Sunday, 14 September 2008
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9/14/2008 07:04:00 am
date : 14th September 2008 time : 0705hrs Helluez! What a beautiful morning!! Hehe.. had my sahur and did my subuh prayers just now.. it was good.. but damn, my PSP low batt.. I thought of watching movies at but I donno what movie to watch.. the latest I watched from the site was 'Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor'.. it was interesting and the comments given for the movie was actually quite true.. the previous heroine was much more hotter.. the new one, looks abit older than Brendan Fraser.. and his son, in the movie, looks like his brother.. haha.. so it's like a cock-up.. but the show was great except that there's yetis and Jet Li can transformed into three-headed dragon and some other mythical beasts, which personally, I think it's out-of-point.. Yesterday I did something that I've never done before and it was a good experience.. me and my drama mates went to Jamiyah Darul Takrim - Home for the Aged.. I met up with my drama mates in the afternoon at Serangoon CC as the Bangsawan group was having their training.. Afi, Sis Azimah, Zaf, Amirul and a new guy, Azizan, were there.. I think he's Sis Azimah's friend.. that's what Zaf told me.. he was cool and easy to talk to.. not long, Titi came.. around 1330hrs, we left the CC and head for The Home.. Azizan and Amirul weren't able to join us coz they had their plan.. the event was actually a collaboration of Teater Peti Karma, Seri Purnama Seni, Sri Bayu Kencana, Ayunda and Variasi Performing Arts with the aim of doing charity work for the community.. it's a good event where you get to help old folks who came from different backgrounds and also the chance to meet friends from other drama groups.. I get to meet Hisham from Variasi.. he's as funky as usual.. haha.. the Variasians and people from Seri Purnama Seni were very friendly but sad to say that the people from other groups only minggle among their own clan, except Andy from Sri Bayu Kencana.. he talked to me, so he's quite sociable.. heh.. well, there's this guy who step gerek and macam paham but the good thing was he didn't bother us so it's ok.. haha.. Anyway, we're given the opportunity to talk to the folks and also warned about certain things that we might encounter.. I get to know this pakcik during their tea break session.. he told me about his life.. he was left homeless after his parents' death and situation became worst after his trusted friend sabotage him to the police.. he was then sent to the Home for shelter.. he has no family to turn to and life was hard for him but he's thankful that the Home take good care of him by giving him food and shelter.. sitting beside the pakcik was an apek.. after talking to the pakcik, I talked to the apek.. his name is Ah Ho.. he told us alot about his past.. it was interesting till it made Zaf who's sitting on the next table, turned and joined me.. hehe.. even Hisham joined us later.. he talked for about an hour, making me sleepy.. haha.. I get bored easily actually.. it finally ended after he told us he wanna go for a smoke.. the 3 of us then went to meet the rest of the guys who are making banner.. they were so berapi-api.. we wanna help but they had enough people and it was almost done.. Around 1830hrs, me and few peepz helped out with the arranging of tables and chairs for us to break our fast.. by 1845hrs, everything's ready and food were prepared on the tables.. there's porridge, chappati & kari, roti kirai and varity of Malay kuih.. we also had packet drink and rose syrup.. I only ate a little as I don't plan to eat much.. after the break of fast, me and Zaf did our maghrib.. the session ended with a briefing by the chairman and he gave us many meaningful advices.. After seeing the old folks in the Home, I strongly believe that I'm going to take care of my parents in the future.. I love my parents.. We took alot of pictures as a remembrance.. after that me and Zaf hitched Khailee's van to Geylang.. actually he only sent us there.. Hisham (Variasi) and the girls from SPS - Titi and Liza also joined us.. we walked around Geylang.. I'm looking for Baju Kurung.. this year I'm not wearing the same colour as my Darlz.. just wanna make this Raya unique.. hehe.. instead, I'm wearing the same colour as Zaf.. but have not decide which colour to choose.. after tired of walking here and there, we all left Geylang at 2330hrs.. Personally, I learnt alot from the visit to the Old Folks Home.. I learnt not to take our parents for granted and no matter what, family comes first.. And I'm not going to neglect my parents when they are old.. Here are some of the pics we took yesterday.. I still yet to grab more pics from Sis Azima and other peepz.. enjoy! ![]() Variasi and TPK - Nurul, Huda, Hamzah, me & Zaf. wait a minute, that's Afi with his hand on his forehead. ![]() The Great Hisham and The Incredible Aif Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 0846hrs |