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10/12/2009 12:04:00 pm
day : Monday time : 1212hrs
What a very dark afternoon.. I think it's gonna rain later.. but that wont bother me.. I wont be going out anyway.. I feel like meeting Darlz but at the same time, I wanna go jog to lose the fats.. I think I've added alot of weight since Hari Raya.. haiz.. nvm.. I'll go jog.. insya'Allah tomorrow I'll meet Darlz..
Yesterday went Raya visitings with close dudes & babes - Emmy, Fitri, Yana, Dzafirah, Fashiha, Man and of course, Zaf.. Also get to know couple of new friends - Fadly (Fashihah's fiancee), Ismadi (Dzafirah's boyfriend) & Shahrin (Yana's boyfriend).. although we just got to know yesterday, we already mesra like dah kenal lama.. we talked to one another and found out that we got some common friends.. like, WOOOOO~ Darlz told me that I was hyper.. VERY AIFILICIOUSLY HYPER.. but that's me.. haha..
 Zaf - Darlz - me in one car (Man joined us abit later)  Yana and Shahrin (couple motor)  Fadly - Fashihah - Emmy - Fitri in the blue car *Dzafirah and Ismadi are in another car which I didn't take the pic of it* We went to :
- Fitri's house (this is the 3rd year me, Darlz and Zaf didnt visit Fitri's house due to some extra merepek plans.. haiz.. insya'allah next year ah.. kesian Fitri.. Sorry Fitri.. fortunately, the rest of the people visit ah.. only the 3 of us tak datang..)
- Darlz' house (my future mommy-in-law, insya'Allah, cooked for us what she called - mee birthday.. it's mee hoon goreng, fishball chilli and nuggets.. there's also fruits.. SODAP! Thank you, Darlz and family for inviting us over.. I love you! Aww...)
- Fashihah's house (Shahrin shared alot about bikes making me so interested that I can't wait to pass my 2B license..)
- Yana's house (her mom cooked for us mee soto.. SODAP! And her mom also very friendly.. I hope she didn't mind me teasing her..)
- Dzafirah's house (There's nasi goreng! There's mee goreng! There's roti & kari and there's also bubur kacang durian.. FULESMAK! Anyway, her parents remember me and my name.. ahakz! Superb da!)
- Fadly's house (before we went to Fad's house, me and Darlz bought cake for Fashihah.. it's her birthday today.. so we celebrated yesterday.. it was her first time that friends actually surprised her.. she was speechless after we sang the birthday song and gave her the cake.. all thanks to the great minds of Fadly, iRa and me! And oh yah, Fadly's mom also very friendly.. she likes to tease me.. kept calling me 'pembuat kek'.. haha!)
- Mariana's house (she had and open house but we were all late so we just had what was there.. haha.. kesian kan.. but takpe lah.. we all pon like dah tak larat nak makan lagi..)
 Man - Dzafirah's Family - Zaf  Fashihah & Fadly  Shahrin - Yana - iRa - Fitri - Emmy  Ismadi & Dzafirah  the ngantok couple Finally we all went home.. I realised that this year, my friends didn't come over to my house.. it's not because I don't let them but there's nobody home.. haiz.. OH YAH! Yesterday after Zaf sent me home, I saw someone at the staircase outside my house.. when he saw me, he went up.. he was very suspicious.. so I entered my house and waited at the door.. then, I think my house was dark and I was wearing black baju kurung, that the mother-fucker didn't see me, came back and wanted to take the shoes outside my house.. he actually was with another friend.. the other guy had umbrellas hang onto him.. I shouted "WOI!!" and they quickly ran off.. both were Indians.. I wanted to chase but I was too tired.. I'm sure some neighbours lost some shoes.. the son-of-a-bitch who stole the shoes carried a huge plastic bag.. then I told my parents about it.. maybe they'll make a police report.. haiz.. shoes also wanna steal.. I think they will steal the good shoes and then sell off to pasar malam.. WTF~ I hope their mom die of cancer..
I have the best family and friends around.. doesn't matter if they're true blue or plain white, I still love 'em.. Oroitz, I think I'll end my entry now.. have a great day ahead.. keep in touch, dudes & dudettes..
Pastinya.......... GEREK!
- aif -
time : 1333hrs
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