Saturday, 28 February 2009
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2/28/2009 11:46:00 am
date : 28th February 2009 time : 1148hrs Alo! Ladies & Gentlemen, IT'S THE DAMN WEEKENDS!!! I love weekends.. Oroits.. Yesterday went to survey the bus fare to Kuala Lumpur at Ban Shan Street (near Victoria Street) with Kurt.. the trip to KL costs $32.. bole ah.. macam semangat ah.. haha.. It's been awhile since I went beyond Johor and it's my first time going with a friend.. yelah, selama ni pergi dengan family pe, this time try² dengan members pulak lah.. since it's only me and Kurt, feels like we're in Amazing Race.. ahakz! I read my tag box just now and comments left by Zaf was.. haha.. I donno.. looks like he can't accept whatever I said.. I donnolah.. I just don't want this misunderstandings to go on.. but I'm the guy who "records" what people say to "analyse" what type of person they are.. macam paham aje aku cakap but it's something like that lah.. haha.. Any way Zaf, just to let you know that I'm cool.. I accept your reasons and it's ok if you can't come along with me and Kurt.. I just need a bestfriend's prayers so that insya'Allah selamat pergi and selamat pulang.. I also got something from Sim Lim Square yesterday.. when me and Kurt reached Sim Lim.. MakDatok! All the shops were closing.. so we went to the 2nd floor where a few shops were still opened.. my target was to get an MP3/MP4.. then there's this MP4 which caught my eyes.. it has 2 mega-pixel digicam/vidcam (jadilah..), voice recorder, MP3 player, Mp4 player and 'only-God-knows' what else it contains.. it has an internal memory of 1GB.. and the price is cheap.. nampaknye macam made in China tapi tak kata pulak.. So without thinhking twice and looks like a good deal, I BOUGHT IT..! ![]() Barang Bayeeeeek! Oroitz! I wanna challenge myself.. to be nice to people.. like smile and say proper words.. politely and respectfully.. starting from today.. Ok, later I'm meeting Darlz.. then maybe have lunch, then petang go jamming.. I miss jamming so much.. especially playing the drums.. I've been playing the guitar at home for the past 4 weeks.. haha.. meeting the guys maybe at 1730hrs.. jamming at 1800hrs to 2000hrs.. my Darlz has been dying to see "Prof. Tauhid".. haha.. Oklah.. I'll end my entry.. wanna put songs into my new MP4.. or izit digicam? Or izit MP3? I'm confused.. Have a great weekend!! - aif - time : 1226hrs |
Friday, 27 February 2009
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2/27/2009 09:32:00 am
date : 27th February 2009 time : 0935hrs Alo! Today marked the 30th month, me and Darlz have been together.. Alhamdulillah.. Hopefully hingga ke akhir hayat.. insya'Allah.. cey~~ Some of you might find it lame to celebrate your relationship on a monthly basis.. but as for me and Darlz, 27th of every month is a day where we reminisce ourselves.. yeah of course we can do that anywhere, anytime but maciam special sikit ah on every 27th.. get what I'm trying to say..? Nevermind.. Alrite! Yesterday met Kurt and we discussed about our KL trip which insya'Allah will be next week.. it's an event which I can't wait.. haha.. our plan is to go on the Friday night and balik on Sunday.. just the 2 of us.. I did ajak Zaf but........... honestly I'm quite pissed off with his cara ah.. haha.. I'm always pissed off with cara orang but donno whether orang pissed off with mine ke tidak.. ahakz! And yalah.. I did ajak him.. but I already expect what he will say even before I ajak him.. his usual answers will be.. "Kow! KL jauh.. kalau JB takpe jugak.." or "Kalau ade kereta kan senang.. Sewa kereta ah!".. and yes, my predictions are right! Not totally exact but the words are almost the same.. he keeps talking about cars and bikes.. like.. stop wishing and move on with reality lah.. for the time being, lets live with buses and cabs.. and when the rezeki comes, then you talk about cars and bikes.. that's what I believe ah coz happened to me before.. like for example my PSP/laptop.. I don't hope so much for a PSP/laptop until one day my mom came up to me and offered the console.. same goes to cars and bikes.. I may not have it now but insya'Allah one day I'm gonna own it.. so Zaf, please lah, stop wishing and move on with reality.. I know it's rude to talk to bestfriend this way but I gotta be honest, it's irritating when you keep mentioning about cars and bikes.. Anyway, don't care anymore lah, Zaf nak ikut, ikut, tanak ikut sudah lah.. haha.. I just wanna have fun to KL.. at least Kurt don't complain about public transports.. Later I'll be going for my Friday prayers.. meeting Kurt at En-Naeem mosque.. then we're going I-donno-where.. I forgot where we're going later.. haha.. Tomorrow jamming! That's the main "event" which I'm looking forward to tomorrow.. Oklah, have a great day and Happy Anniversary to Aif & iRa! - aif - time : 1009hrs |
