Sunday, 31 August 2008
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8/31/2008 12:16:00 pm
date : 31 August 2008 time : 1217hrs Helluez!! Let me open my entry by wishing Malaysia a Happy 51 years of independence.. and to Rahim (ITE friend), Selamat Pengantin Baru!! Finally!!! Exams are over and now can enjoy but not too much coz I might be taking Supp Paper.. sucks, man.. Actually I'm quite faggot now.. I feel like I wanna sleep but I can't.. I donno why.. something tells me there'll be a Mom's Birthday Celebration in the evening.. coz she ask me to check for her, Hyatt Hotel Straits Kitchen's number.. I think she wants to reserve a table.. I donno.. Anyway, after my last paper on Friday, me, Zul, Azim and Tauhid had lunch at Habibie.. I had nasi goreng ayam and it rocks my cocks.. I mean, it was damn delicious.. it's expensive but it's worth the buy.. after lunch, Azim made a move first coz he needed to get chicken for his mom.. the three of us had no plan so I suggested Orchard.. we walked to Tampines interchange and took train from there.. we alighted at Orchard and we walked around Wheelock coz Tauhid had never been there.. I'm surprised.. we continue our walking till we reached Istana Park to take a break.. we took ALOT of pictures.. and it was fun cam-whoring once in a while.. no harm.. our last destination was Plaza Singapura before we separated.. I had to meet my girlfriend at Ang Mo Kio coz I had to accompany her to get presents for my mom at Causeway Point.. I took train to AMK and after that me and girlfriend took bus 169 to Woodlands.. in the bus we had alot to share.. her stories at work, my life in school.. when we're at Causeway Point, we reaslised that Hijab Iran had closed down.. we went to the basement where there's also a shop selling scarves.. my girlfriend bought 2 for my mom and 1 for her mom.. I can't believe scarves can be so expensive.. after that we head to the interchange to get back home.. The next morning, I collected my laptop back from Kak Zi.. I had to go Serangoon CC to collect it.. haiyah.. she should be the one who supposed to come Hougang to return it.. anyway, I didn't know that the Bangsawan guys were having their training until Kak Zi told me, so I went up to the room to peep.. to my surprise, Wan from Danielle was there.. he recognised me because we used to act in Kla-Kar-Sik before and we met again at Aljunied Jam studio.. there's also new faces like Raudah and Amirul.. after a while, I went back because I'm meeting Zaf and Kak Zi again at the CC.. I left home at around 1320hrs and met them at the coffeeshop behind the CC.. Wan, Afi, Zaf, Kak Zi, Amirul and Titi were there.. around 1400hrs, we left and the TPKians - Titi, Kak Zi, Zaf and me head down to Yishun because we're supposed to have our drama training there.. Ron was already there.. when we reached Yishun, the next thing I know that there was a misunderstanding between the leaders.. I'm like, standing at the side with Zaf and looking at the drama going on.. then Kak Zi told us that the training was cancelled.. me and Zaf stayed but Titi and Ron went home.. the conversation between the leaders went on till we're at NorthPoint McDeez.. I donno what tha hell I'm doing there.. anyway, we all left around 1630hrs and me and Zaf went Bishan to meet my girlfriend.. when I meet her, she told me that she had to go home first coz her mom was alone.. but she still wants to go out with me so I told her to meet me around 1945hrs coz I also had to go for my friend's wedding at Sembawang.. we took train but my girlfriend alighted at Yishun while me and Zaf continued our journey to Sembawang.. when we're at Sembawang, I waited for my parents to arrive.. Rahim mom's knows my mom coz they are bestfriends when they were working at some company last time.. After the makan, I met Zaf near Sembawang MRT and we took train to Yishun first to meet my girlfriend again and went Yio Chu Kang after that to meet Jimmy.. the 4 of us went Esplanade to watch BayBeats.. it was awesome.. Especially Electrico who played at the Nokia power house.. there's also bands performing at the Waterfront stage.. these bands gave me the inspiration and motivation to reform a band and jam again.. Anyway, BayBeats was fun.. dance and we sing along.. Kurt came a little later.. around 2230hrs, me and my girlfriend took cab to Yishun coz I had to sent her home.. Zaf took the van from Fuad and he told me that he's gonna fetch me.. I waited and waited till it was nearly 0100hrs then I heard Kurt's voice shouting my name.. when I open the van's side door, Jimmy, Rafi and Jam were inside.. no wonder the were late.. so many destinations they went.. we decided to go Seletar Dam to relax ourselves.. alot of mat motor slacking there.. I felt hungry then I suggest that we have supper.. Rafi suggested Lorong Ikan Merah.. I was blur, I've never heard of that lorong before.. it was actually near Thomson.. there's a 24hours prata restaurant there.. I had Roti John Mushroom and it was finger lickin' good.. around 0300hrs, Zaf had to go coz he had to send ration to construction workers.. Kurt, Jimmy, Rafi, Jam and me hang out at the pondok nearby there and we played monopoly.. it was fun for the first 1 hour but it got boring after that.. we stopped playing around 0445hrs and I lie down on the long ceramic seat and had some rest.. I didn't know I had a good nap.. when I woke up, the sky was already quite bright.. Zaf picked us up at around 0730hrs and he sent us home.. I reached home around 0900hrs and I can't sleep till now.. Alhamdulillah tomorrow is the beginning of the fasting month.. this fasting month will be quite interesting.. Will have iftar with Teater Peti Karma on the 13th, break fast together with my schoolmates on the 15th and I'm sure alot more plans to be made.. but I also want to try and get more pahala.. wanna go terawih more frequently.. Insya'allah.. Wow.. I realised that I have so many pictures to upload.. I will select the best and upload.. ![]() Goodbye Wireless.. maybe we'll meet again.. ![]() Legend of MatReps ![]() love. ![]() friends = fun ![]() Lepaks That's all for the entry today.. I'll put in more photos in the next entry.. take care!! - aif - time : 1337hrs |
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
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8/27/2008 11:29:00 pm
