Thursday, 26 March 2009
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3/26/2009 11:51:00 pm
day : Thursday time : 2352hrs Alo! ALHAMDULILLAH!!! Aku pass RTT [Riding (dirty) Theory Test].. Ape ni type bahasa melayu.. haha.. But if I were to fail pon, like tak patut ah.. like buat malu je.. BTT and FTT can pass, RTT also must pass ah.. they are like siblings except that they have different surname.. one is B, one is F and the other is R.. nama bapak tetap maintain TT.. haha.. whatever lah Aif.. what matters now is just that I have to complete my practs.. cey~~ Enough of celebrations, let's proceed with today's agenda.. step agenda je.. I went CDC with Tauhid in the evening.. when we're in the test room, I was surprised to see Zul and Erwin.. haha.. after the test, Alhamdulillah, the 4 of us passed.. Although we don't have to print the result, we still did.. yelah, at least ade "evidence" kita pass.. we celebrated by................................ lepak at CDC's coffeeshop.. haha.. ok pe.. me and Tauhid left early as I'm meeting Ihsan at Tampines.. time is 0000hrs HAPPY 2 YEARS 7 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY TO AifiRa Alhamdulillah!! Wanna thank my Darlz for loving me and also for giving me the support whenever I need it.. I love you so much from the bottom of my heart.. Muackz! Cey~~ continue -> When we're at Tampines, we slacked bawah block near our school with Ihsan and his 3 other friends.. his friends were like.. they are 21 but behave like.. only-God-knows-what.. 2 of them beating 1's head like, WHERE ARE YOUR EFFIN RESPECT FOR YOUR FRIEND, DUDES.. and the guy kana bully also like donno how to react.. I know I joke around and rembat my friends but not on their head, man.. joke is joke but not to that extend.. mak kow! Around 2000hrs, me, Ihsan and Tauhid went to Ihsan's house to get the DVDs that Ihsan wanna lend me.. "Street Fighter : The Legend of Chun Li" and "The Unborn".. Baik pe.. wanna watch it later.. heh.. And this Saturday, I'm collecting the prizes for Aksi Gerek from Screenbox.. padahal hari tu baru collect then they send another letter asking me to collect another prize.. donno lah what prize.. collect only ah.. haha.. maybe my mom's "aura" is coming into me.. haha.. ![]() Amek prize lah!! And oh yah.. now I know what bike to buy once I get my 2B license.. A....................................... ![]() VESPA!!! I know some of you might not agree but being Aif, ape aku kisah ape orang nak kata.. haha.. ok pe.. I'm not into those sport bikes but yah, vespa looks cool.. I want a purple or maroon Vespa.. I thought of pink but pink is for well-you-know.. WAIT!!! Maybe pink boleh.. tapi like for small designs ah.. sounds like a gay bike but nice saa~~ Imagine, man.. Maroon Vespa with pink designs.. Oklah, I wanna relax and rest.. ain't both the same? Anyway, you guys have a great day.. Wooosh! - aif - time : 0040hrs |