Sunday, 15 June 2008
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6/15/2008 09:21:00 pm
date : 15th June 2008 time : 2122hrs Helluez!!! Wassup everyone.. before I start writing any nonsense for today, I'd like to wish every dad in this world a HAPPY FATHERS' DAY.. I'm gonna be a dad one day..I dowanna be a bad dad.. I wanna be a good dad like my very own father.. he's my role model.. showing good examples and I'm proud of him coz he, as a muslim, prays 5 times a day.. and he recites the Quran when he's free.. unlike me, a lazy bum.. but one day, I will, insya'Allah, change for the better.. Orite.. I'm happy today.. Well, get to go out with my family.. it has been a long time.. I woke up at 12, had shower, then get ready for family outing.. we left home at 1400hrs.. My parents went to my dad's manager's son's wedding while me and my brothers went Orchard.. my mom booked high-tea at Carousel, located in a hotel opposite Far East Plaza.. I didn't really bother about the hotel's name.. what I know is that it's opposite Far East Plaza.. Our high-tea is at 1530hrs.. we came in and my dad started taking desserts.. haha.. that was fast.. I went to look for fried rice but there isn't any but nasi lemak.. so I took abit and some other finger foods.. just by eating that small quantity, I felt so full.. then I took some cakes for desserts.. the one with the strawberry topping kills my tongue.. the taste was DAMN AWESOME, man! I wanna take another slice but I was very full and I don't wanna get bloated.. we left the place at around 1645hrs and head for the bus-stop coz we wanna go Peninsula Shopping Centre.. we took bus 174 and we alighted near City Hall MRT station.. My brothers bought skinny jeans but I don't feel like buying anything UNTIL something caught my eyes.. a wristband.. hehe.. the aunty who owns the shop know me so she gave a discount for it.. I'll pose the pic of the wristband later.. after getting the stuffs, we went to the basement.. I thought of getting drumsticks but drumsticks' bag is more important.. so I went to this music store to get a small one.. it costs only $15 but my dad wants to pay for it.. hehe.. thanx, dad! I wanna get a drumsticks too but I was paiseh.. maybe I'll get it myself next time.. hehe.. finally, a proper bag for my drumsticks.. after walking around, my parents wanted to go Bedok to have our family picture taken at a studio.. we took train there.. but when we reached there, it was closed.. maybe next time we will have the picture taken.. feeling disappointed, we went Banquet to have a drink.. after that, we took taxi home.. my legs are very tired but it was worth it.. Oh yah.. my gf got back from Malacca just now.. she went off on Friday and today she's back in Singapore.. I miss her so much.. I wonder what she bought for me.. I'll meet her after work tomorrow and send her to school.. Here are the photos which I took today.. I love my family.. and.. erm.. I wanna apologise to Kak Azima coz not able to help her out with her cuzzin's wedding.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I guess that's all for my entry today.. take care.. don't forget to view NightFall's or TPK's Blog for the latest gig or event (respectively) updates.. - aif - time : 2205hrs |