Sunday, 29 June 2008
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6/29/2008 12:14:00 am
date : 29th June 2008 time : 0015hrs Helluez!! Yesterday was great! Went for Singapore Band Competition audition at US Studio along Joo Chiat Road.. Met the guys first at Eunos MRT Station, then head off to the studio.. I was damn nervous but I tried not to show.. we reached quite early.. we have to sign a form and also have to pay $30 registration for a band.. we got a bottle of Coke Light and a packet of tissue.. at least we got something.. hehe.. when i went in the audition room, the drumset was damn cool.. it's so BRAND NEW and I was like.. WOW.. in front of the drumset has a transparent plastic board to, I think muffle the drums.. I donno.. We played our original, Bitter Sweetness 2.0.. the guys told me that my drums were slightly too fast but to me, it sounds like normal.. after the audition, the 4 judges interviewed us.. they gave us positive comments and one of them said that we're musically tight.. but I remembered I did screw up some parts.. and there's also parts where we were all very messy.. but I donno why the judges like us.. maybe we have a different personality compared to other bands.. but we haven't know the results yet.. it will be out by 12th July 2008 according to SSG. After the audition, I met my ladee at Dhoby Ghaut and we took train to Harbourfront.. Orchard is like so boring so we thought of somewhere we don't usually go.. We had our dinner first at Banquet.. my ladee's treat.. thank you, dear.. and then we walked around Vivo City after that.. I love walking around with her coz I get to hold her hands and see her smile.. after a lot of walking, we head down to the interchange's foodcourt to get a sugar cane juice.. we sat at a corner and I told her about my not-so-scary ghost encounters.. around 2015hrs, we took bus 855 to Yishun.. I had a great day.. Later in the afternoon I'm going Jon's house to do recording.. NightFall will be having a big project for National Day.. I guess that's all for my entry now.. Just wanna let my ladee know that I love her.. one more day to her Birthday.. can't wait to meet her on Monday!!!! - aif - time : 0045hrs |
Friday, 27 June 2008
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6/27/2008 11:03:00 pm
date : 27th June 2008 time : 2304hrs Helluez!! It's 27th June 2008!! And It's my anniversary with my ladee!!! My evawonderful!!! My Darling!!! My Sweetheart!!! My Lava Lava!! Haba Haba Arrwooooooo.... It's our 1year 10months anniversary today!! Wished her exactly at 0000hrs just now.. 2 more months, and we'll celebrate our 2 years anniversary.. woohoo! Alhamdulillah we've been together for so long.. we've been through ups and downs like the stock exchange but we manage to conquer difficulties and go through the tunnel of love.. She has been there for me when I need her especially the time when I have to sit for my term test.. Alhamdulillah with Allah's guidance and her encouragements, I managed to pass most of my papers.. except Wireless Technologies.. I scored only 28/100.. pathetic but I'm happy with my other results.. I also passed my OOP.. I scored 59/100.. and the amazing thing is that I scored well (it's a good score from my point of view) for my MobComp and NetInfra.. a score of 68/100 for both papers.. Well, this is just term test.. still have final year examinations.. hopefully I'm able to score high for that too.. I'm now pulling up my socks and achieve what I want, a Diploma.. This coming Monday is my ladee's 24th Birthday.. I'm thinking what to do for her.. I wish I have money to buy her expensive stuff but I think my priceless brain has better idea for her.. I'll make her something.. something unique.. something only Aif knows! Hehe.. Well, tomorrow is my audition with my band for Singapore Band Competition.. Honestly I'm feeling nervous now.. I hope we can get through the audition and qualify for the competition.. Wish me all the best! That's all for my entry today! - aif - time : 2332hrs |
Sunday, 22 June 2008
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6/22/2008 11:23:00 am
