Tuesday, 27 October 2009
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10/27/2009 09:09:00 pm
day : Tuesday time : 2114hrs Helluez~ Today is.. ![]() AIFIRA'S 38th MONTH TOGETHER! Alhamdulillah we've been together for 3 Years 2 Months.. I lurp you lah dear.. You take care of me very well.. I will look for more time to spend with you.. Anyway dear, the chocolate chip cookies u baked, finished oready.. I want some more.. SOOOODAP lah.. please~ Thank you! Anyway here's a song I dedicate to you : Kamu yang bawa ku terbang Kamulah jua yang membawa cinta Ke jalannya.. Kamu yang bawa ku terbang Ke bintang kejora cinta kita Kekal untuk selamanya taken from the chorus of Fabulous Cats' "Bawaku Terbang" - aif - time : 2129hrs |
Monday, 26 October 2009
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10/26/2009 12:46:00 pm
day : Monday time : 1253hrs Alo! Firstly, HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY TO MY DUDE : ![]() Zul! We've been classmates since Year 1 in TP.. Cool dude with not much attitude.. haha.. I hope I can get a girlfriend for him as a present.. Any ladies interested, please let me know.. Hopefully whatever you wished for will come true, dude.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ Last Saturday was awesome.. Met Darlz at Chinatown then we went Orchard to get Izzati's present.. after getting the present, we head to Pasir Ris Aloha Loyang.. it took us more than 20 minutes to find the bungalow.. Dyla, Aina and Dawn were already there.. alot were her family members and relatives.. the food were sungguh BAGUUUZ~ I tried every single item on the buffet table.. haha! The best was the white chocolate doughnut.. suuuuuperb da! Zul and Ahmad came abit later.. We stayed till after she cuts the cake.. it was like press conference.. flashes after flashes of camera.. power la~ We left around 2130hrs.. me and Darlz took cab to Yishun and I sent Darlz home.. after that I met up with Kid and Ryna at Ochard.. we head down to ZOUK! After like 6 to 7 years of not clubbing and I'm back.. but it was my first time going Zouk.. great ambience compared to the previous ones I've been to.. We didn't drink coz we dowanna get drunk and also I've promised Darlz to stay away from alcohol.. ahakz~ we danced like most of the time.. only a few matreps and minahreps.. The DJ keep playing trance musiq and it sounded very cool.. something to dance continuously to.. we left Zouk around 0400hrs and there's no place where we can slack except at the void deck.. Ryna already falling asleep.. Kid dah tersadai at the playground and I just lie down on the bench.. actually we were waiting for the first bus to arrive.. ahakz! I had only one hour of sleep and after that I have to leave my house.. I met my band members in the afternoon for jamming.. I was so sleepy but have to stay focus on my drumming.. after jamming, Jimmy went home while Kid, Darlz and me when Marina Square to have dinner at Qiji.. Kid left after dinner.. both me and Darlz then went Suntec to walk around.. I wish I can bring Darlz to a more romantic place to spend time.. but I'm glad we had fun.. especially on the way home.. hehe.. As for today, something special happened.. and I feel so bersyukur.. Alhamdulillah.. VROOOOOM~ Sungguh BAGUUUZ~ I'll end my entry here.. have a great week.. the most important thing is.. Pastinya.......... GEREK! time : 1358hrs |
Monday, 19 October 2009
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10/19/2009 09:03:00 pm
day : Monday time : 2138hrs Alo~ Timetable is GEREK! No school on Monday.. Now I'm watching Project Hope and I think it's great to see people contributing efforts to help those who are suffering from the earthquake and tsunami attack in the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia.. I wanted to donate but I myself need the money.. the least I can do is to pray and hope Allah will help them, insya'Allah.. But the people I pity most are the ones in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.. May Allah help them.. I've forgiven Kurt for what he did.. but I wont forget it.. things will be different.. things I will share will not be as much as I used to last time.. because the trust that I had in him are gone.. I heard from people that he talks and share about other people's secret.. he also confessed to me that he can be a hypocrite.. in front