date : 27th August 2008 time : 2330hrs Helluez! Happy 2 Years Anniversary to me and my girlfriend.. Alhamdulillah.. and we're still going strong.. well, we didn't celebrate that grant.. just simple and fun.. it starts with..................... Yesterday night when I opened my NetInfra book, I didn't understand a single thing.. then I called Din (Chuck) asking where he was studying at.. he was at Tampines McDonalds with Zul, Ahmad and Tauhid.. I left home around 2230hrs and met them.. Zul left around 0000hrs due to parenting control.. so left the 4 of us.. actually I was physically faggot.. my eyes were red and I felt damn sleepy.. the guys asked me to sleep so I did.. it wasn't so comfortable so I tried to continue reading my notes but my eyes were heavy.. kept went in and out of the McDonalds to have my cigarettes just to keep myself awake.. around 0400hrs, we packed our stuff to go SunPlaza Park for us to have our sleep.. the 4 of us were damn tired actually.. there's a space for us to lay down and sleep.. then I heard like someone saying "naung naung........." and it was like 5 feet away from me and it slowly fades away.. and suddenly became louder and fade again.. it was scary but I couldn't be bothered because I was too tired.. while we were having our deep nap, suddenly Din shouted.. I saw a small caterpillar crawling innocently below him.. haha.. no wonder his legs and Ahmad's were itchy.. we were demoralised to sleep there and fortunately, it was already 0630hrs.. we took bus to school and continue our sleep at block 10's benches.. around 0800hrs the benches were packed with students.. my sleep were distracted when I saw a girl sat on the bench opposite mine.. I quickly sit up and rest my head on the table to continue my sleep.. I woke up around 0900hrs.. washed my face and took out my notes.. We studied but at the same time worried that we might have mental block during exam.. around 1400hrs we went Sports Hall (our venue for the exam).. got to my seat.. and start to read the exam paper.. it wasn't that tough actually.. I ended my paper at 1630hrs.. only able to leave around 1700hrs.. I promised to meet my girlfriend after her work.. since I'm not able to meet her on time at her workplace, I asked her to meet me at Hougang.. after I had my shower at home, me and my girlfriend went Sengkang to have dinner at Banquet.. it was nice.. after dinner, I sent her home.. it was a simple celebration but we had so much laughters and smiles.. It's already 0000hrs and I wish my mom a Happy 48th Birthday!!! Woohooo! Happy Birthday to Mom! Happy Birthday to Mom! Happy Birthday to Mommy -she's the best mom in the world and nothing beats her.. Happy Birthday to Mom! And tomorrow is my girlfriend's sister's birthday, Kak Salviyah.. what a week this week..! And oh yah! 2 papers down, 1 more to go!!!!!!! Here are some pictures to enjoy! ![]() It's 6 o'clock in the fuckin' mornin' ![]() Get back to the notes! ![]() And Tauhid is feeling the pressure ![]() While Ahmad is still enjoying his sleep - aif - time : 0025hrs |
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
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8/26/2008 06:44:00 pm
date : 26th August 2008 time : 1845hrs Helluez! ALHAMDULILLAH!!!!!! Thank God, the Almighty.. Finished my MobComp paper.. it was - ok.. the multiple choice was easy and I did it like a pro - except for 7 questions which I'm not sure whether I answered correctly or not.. and the structured questions were challenging and I hope I can at least get a pass for that section.. Tomorrow will be sitting for NetInfra paper and hopefully I can do it.. and my biggest challenge is Wireless, which is on Friday.. It is like you're fighting Akuma in Street Fighter 2.. it's either you win or you lose.. there's no draw.. wait a minute.. there will be a draw if I score borderline.. haha.. whatever it is, I wanna try to score.. Today I'm not able to accompany my girlfriend to school.. sorry, dear.. I have to study.. I don't think I'm able to meet Tauhid, Din and Zul either to study together.. I donno, I prefer to study at home.. I can concentrate more and able to absorb 86% more data into my memory chip compared to study in a bunch.. Tauhid, Din and me were discussing about breaking fast together during the Ramadhan.. we decided to have the meeting on the 15th of September 2008, on a Monday.. we thought of weekends but CONFIRM there will be LOADS of people especially MATS who fast during the day but drink, eat and smoke and also there's MINAHS who also do what the MATS do but with extra features like breasts display and butt crack show.. They simply don't know what's Ramadhan and what's fasting.. Alhamdulillah friendships among the guys in school are becoming more closer though we're from different classes.. it's weird when you can mix well with other classes but you effin' seldom talk to your own classmates and I'm talking about the females.. Personally, I can talk to Shaq but I don't think we'll talk much when we're face-to-face.. and Dillah, I chat with her and we talked alot but when in school, we just smile.. and Izzati, I tried to chat with her - gave cold response, tried to talk to her in class - also gave cold response.. so, I donno.. no matter how hard I try, I can never have casual conversation with my female classmates.. haha.. sounds pathetic.. but oh well, at least the guys are more open and more fun.. Alhamdullilah I can mix around with them though I'm like 5 years older.. haha.. suddenly this thought came to my senses - maybe the girls didn't talk to me much because I'm attached.. but that's childish.. even a child doesn't do that.. haha.. fuctever.. Sometimes when I heard stories about people divorcing and separating, I wonder why.. maybe, when they were young, they have alot of boyfriends/girlfriends.. and when they're married, there's so many jealousy and conflicts.. it could be a possible.. hmm.. What's important is - Alhamdulillah tomorrow will be me and my girlfriend's 2 years anniversary together.. I realised that our relationship has matured.. and we're getting to know each other more better.. I love you, my dear Ira! I think I'll end here.. wanna do my maghrib and then get to my books.. here's some pictures to make this entry colourful.. ceh~~ |
Monday, 25 August 2008
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8/25/2008 12:23:00 pm
date : 25th August 2008 time : 1223hrs Helluez! OH GOSH! EXAM IS EFFIN' TOMORROW!! It's like so fast.. soon I'll be graduating, insya'allah.. but I still have 1 and a half year to go.. Tomorrow is my MobComp paper, Wednesday is my NetInfra and Friday is Wireless paper.. besides that, Wednesday will be my 2 years anniversay with my girlfriend.. Thursday will be my mom's birthday and after that I can apply for bike license..!!!! Woootz!!! But of course, must do my exams very well, then can call for a celebration.. I didn't study during the weekends so today must study intensively.. and oh yah, today my girlfriend will be sitting for her O Level Oral Examination.. wishing her all the best and hope she can make it and achieve what she wants in life.. I went for drama training on Saturday and it was way better than last week where we had push ups like military training.. I had lot more fun this week.. we laughed and we enjoyed the training.. maybe that's what we want.. we also did script reading and my lines are like so long.. but of course, those are just guidelines, I don't have to follow exactly.. after my training, I accompanied my girlfriend to Orchard.. she wants to get presents