up the canvas above our barbeque pit so it wont kana the rain.. then Din and Azim came.. after setting up everything, the 4 of us played soccer for awhile.. Si Ihsan, I donno go where but later found out that he went home.. Then Hadi came.. help us to cook.. not long, Faizal, Arif and Zul came.. At night then Ihsan, Hid, Ritz, Aki and his girlfriend came.. we shoot a video which you guys can watch on the left.. funny.. around 2300hrs, some start to leave.. left Me, Faizal, Ihsan, Zul, Tauhid, Din and Arif.. around 0200hrs, we went to the swamp.. very dark.. we expected to see some "beings" but Alhamdulillah there was nothing.. after the night walk, we head back to our pit and slack.. Around 0600hrs, Ihsan, Arif and Faizal left.. The 4 of us then cleaned up our pit and left around 0800hrs.. I was so PENAT when I reached home!! Had some sleep.. then met Darlz in the afternoon at Orchard and went Lido Shaw House to watch.............................. ![]() click here to see trailer Dragonball : Evolution It's a good story.. nice fighting scenes.. makes Darlz wanna be one of them.. hehe.. but the idea of the white guy being "Goku" is so out-of-point.. I'm not a fan of Dragonball comics but overall, it's nice ah.. I give a rating of 8/10.. And today, just stay home to do my blog.. That's all for my entry.. wohoo!! - aif - time : 1919hrs |