Thursday, 26 February 2009
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2/26/2009 09:18:00 am
date : 26th February 2009 time : 0919hrs Alo! Firstly I wanna announced that yesterday, the whole day, I didn't smoke.. but today is a must lah.. haha.. Darlz loves it when I don't smoke, but I'm the opposite.. hehe.. I was at home the whole day yesterday.. the only time I stepped out of the house was when I need to deliver mee goreng to my grandma's crib which is just next door.. Anyway, as you can see on the right, I added a few more networking sites.. like melayu-sg and tagged.. I mentioned about deleting my Friendster account on the last entry but to think of it, it's cool to have his networking thingy lah.. haha.. but I only add people whom I know lah.. sekarang tengah holiday, boleh tahan rajin check all these sites lah.. but I'm a regular in Facebook.. Facebook is like................ I donno.. cool ah.. eventhough you can't change the lame background but there's something about it that attracts me.. haha.. Since I was at home the whole day yesterday, I composed a song for Darlz.. It's a song to thank her for what she had given to me.. very the jiwang.. ahakz! Only one song lah.. the rest of the song which I'm gonna write will be about life and moving on after break-ups.. it will be based on my personal experiences.. cey~~ The song which I wrote for her goes something like this :- [verse] Hey there.. This song I wrote for you To tell you that I care and I love you Hey there.. This song I sing to you To thank you for the sacrifices [bridge] For me you're the one in my life Will you take my hand and be my wife [chorus] The look that's in your eyes Brightin' up my sky Showin' me the stairs to heaven and make our spirits high Your sparkling redish smile Even for awhile Gonna turn me crazy, I love you baby, you are so worthwhile Ooooooooooouu.... [verse #2] Hey there.. I promise you my heart To let you know that we wont be apart Hey there.. I promise you my dear Never to let you go, I need you so, right here coz [bridge] For me you're the one in my life Will you take my hand and be my wife [chorus] The look that's in your eyes Brightin' up my sky Showin' me the stairs to heaven and make our spirits high Your sparkling redish smile Even for awhile Gonna turn me crazy, I love you baby, you are so worthwhile [bridge #2] I know that you are for me I know that you're the only one You walked me straight to the right way You give me hope when there was none [chorus x2] The look that's in your eyes Brightin' up my sky Showin' me the stairs to heaven and make our spirits high Your sparkling redish smile Even for awhile Gonna turn me crazy, I love you baby, you are so worthwhile Haaaa kow! Jiwang abis! Haha.. but yalah.. whatever I wrote in this song, came from my heart.. cey~~ I still haven't come up with the title.. it's either "Worthwhile" or "Sparkling Redish Smile".. haha.. macam corny.. ahakz! Let me think about it lah.. After having my butt 24hrs at home yesterday, today wanna make myself busy.. I'm going to CDC to book my bike practical lesson then maybe go.. I donno where to go.. maybe look for MP4.. my MP3 dah jahanam.. insya'Allah after I got my duit GST, I'll get a new MP4 lah.. Weekend bonanza! Tomorrow my classmates will be having "reunion" dinner.. haha.. tapi confirm boring macam nak mampz.. me and the classmates used to be closed ah but not anymore after we're separated.. tomorrow just come & tunjuk muka, pay the $5 and eat the pizzas.. Saturday TPK is organising an outing to maybe karaoke or shisha or I-donno-lah but I don't think I'm going.. I wanna go jamming.. long time since I last jammed with the band (due to economic downturn).. Oklah.. that's all for my entry today.. very wordy indeed.. once in awhile lah kan.. maklumlah, tak kluar semalam.. ahakz! Have a great day! - aif - time : 0957hrs |
Monday, 23 February 2009
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2/23/2009 03:59:00 pm
