Tuesday, 30 September 2008
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9/30/2008 01:04:00 am
date : 30th September 2008 time : 0105hrs Helluez!! Today is the last day of the fasting month.. tomorrow all the Muslims will be celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri.. it is a celebration of......... nvm.. just click here to know more.. I'm lazy to explain.. haha.. Alhamdulillah I've finished my shopping and just have to do alil touch up in the house, then we're ready for Raya! Alhamdulillah I've received my ERS money.. thought of going to Avenged Sevenfold's concert but I prefer to save my money.. even my Darlz adviced me to save it.. FYI, me and my Darlz are hardcore fans of Avenged Sevenfold.. cey~~ but due to future planning, I decided to put my money in good use.. heh.. BUT I LOVE AVENGED SEVENFOLD.. ![]() This year's Hari Raya, me and my Darlz are wearing purple (in case some didn't know).. like "Sepasang Kurung Purple".. I don't know what's purple in malay.. is it ungu? Or jengga? Or janggut? I don't know.. haha.. Oh yah, I still haven't alter my pants and jeans.. maybe during one of these days.. sometimes I'm just lazy to leave my house and go to the tailor.. heh.. wait a minute, I got 3 pairs of shoes!! 2 of which I bought this year and a pair I got it for last year's Hari Raya but didn't wear it coz.. I don't know.. it's high-cut and.. I also don't know why I didn't wear.. and suddenly this year I have alot of shoes.. hmm.. Shirts and tees I got them from Kurt.. *save money*.. but I bought polo-tees.. what I need to get now is a sling bag.. like those.. designers carry around.. you know.. those big ones.. ok, nvm.. AND SOMEHOW I WISH I CAN GET MY HANDS ON THOSE TICKETS.. *stop it Aif* About my family's preparation for Hari Raya.. I can see there's alot of kuih in the kitchen.. Pineapple tarts is a must have and 'I-don't-know-what-kind-of-kuih-is-that' also have.. I think it's chocolate chip with.. I don't know.. should taste nice.. Can say that our spring cleaning started off quite early.. usually we'll start a day before Raya.. I know it's damn too late but we managed to finish it within a day.. cey~~ Oh well, at least it's good to start off early.. I followed my mom to Geylang's wet market yesterday afternoon.. bought the barang-barang dapur and some other decor for the house.. damn heavy to carry! In the evening, met up with my Darlz to break fast with her.. after she left for her class, I went Hougang Plaza to get a pair of shoes.. when I reached home, I do the chores.. it's tiring but I'm happy to at least get to see Avenged Sevenfold's Concert advertisement in TV mobile.. heh.. Anyway, I've watched my uncle's latest comedy show, "kecoh-kecoh Raya" (he gave a copy to my grandma, so my dad borrowed it).. and it was funny.. I gave it a 6/10.. some parts are lame but the funny scenes covered it up.. get what I mean.. heh.. I think I'll end now.. Insya'allah I'll give my Hari Raya "speech" in the next entry.. you know.. those ampun and maaf thang.. hehe.. Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 0217hrs |
Sunday, 28 September 2008
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9/28/2008 12:23:00 am
date : 28th September 2008 time : 0024hrs Helluez! Firstly, yesterday was my 2 years 1 month (25th month) Anniversary with my Darlz.. CONGRATULATIONS!! Cey~~ secondly.. it went like this.. In the afternoon went for my drama training.. I was early so I joined up with the 'Bangsawan' people.. they were having their briefing.. anyway, Danny, my ITE friend, was there too.. after the briefing, the 'Bangsawan' people left but the TPK peeps continue with the Hari Raya training.. Sham came a lil later to teach us vocals.. AND AGAIN, instead of us doing the vocals, he's the one who's doing the "training".. me and Zaf just laughed but dare not comment.. Danny left around 1630hrs coz he had to work.. me and the Hari Raya casts had our practiced after that.. it was fun.. once again, I'm lucky to have the Indian character.. cey~~ My Darlz came right after we end our practice.. after that we watched ghost documentary on youtube using Najib's laptop.. we left the CC at 1830hrs.. the guys went home but me and my Darlz went to "The Prata House" nearby to break our fast.. I treat her as I just got my pay from Sis Azima.. cey~~ we had murthabak, mushroom prata, and 10 sticks of satay.. it was awesome.. after dinner, we took bus 70 to Suntec.. walked around and I bought my Darlz her make-up set for Raya.. it was.. WOW (dare not say the price) but I sincerely don't mind.. then we continue window shopping again.. we left Suntec at 2200hrs and took taxi to Yishun.. it was darn expensive due to the F1 racing.. my Darlz was paiseh coz I spent alot on her but it was a once-in-awhile kinda thang so I don't mind and it was also our 25th month anniversary, so why not I belanja her since I got cash.. cey~~ Actually, earlier on my Darlz wanted the day to be special and since Alhamdulillah I received my pay, I grant what she wished for.. sounds like a simple outing but we made it memorable.. Alhamdulillah she had fun and looks like, I'm the sweetest thang.. cey~~ Today I plan to do more spring cleaning.. especially the kitchen and hall.. for now, I wanna have my sahur and then see what I can watch in youtube.. that's all for my entry yah! Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 0056hrs |
