Monday, 16 February 2009
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2/16/2009 07:06:00 am
date : 16th February 2009 time : 0711hrs Helluez!! Blog early in the morning.. haha.. I was supposed to blog last night but I was too sleepy after talking to my Darlz.. Anyway, this week is my study week so don't have to attend class anymore, and wait for exams.. but later have to go for EWA presentation.. leceh ah.. I donno if I can pass the project coz I only did like ONE jsp page hopefully Fhami can tolak one of his page to me.. hehe.. Last Saturday, me and Afi collected our prizes for "Aksi Gerek" at Screenbox's office.. we got a radio/ DVD player set and a $100 spa voucher each.. GEREK PE!!! After collecting the prize, I met Darlz at Yishun and after that we took bus to Hougang.. I'm supposed to have drama training but I was so lambat giller.. I promised to meet the drama peepz at Hougang at 1400hrs but I reached there at 1600hrs.. Ifa was pissed off at me so she went to meet her friend.. I wish she was in my shoes and feel what it's like.. Anyway, me and the drama peepz were supposed to have our drama training at Punggol End coz at the same time, I can fish with my dudes and Darlz... At 1600hrs, me and Darlz met the guys near Hougang Mall.. Jimmy, Tauhid, Zul, Rudi and Zaf were already there.. we took bus 82 to Punggol End.. It was my first time going fishing with Darlz.. We set up our rods and started fishing.. I encountred many technical problems (maklumlah, masih "kental").. I had fun until.................................................................... ![]() Darlz - Zul - Tauhid - Rudi [santai] ![]() When the "fish" hunts for fish ![]() Jimmy and Zul nga-nga ![]() relek sudah lah ![]() I didn't know that dead crab eats Mamee ![]() "Ashtray" - Tauhid's creation Acit and Najib came.. the TPK members gather and I thought Najib was gonna scold me about the cock up on that day's training plan.. he did but awhile only and after that he and Acit talked about the PKMS thingy.. they told TPK that we can join under individual basis but the way they talked to us was like they want the whole of TPK to join.. and also, there were so many contradictions in their "speech" which led to alot of uncertainties to join PKMS.. haha.. during the meeting, I feel like leaving the "meeting" and join my other friends.. these kind of "politics", I've encountered way before I joined TPK.. I used to join Sam's drama production last time and there were politics, I used to join ITE Tampines' drama group last time and there were politics.. these politics are the ones making me demoralised and not motivated to be with the group.. I just wanna be in a group where we meet up, have trainings, respect one another and be humble with ourselves.. Forget it lah.. Anyway, Acit and Najib left at around 1830hrs.. bagus ah, then I join my friends for fishing.. ![]() Dudes ![]() Gerek Buddies ![]() Fun Loving Budak Pantai Timur Pancing pagi, makan pagi. Apa lu mau?! Zul incubating the rock. Preparation ![]() "Banyak Ikan Di Laut" ![]() "Pancing For My Valentine" We fished till around 2045hrs, then me, Darlz, Rudi and Zaf head to Yishun to have dinner at Long John Silvers'.. after dinner, I sent Darlz home and after that went home with Zaf.. on the way home, Tauhid called that he was at Hougang and he missed the last bus.. so I met him at the Interchange and we discussed where to go.. at last we decided to go Jimmy's house.. we took cab there and slept at his crib.. The next morning, we watched VCDs, makan, played guitar, makan, then we played monopoly, then we makan again.. ahakz! Me and Tauhid went home at around 1845hrs.. Great weekends ah but the PKMS discussions spoilt that hour.. haiyah! I wish Kak Zi can make the TPK trainings during the weekdays so I can enjoy my weekends.. haha.. Oh yah, my first exam paper will be on this Friday.. have to start studying oready.. Oroits, I'll end here.. have a great week..! - aif - time : 0759hrs |