date : 23rd February 2009 time : 1603hrs Aloo!! FINALLY!! EXAMS ARE OVER!! Insya'Allah I will pass my papers.. Doa for me yah! Actually I'm quite sleepy ah but I'm too excited to blog.. many things happened during the weekends.. I'll share in abit.. Firstly, just FYI, my holiday has just begun.. I'm not gonna work during the holidays.. Hopefully next weekend can go Kuala Lumpur with Kurt ah.. just jalan².. itu pon kalau dia off.. ahakz! And also I wanna go for my bike practicals.. I'll be busy with MP/SIP when school starts next term.. Anyway, me and a group of IFC close buds planned for bbq gathering for budak² Melayu IFC our badge only.. it's like a get-together before we start our MP/SIP.. macam gerek ape.. the details is on the right hand side of this blog.. Hope many can turn up yah! Last Friday, I went night cycling with my bestfriend Zaf.. we cycled to Sengkang to meet Fuad and Alvin.. just hang out near Sengkang MRT.. around 0130hrs, they left then me and Zaf went to Sengkang "Esplanade".. it's a new place ah.. there's a stadium under-construction.. we chilled at the bridge which connects to Punggol I think.. it was 0000hrs plus and I wished my dude a Happy Birthday.. I was the 1st person to wish him.. so proud.. haha.. we then cycled to Fernvale and have supper there.. after supper, we cycled to Zaf's crib to collect his laptop coz he thought of repairing my laptop.. when we cycled back to my house, the door was locked and I didn't bring any keys.. so we slacked at my void deck and we had our uncomfortable sleep there.. around 0730hrs, went up to my house and fortunately, my dad was already awaked.. Zaf can't repair my laptop.. it's ok.. I finally had my sleep till the afternoon.. I'm supposed to go for TPK meeting but I didn't.. I was quite pissed off actually.. Kak Zi asked me to delay my meeting time with my study group.. like, my exams are just next 2 days.. and I have alot to cover.. thinking that I have my rights, I didn't go lah.. Zaf went for the meeting.. I don't care anymore lah.. so I met Zul, Tauhid and Din at Changi Airport.. there were no proper place to study.. so we took bus to Pasir Ris near Zul's house to study.. Arif later joined us.. Alhamdulillah I'm able to cover alot.. after hours of study, the next thing we did was BUAT VIDEO AH!!!! We all came out with an idea to make use of the study corner as our platform.. cey~~ After lots of takes, the video shows something like this.................. I think Tauhid is the best comedian in this video.. ! On Sunday, Arif, Hid, Tauhid, Din and Zul studied in the afternoon.. I joined them at night.. before studying, we took couple of pictures.. cool ah.. Around 2230hrs, Hid, Arif and Zul went home.. left Tauhid, Din and me.. we went to the 24hrs McDeez to study.. we tried to absorb as much as we can.. around 0445hrs, we were already huyung-hayang.. we packed our stuffs and walked to a neighbourhood park where there was this pineapple shaped playground and we slept in there.. ![]() Preparing to take picture ![]() trying to be bapoks [geli nye!!!] ![]() front : Tauhid - Hid back : me - Zul - Din - Arif ![]() The cast of "Robot Competition 2009" [buruknye aku] Woke up around 0645hrs and walked our way to school.. had our shower at the stadium and after that went to Engine block to continue our revision.. we had our paper at 0930hrs just now and it was out last one! After the paper, me, Ihsan, Zul and Tauhid had lunch at Tampines central.. after lunch, we walked around Tampines Mall and we went home after that.. Now I'm free to play my guitar.. wanna compose songs for my band.. long time since we jammed.. hoping we'll be jamming this weekend.. Oklah.. Hope you enjoy the video, enjoy the pics and enjoy your day.. One more year to go before I graduate.. I'm having so much fun in TP and one more year left.. haiz.. - aif - time : 1650hrs |
Friday, 20 February 2009
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2/20/2009 07:33:00 pm