Thursday, 25 September 2008
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9/25/2008 08:44:00 pm
date : 25th September 2008 time : 2044hrs Helluez! Alhamdulillah.. Yesterday Kurt gave me his tee-shirts and looks like I don't have to buy tee-shirts.. now what I need to get is a pair of shoes and alter my pants.. after that's done, left for me to clean up my house and prepare for Raya.. I start spring cleaning by cleaning up my room and everyday I did the dishes.. maybe tomorrow I'll wipe off the dust from the fans.. and so on.. I'm not sure what time my mom wants me to accompany her to the Children's Home.. My mom is a very generous lady.. she's a good example for me to follow.. very proud of my mom.. cey~~ I WANNA GET A NEW PAIR OF SHOES!! Anyway, here's a pic to share.. got it from Titi.. ![]() Achit, Najib, Zira, Sham, Zaf, me and Amirul during iftar @ Darul Takrim Cizoo~~ OH Geez! I forgot to mention that I miss my Darlz! Cey~~ - aif - time : 2100hrs |
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
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9/24/2008 02:19:00 pm
date : 24th September 2008 time : 1420hrs Helluez! It's a week before Raya and I haven't finish with my shopping.. I mean.. I'm left with shoes, altering my jeans and tee-shirts.. but Kurt is giving me his unwanted/unused clothes to me.. so that means, I don't have to buy tee-shirt.. just have to alter my pants.. actually the pants also were given by Kurt.. hehe.. Loads of thanks to Kurt.. When I look at my calender, there's so many things to do on October.. There's Hari Raya outings, Hari Raya show, my bike lesson and loads of other events.. And the sad part is, school starts on the 20th.. On the 4th October, my class will be having an outing but I don't think I'm going.. Wee Keong is not doing his job as a class treasurer and we have no funds to organise any events.. Clive on the other hand, is doing what he's appointed to do but his plan is boring.. he should consult with me first coz I'm his assistant but, THE MAN IS SMART ENOUGH TO THINK.. I donno why he suggested going to the movies and have dinner together as an outing.. it's damn lame-sh*t, man.. if he asked me for advice, I'd suggest going to the Zoo or Bird Park - places we don't go everyday.. Or maybe the Science Center or play Paintball.. where we can have fun instead of going to the movies and sucking each other's 'you-know-what' in the cinema hall.. And I'm 101% damn sure the girls wont turn up.. the only people who will turn up will be Clive and his 'clicks'.. but I'm very sure I'll not go.. 8th to 10th October I have E-trial test.. must study for it.. the on the 11th, will have Raya outing with my new and close friends.. heh.. close friends like Fitri, Emmy, Sam, Salleh, Kurt and Fizah.. new ones like Fashihah and ........................ only Fashihah.. heh.. and if there's any drama training on that day, I'M NOT GOING.. coz the Hari Raya show will be on the next day so there might be last rehearsal.. if TPK wants a last rehearsal, make it in the damn morning so I can go for my Raya outing in the afternoon.. Since Sam is following, Fashihah thought of renting a bus.. I agreed to it but I dowan to be the one who has to call the driver.. As I've mentioned, I'll be having Hari Raya show on the 12th.. According to Kak Azima, it's gonna be at night.. so there's time for us to rehearse during the day.. heh.. I still don't have the costumes but we can think about it when we meet up for training.. Hope that all my friends are able to come down and support.. cey~~ On the 19th, I'll have Raya outing with the TPKs.. it's gonna be fun coz it's planned by me and Zaf.. cey~~ we'll not only going to houses of TPK members but also houses of different group leaders.. cey~~ I'm having RTT theory lesson R1 and R2 on the 21st.. woohoo!! I feel like going for the practical lesson without having to wait for Tauhid and Zul but nanti ape pulak.. Oh yah.. Hari Raya will be together with Childrens' Day on 1st October.. the next day, my bro Adil will be sitting for his N'level Examinations.. wish him all the best.. School will re-open for me on the 20th but at least there'll be Deepavali on the 28th as a one-day holiday.. heh.. I'll end now.. Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 1542hrs |
Sunday, 21 September 2008
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9/21/2008 01:40:00 am
