Wednesday, 11 February 2009
0 comment(s) / 2/11/2009 12:38:00 am

date : 11th February 2009
time : 0039hrs


Syukur! Syukur! Syukur! My French, DMSD and ITech projects are finally done! I'm left with the ever-irritating EWA, ever-nuisance INET (actually not that susah ah but I like to exaggerate ah.. ahakz!) and ever-$%^%^&W#@#%$ Advance MobComp..

"Red T-shirt Apparatus"

On Monday, me, Zul and Tauhid coincidentally wore red.. so it's like.. ahakz.. kental ah but to think of it, maciam cool ah eh! We're like bestfriends/blood(cey~~).. we planned to form a band.. just now me and Tauhid just asked Hidd to be part of it.. just a try out.. maciam cool ape having a female vocalist in the band.. like Paramore or Nightwish..

Charles - Hadi - Azim - me

The guys and Michelle
[Finally DMSD is done!]

Oroitz.. just a short entry for today.. hope others will complete their projects too.. Good Luck!

- aif -

time : 0103hrs

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