Sunday, 30 August 2009
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8/30/2009 04:01:00 pm
day : Sunday time : 1604hrs Alo~ WHAT A GREAT DAY! I just woke up after a long sleep after subuh.. The weather is also nice.. like, WOOOOO~ but the smell of the people burning the hell-papers makes me @!$!%.. Why do they have to burn? Do they know that papers are supposed to be recycled and burnings can cause thinning of the ozone layer.. haiz~ Alhamdulillah I'm a Muslim.. Anyway, yesterday went jamming with the band and Irzad, our new guitarist.. Alhamdulillah he could make it yesterday.. In the afternoon, I met up with Darlz at Hougang and we headed to AMK.. met Irzad there.. then three of us headed to Thomson.. there, we waited for Jimmy.. Jimmy came with Kurt and Zaf.. haha.. so happy to see Kurt and Zaf.. Around 1600hrs, we entered the jamming studio.. introduce Irzad to our songs and we jammed.. Kid came around 1700hrs.. haha.. our session ended at 1800hrs.. Kid went to meet Jamie at Bugis while the rest of us went Thomson Plaza to break our fast at KFC.. After breaking fast, we went to play lan at the the nearby lan shop.. ape lagi - L4D ah!! ![]() It's a nice game.. even Darlz likes it.. haha.. later, Fuad and Alvin (Zaf's friends) came.. me, Darlz and Irzad played till around 2200hrs and left home after that.. Today I slept the whole morning.. slackin'.. but nice ah.. haha.. tomorrow another day of school.. haiz~ Okies.. got to go now.. wanna rest my eyes.. haha.. 2 days before Kurt's birthday.. wanna get him something~ - aif - time : 1707hrs |
Saturday, 29 August 2009
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8/29/2009 10:27:00 am
day : Saturday time : 1041hrs Alo~ What a great morning~ I just finished recording my own rendition of Plain White T's "1 2 3 4".. I realised that I look like WHOT THA~ some gay dude.. but don't worry I'm not.. haha.. I just dowanna be too macho.. haha.. what onlee~ Anyway, yesterday me and a few peeps - Kid, Ryna and Ahmad went Esplanade after school to watch Barricade to perform for Baybeats 2009.. I support Barricade because my friend Chuck and my cuzzin Dan are in the band.. haha.. They did the openining for the Baybeats 2009 at the Powerhouse.. cool dudes.. Insya'allah one day Enigmatic Dose will be performing there too.. haha.. Since we were early, we broke fast near the waters.. we bought some kueh earlier on.. the gig started at 1930hrs.. we were already in front of the stage by then.. took photos of the band and also videos of all the songs.. it was awesome except for the crowd ah.. you know lah Singapore, security so tight - cannot mosh, cannot brawl.. so lembik.. haha.. Anyway, Hasfi, Ahmad *chirp tgk atas*, Zul, Azim and Seri were there too.. Barricade performed 5 of their songs which I don't know.. haha.. Anyway, we left after Barricade's performances.. Kid went to meet Jamie, the rest all donno go where.. left me, Ahmad and Ryna.. we head to Clarke Quay to have our dinner.. we left home after that.. Today I'm having jamming session with the band after 2 weeks of break.. haha.. all financially "faggot".. the greatest thing is that today Irzad, our new guitarist, is joining for the session.. POWER~ I expect today's jamming to be abit lembik as everone is fasting.. but hopefully not ah.. haha.. Anyway, here's my rendition of Plain White T's "1 2 3 4".. hope you enjoy and ignore my "gay-fag-a-locity" (if there's such a word).. - aif - time : 1100hrs |
Friday, 28 August 2009
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8/28/2009 05:37:00 am
day : Friday time : 0544hrs Alo~ Thank Allah it's Friday!! Bayek~ Alhamdulillah.. And today is my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday, mom! Maybe celebrating this Sunday, insya'Allah.. I'm still ain't sure what to get for her.. I'll hunt for presents tomorrow.. Anyway, yesterday was sweet.. I think for now we celebrate a bit 'relax'.. insya'Allah once I've worked, I'll make our Anniversary more grand.. but, we were very thankful yesterday eventhough everything were simple.. me and Darlz met up at Tampines and we head off to Changi Airport.. we then look for a place to sit at Popeyes.. we seldom spent time with ourselves so I felt very happy to get to talk to her yesterday.. We ordered our food 