date : 21st September 2008 time : 0027hrs Helluez! I just came back from outing/shopping/dating/meeting-friends/drama-training or whatever you call it.. Tired but it was worth it.. Anyway, last Thursday was my bro Adil's birthday so here's a song.. Happy (belated) Birthday To You.. Cey~~ He's now 16 years old and I wish him all the best in his studies and whatever he's achieving.. me and my family will celebrate his birthday next week due to busy-ness..Happy (belated) Birthday To You.. Happy (belated) Birthday To My Bro Dil.. Happy (belated) Birthday To You.. Oh yah, met my Darlz on Thursday and accompanied her to Woodlands Causeway Point coz she wanted to buy her pair of shoes.. she bought her shoes at a very affordable price.. it's branded (not ciplak) and we didn't expect it to be affordable.. I'm not saying cheap or expensive but it's affordable, people.. heh.. after that we went to Giordano to get my polo-tee.. there's still enough money from the change so we went to Bossini to get another polo-tee.. woohoo!! Mission #1, DONE! Friday, I met Zaf to break fast together at Joe Corner.. after that we head off to Serangoon CC to have our drama training but it turns out to be a "confession" session.. haha.. I don't really have anything to comment.. maybe some people come and go for drama training because they were forced to but some were very enthusiastic because they have very high passion for drama - like me.. Cey~~ Whatever it is, TPK is where I start and TPK will be where I'll end.. Jiwa TPK pe.. Yesterday was a very special day for me and my Darlz because BOTH OF US WENT FOR A HAIRCUT!! Cey~~ My Darlz suggested me to have my hair cut.. I thought of many hairstyles but I'm scared might not suit me.. then FINALLY!, I decided to have a haircut like Zaf's.. went to the barber at Hougang Plaza, and told him what hairdo I wanted.. after the haircut, I thought it's gonna be disasterous but it turns out, COOOOOOOOL.... haha..! Suddenly I feel like I look like Plus 44's Mark Hoppus.. Cey~~ I went home to have my shower then left for drama after my Zohor prayers.. Sham was there to train our vocals.. but I don't really like the way he taught us.. haha.. instead of us being trained, he's the one who showed off his "amazing" voice.. 96.2374% of the voice training session was hearing him humming, singing, laughing and shouting.. all the "tak perlu" also he taught.. haha.. funny lah but I'm glad I'm not the only one who realised it.. after that, me and the Hari Raya casts practiced our play.. we had fun.. it's easy to play an Indian man's role.. there's alot of lines to remember but insya'allah I can do it.. For the play, only me, Najib, Zaf and Achit are involved.. Najib as Sir William, Achit as Ah Seng, Zaf as Abdullah and me as the-all-time-favourite son of Kalipathy, NARA!! Cey~~ Our play will be on the 12th of October 2008 @ Serangoon CC but time, I'm not sure.. Ayoyoooooooooo! My Darlz came towards the end of my drama training.. after that me, my Darlz and Zaf break fast at the coffeeshop around the area.. we planned to go Geylang so I called Kurt if he wants to follow and what-do-ya-know, he also wants to go Geylang but his purpose is to watch Sam's play at Kampong Melayu.. he board a taxi and picked us up at Serangoon then we hitched the ride to Geylang.. both Zaf and Kurt went to watch the show but me and my Darlz went to look for my Baju Kurung.. went around the Bazaar but didn't have the colour we wanted.. our theme for this year is purple.. heh.. Finally we got it from AC Collection at Joo Chiat Complex.. they're having their sale so I got mine for only $40.. and it's nice! Mission #2, DONE! So my shopping for this Raya is halfway there.. Cey~~ So happy to celebrate Raya but sad that Ramadhan is ending.. I hope this Raya will be more exciting.. more new friends = more outings, I guess.. Celebrate Raya with Family, my Darlz, my TPK drama group, my school friends and maybe Army friends? Old friends? Haha.. I think I'll end now.. maybe will go for more shopping this afternoon with my best budz.. Kurt and Zaf.. looks like going to Avenged Sevenfold's gig has to cancel.. Anyway, here's some pics to share.. |
Thursday, 18 September 2008
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9/18/2008 02:52:00 pm
date : 18th September 2008 time : 1456hrs Helluez! Wooooo.. I just woke up.. Actually I already woke up for sahur just now and had my sleep again at 1000hrs.. after sahur, watched "The Ruin" at watch-movies.. it was thrilling but after awhile, it becomes merepek.. there's this pyramid-shaped tower which keep man-eating vines.. some how been cursed to eat humans.. haha.. I feel like watching "Disaster Movie" with my girlfriend this weekend but we already planned to go for Raya shopping.. maybe we'll go after her class and after my drama.. but I dont think there's time for us to walk around.. I don't feel like going for drama this Sarturday but the thought of having less than a month to practice, makes me think twice.. hmm.. I donno.. if Saturday can't get the stuffs, maybe I'll continue my shopping on Sunday but my girlfriend can't make it on Sunday.. then I'll ask Kurt or Zaf for companion.. I think the Raya mood has just begun.. Ria and Warna already playing Raya songs.. Cey~~ but I still haven't get my baju kurung and other clothings.. My budget is $300.. I think it's enough.. Things to get :