date : 22nd June 2008 time : 1134hrs Helluez! Wassup.. It's a Sunday morning and tomorrow school re-opens.. term break is damn short, 2 weeks.. before you know it, school re-opens.. but school is fun but stressful at the same time.. that's normal.. anyway, the 2 weeks break was a good one for me.. though I have to finish up loads of projects, but I still managed to do other stuffs.. I've finished my project (with Ihsan) and part of my MobComp project (with Tauhid and Azmil) but haven't do my Wireless Tech project.. and my APEL 2 project too.. shish.. Me and my bands had our jam last Friday night.. We're preparing for our upcoming event which is an audition for "DrumFest 2008".. We wanna play "Bitter Sweetness 2.0".. our original.. this Wednesday we're jamming again.. hopefully we are qualified for it.. Yesterday I had Arts Camp-Beliaseni.. It's not exactly a camp, but it's more like a workshop.. I came with Zaf at about 1030hrs when we're supposed to report at 0900hrs.. fortunately the coordinator were not that fierce.. but most of the people there, whether it's the coordinators or participants, I recognise their faces.. When we went in the hall, they start to play "Break-the-ice" game.. we have to pass the ball around but we have to say the name of the person we're passing to.. from one ball, they increase it to 4.. very fun.. next we played "the blanket game".. 2 person have to stand facing each other but was blocked by a blanket.. when the blanket is pulled down, they have to guess each other's name.. then one who is the fastest, wins.. my group won but we didn't get anything.. so sad.. haha.. then the first workshop begins.. it was about theatre.. learn on how to be a good actor and be creative.. we had our lunch after that.. had chicken rice.. after lunch, the second workshop is about tarian.. we learnt various types of Malaysian dance.. we end at about 1800hrs and we took a coach to Riverside Indonesian Restaurant.. we had dinner there.. after dinner, had photo taking session.. me and Zaf went back at 2100hrs.. Today I have to go to Aki's sister's wedding at AMK.. then after that watching movie with my gf.. maybe "The Hulk".. I wanna get myself ready.. take care! - aif - time : 1206hrs |
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
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6/17/2008 12:58:00 am
date : 17th June 2008 date : 0112hrs Helluez!! It's 1 a.m in the morning but I'm not sleepy.. or maybe I'm just too excited to post out something.. hehe.. I was at home the whole day.. until 1700hrs.. I went out to meet my gf.. she ended work at 1730hrs.. I came at the right time.. hehe.. I was punctual.. she has to go for her maths lesson after that.. but before that we went dinner at Junction 8.. ate KFC.. then there's this pakcik, eating alone, ate so berkecah.. my girlfriend asked me to turn and look at the pakcik.. I saw mashed potato dripping down from his mouth.. it was DAMN disgusting.. there's chilli sauce all over his fingers and......... yah, it was VERY disgusting till I can't describe more.. I donno whether he did it on purpose or he's naturally like that.. then my girlfriend told me that when he took off his spectacles, the frame dipped in the mashed potato and he wear it back without wiping it.. I was like.. OH MY GAWD!!! Then I joke with my gf, if the pakcik wants her to be his gf, will she accept.. she quickly answered NO!! To be honest, I feel like vomitting after I saw the mashed potato dripping down from his mouth to his chin.. luckily my gf was in front of me and she's so finger-lickin'-good to look at.. hehe.. after dinner, I sent my gf to school.. once she entered class, I went off to meet Kurt.. went pasar malam with him at Hougang.. I went home around 2300hrs.. My gf got back from Malacca yesterday and she bought me a watch and a keychain.. the watch she bought for me is cool.. I just snap the watch on my wrist and it will curl up.. I don't have to slot in the lobang or anything.. it's easy to wear.. and the keychain, I can change the chain to be a handphone accessories chain where people usually hangs on their handphones.. and the coolest part about it is that the keychain is a small-thin metal rod which is bent to shape like a guitar and my name in the middle.. SUPER COOL!! I hang it on my drumsticks' bag.. and it is so nice! Thanx, yeng..! Thank you so much! ![]() Orite people.. I think that's all for my entry today..! - aif - time : 0146hrs |
Sunday, 15 June 2008
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6/15/2008 09:21:00 pm