date : 20th February 2009 time : 1935hrs Alo!! Ahakz.. From today onwards, I'm gonna change my greeting to "Alo!!".. Like very............. MAN-ly.. ahakz.. Originated from Jimmy.. the longer version would be "Alo, kau kat mana?".. but the question tak perlu ah.. so just "Alo!!".. Everybody now...................... "AaaaaLOOooo..." lame-sh*t.. Just had my ITech paper in the afternoon just now and I hope I can manage to pass.. I'll be sitting for my INet paper on Monday.. wish me luck! Oh yah, last Wednesday Darlz was on leave so we went East Coast to cycle.. hot and humid but that doesn't stop us.. we rent a 2-seater bike and paddle our way.. fun ah cycle.. teased Darlz.. she was scared when I swerved the bike.. We had loadz of fun.. thank you Darlz! Oh yah.. that time Esther saw my blog and said that my blog is like a girl's blog.. reason, I put too many pictures.. haha..! But it's nice lah a blog with pictures.. at least it's not that wordy and reader's eyes can relax for awhile by looking at the pics.. haha.. correct me if I'm wrong.. Anyway, I was on Friendster just now and looks like it tries to copy/immitates/whatever FaceBook.. and I feel like terminating my Friendster account.. I'm more into Facebook now.. especially with the 'Rock Legends' application, personally I think Facebook is way more cooler than Friendster.. I give my Friendster 5 more days, and if there is nothing interesting, I'll terminate it.. Darlz had terminate hers.. soon gonna be my turn.. ahakz! *boring je Friendster* Tomorrow is gonna be my bestfriend's birthday! HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY,ZAF!!! I'll be meeting him later coz we're going cycling! He planned to cycle to Sengkang.. sounds fun.. Tomorrow is also Din's (my ex ITE friend) and Sam's birthday! Haha! Happy Birthday to you old peepz.. may what you wish for will come true.. cey~~ That's all for my today's entry.. have a great weekend..! Aaarugh! - aif - time : 2009hrs |
Monday, 16 February 2009
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2/16/2009 07:06:00 am
date : 16th February 2009 time : 0711hrs Helluez!! Blog early in the morning.. haha.. I was supposed to blog last night but I was too sleepy after talking to my Darlz.. Anyway, this week is my study week so don't have to attend class anymore, and wait for exams.. but later have to go for EWA presentation.. leceh ah.. I donno if I can pass the project coz I only did like ONE jsp page hopefully Fhami can tolak one of his page to me.. hehe.. Last Saturday, me and Afi collected our prizes for "Aksi Gerek" at Screenbox's office.. we got a radio/ DVD player set and a $100 spa voucher each.. GEREK PE!!! After collecting the prize, I met Darlz at Yishun and after that we took bus to Hougang.. I'm supposed to have drama training but I was so lambat giller.. I promised to meet the drama peepz at Hougang at 1400hrs but I reached there at 1600hrs.. Ifa was pissed off at me so she went to meet her friend.. I wish she was in my shoes and feel what it's like.. Anyway, me and the drama peepz were supposed to have our drama training at Punggol End coz at the same time, I can fish with my dudes and Darlz... At 1600hrs, me and Darlz met the guys near Hougang Mall.. Jimmy, Tauhid, Zul, Rudi and Zaf were already there.. we took bus 82 to Punggol End.. It was my first time going fishing with Darlz.. We set up our rods and started fishing.. I encountred many technical problems (maklumlah, masih "kental").. I had fun until.................................................................... ![]() Darlz - Zul - Tauhid - Rudi [santai] ![]() When the "fish" hunts for fish ![]() Jimmy and Zul nga-nga ![]() relek sudah lah ![]() I didn't know that dead crab eats Mamee ![]() "Ashtray" - Tauhid's creation Acit and Najib came.. the TPK members gather and I thought Najib was gonna scold me about the cock up on that day's training plan.. he did but awhile only and after that he and Acit talked about the PKMS thingy.. they told TPK that we can join under individual basis but the way they talked to us was like they want the whole of TPK to join.. and also, there were so many contradictions in their "speech" which led to alot of uncertainties to join PKMS.. haha.. during the meeting, I feel like leaving the "meeting" and join my other friends.. these kind of "politics", I've encountered way before I joined TPK.. I used to join Sam's drama production last time and there were politics, I used to join ITE Tampines' drama group last time and there were politics.. these politics are the ones making me demoralised and not motivated to be with the group.. I just wanna be in a group where we meet up, have trainings, respect one another and be humble with ourselves.. Forget it lah.. Anyway, Acit and Najib left at around 1830hrs.. bagus ah, then I join my friends for fishing.. ![]() Dudes ![]() Gerek Buddies ![]() Fun Loving Budak Pantai Timur Pancing pagi, makan pagi. Apa lu mau?! Zul incubating the rock. Preparation ![]() "Banyak Ikan Di Laut" ![]() "Pancing For My Valentine" We fished till around 