Tuesday, 12 August 2008
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8/12/2008 11:53:00 pm
date : 12 August 2008 time : 2354hrs Helluez! Once again I'm back on the blog.. Projects fever are almost over but exam athsma is next.. Well, endure for few weeks and holidays will cool me down.. but holidays will be during the fasting month.. will not be a problem.. at least, insya'Allah, I can focus more on my religious activities.. Orite.. What happened on Saturday.. my girlfriend didn't join me.. she has to accompany her mom who was warded in hospital.. her mom suffered from a serious bruise on her right hand.. I don't know how the bruises came about but doctor believe that her blood is dirty or infected with germs.. In the afternoon, I meet up with Kurt and went City Hall to join Zul and Ihsan.. we wanna watch the parade at the Padang but it was drizzling and it was effin' crowded.. I don't know why we walked until the Fullerton Hotel.. there we waited for Zaf but Zaf was damn late.. Zul was hungry so we walked to Lau Pa Sat.. Actually I was dying to see the AirShow.. On the way to Lau Pa Sat, I keep looking for jet planes.. until we ordered our food, I heard planes soaring in the skies.. yeah, I HEARD planes.. I wish Lau Pa Sat can detach its rooftops so I can see planes flying.. too bad I had to miss the AirShow.. after dinner, Zaf picked us up and we look for a place to park the van.. there was not a single slot.. around 2005rs, we heard fireworks blasting in the air.. it was damn colourful but our view were blocked by tall buildings.. I was quite disappointed, first the AirShow, then the fireworks.. two main events I missed.. should have just stayed home and watched live in TV.. Then Ihsan separated from us coz he's meeting his friends at Orchard.. we then went Serangoon North to fetch Kak Zi.. then after that picked up Kak Tina.. we went Pasir Ris Park.. by then, it's nearly 0000hrs.. Kak Zi brought us to the big Playground.. I heard from people that it was haunted but I just didn't care coz we're having so much fun.. later Kak Zi's sister and her girlfriend came to join us.. we left around 0030hrs and we picked my bro Adil somewhere in Pasir Ris and we sent Zul home.. after that, Zaf sent me and my bro home.. it was a disappointing day but at least I had fun with my friends.. On Sunday morning, went Tan Tock Seng Hospital to visit my girlfriend's mom.. she was lying on her bed.. I was happy to see her smile.. later on, my girlfriend's bro and family came.. shortly after that, her dad came.. I prayed that her mom will recover fast.. she told me that she hates staying in hospital.. anyway, I left around 1130hrs.. spend some time with my girlfriend before going Simei for jamming session with "Whatsong ah?".. we started jamming around 1430hrs.. unfortunately, Azim had to leave us.. he had to go for his relative's wedding.. his aunty waited for him at the carpark.. Me and Chuck took turns playing the drums.. our session ended at around 1530hrs.. slack for awhile outside the jam studio.. Chuck had to give his project report to Tauhid so me and Zul followed him to Simei MRT.. There I met Achit who was waiting for Najib.. talk to him for awhile.. they are going somewhere with Zaf and Alang but I don't wanna follow.. after Chuck settled his stuff, we went Tampines.. at Tampines, Chuck separated from us coz we're going Ang Mo Kio to Jimmy's house to collect bass guitar.. we're having audition the next day so we borrowed his bass.. spent some time at Jimmy's house then we left around 2130hrs.. On Monday, did my ASP.net presentation and Alhamdulillah it went smoothly.. but I think Ihsan will score higher than me.. he deserves it coz he put in more effort than me.. and just now, had my MobComp presentation with my group.. also I think I did quite well.. heh.. at least 3 presentations done and 1 more to go.. and that's OOP.. it's next Monday.. I'm so ready for it.. then I can focus 100% on my exams.. I really wanna pass my Wireless.. I forgot to put in about the audition.. it went quite well except there's few screw ups with the cables.. the organsor will inform us about the result.. Well, I miss my girlfriend.. we're supposed to talk tonight but I guess she fell asleep already.. she's not working tomorrow.. I'll call her tomorrow.. I feel like playing game now.. before that, I wanna upload some pics.. Enjoy! ![]() Impersonation of Matt Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold.. HAHA! ![]() The dudes behind the van. ![]() Part of the "Whatsong ah" family. - aif - time : 0055hrs |