for Nuha and Aqil coz their birthday is coming soon.. we stop-by Lucky Plaza to get an MP3 for Nuha.. then we walked to Plaza Singapura to get this cool medal for Aqil.. It's a Birthday medal.. they had their celebration yesterday at my girlfriend's crib.. Yesterday met my friends at AMK in the evening.. first met up with Rafi and Jam at Banquet, had dinner with them and then Jimmy came and joined us.. soon SSG came with Kurt.. we joke around before heading to the LAN shop to play Battlefield2.. we had fun.. we left t about 2230hrs.. they all left except me and Kurt.. we went 7-11 to get a drink then came a matrep asking us for $1 or if possible, more.. we were like, what the eff sia.. we told him that we need the money to buy our stuff but Kurt gave him 20cents just to make him go away.. we waited for him to go before we proceed to the counter.. with his tattoos and blond hair, who would respect him.. then he talks like as if he's on drugs.. well, maybe he was on drugs.. people will look down on Malays just because of a filthy Malay guy like him, who behaves inappropriately in public.. haiz.. Well, I think I'll end here.. here are some pics! Enjoy.. Kurt, Zaf, me and Zul at Pasir Ris Park (on National Day) ![]() During drama training - voice projection (me, Zaf, Titi, Nurin, Ron and Achit in stripes) So there you go! Wish me best luck for exams yah! - aif - time : 1302hrs |
Saturday, 23 August 2008
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8/23/2008 01:08:00 am
date : 23rd August 2008 time : 0110hrs Helluez! I just finished talking to my girlfriend on the phone.. it's like an every-night routine.. hehe.. but it's nice after a long day.. Anyway, I went for Friday prayers in the afternoon.. after that went straight to Jimmy's workplace at UIC building.. he prepared for me chicken sandwich.. comes with potato chips.. and it's FREE.. oh yah.. it also comes with FREE coffee and it was damn nice.. while eating, he serve me FREE brownie.. actually my intention was to study but since he gave me the food mentioned, I ate.. hehe.. after that, I did revision for MobComp.. Rafi came at around 1820hrs.. after both Jimmy and Kenny had done cleaning up their store, we played monopoly.. actually I should be having drama practice at 2030hrs but I didn't realise till it was 2020hrs.. SHOOT! Kak Zi will be damn pissed off with me.. since I'll be late, what I thought was, might as well I don't go.. I'll go for Saturday's training.. I feel bad now but it's not everyday I get to meet my friends.. Around 2045hrs, we left for Cental Mall.. we sat at Burger King and had few nuggets and a drink.. me and Jimmy played Monster Hunter while Rafi talking to Jam about some personal matters.. Kenny left to meet his friends.. Then Jimmy told me that our band's pic is in some magazine.. I didn't believe it at first but he then collect it from Anita, his friend, who was working at O'Briens.. he showed me and I was like "WHAT THA EFF!! THAT'S US, DUDE!!!".. I was damn happy to see my band's pic in some not famous magazine.. well, at least better than nothing right.. haha.. the magazine is about local music.. we auditioned for Singapore Band Competition, unfortunately, we didn't qualify but amazingly our pic is in the magazine.. out of 200++ bands, our band is in the magazine.. haha!! Wootz! I'll display the pic later.. Now Jon is not in good physical condition.. it'll take a long time for him to recover before we could start jamming again.. I miss jamming.. I want to double-paddle the drums.. I wanna re-live "The Rave".. nevermind, here's something to make me smile for now.. If you happen to see this magazine : |
Thursday, 21 August 2008
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8/21/2008 09:14:00 am
date : 21st August 2008 time : 0919hrs Helluez! What a cool Thursday morning.. This week is study week and I've been reading notes and try to understand the calculations and memorising the important points.. I studied with my girlfriend on Monday and Tuesday.. She had class on Monday but her Tuesday's class was cancelled.. Alhamdulillah I get to cover 4 topics for Wireless and 2 topics for MobComp.. My NetInfra book is with SSG.. I forgot to take it out before handing the bass to him.. It's inside the bass bag.. haiyah.. my first paper, MobComp, is on Tuesday.. in the afternoon.. and same goes for Wednesday except that I'll be sitting for NetInfra Paper.. The last paper will be on Friday, Wireless.. I got the feeling I'll retake Wireless coz my term test and quizes all can't make it.. Oh yah.. one of my ITE friend, Rahim, is getting married.. we're not that close coz he had alot of bull-craps back in ITE.. but overall he's a nice guy.. his mom is my mom's bestfriend.. they used to work together at a childcare centre.. small world yah.. anyway, I told this to my girlfriend and she told me that even she's not ready to get married.. I mean, we're still on the verge of reaching our personal goals and enjoy life.. she wants to get higher education and I simply wanna do more gigs and acting and social life and school.. but of course, one day you will either stop or decrease those activities when you're married.. you'll have bills, kids, wife, both parents and alot of things to take care of.. But even if you're financially stable, you'll never know about your relationship in the future.. Like a close relative of mine, they have good job, car and a big house but due to miscommunication, they divorce.. We need both hands to clap.. both husband and wife has a big role to play.. that's why me and my girlfriend aren't ready to settle down.. well, marriage is not about making love and start a family.. it's actually more than that.. hmm.. aiyah.. don't think about marriage, my exams is next week and I should focus on that more.. Oh yah.. Kak Zi post a comment regarding my previous entry.. about her and Kak Tina being lesbians.. I was just joking.. I'm sorry if you're offended, Kak Zi.. heh.. Anyway, today I'll just stay home and study.. yesterday Kurt called me but I was really busy studying.. I know he wants to accompany me but instead I'll be the one accompanying him.. hehe.. and Kurt really irritate me with his clixsense ad post.. he posted alot of it in my Friendster.. it's like damn irritating and it wasn't funny.. being a nice guy, I did not retaliate.. no point.. the only thing I had to do was just delete the ads.. I don't know what's his motive but to be honest, I'm not interested in this make-money-online thang.. where Kurt believed can earned up to $1000 a month.. but from what I heard, they collected 40cents in 3 months.. I donno.. personally I think being an employee for some company is much more realistic than being an online-money-maker.. Well, a friend that I look up to is Zaf.. he can be considered successful.. he has a diploma, a stable job, and a car license.. coming up, he'll have a bike license.. and he's realistic about life.. and we share the same interest.. acting