Saturday, 28 February 2009
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2/28/2009 11:46:00 am
date : 28th February 2009 time : 1148hrs Alo! Ladies & Gentlemen, IT'S THE DAMN WEEKENDS!!! I love weekends.. Oroits.. Yesterday went to survey the bus fare to Kuala Lumpur at Ban Shan Street (near Victoria Street) with Kurt.. the trip to KL costs $32.. bole ah.. macam semangat ah.. haha.. It's been awhile since I went beyond Johor and it's my first time going with a friend.. yelah, selama ni pergi dengan family pe, this time try² dengan members pulak lah.. since it's only me and Kurt, feels like we're in Amazing Race.. ahakz! I read my tag box just now and comments left by Zaf was.. haha.. I donno.. looks like he can't accept whatever I said.. I donnolah.. I just don't want this misunderstandings to go on.. but I'm the guy who "records" what people say to "analyse" what type of person they are.. macam paham aje aku cakap but it's something like that lah.. haha.. Any way Zaf, just to let you know that I'm cool.. I accept your reasons and it's ok if you can't come along with me and Kurt.. I just need a bestfriend's prayers so that insya'Allah selamat pergi and selamat pulang.. I also got something from Sim Lim Square yesterday.. when me and Kurt reached Sim Lim.. MakDatok! All the shops were closing.. so we went to the 2nd floor where a few shops were still opened.. my target was to get an MP3/MP4.. then there's this MP4 which caught my eyes.. it has 2 mega-pixel digicam/vidcam (jadilah..), voice recorder, MP3 player, Mp4 player and 'only-God-knows' what else it contains.. it has an internal memory of 1GB.. and the price is cheap.. nampaknye macam made in China tapi tak kata pulak.. So without thinhking twice and looks like a good deal, I BOUGHT IT..! ![]() Barang Bayeeeeek! Oroitz! I wanna challenge myself.. to be nice to people.. like smile and say proper words.. politely and respectfully.. starting from today.. Ok, later I'm meeting Darlz.. then maybe have lunch, then petang go jamming.. I miss jamming so much.. especially playing the drums.. I've been playing the guitar at home for the past 4 weeks.. haha.. meeting the guys maybe at 1730hrs.. jamming at 1800hrs to 2000hrs.. my Darlz has been dying to see "Prof. Tauhid".. haha.. Oklah.. I'll end my entry.. wanna put songs into my new MP4.. or izit digicam? Or izit MP3? I'm confused.. Have a great weekend!! - aif - time : 1226hrs |