15 minutes before time to break fast.. before we break fast, we exchanged gifts.. she bought me a ring!!! Nice~ she also bought one for herself too.. identical rings but different sizes.. of course lah.. haha.. I gave her 3 letter 'I' (her initial) keychains in a heart shaped box.. the reason why I bought 3 is because it's our 3 years anniversary.. haha.. we were so full after we had our buka puasa.. Alhamdulillah.. we thought of walking around the Airport but there's nothing to see.. we then saw people shading crayons on a piece of paper on top of a designed wooden block.. I know how much Darlz loves art so I accompany her did some drawings and it came up fantastic.. well done! After that, we went to Yishun.. while on our way, there's this parasu family sat behind us.. the brothers talked so loud.. the older one talks like as if he's screaming for help and at random times, he will sing his "Wodeh Wodeh Wodeh" - only God and him knows what it is.. and the younger one, I think he's like in Kindergarten age, laughed like Elmo.. well, that's what Darlz said la.. In between, were their mother.. she may not talked much BUT she's as irritating.. haha.. she switch on her radio so loud that I think half the bus can hear.. the songs biaaasaa laa got trumpets and gendang all.. so me and Darlz kept the comments to ourselves, rest on each other's head and slept throughout the journey to Yishun.. Insya'Allah I can make our anniversary alot more special in the future.. I know I can.. Oroitz.. today me and some school peeps will be going Esplanade to watch BayBeats 2009.. Chuck's band- Barricade, will be performing.. he's in the same band as my cuzzin - Dan, so I wanna be there to support them.. Anyway, here's something for you peeps to enjoy.. my own "Cadburry Ad" Oklah, I wanna mandi and do my solat subuh.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM! Have a great day to you all~ - aif - time : 0622hrs |
Thursday, 27 August 2009
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8/27/2009 05:16:00 am
day : Thursday time : 0533hrs Alo~ HAPPY 3 YEARS ANNIVERSARY TO AIF & IRA ![]() Alhamdulillah that today is our 3 Years Anniversary.. we went through thick and thins together and we are getting to know each other more better everyday.. Though we may be busy with our activities and spent so little time together, honestly, we feel each other every time.. Insya'Allah, this relationship will last long till the end of time.. I love YOU! "They say loving you gives pains and full of sacrifices but I'll rather take pains and lots of sacrifices than not to be loved by you." - Aif Mohamed 15:01 Anyway tomorrow is my mom's birthday.. gonna get something for her later.. woots~ - aif - time : 0556hrs |
Friday, 21 August 2009
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8/21/2009 11:09:00 am
day : Friday time : 1115hrs Alo~ Alhamdulillah and THANK ALLAH IT'S FRIDAY~ and tonight Muslims all over the world will welcome the month of Ramadhan.. Whatever ibadah we do during this month, will be berganda-ganda.. so that's why, I wanna try to be a good person.. here's the list :
Anyway, last week I watched Suria and it showed the opening of the bazaar and welcoming the month of Ramadhan.. it was full of singing and entertainment.. Personally, I think it's not right.. It's like showing to the other races that Ramadhan is a month of enjoyment.. like, HOOO-WHOT THA~ I'm not being old-fashioned or whatsoever but that's not the right way.. kids too will get the wrong message.. I'm not sure what MUIS is thinking but I think it's up to individual now to think what's right and what's wrong.. Hopefully this Ramadhan the kakaks and makciks jualan at Geylang will wear more decently.. I'm not asking them to wear telekong or even tudung but as long they are properly covered, it's alright with me.. Lastly, I'd like to wish all my family, Darlz & friends Selamat Berpuasa~ We'll buka together one day yah, insya'Allah.. *call me* - aif - time : 1136hrs |
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
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8/18/2009 09:44:00 pm