of you, he can be a listening ear, but behind you, he's the big mouth.. Anyway, what I heard from Jimmy and Zaf is the post he made in FB were not meant for me and Zaf.. it was just a random post.. A RANDOM POST?? Oh come on.. even a young dude knows how to differentiate between a random post and a post directed to him/her.. mine and Zaf's name were mentioned so isn't it obvious that it was directed to us.. so now Kurt is saying that it's just a random post? I know you're sincere in asking forgiveness but you're not honest.. If you want us - me and you, to be friends again, call me and we arrange a meeting date.. we make agreements.. haha.. nak berkawan pon kene ade agreements.. I pity Darlz that her lips and tongue are in pain.. maybe the weather is hot.. I adviced her to drink more water and I hope that works.. *kiss kiss*.. hehe.. Ryna is still stress about her project.. stay calm ok.. And I got my own PSP mate - tak lain tak bukan, ZAF! Jom ah main PSP.. mao pe mao mao mao pe?! Pastinya.......... GEREK! - aif - time : 2244hrs |
Sunday, 18 October 2009
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10/18/2009 01:11:00 pm
day : Sunday time : 1317hrs Alo~ After nearly 2 months of not jamming, finally me and my band members are back on our instruments.. yesterday we went jamming and it was awesome! Alhamdulillah my double-paddling tak karat.. We did some covers like Kings of Lyons' "Use Somebody" and Paramore's "Ignorance".. the rest of the time we improve on our originals.. still planning on what song to play for the orang kahwin.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Me and Darlz were so happy to see Kid.. long time never see that dude.. he's as positive as ever.. forever my favourite guitarist.. My school starts this Tuesday.. hope to see my friends again.. but the mood to study is not there yet.. haha.. Today is a stay home Sunday.. rest.. Have a great week! Pastinya.......... GEREK! - aif - time : 1333hrs |
Friday, 16 October 2009
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10/16/2009 11:10:00 am
day : Friday time : 1111hrs Alo~ I'm sitting in my room.. Alone.. eating chocolate chip cookies Darlz baked for me.. Power, beb.. haha.. Alhamdulillah that today is Friday.. school starts next week.. the good thing is, the timetable is GEREK but the subjects, after what CaiYan told me, are heinous.. but insya'Allah I'm gonna go through it and graduate from Temasek Poly.. I've already thought of what I'm gonna do after Poly and I wanna thank Kak Zi for the advice.. I thought of signing on to the uniform group but let that be as a last resort.. Anyway, yesterday Kurt messaged me and Zaf asking for forgiveness.. me and Zaf forgived him but personally, I feel abit different.. it's not the first time he treated me like a recycled item - when you find me useless, you throw, then when you think you might need me, you pick me up.. As a friend, instead of condemning each other, we should support and advice one another.. maybe to Kurt, I'm so busy with my life till I can't hang out with him.. I thought Kurt understood that I got so many commitments - Family, iRa, friends, school, TPK, Enigmatic Dose & etc.. but I do hang out with him sometimes.. FYI, I don't really get to spend much time with iRa either.. only on weekends we get to meet up and it's not even dating.. Alhamdulillah she's not complaining and she understands.. I still remember the words Kurt posted in his FB - he regretted being friends with me and Zaf and don't wish to continue the friendship.. we thought it was very childish of him.. it's ok if he don't wanna befriends with us anymore.. I still got other GEREK friends around.. well, that was then.. To Kurt, if you really want to take me back as your friend, TREAT ME LIKE A FRIEND.. and not like a recycled item.. don't let emotions over-power you and make ridiculous decisions.. I may not be the friend who sticks to the motto "A Friend In Need, Is A Friend Indeed" but I will try my best to be there whenever I can.. Yesterday also Darlz asked me if she should apply for make-up course.. I think that would be a great idea.. insya'Allah she can work part time as a Mak Andam for pengantin.. can earn extra income.. but whatever courses she wanna go for, I still encourage her.. all the skills she will learn will benefit her in the future, insya'Allah.. I'm also