Thursday, 21 August 2008
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8/21/2008 09:14:00 am
date : 21st August 2008 time : 0919hrs Helluez! What a cool Thursday morning.. This week is study week and I've been reading notes and try to understand the calculations and memorising the important points.. I studied with my girlfriend on Monday and Tuesday.. She had class on Monday but her Tuesday's class was cancelled.. Alhamdulillah I get to cover 4 topics for Wireless and 2 topics for MobComp.. My NetInfra book is with SSG.. I forgot to take it out before handing the bass to him.. It's inside the bass bag.. haiyah.. my first paper, MobComp, is on Tuesday.. in the afternoon.. and same goes for Wednesday except that I'll be sitting for NetInfra Paper.. The last paper will be on Friday, Wireless.. I got the feeling I'll retake Wireless coz my term test and quizes all can't make it.. Oh yah.. one of my ITE friend, Rahim, is getting married.. we're not that close coz he had alot of bull-craps back in ITE.. but overall he's a nice guy.. his mom is my mom's bestfriend.. they used to work together at a childcare centre.. small world yah.. anyway, I told this to my girlfriend and she told me that even she's not ready to get married.. I mean, we're still on the verge of reaching our personal goals and enjoy life.. she wants to get higher education and I simply wanna do more gigs and acting and social life and school.. but of course, one day you will either stop or decrease those activities when you're married.. you'll have bills, kids, wife, both parents and alot of things to take care of.. But even if you're financially stable, you'll never know about your relationship in the future.. Like a close relative of mine, they have good job, car and a big house but due to miscommunication, they divorce.. We need both hands to clap.. both husband and wife has a big role to play.. that's why me and my girlfriend aren't ready to settle down.. well, marriage is not about making love and start a family.. it's actually more than that.. hmm.. aiyah.. don't think about marriage, my exams is next week and I should focus on that more.. Oh yah.. Kak Zi post a comment regarding my previous entry.. about her and Kak Tina being lesbians.. I was just joking.. I'm sorry if you're offended, Kak Zi.. heh.. Anyway, today I'll just stay home and study.. yesterday Kurt called me but I was really busy studying.. I know he wants to accompany me but instead I'll be the one accompanying him.. hehe.. and Kurt really irritate me with his clixsense ad post.. he posted alot of it in my Friendster.. it's like damn irritating and it wasn't funny.. being a nice guy, I did not retaliate.. no point.. the only thing I had to do was just delete the ads.. I don't know what's his motive but to be honest, I'm not interested in this make-money-online thang.. where Kurt believed can earned up to $1000 a month.. but from what I heard, they collected 40cents in 3 months.. I donno.. personally I think being an employee for some company is much more realistic than being an online-money-maker.. Well, a friend that I look up to is Zaf.. he can be considered successful.. he has a diploma, a stable job, and a car license.. coming up, he'll have a bike license.. and he's realistic about life.. and we share the same interest.. acting and performing in drama.. and we share secrets (not personal ones) coz we know we can trust each other and we don't talk behind each other's back.. and that's why he's my bestfriend.. but of course I'm much closer to Ira.. she knows me inside out.. even my darkest secrets.. And Kurt, he's just a close friend.. he revealed some of my secrets out before that's why I'm not sure if I can share any with him.. and he too knew that he can't keep secrets so it's not my fault not to trust him.. hehe.. Friends are easy to find but to get the best ones, is hard.. but Alhamdulillah I've found Ira.. she has been listening to my life-story everyday.. and I trust her alot.. This Saturday, Insya'Allah, I'm going fishing with Jimmy and SSG.. just to relax ourselves.. I hope Jon is recovering.. I don't think the band will break up.. maybe that time, situation was hectic so bad decisions were made.. so while Jon is recovering, the 3 of us do some fishing as an activity.. and NO MORE ALCOHOLS.. Alcohols are mother-fucking liquids that will cause alot of problems!!! Pray for me that I'll score well for my exams.. Adios! Here are some memorable pic - ![]() Little Miss Ira ![]() Jean Claude Van Drive - aif - time : 1048hrs |