Tuesday, 30 September 2008
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9/30/2008 01:04:00 am
date : 30th September 2008 time : 0105hrs Helluez!! Today is the last day of the fasting month.. tomorrow all the Muslims will be celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri.. it is a celebration of......... nvm.. just click here to know more.. I'm lazy to explain.. haha.. Alhamdulillah I've finished my shopping and just have to do alil touch up in the house, then we're ready for Raya! Alhamdulillah I've received my ERS money.. thought of going to Avenged Sevenfold's concert but I prefer to save my money.. even my Darlz adviced me to save it.. FYI, me and my Darlz are hardcore fans of Avenged Sevenfold.. cey~~ but due to future planning, I decided to put my money in good use.. heh.. BUT I LOVE AVENGED SEVENFOLD.. ![]() This year's Hari Raya, me and my Darlz are wearing purple (in case some didn't know).. like "Sepasang Kurung Purple".. I don't know what's purple in malay.. is it ungu? Or jengga? Or janggut? I don't know.. haha.. Oh yah, I still haven't alter my pants and jeans.. maybe during one of these days.. sometimes I'm just lazy to leave my house and go to the tailor.. heh.. wait a minute, I got 3 pairs of shoes!! 2 of which I bought this year and a pair I got it for last year's Hari Raya but didn't wear it coz.. I don't know.. it's high-cut and.. I also don't know why I didn't wear.. and suddenly this year I have alot of shoes.. hmm.. Shirts and tees I got them from Kurt.. *save money*.. but I bought polo-tees.. what I need to get now is a sling bag.. like those.. designers carry around.. you know.. those big ones.. ok, nvm.. AND SOMEHOW I WISH I CAN GET MY HANDS ON THOSE TICKETS.. *stop it Aif* About my family's preparation for Hari Raya.. I can see there's alot of kuih in the kitchen.. Pineapple tarts is a must have and 'I-don't-know-what-kind-of-kuih-is-that' also have.. I think it's chocolate chip with.. I don't know.. should taste nice.. Can say that our spring cleaning started off quite early.. usually we'll start a day before Raya.. I know it's damn too late but we managed to finish it within a day.. cey~~ Oh well, at least it's good to start off early.. I followed my mom to Geylang's wet market yesterday afternoon.. bought the barang-barang dapur and some other decor for the house.. damn heavy to carry! In the evening, met up with my Darlz to break fast with her.. after she left for her class, I went Hougang Plaza to get a pair of shoes.. when I reached home, I do the chores.. it's tiring but I'm happy to at least get to see Avenged Sevenfold's Concert advertisement in TV mobile.. heh.. Anyway, I've watched my uncle's latest comedy show, "kecoh-kecoh Raya" (he gave a copy to my grandma, so my dad borrowed it).. and it was funny.. I gave it a 6/10.. some parts are lame but the funny scenes covered it up.. get what I mean.. heh.. I think I'll end now.. Insya'allah I'll give my Hari Raya "speech" in the next entry.. you know.. those ampun and maaf thang.. hehe.. Cizoo~~ - aif - time : 0217hrs |