motivating her to enrol for car license.. then we can race each other! Ariff Mohamed likes this. I will end here.. going for my bike pract.. after that meeting my mom at Geylang Serai to buy barang dapur I guess.. have a great weekend! Esok jamming! Bayek~ Pastinya.......... GEREK! - aif - time : 1159hrs time : 1910hrs I thought of typing a new post but since I recorded it today, might as well I combine it with te earlier one.. here's some random video which I created minutes ago.. For you to go WHOT THA! But pastinya.......... GEREK! Aif's Love Song Aif's cover of Linkin Park's "High Voltage" It's hard to rap while playing the guitar and I hope I nailed it.. enjoy! I apologise if my guitar sucks or my rapping sucks or all of it sucks.. haha.. just tryin' something new, dudes.. Pastinya.......... GEREK! - aif - time : 2013hrs |
Monday, 12 October 2009
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10/12/2009 12:04:00 pm
day : Monday time : 1212hrs Alo~ What a very dark afternoon.. I think it's gonna rain later.. but that wont bother me.. I wont be going out anyway.. I feel like meeting Darlz but at the same time, I wanna go jog to lose the fats.. I think I've added alot of weight since Hari Raya.. haiz.. nvm.. I'll go jog.. insya'Allah tomorrow I'll meet Darlz.. Yesterday went Raya visitings with close dudes & babes - Emmy, Fitri, Yana, Dzafirah, Fashiha, Man and of course, Zaf.. Also get to know couple of new friends - Fadly (Fashihah's fiancee), Ismadi (Dzafirah's boyfriend) & Shahrin (Yana's boyfriend).. although we just got to know yesterday, we already mesra like dah kenal lama.. we talked to one another and found out that we got some common friends.. like, WOOOOO~ Darlz told me that I was hyper.. VERY AIFILICIOUSLY HYPER.. but that's me.. haha.. Zaf - Darlz - me in one car (Man joined us abit later) Yana and Shahrin (couple motor) Fadly - Fashihah - Emmy - Fitri in the blue car *Dzafirah and Ismadi are in another car which I didn't take the pic of it* We went to :
Man - Dzafirah's Family - Zaf Fashihah & Fadly Shahrin - Yana - iRa - Fitri - Emmy Ismadi & Dzafirah the ngantok couple I have the best family and friends around.. doesn't matter if they're true blue or plain white, I still love 'em.. Oroitz, I think I'll end my entry now.. have a great day ahead.. keep in touch, dudes & dudettes.. Pastinya.......... GEREK! - aif - time : 1333hrs |
Sunday, 11 October 2009
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10/11/2009 09:00:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0905hrs Alo~ Finally the Hari Raya show is done.. it's a last minute thing but I think we pull it through.. I was given so little time to do the script.. it's a challenge which I took.. Got alot of help from Kak Zi and she contributed ideas which is very useful.. and later on, I shared my workload with Zaf.. he finished the script while I'm in KL.. thanks, dude.. I can't say that the show is good but there's room for improvements.. the make-up artist was so busy that she cant even do touch-ups on the thick foundation on my face.. I think the drama part was ok except for some technical errors during the singing part.. and also there's tak-betol-ness in the positioning of the singers.. me and Zaf spotted some bad cover ups but hopefully the audience won't bother to take note.. haha.. Overall, I had fun.. glad to meet some local artists like Irwan Azly, Irwan Raman and Idafi.. I also made new friends with Atiqah and the dancers from Seri Aluna Budaya.. I hope they wont regret working together with us.. haha.. Ok, I'll end now.. have a great day! Pastinya.......... GEREK! - aif - time : 0938hrs |
Saturday, 10 October 2009
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10/10/2009 09:43:00 am
day : Saturday time : 1445hrs Alo~ I AM BACK IN SINGAPORE! Alhamdulillah! Ahakz! My KL trip with the guys were awesome.. here's what we did.. Day 1 :
Now I have to get ready for my Hari Raya performance later.. memorised the script oready.. bayek~ those who wanna come, it's at an Amphitheatre between blk 216 and 217 of Serangoon ave 4.. starts at 1900hrs to 2000hrs.. tickets at $3.. Pastinya............... GEREK! - aif - time : 1521hrs |
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
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10/06/2009 01:15:00 am