date : 15th June 2008 time : 2122hrs Helluez!!! Wassup everyone.. before I start writing any nonsense for today, I'd like to wish every dad in this world a HAPPY FATHERS' DAY.. I'm gonna be a dad one day..I dowanna be a bad dad.. I wanna be a good dad like my very own father.. he's my role model.. showing good examples and I'm proud of him coz he, as a muslim, prays 5 times a day.. and he recites the Quran when he's free.. unlike me, a lazy bum.. but one day, I will, insya'Allah, change for the better.. Orite.. I'm happy today.. Well, get to go out with my family.. it has been a long time.. I woke up at 12, had shower, then get ready for family outing.. we left home at 1400hrs.. My parents went to my dad's manager's son's wedding while me and my brothers went Orchard.. my mom booked high-tea at Carousel, located in a hotel opposite Far East Plaza.. I didn't really bother about the hotel's name.. what I know is that it's opposite Far East Plaza.. Our high-tea is at 1530hrs.. we came in and my dad started taking desserts.. haha.. that was fast.. I went to look for fried rice but there isn't any but nasi lemak.. so I took abit and some other finger foods.. just by eating that small quantity, I felt so full.. then I took some cakes for desserts.. the one with the strawberry topping kills my tongue.. the taste was DAMN AWESOME, man! I wanna take another slice but I was very full and I don't wanna get bloated.. we left the place at around 1645hrs and head for the bus-stop coz we wanna go Peninsula Shopping Centre.. we took bus 174 and we alighted near City Hall MRT station.. My brothers bought skinny jeans but I don't feel like buying anything UNTIL something caught my eyes.. a wristband.. hehe.. the aunty who owns the shop know me so she gave a discount for it.. I'll pose the pic of the wristband later.. after getting the stuffs, we went to the basement.. I thought of getting drumsticks but drumsticks' bag is more important.. so I went to this music store to get a small one.. it costs only $15 but my dad wants to pay for it.. hehe.. thanx, dad! I wanna get a drumsticks too but I was paiseh.. maybe I'll get it myself next time.. hehe.. finally, a proper bag for my drumsticks.. after walking around, my parents wanted to go Bedok to have our family picture taken at a studio.. we took train there.. but when we reached there, it was closed.. maybe next time we will have the picture taken.. feeling disappointed, we went Banquet to have a drink.. after that, we took taxi home.. my legs are very tired but it was worth it.. Oh yah.. my gf got back from Malacca just now.. she went off on Friday and today she's back in Singapore.. I miss her so much.. I wonder what she bought for me.. I'll meet her after work tomorrow and send her to school.. Here are the photos which I took today.. I love my family.. and.. erm.. I wanna apologise to Kak Azima coz not able to help her out with her cuzzin's wedding.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I guess that's all for my entry today.. take care.. don't forget to view NightFall's or TPK's Blog for the latest gig or event (respectively) updates.. - aif - time : 2205hrs |
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
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6/11/2008 01:28:00 pm
date : 11th June 2008 time : 1328hrs Helluez!! Wassup people!! I just had my gig with my band on Monday and it was kawabangga, dude.. I managed to sell 4 tickets only.. to Zul, Kurt, my gf and for myself.. Actually I don't need the tickets to go in the club but I bought it for remembrance.. hehe.. my gf on half-day off so she met me at Hougang after work.. we had our lunch at LJS Hougang Mall and after that we waited for Kurt.. We took NEL to Clarke Quay.. we reached around 1530hrs.. the rest of the guys were there already.. Jam and Rafi were also there, they took the same bus with Jimmy and SSG.. We supposed to have our sound check at 1600hrs but they drag until 1700hrs.. Our performance was at 1800hrs.. Many of our friends turned up but most were SSG's.. Oh yah, not to forget, Jon's dad turned up too.. he's very supportive of our band.. We played 6 songs and all were our originals.. I can't remember the song titles.. hehe.. Alhamdulillah we put up a great show.. I did cock up some part but I'm glad it's not that obvious.. On the last song, I managed to give a shout out to the people and also letting my gf know that I love her.. that was my favourite part.. After our performance was over, I can't control myself and went haywire jumping around together with the song played by the next band.. Did a mini mosh and sent many people flying.. not literally but yah.. heh.. after that, went 7-11 to get a slurpee with my gf.. My gf look so pretty that day.. and adorable.. with her "Sinister Gates" hat and scarf around her neck.. I hang out with the guys for awhile.. took alot of pics and went off at 2100hrs.. Well, we got an audition for tapestry this July.. hope we can make it and perform on the streets.. hehe.. here is the picture taken from the gig.. only one is displayed here.. want more? You can also check out my band's blog site - ![]() That's all for my entry today.. take care.. - aif - time : 1400hrs |