Today I'll be meeting my Darling after her work.. she ends work at 1840hrs like that then off to Woodlands to get her shoes.. if there's a shop at Causeway Point selling nice baju kurung, I'll get one today.. heh.. if not then I'll just get it at 2nd Chance.. Oh yah.. yesterday I let my Darling listen to The Used's new song and she loved it.. their songs have always been very energetic and rockin'.. some are emotional but it's nice to listen to.. looks like it's gonna be my Darling's 2nd favourite band after Avenged Sevendfold.. heh.. ![]() The Used ![]() Too bad their drummer (wearing white) left the band and they got their new drummer who is more technical I'll end here.. wanna do house chores.. Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 1603hrs |
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
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9/17/2008 03:57:00 pm
date : 17th September 2008 time : 1558hrs Helluez! Wah.. so good to be at home the whole day.. I'm never bored even at home.. haha.. there's always something to do.. my friends asked me to work but hey, it's the holidays.. it's time for you to rest and have time for yourselves.. haha.. Yesterday I break fast with my girlfriend at ITE Bishan.. met her after work and went to Bishan as she'll be having her lesson later.. on the way to Junction 8, bumped into Wan Danielle.. haha.. why must associated him with Danielle.. maybe he acted in that drama, that's why his name stick to Wan Danielle.. he gave his number to me coz he lost his phone.. after that me and my girlfriend walked around Junction 8 coz it was still early before time to beak fast.. we bought our food at Long John Silvers' around 1850hrs and walked slowly to ITE Bishan after that.. we're just in time for breaking fast.. my girlfriend went for class at 1930hrs and she left the class half way coz it was too boring for her.. haha.. we went Yishun after that.. Today I woke up at 1030hrs.. of course I had my sahur in the morning.. then slept again.. when I woke up just now, I took my guitar and played.. watched Avenged Sevenfold on youtube and The Rev (the drummer) was amazing.. Matt Shadows has a very powerful voice.. Synyster Gates was a very good guitarist.. the band was technically good.. I wish I have a band like theirs.. Then I feel like rapping suddenly.. I search for Linkin Park's High Voltage's instrumental and YEHAAA!! My laptop has a voice recorder so, I recorded my own rap.. haha.. maybe you think I have nothing better to do but it's fun.. haha.. it's been a long time since I rap but not bad.. I can still remember the words.. I try to play my guitar and rap at the same time but it was impossible.. wait a minute, I can rap while playing guitar like Blink 182's Feeling This' bridge part.. haha.. there's so many things I can discover about myself.. but of course, there's someone out there who can do better than me.. that will only motivate me to do better.. cey~~ I feel like going to the NTUC to get lemons.. wanna make lemonade for breaking fast.. or I just buy lemon syrup but it'll be too sweet.. see how lah.. I think I'll end here.. wanna shower and do some house chores.. ![]() Avenged Sevenfold ![]() The Rev - Drummer of Avenged Sevenfold The Rave - Drummer of I-Was-Blindfolded cey~~ Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 1634hrs |
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
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9/16/2008 01:28:00 pm
date : 16th September 2008 time : 1330hrs Helluez!! It's the afternoon and guess what, I just woke up.. haha.. well, I didn't sleep well last night.. only had my full sleep after sahur.. exactly 8 hours.. and yah, I left my subuh prayers.. I dreamt about something corny just now but I can't really remember what it was but it was corny, not horny.. Yesterday was a very interesting day.. haha.. but the best part is, get to meet my schoolmates after weeks of separation.. cey~~ As usual, I was late.. met them at Grandlink coz they were playing pool.. Zul, Ahmad, Tauhid, Azim, Ariff, Ihsan and Din were there.. They already made a reservation at Arnold's Restaurant but we can only come in at 1930hrs.. but the timing may change coz people might eat slowly.. so we thought of just buying something from the bazaar and eat at the void deck.. that'll be more cool.. by the time we stopped playing pool, it's already 1850hrs.. we rushed to get our food and Alhamdulillah, just in time before the Azan.. we found a place to sit around the area, like a pondok.. we had our meal, smoke and we share our stories.. after that we planned to explore the "Red Light District".. Most of them had never been to the place.. we walked to the "lorongs"which is damn far from where we were at.. when we reached the place, we toured around and some were amazed with what the prostitutes can do.. haha.. wait a minute, at the first place, we shouldn't go to such places as it is the month of Ramadhan.. haha.. Curiously, we continue exploring and some of the guys were already feeling scared coz the prostitutes keep pulling and begging them.. well, that's something they don't expect.. the tour ended around 2230hrs coz most of us were already tired.. we walked back to Paya Lebar.. from there we separated and head home.. I don't know how to describe the experience.. interesting? fun? bullz? I donno.. but what I know is that we're not supposed to go there.. haha.. Today's plan is meeting my Darlz after work.. break fast together and I wait for her when she goes for her History lesson after that.. Oh yah, during sahur just now, my mom told me that Tok Kidi' passed away yesterday.. may he find peace in the afterlife.. kita dermakan Al-Fatihah buatnye.. I'll end here and here's some pics not from yesterday's outing (we didn't take photos) but from other activities.. Enjoy! ![]() Afi, Liza and me - during the shooting of Klakarsik (just got the pic from Liza) Zaf and me Afi, Amirul, Zaf and me I realised that there's alot of Orbs in the pictures taken at the Old Aged Home.. Orbs believed to be spirits but some may be light reflected from dust particles.. I don't know.. Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 1428hrs |