and performing in drama.. and we share secrets (not personal ones) coz we know we can trust each other and we don't talk behind each other's back.. and that's why he's my bestfriend.. but of course I'm much closer to Ira.. she knows me inside out.. even my darkest secrets.. And Kurt, he's just a close friend.. he revealed some of my secrets out before that's why I'm not sure if I can share any with him.. and he too knew that he can't keep secrets so it's not my fault not to trust him.. hehe.. Friends are easy to find but to get the best ones, is hard.. but Alhamdulillah I've found Ira.. she has been listening to my life-story everyday.. and I trust her alot.. This Saturday, Insya'Allah, I'm going fishing with Jimmy and SSG.. just to relax ourselves.. I hope Jon is recovering.. I don't think the band will break up.. maybe that time, situation was hectic so bad decisions were made.. so while Jon is recovering, the 3 of us do some fishing as an activity.. and NO MORE ALCOHOLS.. Alcohols are mother-fucking liquids that will cause alot of problems!!! Pray for me that I'll score well for my exams.. Adios! Here are some memorable pic - ![]() Little Miss Ira ![]() Jean Claude Van Drive - aif - time : 1048hrs |
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
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8/20/2008 12:28:00 pm
date : 20th August 2008 time : 1247hrs Helluez! Yesterday Sis Azima told me about the survery she did in her blog.. I read and I think it's quite cool.. So I also did just now.. here it is.. 1. The person who tagged you is: Sis Azima 2. Your relationship with him/her is: Drama Friends 3. 5 impressions you have of him/her: Very Responsible Very Noisy Very Irritating Very Friendly Very Talkative (all in a positive way) 4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you: She gave me the opportunity to act in TV which is damn cool.. 5. The most memorable words he/she has said to you: Erm.. it's not memorable but it's the word that I memorised like "Asodesney", "Trueness" and "Salamz Aif" 6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will: Grab her from the back and do the double flip then finally do THE ROCK Bottom.. 7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be: Get alot of nose job, boob job but not blow job.. heh.. just kidding.. maybe she can improve on the way she dress.. 8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will: Quit Teater Peti Karma and join Teater Peti Kurma.. at least I can eat dates there.. 9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: 16. For people that care and like you, say something to them: How about no. 5 (Jimmy) and no. 8 (Zul)? When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3 (Zaf)? So there you go.. I've completed mine.. and I also added Sum 41's "With Me" that is covered by me to my blog page.. it has cracks on some parts but 94% of the song is clean.. heh.. let me know if my voice suck.. Well, I have to shower and get to my books.. Next week is my exams.. Chiao! - aif -time : 1341 |
Sunday, 17 August 2008
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8/17/2008 12:01:00 pm
date : 17th August 2008 time : 1202hrs Helluez! Haiz! I'm feeling damn pissed off, demoralised and irritated.. Yesterday was a very bad day.. the mood was supposed to be fun because I thought I could meet my girlfriend after her class, meet my drama friends during drama training and meeting my band mates after that.. but it turns out not the way I expected.. It all went wrong.. When I left home around 1345hrs (that was also the time my girlfriend left her house for her lesson), my girlfriend messaged me telling that she weren't able to meet me because her mom wasnt' feeling very well.. it's like spiritually disturbed.. she was herself but she could smell kemenyan.. but my girlfriend can't smell anything.. I'm glad that her relatives are very supportive and they came down to recite the Yasin for her.. I wanna come but it's not the time yet for me to meet the relatives.. I understand her situation and I asked her to update me if there's anything.. To be honest, I had alot of fun during the earlier part of drama training.. especially with Zaf's nonsense.. not many turned up.. Sis Azima, Najib, Achit, Zaf, The Cikgu, Ron, Titi, Fifi and me.. and Sis Azima invited Afi and Luqman too.. Luqman joined in the training but Afi was busy on his laptop.. we had the characterisation play and I'm doing it for the first time.. Personally, I think I didn't do it quite well.. but Sis Azima said that it was a good job.. I was surprised.. haha.. after the play, we went to the rooftop to have our vocal training.. that was when Zaf started his "bull-crap".. We're supposed to act anything we want but we have to say it out loud using the "stomach-voice".. haha.. and Zaf acted as if he was hosting a cooking show.. it was damn funny.. he introduced the way of cooking nasi ambeng.. Nasi ambeng is the one that has sambal goreng, bagedil and some has paru.. but Zaf's "cook show" was damn detail.. he even mentioned the way to cook the rice.. haha! Then he introduced the ingredients and he mentioned apple.. after 23 years living in this beautiful and exotic world, I've never seen an apple packed together with nasi ambeng.. It was damn, no, not damn coz damn is not a good word to describe the situation.. it was FUCKIN' funny la! LOL! I can't stop laughing seriously.. when everything's calm, we start to focus.. heh.. I got no idea at that time so I only sang the chorus of Sum 41's "With Me" and the chorus of David Cook's "Always be my baby".. All went fine until it's Zaf's turn again.. Being the bull-crapper, he sang "Romantica de Amore" (a popular Indonesian song sang by the late I-donno-who but I know he's off to a better place).. it was damn funny.. even Achit, the instructor, laughed.. and I was surprised The Cikgu laughed along too.. she burst damn loud.. haha.. everyone can't control their laughter.. after Zaf's done, Ron was selected.. just because we're supposed to project our voice, he shouted "Stop! Don't fight! Got Bomb!".. it's like you can't guess what he was trying to be.. a witness? a soldier? like, what causes the fight? Why in the middle of the fight, there's World War 3 going on.. haha! But obviously, he's not projecting his voice, he was shouting.. for my turn, I impersonated as a wrestler.. I try not to make it very corny coz I dowanna make a fool out of myself.. When it comes to Zaf's turn, he pretended to be a pasar malam vendor.. lelong-ing his items.. the most funny part was that he sells epok-epok at 2 for 10 cents, there's nasi lemak and nasi ambeng and suddenly he mentioned kain pelikat.. my imagination went very creative and imagined that there's a food stall with kain pelikat on sale at the side.. that is so beyond Just For Laughs.. we had fun all the way especially when Ron pretended to be a bird and Zaf pretended to be a gangster going after a $2 debt.. it all changed