day : Tuesday time : 0118hrs Alo~ I spent my weekends visiting houses.. On Saturday, went visiting with my family.. and kenal-kenal with my distant cousin, Nadhirah.. haha.. if ikut pangkat, she's my makcik but she was disgusted with that title.. haha.. so, we self-declare ourselves - distant cousins.. bole lah~ Then on Sunday, me and Darlz went for Raya visiting with Theatre Peti Karma.. my drama group.. alot can't make it due to personal reasons but those who went had alot of fun.. sorry about the blur pics.. more pics are in FB.. still waiting for pictures from Abang Sham.. Anyway, the outing was Superb Da~ ![]() My Stunning Ladee ![]() Weirdest Couple but GEREK ah! (colour baju tak sepasang) ![]() Ladies ![]() Gerek Boyz ![]() From left : Zaf - Rudi - Ida - Azimah - Sham - me - iRa - Mir (not in here : Titi & Shida) Later I'll be leaving for KL with Ahmad and Zul.. too bad Ryna can't join.. To Darlz, don't worry too much yah.. I'll be fine.. take care, Darlz.. I lurp you! I'll Be Back - on Friday! Pastinya............... GEREK! - aif - time : 0136hrs |
Friday, 2 October 2009
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10/02/2009 02:25:00 am
day : Friday time : 0227hrs Alo~ I know some of you may have a bike or already passed your 2B license or even advanced to the final lesson of the bike practical.. but I don't care.. I PASSED MY PRACT 4.. bayek! Now need to go for revision.. I can't believe that I managed to go through the pylon.. all thanks to Darlz for giving me the motivation.. thank you, dear! Zul also passed his pract 7 and advanced to pract 8.. Well done! I'm greedy, I want to have 2 licenses.. OMGolly! There are alot of TP IFC Jalan Raya pics in my FB.. taken from different cameras.. and BANYAK GILLER! I forgot to thank Dyla for joining us.. at least she wants to mix with us.. Thank you, Dyla.. Anyway, the video below is done by Izyana.. Thank you, Yana! Nicely done~ Talking about Raya, I've finished my first part of the Hari Raya script.. later gonna finish the 2nd part.. next week will be a damn busy week for me.. Tuesday onwards will be going KL till Friday.. Saturday is my Hari Raya Show and Sunday is my Raya outing with my close friends.. I feel like meeting Darlz today but Jimmy asked me out first.. maybe I can meet both at the same time.. maybe have dinner at AMK's banquet.. that'll be nice.. maybe I'll plan that.. I guess that's all for this entry.. Good night~ - aif GEREK - time : 0250hrs |
Thursday, 1 October 2009
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10/01/2009 02:05:00 pm
day : Thursday time : 1412hrs Alo~ Yesterday's Raya outing was great.. unfortunately, I didn't go to Arep's house due to some unforeseen circumstances.. it goes like this.. I met Ryna and Hidd at Hougang interchange.. then we took bus to Woodlands.. after we alighted then something happened.. so we have settle it first but by the time we settled, the guys (Azim, Ihsan, Zul, Arep, Aris, Ritz, Fina, Seri and Izyana) from Arep's house were living.. so they picked us up at the taxi stand.. they sewa this big 30-seater bus.. like OMGolly~ once I aboard, all kecoh already.. started to disturb the guys, especially Ihsan.. haha.. We then went to Aki's house which is at AMK.. Dyla joined us after we left Aki's house and after that we headed to Seri's house.. we then went to Fina's followed by Aris', Izyana's, Widad's, Azim's, Nawal's and lastly, Zul's.. Actually after Azim's house, we took cab to Nawal's.. the bus driver like damn rude to us.. I was patient for the past few hours on how he talked to my friends.. but when his rudeness reached to a certain level, I confronted the driver.. Alhamdulillah I managed to control myself and didn't cause any violence.. So yeah.. I gained something from the outing itself.. well, I talked to Nawal for the first time.. coz before that, I don't know how to talk or what to talk to her.. haha.. and also, I'm proud that Ryna had moved on.. Alhamdulillah.. I always pray for her happiness.. and also, my bond with the dudes are as GEREK as ever.. we were laughing thoughout our outing.. More pics were uploaded in FB.. check'em out.. I have to get prepared for my bike practical now.. so nervous after more than 6 months didn't go for my practicals.. oklah, have a great day ahead.. by the way, I also found this in youtube.. watch it~ Pastinya............... GEREK! - aif - time : 1526hrs |