Monday, 15 September 2008
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9/15/2008 02:48:00 pm
date : 15th September 2008 time : 1450hrs Helluez! Actually I just woke up minutes ago.. helped my mom with some house chores and haven't got the mood to shower yet.. haha.. had my sahur in the morning and did my subuh prayers and after that watch 'Mutant Chronicles' at watch-movies.net which I didn't really finish it.. Got that guy from HellBoy being the priest in the movie.. Actually I wanna watch 'Disaster Movie' but I thought of watching it with my Darlz in the cinema.. Well, today I'll be breaking fast with my schoolmates.. and also celebrating our success for the exams.. I think it's gonna be all-guys outing so it'll be cool.. we'll be meeting at Payar Lebar MRT at 1630hrs but I think I'll be late.. haha.. I'm not sure where exactly we're gonna break fast.. maybe at Banquet? I donno.. but what I know is that I miss hanging out with the guys.. cey.. Wow, it's already the 15th day of the fasting month and also the mid of Ramadhan.. how fast time flies.. And I don't think I've done enough deeds to get the pahala.. only went for terawikh during the first week and visit the Old Folks Home last Saturday.. I wanna recite the Muqaddam (I haven't reach the stage of reciting the Quran yet - malunye!) but no one to guide me.. so to avoid sins, I only recite easy surahs.. hehe.. I think I'll end here.. here's more pics from the visit to the Home.. Enjoy! Smile even when you're down we love doing charity The TPK-ians @ Darul Takrim - Jamiyah Home for the Aged Teater Peti Karma with Mr 'I-donno-his-name', Chairman for Darul Takrim People from different groups working as one.. cey.. That's all folks.. Cizoo.. time : 1541hrs |
Sunday, 14 September 2008
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9/14/2008 07:04:00 am
date : 14th September 2008 time : 0705hrs Helluez! What a beautiful morning!! Hehe.. had my sahur and did my subuh prayers just now.. it was good.. but damn, my PSP low batt.. I thought of watching movies at watch-movies.com but I donno what movie to watch.. the latest I watched from the site was 'Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor'.. it was interesting and the comments given for the movie was actually quite true.. the previous heroine was much more hotter.. the new one, looks abit older than Brendan Fraser.. and his son, in the movie, looks like his brother.. haha.. so it's like a cock-up.. but the show was great except that there's yetis and Jet Li can transformed into three-headed dragon and some other mythical beasts, which personally, I think it's out-of-point.. Yesterday I did something that I've never done before and it was a good experience.. me and my drama mates went to Jamiyah Darul Takrim - Home for the Aged.. I met up with my drama mates in the afternoon at Serangoon CC as the Bangsawan group was having their training.. Afi, Sis Azimah, Zaf, Amirul and a new guy, Azizan, were there.. I think he's Sis Azimah's friend.. that's what Zaf told me.. he was cool and easy to talk to.. not long, Titi came.. around 1330hrs, we left the CC and head for The Home.. Azizan and Amirul weren't able to join us coz they had their plan.. the event was actually a collaboration of Teater Peti Karma, Seri Purnama Seni, Sri Bayu Kencana, Ayunda and Variasi Performing Arts with the aim of doing charity work for the community.. it's a good event where you get to help old folks who came from different backgrounds and also the chance to meet friends from other drama groups.. I get to meet Hisham from Variasi.. he's as funky as usual.. haha.. the Variasians and people from Seri Purnama Seni were very friendly but sad to say that the people from other groups only minggle among their own clan, except Andy from Sri Bayu Kencana.. he talked to me, so he's quite sociable.. heh.. well, there's this guy who step gerek and macam paham but the good thing was he didn't bother us so it's ok.. haha.. Anyway, we're given the opportunity to talk to the folks and also warned about certain things that we might encounter.. I get to know this pakcik during their tea break session.. he told me about his life.. he was left homeless after his parents' death and situation became worst after his trusted friend sabotage him to the police.. he was then sent to the Home for shelter.. he has no family to turn to and life was hard for him but he's thankful that the Home take good