when Najib came in and asked us be in push-up position.. but I couldn't care less.. I prayed that someone will stop it and do the right thing.. Alhamdulillah Sis Azima came and stop it.. she then talked to Achit and Najib personally.. Achit came to us and end the training for the day.. After training, Najib, Achit, Zaf and me went nearby coffeeshop to have dinner.. after dinner, we went Kembangan.. Achit and Najib went home but me and Zaf went Clarke Quay to meet Jon, Jimmy and Kurt.. when we arrived, Kenny was also there.. they had their drinks but me and Zaf stick to plain water only.. Jon shared with me about our just-auditioned vocalist, Sharon.. I also told Jon that I got a friend, Syaz, who is interested to be in the band.. we want someone who can sing and can be committed.. Shaun disappoints us last jamming session so she's not officially in the band.. Anyway, Kenny left us at around 2300hrs, me and Zaf left an hour after that.. Zaf need to get the van at Hougang.. while we're waiting for the van, Kurt called Zaf telling him that Jon and Jimmy were fighting.. and minutes later, Kurt called again telling that they're going Singapore General Hospital.. when I asked why, Kurt told that Jon was hit by a taxi.. when we reached SGH, SSG was there talking to Jimmy.. he was from home.. Kurt told me everything that he saw.. I was surprised.. I saw a cut on Jimmy's neck.. Jimmy told me that it was caused by Jon's bite.. I got the coverage on how Jon ended up lying on the road but I'm lazy to type.. heh.. anyway, his parents came and asked Jimmy and SSG what happened.. SSG brought them to somewhere private and they talk.. It was 0245hrs and the 5 of us meet up with Jon's parents.. his dad was calm except for his mum.. after talking to them, we left.. Zaf sent Jimmy and SSG home.. SSG then called me to say that Jon's mum wants Jimmy to be out of the band.. If he's out, I'm out too.. Anyway, Kurt and me accompanied Zaf to send food to Bangladeshi workers.. After that Zaf sent me home around 0600hrs.. Alhamdulillah now things are more calm.. I don't think Jimmy will be out of the band.. the band will still stay except that we have to wait for Jon to recover.. About drama, I'm glad Kak Zi did a great job.. she did what was right.. training in drama is not about military.. well done, Kak Zi.. I think I'm done for this entry.. I wanna study later.. *whooooosh~* - aif - time : 1605hrs |
Thursday, 14 August 2008
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8/14/2008 10:53:00 pm
date : 14th August 2008 time : 2254hrs Helluez! Wolla! I love blogging! A good way of relaxing.. haha.. Just came back from meeting my girlfriend.. left my house at around 1700hrs and took bus to her workplace.. then we went Ang Mo Kio to have ice kacang at FoodCourt AMK Hub.. My girlfriend was worried that I haven't eat the whole day so we went Banquet to have Tom Yam.. after dinner, walked to the bus stop to take any bus that starts with 85* to Yishun.. my girlfriend need to get some breads from DeliFrance for her mom.. I realised that the cashier's hand was very hairy and she's a female, a minah tudung.. I told my girlfriend that her urge for sex will be surely high.. then we exaggerate our story to her chest hair and the story goes on.. haha.. we laughed but at the same time we feel bad talking about her.. when we reached my girlfriend's void deck, we decided to sit down for a while.. it's nice to chit-chat with her.. we laughed and we joked.. talked about my band and my bandmates.. Around 2140hrs, I sent her home.. I went home after that.. Tomorrow I'm supposed to have drama practice with TPK but it clashes with my jamming session.. I told Kak Zi that I can't come tomorrow and I think she was pissed off.. I donno.. to think about it, for the past few trainings, I did turn up.. only for tomorrow that I have to attend jamming.. well, compare me with some other members, lets be open, example Zyra, who rarely come for training.. I know she did the scripts but ain't she in the play too..? And there's 2 days of drama practice.. I may not be able to come on Friday but I can come on Saturday, right? And we have to jam tomorrow because not everyday we're free.. SSG's working and his off is only tomorrow.. and Shaun can only make it on Thursdays and Fridays.. and my band only jam ONCE a week.. so I've made my decision to go jamming tomorrow.. then I come for drama practice on Saturday.. I think that will be fair for both.. heh.. I miss my band members.. to be honest, I feel more relaxed when jamming with the band than training drama.. haha.. at least I don't have to take this and that off from my body during jamming.. haha.. well, I love acting but not to the extend where we're being treated like we're in the military.. I find it quite "bull" when the training instructors ask us to run and whatever.. in my opinion, we don't need those physical torture in drama.. what we want is creativity and ability to project our voice.. Maybe they wanna emphasize on discipline but please, not the military way.. Aiyah.. I just go with the training lah.. who knows I can burn some fats.. haha.. wow, suddenly I'm being very positive.. well done, Aif..! Alhamdulillah my drumming skills had improved.. I'm able to control my double paddling.. I feel like buying new pair of drumsticks tomorrow.. I broke my favourite pair last jamming session.. tomorrow maybe Jon will be taking photo of the band.. And we officially welcome Shaun into NightFall.. she's a female actually but she's a guy at the same time.. you do the thinking.. she came last jamming session and I was mesmerised with her voice.. she can scream.. hardcore screaming.. she'll do good as a vocalist.. from a 4-piece band, we're now increased to 5.. we'll be like NightWish or Paramore or even Avenged Sevenfold.. haha.. whatever it is, I hope that Shaun can give her full commitment to the band.. and as for me, I'll keep improving my drum skills and be like "The Rev" of Avenged Sevenfold or Alex Rodriguez of Saosin.. Their drumming makes me wanna have sex with an elephant.. not literally but yeah.. haha. Exams are around the corner.. 2 more weeks.. they are like MATS.. love to lepak one corner.. and like MATS, exams are irritating.. but I'm gonna do my best and score high marks.. it's like when you whack a MAT so hard and you feel satisfied after that.. haha.. whatever lah.. Oh yah.. Alhamdulillah that my girlfriend's mom is recovering from her sickness.. and my mom is back to work.. and our moms are the best people on Earth.. hehe.. I think I'll end here.. have a great day/night..! - aif - time : 0007hrs |
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
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8/12/2008 11:53:00 pm