2045hrs, then me, Darlz, Rudi and Zaf head to Yishun to have dinner at Long John Silvers'.. after dinner, I sent Darlz home and after that went home with Zaf.. on the way home, Tauhid called that he was at Hougang and he missed the last bus.. so I met him at the Interchange and we discussed where to go.. at last we decided to go Jimmy's house.. we took cab there and slept at his crib.. The next morning, we watched VCDs, makan, played guitar, makan, then we played monopoly, then we makan again.. ahakz! Me and Tauhid went home at around 1845hrs.. Great weekends ah but the PKMS discussions spoilt that hour.. haiyah! I wish Kak Zi can make the TPK trainings during the weekdays so I can enjoy my weekends.. haha.. Oh yah, my first exam paper will be on this Friday.. have to start studying oready.. Oroits, I'll end here.. have a great week..! - aif - time : 0759hrs |
Saturday, 14 February 2009
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2/14/2009 12:04:00 am
date : 14th February 2009 time : 0534hrs Helluez!! Guess what, people! IT'S A SATURDAY!!! My Gosh! It's the weekends.. I woke up so early in the morning so that I can do my Subuh.. Alhamdulillah.. And I'm feeling happy also because one more project to be assessed, EWA lah.. leceh.. presenting this Monday.. then after presenting EWA, have to focus on my exams........... Exam 2 paper je tapi SUSAH GILLER!! Especially ITech.. Somehow, I'm very weak in it.. I have to puck up, 'puck it' and 'puck off'.. ok, whatever.. Oh yah.. That day (which I cant remember the day) after stress of like doing Advance MobComp, me and Tauhid went for a puff at the staircase.. then we saw the rooftops's door opened.. so curiously, we went up the ladder and we saw my friend "Beast" and his friend smoking there.. ahakz! We joined them.. then "Beast" and his friend went further up exploring the satellite while me and Tauhid stayed at that level coz lazy lah nak panjat² another tangga.. there was nothing lah but at least I got to reach the rooftop of the school before graduating (cey~~ step maciam next month graduate je).. ahakz! Talking about graduating, I left with about a year of school.. cepat giller sey time.. Polytechnic will be the last place I'll be studying at.. I'm not sure lah about taking Degrees.. even if I'm taking Degree, I'll be mixing with abang² oready.. nevermind lah, I'll blog about this a year later.. ahakz! Now that I'm still in TP, I'm gonna have memorable time with my dudes.. Me and a few of my coursemates in school are organising a bbq gathering for budak² melayu IFC (our badge only).. it was Din's original idea and I think it's a great one! At least we can enjoy and have fun before our MP/SIP (major project) starts.. Today I'll be collecting the prizes for winning the "Aksi Gerek" challenges.. Gerek pe! Meeting Afi at Bukit Batok interchange at 1100hrs, then go to ScreenBox's office near I-donno-where.. after that, meeting Darlz, Tauhid, Zul and Jimmy to go FISHING!! My drama peepz will also be coming.. so me, while fishing will conduct a drama training with the drama peepz.. ahakz! Oroits.. that's it for this entry.. see ya and have an 'aifilifolifus' weekends! - aif - time : 0612hrs |
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
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2/11/2009 12:38:00 am
date : 11th February 2009 time : 0039hrs Helluez! Syukur! Syukur! Syukur! My French, DMSD and ITech projects are finally done! I'm left with the ever-irritating EWA, ever-nuisance INET (actually not that susah ah but I like to exaggerate ah.. ahakz!) and ever-$%^%^&W#@#%$ Advance MobComp.. On Monday, me, Zul and Tauhid coincidentally wore red.. so it's like.. ahakz.. kental ah but to think of it, maciam cool ah eh! We're like bestfriends/blood(cey~~).. we planned to form a band.. just now me and Tauhid just asked Hidd to be part of it.. just a try out.. maciam cool ape having a female vocalist in the band.. like Paramore or Nightwish.. Oroitz.. just a short entry for today.. hope others will complete their projects too.. Good Luck! - aif - time : 0103hrs |
Sunday, 8 February 2009
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2/08/2009 12:14:00 am
