Sunday, 29 March 2009
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3/29/2009 01:02:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0103hrs Alo! ![]() It's a very damn hardcore early Sunday morning.. haha.. I'm not that sleepy yet.. and I have alot to update.. Anyway, last Friday went jamming with my band.. it's a great jamming session.. we played like almost to perfection.. cey~~ but I really enjoyed myself.. with funny dude like Jimmy, crazy fellow like Tauhid and my little miss lovey dovey Darlz.. life's so amazing.. Tauhid brought his cuzzin Haz and his friend, Fi, short for Firdaus.. heh.. we jammed from 2000hrs till around 2130hrs.. after jamming, Tauhid and peepz when 'only-God-knows-where', Jimmy went Central Mall, me and Darlz head home.. me and Darlz celebrated our 2 Years 7 Months Anniversary just like that.. hehe.. we're a simple couple.. haha.. although it's a small celebration, but it meant alot to us.. Before going for jamming, I met my mom at Hougang Mall coz my mom asked me to accompany her to see the car she's buying.. nice ah.. she thought of buying the 8-seater one like a mini van but she said that my dad tak berkenan.. haha.. my mom heard rumours about Geely's car.. alot of bad comments.. but I told her to just give it a try and if tak guna nak mampoz, buy new one.. haha.. senangnye cakap.. Yesterday went Bukit Batok to Screenbox's office with Darlz.. when I reached there, the clerk told me that there's no more prizes for me to collect coz I've collected with Afi last time.. haha.. yelah mana tau they forgot to give me prize money.. haha.. but seriously ah, waste time.. after that we went West Mall coz Darlz wanna get a new pair of shoes.. got it from Bata and it's nice and ehem!.. expensive.. hehe.. while walking in the interchange, I bumped into Irwan a.k.a Sergeant Boyot.. my %^#^&#$&$-ed up Sergeant during NS in Khaib Camp.. he, in his orange overall, dengan muka dia "step" tak menjadi, told me that he's working at Jurong Island.. kirakan gaji besar ah and muka "step" kirakan to attract Darlz ah.. haha.. I know him lah.. nak "berg" je depan perempuan.. only talked for awhile then we took 852 to Ang Mo Kio to meet Jimmy.. We had band session.. modifying lyrics and composing songs.. too bad Tauhid couldn't join us.. Jimmy also brought along this irritating toy which he got for his birthday.. when the head gerak, it'll say something irritating which I don't really heard clearly ah.. haha.. Anyway, the song that I'm stucked halfway is finally finished.. woohoo! Now we got 3 songs to jam.. And while composing songs, we also searching for band name.. Darlz came out with "Burnt of the Candid", Jimmy thought of "Half Age".. then I thought "Half Age" is like for pakcik-pakcik tua and should be changed to "Half Edge".. but corny.. so we combined "Burnt of the Candid" with "Half Edge" and we got ourselves "Burning of the Edge".. sounds macam garang but.. ok pe! Around 2030hrs, Nirza came and joined us for awhile.. me and Darlz went back around 2130hrs while Jimmy and Nirza went to meet Kurt to play LAN at Jalan Ikan Merah.. I think today I'll just stay home.. wanna enjoy my Sunday watching TV.. Anyway, kesian almari aku dah jahanam.. and my parents already bought for me a new one.. Thanks, parents.. I love you guys so much! Alrite, have a great Sunday.. Woosh! - aif - time : 0153hrs |