care of him by giving him food and shelter.. sitting beside the pakcik was an apek.. after talking to the pakcik, I talked to the apek.. his name is Ah Ho.. he told us alot about his past.. it was interesting till it made Zaf who's sitting on the next table, turned and joined me.. hehe.. even Hisham joined us later.. he talked for about an hour, making me sleepy.. haha.. I get bored easily actually.. it finally ended after he told us he wanna go for a smoke.. the 3 of us then went to meet the rest of the guys who are making banner.. they were so berapi-api.. we wanna help but they had enough people and it was almost done.. Around 1830hrs, me and few peepz helped out with the arranging of tables and chairs for us to break our fast.. by 1845hrs, everything's ready and food were prepared on the tables.. there's porridge, chappati & kari, roti kirai and varity of Malay kuih.. we also had packet drink and rose syrup.. I only ate a little as I don't plan to eat much.. after the break of fast, me and Zaf did our maghrib.. the session ended with a briefing by the chairman and he gave us many meaningful advices.. After seeing the old folks in the Home, I strongly believe that I'm going to take care of my parents in the future.. I love my parents.. We took alot of pictures as a remembrance.. after that me and Zaf hitched Khailee's van to Geylang.. actually he only sent us there.. Hisham (Variasi) and the girls from SPS - Titi and Liza also joined us.. we walked around Geylang.. I'm looking for Baju Kurung.. this year I'm not wearing the same colour as my Darlz.. just wanna make this Raya unique.. hehe.. instead, I'm wearing the same colour as Zaf.. but have not decide which colour to choose.. after tired of walking here and there, we all left Geylang at 2330hrs.. Personally, I learnt alot from the visit to the Old Folks Home.. I learnt not to take our parents for granted and no matter what, family comes first.. And I'm not going to neglect my parents when they are old.. Here are some of the pics we took yesterday.. I still yet to grab more pics from Sis Azima and other peepz.. enjoy! ![]() Variasi and TPK - Nurul, Huda, Hamzah, me & Zaf. wait a minute, that's Afi with his hand on his forehead. ![]() The Great Hisham and The Incredible Aif Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 0846hrs |
Friday, 12 September 2008
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9/12/2008 11:19:00 am
date : 12th August 2008 time : 1120hrs Helluez! VROOOOOOOOM~~~ What's that sound? - a car? PREEEEEEEEEENG~~~ What's that sound? - a bike? Wooooo.. We often heard this quotation before - "What you see, is what you'll get".. but what I heard is what I will, insya'allah, get.. I just enrolled my 2B riding course yesterday with my dad and after that in the evening booked the lesson together with Tauhid and Zul.. I'm feeling very motivated having friends taking license with me.. ceh~~ When you think life is good, it becomes better when opportunities come without you noticing.. the idea of having 2 licenses, Insya'allah, is like having extra qualification to get a job.. I strongly believe that being a guy, you must have 2 or more license.. well, at least a class 3 & class 2B.. Most of my friends have these 2 licenses including my cousin and I feel motivated to be like them too.. I used to go for bike lesson before and personally it is quite hard to ride but after seeing females riding bike here and there, it makes me think - if she can ride, I can ride it too.. Alang (from my drama group, TPK) asked me and Zaf to join his design (when he doesn't even own a bike or license) but just relax and chill one.. What we think is that it's just a piece of bullz.. you don't have to be in a design to relax and chill.. being an independent rider is much more cool than being in a design, and who knows if other designs doesn't like your design and could get into unnecessary fights.. haiyah.. Well, today I'll be having drama training.. I forgot to ask from my mom $15 to pay for the Iftar tomorrow.. shish! Sis Azima asked me to come earlier to prepare a banner.. I feel like lazy but on 2nd thought, why not do this in the name of charity.. it should be fun coz Kak Yana will be helping me out.. Or I'll be helping Kak Yana out.. haha.. she's very the kecoh but can get irritating at times.. overall, she's nice lah.. I wish my Darlz can come along but she has other plans.. If only I have my scripts now, I can at least memorise but it's with Zaf.. I asked him to keep for me that day after the previous drama training.. even if I bring, we wont be doing script reading.. most of the time will be doing vocal practice and space jump - which some of us are sick and tired of.. haha.. just being honest.. and I think Achit can't be a good motivator.. the more he "motivates", the more shy that Irah (SPS) get, on the previous training.. thankfully Sis Azima was there to motivate Irah and finally she came out and act.. Anyway, I realised that Noreen is more comfortable talking to me and Zaf after that Geylang outing.. and her boyfriend is very friendly too.. according to some people, he's a Matrep just because he drives a DHL van.. and that 'some people' doesn't know what a cool guy Noreen's boyfriend can be.. Enough of politics.. I can see that my life is becoming more positive and I hope to do better.. Holiday is now very meaningful and gonna enjoy it very much.. I guess I'll end now.. Cizoooo~~ |