date : 12 August 2008 time : 2354hrs Helluez! Once again I'm back on the blog.. Projects fever are almost over but exam athsma is next.. Well, endure for few weeks and holidays will cool me down.. but holidays will be during the fasting month.. will not be a problem.. at least, insya'Allah, I can focus more on my religious activities.. Orite.. What happened on Saturday.. my girlfriend didn't join me.. she has to accompany her mom who was warded in hospital.. her mom suffered from a serious bruise on her right hand.. I don't know how the bruises came about but doctor believe that her blood is dirty or infected with germs.. In the afternoon, I meet up with Kurt and went City Hall to join Zul and Ihsan.. we wanna watch the parade at the Padang but it was drizzling and it was effin' crowded.. I don't know why we walked until the Fullerton Hotel.. there we waited for Zaf but Zaf was damn late.. Zul was hungry so we walked to Lau Pa Sat.. Actually I was dying to see the AirShow.. On the way to Lau Pa Sat, I keep looking for jet planes.. until we ordered our food, I heard planes soaring in the skies.. yeah, I HEARD planes.. I wish Lau Pa Sat can detach its rooftops so I can see planes flying.. too bad I had to miss the AirShow.. after dinner, Zaf picked us up and we look for a place to park the van.. there was not a single slot.. around 2005rs, we heard fireworks blasting in the air.. it was damn colourful but our view were blocked by tall buildings.. I was quite disappointed, first the AirShow, then the fireworks.. two main events I missed.. should have just stayed home and watched live in TV.. Then Ihsan separated from us coz he's meeting his friends at Orchard.. we then went Serangoon North to fetch Kak Zi.. then after that picked up Kak Tina.. we went Pasir Ris Park.. by then, it's nearly 0000hrs.. Kak Zi brought us to the big Playground.. I heard from people that it was haunted but I just didn't care coz we're having so much fun.. later Kak Zi's sister and her girlfriend came to join us.. we left around 0030hrs and we picked my bro Adil somewhere in Pasir Ris and we sent Zul home.. after that, Zaf sent me and my bro home.. it was a disappointing day but at least I had fun with my friends.. On Sunday morning, went Tan Tock Seng Hospital to visit my girlfriend's mom.. she was lying on her bed.. I was happy to see her smile.. later on, my girlfriend's bro and family came.. shortly after that, her dad came.. I prayed that her mom will recover fast.. she told me that she hates staying in hospital.. anyway, I left around 1130hrs.. spend some time with my girlfriend before going Simei for jamming session with "Whatsong ah?".. we started jamming around 1430hrs.. unfortunately, Azim had to leave us.. he had to go for his relative's wedding.. his aunty waited for him at the carpark.. Me and Chuck took turns playing the drums.. our session ended at around 1530hrs.. slack for awhile outside the jam studio.. Chuck had to give his project report to Tauhid so me and Zul followed him to Simei MRT.. There I met Achit who was waiting for Najib.. talk to him for awhile.. they are going somewhere with Zaf and Alang but I don't wanna follow.. after Chuck settled his stuff, we went Tampines.. at Tampines, Chuck separated from us coz we're going Ang Mo Kio to Jimmy's house to collect bass guitar.. we're having audition the next day so we borrowed his bass.. spent some time at Jimmy's house then we left around 2130hrs.. On Monday, did my presentation and Alhamdulillah it went smoothly.. but I think Ihsan will score higher than me.. he deserves it coz he put in more effort than me.. and just now, had my MobComp presentation with my group.. also I think I did quite well.. heh.. at least 3 presentations done and 1 more to go.. and that's OOP.. it's next Monday.. I'm so ready for it.. then I can focus 100% on my exams.. I really wanna pass my Wireless.. I forgot to put in about the audition.. it went quite well except there's few screw ups with the cables.. the organsor will inform us about the result.. Well, I miss my girlfriend.. we're supposed to talk tonight but I guess she fell asleep already.. she's not working tomorrow.. I'll call her tomorrow.. I feel like playing game now.. before that, I wanna upload some pics.. Enjoy! ![]() Impersonation of Matt Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold.. HAHA! ![]() The dudes behind the van. ![]() Part of the "Whatsong ah" family. - aif - time : 0055hrs |
Saturday, 9 August 2008
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8/09/2008 08:17:00 am
date : 09 August 2008 time : 0819hrs Helluez! First thing first, I wanna wish Singapore a Happy 43rd Birthday.. Singapore is like 20 years older than me.. that means, the year that I was born, Singapore was only 20 years old after its independence.. Well, I love my country.. it's safe, it's attractive.. but I have to be honest, being a Malay isn't that easy.. the culture of racism still exist but it's not visible for the naked eye to see.. Well, I didn't say the Chinese and Indians are racist.. I have friendly Chinese and Indian friends.. but I really hope to see alot of Malays in the aif force and navy.. I pity those young Malay kids whose dream is to be a pilot.. when they grew up, there' no opportunity for them to be one.. For me personally, I'll just achieve what I need and get a stable job.. I don't have to be the president of Singapore.. but I wanna be someone who contributes something to the country and most importantly, my family.. Yesterday had my drama training with TPK.. we were trained vocally.. that means, have to project our voice.. Our show is postponed to 30th November and................................. I was given the main role.. as the "Cikgu Puteh".. I didn't expect it but Kak Azimah wants me to be the form teacher of the class.. that's a very vital role.. the lines that I have to memorise is like Ryu from Street Fighter givin' me 376 combo hits in a shot.. I'll not die of memorising the lines but I'll suffer aedes mosquito bites memorising it.. I donno how I'll get those bites but I'll surely get it.. haha.. Insya'allah I can do it.. like my girlfriend always say, "I can, I can, I can!".. Today I'll be meeting my girlfriend to watch fireworks at Esplanade.. I'm not sure if anyone's joining.. It has been a long time since I went out on a date with my girlfriend ONLY.. Every Saturday she has her English lesson and I'm busy with drama practice.. other times I'm busy with band jamming and school works.. there's limited time for her but I do make an effort to meet her up.. I still got my family to spend time with.. and not forgetting time for myself which I dont really have.. haha.. but I'm happy with life now.. sometimes when I think about the past, I'll ask myself why I did those stupid acts.. hmm.. That's the past.. Arep's dead.. Eff him.. I wanna test myself if I still remember the country's pledge.. the last time I read the pledge was ages ago when I was in NS.. we the citizen of singapore pledge ourselves as one united people regardless of race language or religion to make a democratic society based on justice and equality so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation.. ![]() I hope it's correct.. I'll end here.. HAPPY 43RD NATIONAL DAY! - aif - time : 0858hrs |