Monday, 9 June 2008
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6/09/2008 10:15:00 am
date : 09 June 2008 time : 1016hrs Helluez!! Monday and IT'S A HOLIDAY!!! but I can't rest.. later this evening I'm having a gig at HomeClub.. Yesterday jammed for 3 hours but had fun.. at least I know where my mistakes are.. my gf followed along to jamming.. after jam, we went Lido to have our dinner.. My gf treat me the meal.. hehe.. tak tau malu.. after dinner, we head down to Topshop TopMan Wisma Atria coz the guys wanna get some accessories for today's gig.. Jon and Jimmy bought metal chains which will hook on their jeans.. SSG, being the joker and funny fellow, tries the "Sinister Gates" hat and shades but it looks funny on him.. then he tries the bandena, the straw hat, the sun-visor and whatever he puts on, it look funny on him... me and my gf just laugh and laugh and laugh.. My gf loves one of the "Sinister Gates" hat.. she told the guys that her birthday is coming.. actually she was just joking to Jon about buying her the hat but Jon took the hat and bought for her.. haha.. I have nothing to say.. it's quite expensive but Jon didn't mind.. for my gf, it's her first time a friend bought her an expensive gift.. she was so happy.. on the bus on the way home, she talks about how me and her get together and how lucky she is to meet me and get to know my friends.. thank Allah I have no "mat-mat" friends.. I think I have but I seldom hang out with them.. Well, my ankle is still swollen but not as painful as the first two days.. it's like having menses (I think).. that's what I heard.. the unbearable pain is on the first two days and it gradually decrease after that.. maybe because I heed my gf's advice and ate the pain killers.. and I don't just sit at home, I walked around alot yesterday.. Oh yah! I forgot to add that I also bought a watch for myself.. the leather bracelet (or I donno what's it called, maybe wrist band of the watch?) has holes.. once I reached home, I fix studs in the holes.. now it looks more garang and stylish to me.. hehe.. here's the pic of it : ![]() Well, I just put 2 studs.. too many will be damn funny.. ROCK ON!! Those who are coming to my gig, see you people later... take care! - aif - time : 1100hrs |
Saturday, 7 June 2008
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6/07/2008 10:25:00 pm
date : 07 June 2008 time : 2226hrs Helluez! Damn! My right leg hurts..! It's my ankle to be exact.. Yesterday played soccer.. then.. OH MY GAWD.. I twisted my ankle 90 degrees and apply pressure on it accidentally.. I pretend to look fine in front of my friends but the pain, only GOD knows.. after soccer we went ITAS to relax ourselves and I took out my ointment to massage my injured ankle.. it's internal pain so it was damn heinous.. I endure the pain until I reached home.. In my mind was thinking about drama practice which I'm supposed to have in the evening, the drama performance the next day (which is today), my jamming session on Sunday and my gig on Monday.. Then Kurt called and he wants to come to my house.. at least when I'm going for drama later, he can accompany me.. Later that evening, Zaf called and he also coming over to my house.. both of them came and we had fun disturbing each other.. my swollen ankle got worst.. I don't think I can make it for drama practice.. so I told Sis Azima and hoping Najib is able to cover my place.. he got less than 24 hours to practice before the real show.. and Alhamdulillah Najib is able to replace me.. Today is the show.. I'm supposed to come but my ankle is still in PAIN LAH!!! I can't even step properly.. Just now Jimmy came over to visit me.. he's a sweet guy.. my gf asked him to buy me ankle guard.. she wants me to recover fast before my gig.. I hope by tomorrow the pain will decrease and I can go for my jamming session.. and perform well for my gig.. to think f it, it's like not fair.. I can perform for my gig but can't perform for my drama.. but what to do.. it's not what I want.. I love to play soccer and didn't know that I will get the injury.. but sprain can recover quite fast.. so yah.. too bad I can't act.. maybe I'll be back for next show.. well, acting is part of my passion too.. I'm the "Drama Drummer".. I hope