Thursday, 11 September 2008
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9/11/2008 06:30:00 am
date : 11 September 2008 time : 0630hrs Helluez!! I just finished doing my subuh prayers.. after my sahur with the family, me and my mom discussed about some issues regarding MUIS and related topics like the distribution of porridge in the mosques.. my mom told me that mosques even gave the porridges to non-Muslims.. Isn't the porridges supposed to be distributed only to Muslims because they are the ones who are fasting.. I didn't mention Malay, I mentioned MUSLIMS.. I know they wanna have this community bonding between races but they should do it in a more proper way.. at least mosques could set up a small table outside for non-Muslims to try out what the porridge tastes like.. the non-Muslims don't have to bring 2 or 3 packets home and who knows if they didn't like the taste, they will throw it.. and isn't that a waste of food.. that amount that was wasted could be given to someone who is really hungry and in need for food to break fast.. Is MUIS using their brain to think? Hmm.. Sometimes I'm not sure if I can trust the Muslim's organisations in Singapore.. Well.. maybe I'll just do whatever that is needed to be a good Muslim and I'm proud to be one.. anyway, I was on Friendster just now and there's this bulletin.. it's like a survey.. I'm kinda bored now so I feel like doing the survey just to kill time.. so here goes.. 1)Taken or single?? - I'm taken by someone who is very loving & caring 2) Do you like it? - Like it?? I love it!! I'm loving it.. parapapapa.. 3) Have you ever had your heart broken? - yerps, but Alhamdulillah I'm positive towards life, I've moved on.. 4) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok? - I wouldn't take the risk of hurting my Darlz 5) Are you missing someone right now? - yes.. obviously my Darlz and i miss playing drums.. 6) Have you talked about marriage with someone? - erm.. yah.. with my Darlz but not so soon.. just plans.. might or might not happen.. only God knows.. 7) Do you want children? - yeah.. I wanna have AifIra juniors.. cey~~ 8) If yes, how many? - well, at least 2 and the maximum is 2.. haha.. so I plan to have 2.. so yerps, 2.. 9.) Would you consider adoption ? - it depends on the situation.. but preferably my own biological son.. 10) If someone liked you right now, what would you want them to tell you? - tell me that I'm hot and sexy and I have nice ass.. cey~~ 11) Do you want someone you can't have? - Nope.. what's the point.. I'll be just wasting my time.. 12) Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? - yerps.. 27th of every month is special to me and my Darlz but the official date will be 27th August.. cey~~ 13) Do you get butterflies when your around your crushes.. - used to go on dates when I was single but all I got was cockroaches and lizards.. but now whenever I'm with my Darlz, I got.. yeah butterflies in my tummy flying around as an indication that I am hungry for love.. cey~~ 14) Do any of your ex's still have feelings for you? - I think my ex school friends still have feelings for me.. especially my secondary school and ITE friends.. 15) Have you slept at a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend's House? - I slept at Kurt's house before.. 16) Do you love someone? - Of course! I love myself, my family, my Darlz, my bestfriends, my friends.. many more.. 17) Do they know? - Of course they know.. 18) Was your last kiss with someone you like? - the last person I kissed was.................... my Darlz.. hehe.. she's the someone that I love.. 19) What's on your mind right now? - to play my damn PSP which is still charging.. 20) Name the person that you love: - My Gosh! here are the list.. *Myself *My Family *My Darlz *My bestfriends - Zaf & Kurt *My close friends - Jimmy, Zul and Kak Zi and many more... So there you go.. I end now.. wanna play my game.. Cizoo~ - aif - time : 0726hrs |
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
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9/10/2008 10:39:00 pm
date : 11th September 2008 time : 0049hrs Helluez! Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah that I passed my exams!! Not with flying colours but only Cyans and Darkcolours.. whatever it is, I managed to proceed to the next level.. no supp papers and my mind is now free.. I celebrated it by buying a pack of Pall Mall lights and smoke 2 sticks of it just now.. hehe.. well, at least now I'm able to focus more on memorising the scripts for drama.. Sis Azima gave me and Zaf the task to plan Hari Raya visitings.. it's kinda tidious.. like we have to plan whose house to go and book van in advance.. since I passed my exams, I'm free to do all these.. hehe.. But the most amazing thing about my results is that I passed my wireless.. I did damn badly for my quizes, term test and projects and I did anyhow for my semestrial exam but I donno how I managed to pull it off.. I think the teacher gave me high marks on my projects.. Mdm Sing looks like a very nice lady afterall.. hehe.. Tomorrow morning I'll be accompanying my dad to rent car and in the evening maybe enrol 2B with Tauhid and Zul.. we can't wait to become Mamat motor.. cool pe.. hehe.. what's important is to stay positive in life.. that's what I've learnt through my 23 years of living.. My hair is growing and it's getting longer seconds after seconds.. should I cut or just let it grow.. if possible, I wanna keep it so that I can look like Carlos Santana.. haha.. or should I cut bota like Roberto Carlos? Or keep it neat like Tauhid Carlos (that's Tauhid's email address - tauhid_carlos@hotmail.com).. haha.. ![]() this OR this ![]() It's obvious that I look better with short hair.. cey~~ I'll get a haircut soon.. don't worry.. I'll end here.. Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 0127hrs |
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9/10/2008 06:43:00 am
date : 10 September 2008 time : 0645hrs Helluez! It's oready the 2nd week of Ramadhan.. like, DAMN fast.. soon will be Hari Raya.. but that's not important.. heh.. I got like 2 months of holiday but I donno if I should be working.. I don't think so.. let's take this time to relax ad enjoy.. spend time with loved ones and most importantly, get lots of pahala during this Ramadhan.. of course sometimes we are distracted with other stuffs but Alhamdulillah I'm able to do my prayers more than I used to.. the plan of going for holidays have to cancel due to the fasting month.. maybe I'll go during the Hari Raya month.. I feel like going Kuala Lumpur.. it has been very long since I went there.. I think around 5 years? Or maybe more.. Only God knows.. I'm also packed with activities these holiday.. I've been wanting to apply bike license.. maybe this Thursday when my dad is free.. maybe also he's going to rent car on that day.. that'll be cool.. Tauhid called and wanted to enrol together with me, so I hope he can make it this Thursday.. I can imagine riding bike to school, side by side with Tauhid.. cey~~ I've driven to school before.. and I gave those who was in my car a hell of an experience.. hehe.. I call it, "The Bumpy".. it's just the jerking of the car, by just playing with the accelerator.. heh.. Besides taking license, this Friday I'm having drama practice with TPK.. I hope we can start practicing with the play.. well, "space jump" is fun but doing too much of it can bore us.. US? Yeah.. not only me who is bored but there's others too.. I think Achit and Najib should stop their nonsense.. like disturbing Ron.. I pity Ron actually.. it's good enough that he's in the show and we (especially Achit & Najib) should give some respect to Ron even though he's younger than us.. Achit and Najib shouldn't make fun of Ron's Indian accent.. I got to admit I sometimes laughed at the way Ron talks but at least I didn't tongue-tied myself trying to speak nonsensical Indian language in front of Ron.. What if one day Ron can't take it and left the play.. I bet Achit and Najib gonna blame Ron for leaving.. well I don't.. what if Najib and Achit were in an Indian drama group by themselves and they were made fun of.. how will they feel.. I bet they will quit the next day.. Ron is an adorable boy.. he's the one who makes our training fun.. but Achit, sometimes I feel like knocking his wide forehead with my knuckle.. heh.. but of course not coz I'm a nice guy.. cey~~ And I'm having Iftar this Saturday with the drama peeps at Jamiyah Home.. we collaborated with other drama groups like Seri Purnama Seni, Sri Bayu Kencana, Ayunda and Variasi.. should be fun coz get to see Zurin (SBK) and Hisyam (Variasi).. I'm not that good when comes to interacting with the tarian girls coz I find some of them unfriendly and they don't talk to strangers.. well, I'm a stranger.. Hello, Stranger! And Monday, 15th September, I'm having Iftar with my schoolmate.. I can't wait to meet up with them.. I think Tauhid, Din (Chuck), Zul, Ahmad, Azim and many more will turn up.. Once again, no girls coz...... I'm not good when comes to interacting with girls.. and it's actually an all guys out so that's another reason why no girls are invited.. we're still not sure where exactly we're gonna break fast.. I'll discuss again with them.. Wait a minute.. I just remembered that on the 19th is my brother Adil's birthday.. that'll be on next Friday.. wow.. he'll be 16.. I still remember the days when I was 16.. the year that I took my O' levels.. that was 7 years ago.. it's fast how time flies.. and 7 years later, I'll be 30.. wooooooho~ I got no plans for today.. maybe just watch ghost documentaries on youtube.. I feel damn lazy to go out unless there's a purpose.. I guess I'll end now.. here's some pictures to share.. enjoy! ![]() The casts of "One Blind Rat".. oops.. I mean, "One Blind Ron" ![]() Ron, Noreen, me, Zaf and behind is Najib ![]() "When the going gets tough, the tough looks in the hand and think.." ![]() She picks. She bite. She SCORES!!!!!! - break fast at ITE Bishan Cizoooo~ - aif - time : 0809hrs |