day : Tuesday time : 2145hrs Alo~ Life has it's ups and downs.. Alhamdulillah whatever has given to me, I've accept it.. Life may be unfair, that is why being positive and optimistic are very important.. I don't mind helping others if they need me or listening to every word that they need to share.. I also don't mind if they look for me when they're in trouble and gone after it is settled.. sometimes without realising, I do that to other people too.. it's hard to please everyone.. People come to me and share about their life and 90% of it is about relationships.. some can't move on, some were in relationship but they are confuse where they're going, some even doesn't know what to do after making the biggest mistake in their life.. I've given some suggestions.. some heeded, others still ego.. so what I think is, it's up to them to make their own decision and do what's best for them... I think Alhamdulillah I'm able to help these people.. being there for them when they need me.. sometimes I'm appreciated, sometimes they just.......... gone~ Well, it's ok.. when I'm in a very difficult situation, praying is the best to do to calm myself down.. not saying that I only pray when I need help but yah, it does calm my heart.. I also shared my problems with Darlz.. when I'm having problem with Darlz, I wish I have professional help from a qualified counsellor.. haha.. I think it's time I help a new bunch of people.. the orphans.. I just did a research on Darul Ihsan Orphanage Home.. I think helping these kids are more worth it.. haha.. I just wanna know/learn how they moved on after their parents "departed".. the feeling must be unbearable.. who will they turn to when they're emotionally distraught.. what motivated them to move on.. Darlz is also interested in becoming a volunteer.. Insya'Allah me and her will one day help these kids.. to put a smile in every child.. ![]() I think I've let out whatever is in my heart now.. It cheers me up to see people smile.. one more thing to share, every morning when I'm on my way to the bus stop, there will be this Abang selling epok-epok on his bicycle.. though I rarely buy his epok-epok, he always never fail to smile at me.. which is good.. and though I didn't buy his epok-epok, I pray that his business will always be successful.. I think that's all for my entry.. sorry if it's to wordy.. wootz~ - aif - time : 2235hrs |
Sunday, 16 August 2009
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8/16/2009 11:47:00 pm
day : Sunday time :2357hrsAlo~ My weekends aren't that WOOOOO but I enjoyed it.. Friday went to Kid's house with Ryna after school.. actually we just wanna play guitar and chill but ended up, playing his PS3.. Resident Evil.. GEREK DOK! I was supposed to attend kenduri on Saturday but I got something on.. Anyway, I met up with Darlz around 1430hrs at Hougang.. we bought bread & doughnuts for lunch.. after that we head off to Orchard.. We went Lido to get movie tickets for G.I. Joe but it's at 1900hrs.. while waiting for the time, we walked around Orchard.. get some wristbands.. got those rubber ones so that I dont have to take it off whenever I'm bathing.. haha.. I also bought a pair for Darlz.. Kid later called me and he said he wanna join.. Anyway, he was with Jamie.. We then bought for them the tickets.. the couple arrived at 1900hrs and we entered the cinema together.. We watched......... ![]() Click here for trailer From my point of view, this movie is much more better that Transformers 2.. The storyline was fantastic and easy to understand.. I recommend those who haven't watch it to watch it.. I give a 9.7/10.. After the movie, Darlz helped me to exchange my wristband at the shop which we bought it.. There's actually 2 sizes - big and small.. I bought a big one and a small one but I prefer the small one.. so Darlz, being my heroine, help me exchange.. cey~~ After that, Jamie and Kid went to have dinner while me and Darlz headed home.. although it was such a short double-date, the movie made it a good one.. Alhamdulillah I get to spend time with Darlz! I love her! ![]() ![]() I met Ryna just now to help her out with her script for her presentation on Tuesday.. first we thought of doing at AMK library but there's no seat.. then we head to Thomson Plaza's Starbucks, also no seat.. finally we went United Square's Starbucks.. Darlz joined us later coz she wants to pass me some stuffs - a book and something for my mom.. haha.. Alhamdulillah Ryna managed to finish up her script.. we later had dinner at Velocity's Long John Silvers.. we head home after that.. Ok.. have a great week ahead! Good luck for me tomorrow! - aif - time : 0056hrs |