date : 08 February 2009 time : 0018hrs Helluez! Wadoh! I just came back from my Aunty's house.. actually there was a doa selamat for my cuzzin's engagement at her house.. I didn't know until my mom called me.. ahakz.. what kind of cuzzin I am.. We're not that close so.......................................................... Anyway, went dinner with Darlz at Eatzi, SAFRA Yishun on Friday.. Darl's treat.. THANK YOU SO MUCH, DARLZ!! It was blawdy expensive.. met her at Yishun Bus Interchange around 1945hrs and after that we walked to the SAFRA.. she was sick actually but she carried on with it.. the SAFRA was quite near.. I ordered 'chicken and beef combo' (power GEDEMAK!) and Juicilicious mango float (steam abes, beb!!) while Darlz had 'Crayfish pasta' and Cappuccino.. the meal sedap giller maciam nak mampz that it made my eyes popped-out and my tongue licking my mouth till it turned pink.. ok ok, I'm over exaggerating.. ahakz.. but seriously, it was damn sedap.. the total price was expensive, as I've mentioned earlier, but Darlz didnt really mind.. luckily I'm a SAFRA member so dapat discount lah.. Darlz is the first girlfriend to treat me such an effin' expensive meal.. she's simply the best!!! (did I mention that she had a beautiful haircut?) Yesterday went Jurong Bird Park with Darlz, Tauhid, Haz and Akbar.. Haz and Akbar are Tauhid's cuzzins.. Akbar actually got 4 free tickets to the bird park so Tauhid asked me along.. and me, I asked Darlz to tag along.. Akbar got a 30% off coupon so Darlz can get her own ticket at a discounted price.. we met up at Jurong East interchange but later realised that there were no bus to the bird park.. so we took a bus to Boon Lay then we change to the bus that goes to Jurong Bird Park from there.. Oh anyway, it's my first time going Jurong Bird Park with Darlz.. Gerek pe! We were greated warmly by the ushers.. we walked around and took alot of photos.. there are so many species of birds.. Eagle itself has many types.. there were penguins, eagles, hawks, parrot, macaws, *my fingers went out of control typing the species of birds*.. many lah.. ahakz.. then we went to the "African Waterfall".. it's a man-made waterfall but nice! It took us 4 hours to cover the whole bird park.. we had fun.. ![]() Cousins ![]() Love-Birds ![]() Wild Birds ![]() "The World's Most Dangerous Cousins" ![]() Monkeys in a Bird Cage ![]() "Alo! Kau kat mana?" ![]() Ni ape hal ni?? ![]() First he enters....... ![]() Then he make monkey faces..... We left at around 1830hrs and went Jurong Point to have dinner at Banquet.. After dinner, we took our puffs and after that we took train to our destination.. Tauhid, Haz and Akbar went Changi Hospital to visit their aunty while me and Darlz went Yishun.. After I sent Darlz home, I walked to my aunty's house.. very near lah.. I congratulate my cuzzin on his engagement.. my Aunty asked me when will it be my turn but I just smiled and said that I'm not ready.. I just wish I'm working right now and then get married.. ahakz.. very typical minded eh.. haha! But Alhamdulillah Darlz is a very patient and understanding lady and she can wait till I'm really ready and stable to start a family.. ![]() Amazed with the number of flamingos ![]() The Flaming Darlz and the Flamingos ![]() Feed the fake bird.... ![]() Jom ke sana! ![]() You're blaming me?! ![]() They are just promoting Davidorff cigarettes Actually I was supposed to go for drama and after that jamming with my band but since Jimmy was sick, so jamming canceled.. I'm not sure if the TPK-ians carried on with their drama trainings.. whatever it was, I had a wonderful time at the Jurong Bird Park.. ![]() "Careful little one..." ![]() "Hail the mighty Dayak!" ![]() Tauhid manja with his mak angkat (if you see properly, the patung is wearing Akbar's baseball cap.. Ahakz!) ![]() couples ![]() "Jane in the Jungle" (with Tarzan showing his butt) ![]() Mat Air Terjun ![]() Cousins and the Waterfall ![]() Bridge Bouncer ![]() Siblings ![]() "Pimp my Dude" ![]() Pelican Cove presents.................. ![]() A group of scientists discover dinosaur bones ![]() Her discovery was the best one! - A dinosaur head [not yet decomposed] ![]() Bridge Mistress ![]() She made it..! ![]() Happily crossing to the other side ![]() It's just amazing! ![]() We love this place.. ![]() Soaring high! ![]() Tauhid asked us to pretend that we're on an aisle [ape²lah Tauhid] ![]() Mat² perigi buta ![]() We need water! ![]() Goodbye Jurong Bird Park! Oroits.. that's all for my entry today.. oh yah.. today I'll just stay home and rest.. maybe do some project.. Have a wonderful Sunday.. Oh yah, my house renovation is almost complete.. I love the new look of my house.. come and see lah! - aif - time : 0106hrs |