Thursday, 7 August 2008
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8/07/2008 12:41:00 am
date : 7th August 2008 time 0044hrs Helluez! I can't sleep.. maybe because I'm so into modifying my blog page.. Just now I read Kurt's blog and he has this links to his friendster, myspace etc but in respective logo image.. cool.. so I make mine even cooler.. I resize the pics, and make it more nicer.. hehe.. but it's definitely Kurt's idea.. oh yah.. it's on the left of this blog page.. just click and it will navigate you to my friendster or whatsoever you've clicked.. Woooooo.. about today, I had my Sociology presentation.. Niran was being damn arrogant.. I was wearing black long-sleeved shirt, jeans and my black skate shoes.. he asked me whether I know what is 'dressed formally'.. I was like, "huh? what's dressed formally?".. Acting blur and dumb.. but, COME ON! He was wearing short-sleeved shirt, pants made from some material (I think it's cotton) and he's wearing brown 'what-tha-fuck-is-that' shoes..!!! I'm dressed more formal than him.. Everyone who is presenting is wearing long-sleeved shirt EXCEPT him.. and he got the cheek to ask me whether I know what's 'dressed formally'.. Eff him! We're given 20 minutes to present.. since our group has 5 speakers, each has only 4 minutes to talk.. but that irritating Niran S.O.B took 10 minutes to present his part.. ONLY HIS PART.. giving me only seconds to talk about my part.. Anyway, I'm the last speaker and I have to talk double time.. It was a cock-up but I couldn't care less.. I was damn pissed off with that S.O.B.. Oh yah, I forgot to mention about his 'what-tha-hell-are-you-trying-to-do-with-that-hair-dude' hairstyle.. It was damn flat and.. I think he's losing his hairs.. After the presentation, I changed to my tee and I left.. After school I thought of going home but my heart asked me to meet my girlfriend.. so I did.. took bus to her workplace.. I was on time.. hehe.. she was surprised to see me coz I told her that I went home after school.. She wasn't feeling well, had slight migraine but she's gonna be okay.. we then took bus to KFC Ang Mo Kio.. after our dinner, we went Yishun.. she needs to get some stuffs from 'Shop & Save'.. after that I sent her home.. though it was short but at least I get to meet her.. her mom also having health problems.. her left arm is weak.. I prayed that she'll have a fast recovery.. Today I wont be having OOP lesson.. so no school for me today.. but I'm having jamming with NightFall at 2000hrs.. oh yah.. my auditions for Engine Idol (school band competition) is on Monday.. So excited but not sure whether my band can make it or not.. haha.. in case you're wondering, for the Engine Idol I wont be playing with NightFall, it's a school event so I'm playing with "Whatsong Ah?".. I purposely selected the song "With Me" by Sum 41 coz that's my girlfriend's favourite song currently.. hehe.. ![]() I think I'll end here.. I'm damn faggot.. *Whoooooooooosh!* - aif - time : 0125hrs |
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
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8/05/2008 12:08:00 am
date : 5th August 2008 time : 0010hrs Helluez! It's the beginning of the week.. means, it's gonna be heinous.. means, I wont have enough rest.. means, I'm gonna be damn tired..! I left school around 2145hrs and walked to Tampines interchange with Zul, Ahmad and Tauhid.. Tauhid taught me how to top-up my prepaid using pay-phone and it was like the "discovery of the 22nd century".. The minimum amount can top up is $2.. haha.. sounds budget but hey, living in Singapore, you have to know how to budget.. especially when you're not working.. heh.. I can't wait for end of August.. I planned to take bike license.. I wanna become Mat with motor, not 'Mat motor' (that's what Zul said).. that one can wait.. now what's important is my exams and projects.. later in the afternoon, I'm having Wireless Quiz.. now I'm supposed to study but I start off by updating my blog.. hehe.. 3 chapters to study.. it's damn heinous.. all about GSM and GPRS.. let's not think about Wireless for awhile.. Yesterday I received a new Safra card.. and it was damn nice.. I didn't regret that signed up for it.. Can watch movie for $8 on weekends and can get even cheaper at Golden Village Tiong Bahru at a price of $7.. can get FREE entry to St James on thursdays but unfortunately, I'm not a clubber.. Used to club when I was younger but that havoc lifestyle is not my cup of tea anymore.. I prefer my life right now.. with my family, girlfriend and bestfriend.. my band, drama group and school (though it's heinous).. I see it's quite peaceful and it's the way I want my life to be.. back to the Safra card topic, well, there's alot of promos, discounts and benefits.. cool ah.. Hmm.. I think I better be studying.. I'll update when I'm free.. *whoooooooosh* *EeeeeeeeK (emergency break)* I forgot to say that I miss my girlfriend.. how can I forget.. walaw.. ok, *whoooooooooooooosh* - aif - time : 0044hrs |
Sunday, 3 August 2008
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8/03/2008 11:52:00 am
date : 3rd August 2008 time : 1154hrs Helluez! It's a Sunday today.. The day that no other day can compete.. ok, I'm full of bullz.. I'm having this mixed feeling of happy, sad and stressed.. I'm happy because today is Sunday of course, the day I can relax and stay home (but I'm going out later) but the feeling of sad and stress are the thoughts of going back to school tomorrow and think about projects, exams and irritating timetable makes me sick and tired of school.. but.. hmm.. lets not be pessimistic about school.. school is fun.. like.. I can even learnt how to create a website in a cell phone.. how cool is that huh.. enough of being paranoid about school.. At least yesterday I had great fun.. oh, and scary too.. As what I've said in my previous entry, I had Sociology Test in the morning.. went for drama practice in the afternoon.. I think there's a new member from Serangoon Garden Secondary and all I know her name is Fifi coz it's shown at the back of her jersey.. Anyway, Achit test individual's voice for the first part of the training.. in drama, we have to project our voice so that audience are able to hear what the hell we're saying.. Alhamdulillah my voice projection is good.. I've learnt the technique way back during secondary school when I joined the Dikir Barat (for a while) and also from the drama training I had with other groups before I joined TPK.. but I just love being humble and say I'm still new.. hehe.. But whatever Achit taught is to refresh my memories and improve my vocals.. after that, Najib shows us how to put emotions into our characters so that we'll look more natural in our acting.. Najib is damn good.. he can cry.. that doesn't make him a pussy, I'm the pussy coz I don't dare cry in front of