Thursday, 13 August 2009
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8/13/2009 12:07:00 am
day : Thursday time : 0008hrs Alo~ Just a quick update.. Had my PR2 presentation yesterday morning.. went funkin' well.. but I hate the person who invigilate (or whatever you call it) us.. asked a funkin' irritating question 3 times, "are you confident you can finish you MP/SIP?".. in my heart, I feel like burning him alive.. but I was relieved after that.. Finally PR2 over.. Anyway, I was on tv yesterday for Klakarsik.. I was on my way home when Darlz informed me.. so I called mommy to record it.. haven't watch.. maybe first thing in the funkin' morning later.. so happy that my face appeared on TV twice - Aksi Gerek and Klakarsik.. I wanna be a popular Suria actor one day but to think of it, nolah.. I wanna be somebody else.. haha.. acting is just an interest.. Thank you, Kak Zi for giving me the opportunity to appear in TV although as an extra.. haha.. For those who missed it, Hari Raya come my house yah! We watch together.. Oklah.. thats all for my entry.. have a great day or night.. depends on what time you're reading this.. Adios~ - aif - time : 0020hrs Labels: |
Monday, 10 August 2009
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8/10/2009 02:54:00 pm
day : Monday time : 1755hrs Alo~ It's a slacking holiday for me.. actually not that slack lah.. yesterday Ihsan told me about PR2 (Project Report 2) this Wednesday.. I was like,"MAK DATOK! GILLER PE!".. So today I apologised to Darlz for not going out with her.. I'm glad she found something to do at home.. Anyway, yesterday celebrated National Day with peepz and Darlz.. Met up with Darlz and Ryna at Bugis MRT at around 1400hrs.. then we walked Darlz to meet her sister at Golden Landmark.. coz they wanna get baju kurung for Raya.. after she met her sister, me and Ryna looked for Zul and the 3 of us thought of having lunch at Hajah Maimunah but unfortunately, it was closed.. so we had lunch at a cafe nearby there.. Darlz joined us after her shopping.. her sister left with her family.. the 4 of us then walked to Bugis' Cold Storage to grab some stuffs - doughnuts & drinks.. we then contnued our way to Esplanade.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() At Esplanade, we found a spot where we chilled.. there were performances at the Waterfront but there were alot of Bangladesh coz the one performing were Indians.. haha.. but cool ah the musiq.. Minutes later, the Banglas and "Indies" surround our spot.. haha.. at least they are much more better than Funkin' Chyna.. ahakz! Around 1900hrs, we moved up to the walkway near the waters, along Eplanade ah.. ahakz.. I donno what's that place call.. nvm.. this is what I promised Darlz to include in my entry - "the location where we're standing now, only 5% are Singaporeans and 95% are noisy Banglas, nice-smellin' "Indies" and super-D-duper irritating Chyna".. They are not only that, some even climbed trees to get a good view of what's happening in the water.. like, WHAT IN DA FUNKIN' WORLD ARE THEY DOING?! Once again, I'm not racist but I hate the sight of too many foreigners.. ahakz! And then Ryna realised that we can still move further.. so we did! We squeezed through the foreign dudes and got ourselves a better view.. I wonder why the stoopz dowanna move to the front.. Around 2018hrs, fireworks started to fill the skies.. it was amazing and colourful.. we loved it.. After that, we walked to the Asian Museum where we chilled to watch Singpore Idol on a big screen.. we left home around 2130hrs.. Sweet~ |
Sunday, 9 August 2009
