Sunday, 31 August 2008
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8/31/2008 12:16:00 pm
date : 31 August 2008 time : 1217hrs Helluez!! Let me open my entry by wishing Malaysia a Happy 51 years of independence.. and to Rahim (ITE friend), Selamat Pengantin Baru!! Finally!!! Exams are over and now can enjoy but not too much coz I might be taking Supp Paper.. sucks, man.. Actually I'm quite faggot now.. I feel like I wanna sleep but I can't.. I donno why.. something tells me there'll be a Mom's Birthday Celebration in the evening.. coz she ask me to check for her, Hyatt Hotel Straits Kitchen's number.. I think she wants to reserve a table.. I donno.. Anyway, after my last paper on Friday, me, Zul, Azim and Tauhid had lunch at Habibie.. I had nasi goreng ayam and it rocks my cocks.. I mean, it was damn delicious.. it's expensive but it's worth the buy.. after lunch, Azim made a move first coz he needed to get chicken for his mom.. the three of us had no plan so I suggested Orchard.. we walked to Tampines interchange and took train from there.. we alighted at Orchard and we walked around Wheelock coz Tauhid had never been there.. I'm surprised.. we continue our walking till we reached Istana Park to take a break.. we took ALOT of pictures.. and it was fun cam-whoring once in a while.. no harm.. our last destination was Plaza Singapura before we separated.. I had to meet my girlfriend at Ang Mo Kio coz I had to accompany her to get presents for my mom at Causeway Point.. I took train to AMK and after that me and girlfriend took bus 169 to Woodlands.. in the bus we had alot to share.. her stories at work, my life in school.. when we're at Causeway Point, we reaslised that Hijab Iran had closed down.. we went to the basement where there's also a shop selling scarves.. my girlfriend bought 2 for my mom and 1 for her mom.. I can't believe scarves can be so expensive.. after that we head to the interchange to get back home.. The next morning, I collected my laptop back from Kak Zi.. I had to go Serangoon CC to collect it.. haiyah.. she should be the one who supposed to come Hougang to return it.. anyway, I didn't know that the Bangsawan guys were having their training until Kak Zi told me, so I went up to the room to peep.. to my surprise, Wan from Danielle was there.. he recognised me because we used to act in Kla-Kar-Sik before and we met again at Aljunied Jam studio.. there's also new faces like Raudah and Amirul.. after a while, I went back because I'm meeting Zaf and Kak Zi again at the CC.. I left home at around 1320hrs and met them at the coffeeshop behind the CC.. Wan, Afi, Zaf, Kak Zi, Amirul and Titi were there.. around 1400hrs, we left and the TPKians - Titi, Kak Zi, Zaf and me head down to Yishun because we're supposed to have our drama training there.. Ron was already there.. when we reached Yishun, the next thing I know that there was a misunderstanding between the leaders.. I'm like, standing at the side with Zaf and looking at the drama going on.. then Kak Zi told us that the training was cancelled.. me and Zaf stayed but Titi and Ron went home.. the conversation between the leaders went on till we're at NorthPoint McDeez.. I donno what tha hell I'm doing there.. anyway, we all left around 1630hrs and me and Zaf went Bishan to meet my girlfriend.. when I meet her, she told me that she had to go home first coz her mom was alone.. but she still wants to go out with me so I told her to meet me around 1945hrs coz I also had to go for my friend's wedding at Sembawang.. we took train but my girlfriend alighted at Yishun while me and Zaf continued our journey to Sembawang.. when we're at Sembawang, I waited for my parents to arrive.. Rahim mom's knows my mom coz they are bestfriends when they were working at some company last time.. After the makan, I met Zaf near Sembawang MRT and we took train to Yishun first to meet my girlfriend again and went Yio Chu Kang after that to meet Jimmy.. the 4 of us went Esplanade to watch BayBeats.. it was awesome.. Especially Electrico who played at the Nokia power house.. there's also bands performing at the Waterfront stage.. these bands gave me the inspiration and motivation to reform a band and jam again.. Anyway, BayBeats was fun.. dance and we sing along.. Kurt came a little later.. around 2230hrs, me and my girlfriend took cab to Yishun coz I had to sent her home.. Zaf took the van from Fuad and he told me that he's gonna fetch me.. I waited and waited till it was nearly 0100hrs then I heard Kurt's voice shouting my name.. when I open the van's side door, Jimmy, Rafi and Jam were inside.. no wonder the were late.. so many destinations they went.. we decided to go Seletar Dam to relax ourselves.. alot of mat motor slacking there.. I felt hungry then I suggest that we have supper.. Rafi suggested Lorong Ikan Merah.. I was blur, I've never heard of that lorong before.. it was actually near Thomson.. there's a 24hours prata restaurant there.. I had Roti John Mushroom and it was finger lickin' good.. around 0300hrs, Zaf had to go coz he had to send ration to construction workers.. Kurt, Jimmy, Rafi, Jam and me hang out at the pondok nearby there and we played monopoly.. it was fun for the first 1 hour but it got boring after that.. we stopped playing around 0445hrs and I lie down on the long ceramic seat and had some rest.. I didn't know I had a good nap.. when I woke up, the sky was already quite bright.. Zaf picked us up at around 0730hrs and he sent us home.. I reached home around 0900hrs and I can't sleep till now.. Alhamdulillah tomorrow is the beginning of the fasting month.. this fasting month will be quite interesting.. Will have iftar with Teater Peti Karma on the 13th, break fast together with my schoolmates on the 15th and I'm sure alot more plans to be made.. but I also want to try and get more pahala.. wanna go terawih more frequently.. Insya'allah.. Wow.. I realised that I have so many pictures to upload.. I will select the best and upload.. ![]() Goodbye Wireless.. maybe we'll meet again.. ![]() Legend of MatReps ![]() love. ![]() friends = fun ![]() Lepaks That's all for the entry today.. I'll put in more photos in the next entry.. take care!! - aif - time : 1337hrs |