others who are looking at me (though I have to pretend nobody exist around me).. haha.. whatever.. I learnt alot yesterday.. After training, we're given a ten minutes break.. I went to the toilet ALONE.. after I'm done doing what I'm supposed to do, I wash my hands and suddenly I heard someone singing a malay song.. a female's voice coming from the female's toilet which is just opposite the guy's.. I kinda recognise the voice.. it's like Azima's, so I shouted "Jangan nyanyi lah.. ni bukan tempat karaoke.. nak nyanyi gi karaoke lounge lah!".. suddenly "it" stopped singing.. when I walked back to the training hall, Azima was at the center of the hall.. she can't be walking that fast right.. maybe it's not Azima but I realised all the girls that attend the training were in the hall, either seated on the floor or at a corner talking to their friend.. if the voice doesn't come from them, then whose voice did I just heard..?? I went back to the toilet and apologise coz I was damn freaked-out.. in the hall, I just kept myself cool coz I dowanna scare anyone.. No one notices my expression.. I did not tell anyone about it except my girlfriend who came after my practice.. she calms me down.. I dowanna think about it so I kept talking to my girlfriend about other stuffs.. me and my girlfriend then went to have dinner with Najib, Alang, Achit, Zaf and Fuad.. After dinner, I remembered that I'm supposed to ask Zul out.. I called Zul and asked him to tag along.. we all hitched Fuad's van and went Simei to send Najib home first.. then went Pasir Ris to send Achit and picked up Zul.. Since Alang, Zaf and Fuad is infront, me, my girlfriend and Zul sat behind.. though it's hot and sweaty but at least we have transportation to go anywhere.. hehe.. we went Orchard after that.. sat at Wheelock's CoffeeBean and we listen to Alang's nonsense.. I mean, stories.. hehe.. but he's a nice guy.. we left around ten.. sent my girlfriend home first before we went Geylang to get cigarettes.. after that we went to pick up Najib and Achit and sent Zul home after that.. Alang wanted to go to the "White House" in Punggol.. the house is believed to be haunted.. Fuad drives us there.. There, the guys went out except me and Fuad.. infront of us there's 3 guys wearing red jackets.. I thought they were like us - so called "Ghost Hunters".. Fuad is wearing slippers so he don't dare walk into the bushes but me, I had enough of ghost-experience after what had happened earlier.. after minutes of thinking, the guys cancelled their plan to go in the house coz they suspected the 3 guys to be undercover cops.. finally Fuad sent me home.. At home, I played my PSP while lying down and waited for something to happen to my window but Alhamdulillah nothing happens.. hehe.. Allah must have protected me from all these mystical beings and monsters.. Later I'll be going to my girlfriend's house to study with her.. I need to do my MobComp project.. then maybe study for Wireless.. still weak at doing the calculations.. Besides that, I also wanna meet her parents after such a long time.. I donno what to buy for them.. hehe.. I'll end here for today.. take care! No pictures for this entry, just words.. - aif - time : 1309hrs |
Saturday, 2 August 2008
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8/02/2008 12:11:00 pm
date : 2nd August 2008 time : 1216hrs Helluez! Wassup everyone.. I just finish playing my guitar.. well, that's how I release stress or let go off my emotions.. I don't play jiwang or malay love songs (which I don't really listen to or even like).. But I love to strum to songs like "With Me" by Sum 41.. the lyrics are very meaningful and when I let my girlfriend listen for the first time, she fell in love with it already.. hehe.. we're like Derrick and Avril.. ahakz! Oh yah.. I had Sociology Test in the morning just now.. It was, well-you-know.. I donno how to do coz.. I didn't buy the book and I didn't even attend a single Sociology lecture.. hehe.. I may be suck at the test but I scored very well for the online quiz.. and this Wednesday is my presentation with my group.. Hopefully I'll do very well for it.. I'm supposed to go for my MobComp project meeting today with Azmil and Tauhid but I didn't know I have drama practice today till they told me yesterday.. Azmil and Tauhid will do the codings and I'll do the report.. my drama practice is at 1400hrs, so still got around two and a half hour to rest.. I'm not sure about the plans after that but I guess gonna be quite cool.. Life was very heinous for me last week.. projects making life unfair.. going back home late and making me unable to study for tests and quiz.. but Alhamdulillah it's gonna be finally over.. yesterday did and almost finish up my MobComp is doing today. Sociology is finishing.. OOP and NetInfra projects are done.. so mood = happy! I can start studying for my exams.. Yesterday after school, went for my drama practice.. alot of people turned up.. the people from Serangoon Garden Secondary - Jiva, Shamu, Ron, Titi and their teacher, Miss Norin (or Madam Norin, only-God-knows).. From Seri Purnama Singa (I think.. all I know they are from SPS.. haha!) - Kak Yana, Liza and Titi "older" and finally the TPK-ians - Najib, Sis Azima, Zaf, Alang, Achit and me.. there's also a CC committee member who also joined us and his name is Zai.. We had alot of fun.. yesterday was just a warm up.. today is the practice for he Teachers' Day event.. I was given a role of a Principal of the school.. and stage wise, I was assigned to be the stage manager.. STAGE MANAGER??? That's what Najib told me, man! Suddenly I can feel the load on my shoulders with all these responsibilities I'm carrying.. But I guess it will be an experience for me.. I take it as a challenge.. After practice, TPK and SPS had dinner together at the coffee shop behind the CC.. on the way home, we took alot of pictures but I only have one in my phone.. haha.. About my band, we did not qualify for Tapestry this year but we're still very positive.. we're having another gig on 5th September.. I'm not sure where but it's already confirmed.. all details are with Jon.. Alhamdulillah now my double paddle are improving and I kinda like.. love double-paddling the drums.. speaking about band, me and some of my schoolmates came across this poster in school regarding band auditions.. we're like interested and want to give a shot.. Azim, Zul, Chuck and me call ourselves "Watsong ah?".. we can't think of a any name but finally Zul came up with that.. sounds corny but true.. I won't be playing the drums but I'll play bass instead.. Zul and Chuck playing guitars and Azim on drums.. Our audition is next week and we have not meet up or jam.. hehe.. maybe we just try our luck.. I think that's all for my entry.. here are some pics which I took with some friends during the-whatever-activities.. enjoy! ![]() TPK and SPS ![]() Blank 218 ![]() Zul ![]() Tauhid ![]() I'm ALIVE!!!! - aif - time : 1324hrs |