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8/09/2009 09:08:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0910hrs Alo! Firstly, I'd like to wish Singapore......... HAPPY 44TH BIRTHDAY! ![]() *singing the National anthem* & *reciting the pledge* Ok, I'm just exaggerating.. ahakz! I love my country.. even though it's like overpopulated with hardcorely-pure China PRs, I pray that in the future, the National anthem stays in Bahasa Melayu and the name SINGApore wont change to WEARECHYNAPEEpore (we are China people).. Personally, I think Mr. Lee Kuan Yew did a very good job in bringing up Singapore.. ahakz! Well, emotionally, I'm not feeling that good.. it's like having 2000 needles (or more) poking my heart.. I still remember the day my ex left me and I'm having the same kind of heartache now.. Nah, it's not that I broke up or something but.. situations have changed.. I'm not sure what to do with my life now.. Or is it the life that I'm having now, is not mine? I donno.. I'm like forcing Darlz to trust and understand me.. I know she does.. and she wants me to understand her too.. well, I am.. she said that I spent too much time with my friends or with a friend.. I think I am.. I wanna continue writing about this but my heart is aching badly now....................................... the rest of the story, I'll just keep it in my heart.. Anyway, yesterday jammed with the band.. jamming is always fun.. the drums are my stress reliever.. now I know why drummers are the coolest dudes.. they vent their anger on the drums and after that leaving it with a very relaxed emotion.. I think it's true.. haha.. after jamming, we thought of watching G.I Joe at Plaza Sinapura but the tickets were sold out.. same goes for the one at The Cathay.. ended up having dinner at Jalan Kayu Prata House near Plaza Singapura.. Thank you, Darlz for the treat.. after dinner, we walked down to Parklane to play Left4Dead.. it was Darl's and my first time playing that game and IT WAS AWESOME.. haha.. kental eh.. haha.. we stop playing around 2130hrs and head home after that.. nice~ ![]() ![]() Darlz, I love you so much.. that's why I dont mind accepting your conditions and changing my life to blend in with what you want.. Alhamdulillah after looking at the pic above, my heart ache has lowered down.. I'm slowly inserting my feet in your shoes.. not literally but I guess you understand what I'm trying to say.. kalau literally, koyak nanti.. tinggal tali je.. tu pon tak confirm tinggal tali je.. hehe.. don't worry about me.. I'm a positive guy, remember..? This heart ache I'm having now, is almost gone.. I love you.. Orite.. I'm meeting my school dudes later at 1400hrs.. have lunch together then after that lepak near Esplanade while waiting for the fireworks.. too bad Darlz can't join us coz she's going out with her sister.. Ok peepz, have a great long weekends.. Alhamdulillah what I felt just now has gone away.. thanks to the pic above.. ahakz! - aif - time : 1041hrs |
Saturday, 8 August 2009
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8/08/2009 12:18:00 am
day : Saturday time : 0032hrs Alo! People, especially Ryna and Ahmad had been asking me to update my blog.. my story from Monday to Thursday is always the same so not much to update.. Yesterday was abit different.. Those who are taking SIP have to attend National Day celebration at Temasek Convention Centre.. I'll touch on that later.. Anyway, on Thursday, my friends - Hasfi and Din "spike" and their band, performed for TP's opening of it's very own networking site.. I think they put up a fantastic performance and I think Din's voice is great.. Well done, dudes.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Eeeeeeeeeekh" [that's what they call themselves] Ahmad - Din - Amy - Hasfi Yesterday, all the SIP students were invited to TP's National Day celebration.. It was awesome.. I think the actors were nervous till they confused with the date of independence and the date that we're freed from the Japanese occupation.. haha! Anyway, it was a great show afterall.. I even pledged with full dedication after like such a long time.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() After the celebration, we all had free lunch at the hall.. POWER DEY~ and after makan, as usual - when there's Izyana, there'll be photo taking.. so we took photos.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Then after school I thought of going Henderson Waves or Marina Barrage coz I brought along my digicam but Zul wanted to go Orchard to get shoes.. so ended up we - Ihsan, Ahmad, Zul, Ryna and me went Orchard.. walked around Orchard Point and Heeren but Zul didn't get his shoes.. haha.. at last we had dinner at Far East Plaza.. we left home after dinner.. |