Wednesday, 11 June 2008
0 comment(s) / 6/11/2008 01:28:00 pm

date : 11th June 2008
time : 1328hrs


Wassup people!! I just had my gig with my band on Monday and it was kawabangga, dude.. I managed to sell 4 tickets only.. to Zul, Kurt, my gf and for myself.. Actually I don't need the tickets to go in the club but I bought it for remembrance.. hehe.. my gf on half-day off so she met me at Hougang after work.. we had our lunch at LJS Hougang Mall and after that we waited for Kurt.. We took NEL to Clarke Quay.. we reached around 1530hrs.. the rest of the guys were there already.. Jam and Rafi were also there, they took the same bus with Jimmy and SSG.. We supposed to have our sound check at 1600hrs but they drag until 1700hrs..

Our performance was at 1800hrs.. Many of our friends turned up but most were SSG's.. Oh yah, not to forget, Jon's dad turned up too.. he's very supportive of our band.. We played 6 songs and all were our originals.. I can't remember the song titles.. hehe.. Alhamdulillah we put up a great show.. I did cock up some part but I'm glad it's not that obvious.. On the last song, I managed to give a shout out to the people and also letting my gf know that I love her.. that was my favourite part..

After our performance was over, I can't control myself and went haywire jumping around together with the song played by the next band.. Did a mini mosh and sent many people flying.. not literally but yah.. heh.. after that, went 7-11 to get a slurpee with my gf.. My gf look so pretty that day.. and adorable.. with her "Sinister Gates" hat and scarf around her neck.. I hang out with the guys for awhile.. took alot of pics and went off at 2100hrs..

Well, we got an audition for tapestry this July.. hope we can make it and perform on the streets.. hehe.. here is the picture taken from the gig.. only one is displayed here.. want more? You can also check out my band's blog site -

That's all for my entry today.. take care..

- aif -

time : 1400hrs

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