that the show went well.. no cock-ups.. I've put in so much effort but at last, things didn't go as what we've planned.. just hope for the best for my gig.. There's this girl who I always see whenever I'm going to school.. well, she is in the same school as me and in the same course as well.. but different class.. then yesterday we took the same test paper and sit in the same class room.. after the paper, Tauhid talked to her and I was with Tauhid so I joined in the conversation and we became friends.. so yah.. looks like whenever I see her in the bus, I must at least say hi.. no more staring at each other.. hehe.. What I'm hoping now and what I wish for is my leg to recover.. I really wanna perform for my gig.. and actually I wanna perform for my drama too but haiz!!! I'm really sorry for Sis Azima and the TPK-ians.. I let them down but Sis Azima understands my situation and lucky for me, she's a fast and a good thinker whenever there's last minute cock-ups.. Hmm.. I think that's all for my entry today.. take care! Good night! - aif - time : 2311hrs |
Thursday, 5 June 2008
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6/05/2008 06:21:00 pm
date : 5th June 2008 time : 1823hrs Helluez! Wats up!!! I'm glad that today is Thursday and tomorrow's Friday and the day after is Saturday and so on and so forth.. I had my OOP paper in the morning and guess what.. I can effin' do it.. Alhamdulillah.. maybe because I studied and yah.. I managed to do.. hehe.. and also some encouragement from Ira and Zaf and also Kak Azima.. they are the people that has motivated me.. thank you so much (if you're reading this).. One more paper to go.. Mobile Computing.. It's heinous.. I failed the MCQ Quiz.. what a loser.. but insya'Allah I will pass my term test.. Oh yah.. I can do my NetInfra, which is on Monday, but I have difficulties doing my damn Wireless.. the calculations were torturing.. it almost blow my head up and it feels like thousands of Kurt is stepping my brain.. OOP is not "oops!" anymore.. it's like quite easy for me now.. in case you're wondering what's OOP, it's actually Object-Oriented Programming.. it's java but with a little bit of "brain-exploding chemicals" added.. After my paper tomorrow, I'm having drama practice at night.. I donno how my performance will be coz I'm still having my flu and my voice still sengau.. Oh, my performance is on this Saturday.. 1930hrs but I donno why they ask the people involved to come at 1130hrs.. like.. what are we gonna do while waiting.. I got this feeling that we have to arrange the chairs.. I donno.. I'll give the details about the drama later.. That's for drama, on Sunday, I'm jamming with my band for 3 hours!! Then maybe at night celebrate Afiq's birthday.. And Monday is my gig with my band.. I'll pose the details later too.. hehe.. it's the first time Nightfall performing with SSG after Art left the band.. SSG is a good guitarist.. he can really play solo skillfully.. he also inspires me to try out something new with my drums.. now, I can play double paddle but I still need time to master it.. Jimmy is a very daring bassist.. he dont really like to play straight chords so sometimes he will make the chords groovy and nice.. Jon, he has the ability to play the guitar while singing.. hehe.. hey, that's special too.. some people cant play and sing at the same time.. The best thing about my band is that we love to joke around and make people laugh.. no lame jokes for us.. unlike during drama practice, got this guy told a joke but.. erm.. only his "compadres" will laugh.. haha.. FORTUNATELY, he's not in my group.. Anyway, back to my band, they are the coolest people in my life.. when we dont jam, we'll meet up and talk about life.. But of course, Ira and Zaf are always there for me when I need them.. hehe.. Ira can't be there for my drama coz her cuzzin is getting engaged.. but she'll attend my gig.. Zaf can't attend my gig but he's my partner in drama.. haha.. but it's ok lah.. I understand their situation.. Next week is my term break but projects are not over.. I got Apel, MobComp, Wireless, ASP net and Sociology projects.. So many things to do.. on the 21st got drama camp and 22nd is Aki's sister's wedding.. and school re-open on the 23rd.. Damn! So little time, so many things..! Well, I got to go now and do my maghrib prayers.. oh yah the details.. here they are: Danstari (drama) Eunos CC Saturday, 7th June 2008 1945 - 2200hrs tix : $5 Gig HomeClub Monday, 9th June 2008 1430 - 2200hrs tix : $12 Do come! - aif - time : 1919hrs |