Tuesday, 30 October 2007
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10/30/2007 07:00:00 am
date : 30 October 2007 time : 0703hrs Helluez! I'm back.. I can't complete the previous blog coz my mom keep askin' me to get ready for jalan raya.. Well, had fun during the jalan raya.. my mom chartered a bus.. On Saturday, we covered East and West area of Singapore.. and on Sunday we covered North and East of Singapore.. we got alot of relatives all over Singapore.. walaw.. my mom encouraged me and my bros to know our relatives so that, who knows, the one that you're falling in love is, is your distant cousins or whatever.. but seriously, some of my distant cousins are attached to my friends.. I wonder what's gonna happen in future.. but at least when they come over to my "future" house, I'm able to communicate with them.. hehe! Hmm.. I learn alot of things in life.. whether it's bad or good, it changes me.. drinking for example and I used to do stuffs which I'm not supposed to do.. like shoplifting.. but luckily I get away with it.. after a few minutes, I realised whatever I'm doing is not right.. I don't only learn from my mistakes, I learn from other people's mistakes.. all these will help me to do my self-improving.. I wish I can be a good hamba to Allah, a more filial son to my parents, the best example to my bros or my younger cousins and, an inspiration to others.. I was inspired by other people.. for example my parents.. trying their very best so that their sons can have the best future.. my parents are the most sweetest couple.. they've been married for more than 22 years! Of course there's ups and downs but they manage to pull it off with just love and care.. maybe I'll apply that "system" when I'm married.. hehe.. I've been eating alot during the weekends.. I think my weight has gone up! I should cut down on my intakes.. actually I don't bother even if I look fat but I'm scared if I'm fat, I'll get sickness.. that's what I hate most.. I wanna do regular exercise but time, I HAVE NO TIME..! I just remembered.. yesterday my "God-ma" (my ex's mom) messaged me.. asking me how am I and what I've been doing.. she said that she'll call me today.. walaw.. I wanna avoid the family ah.. I mean, I've nothing related to the family anymore.. I just wanna live happily with my current girlfriend.. maybe I can just forget her daughter and keep in touch with my "God-ma" instead.. my "God-ma" is a nice lady.. maybe because she has no sons, she wanna keep in touch with me.. I'm not sure if my girlfriend allows this.. she can get jealous at times.. especially the 'ex' issue.. I hope that my girlfriend knows that I'm only for her.. and even if I have girl friends, I have my limits.. but some of my girl friends are just too "old-school" minded.. just because I'm attached, they are like ignoring me.. or maybe they thought I'm ignoring them.. walaw.. Alhamdulillah now my girlfriend is gaining lots of friends.. she's able to communicate with Zul.. they are like brothers and sisters.. hehe.. then she's able to mingle around with new friends.. which is good and I encourage her to make more friends even guys.. of course I have my jealousy limits but I trust my girlfriend and I want her to make more friends and interact more with people.. I need to go to the toilet.. be right back! break time : 0742hrs start time : 0748hrs I'm back! Yesterday Kurt lend me his DVD collections.. but I only borrowed 3 which is "30 days of night", "Planet terror" and "experiment in torture".. and i wanna watch it now! Bye! - aif - time : 0751hrs |
Sunday, 28 October 2007
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10/28/2007 09:11:00 am
date : 28th October 2007 time : 0911hrs Helluez! What a morning.. yesterday went out jalan raya and today so shag but still have to continue with the visitings.. some things I didn't mention in my previous blog.. like the change of my blog skin, blog songs and... I cant seem to remember the last one.. hmm.. nvm.. I asked Dilah how she did her blog skin... it's as easy as using 'paint'.. haha.. she did for me an example but then since she uses 'paint', and I'm pro at it, I rearrange the pictures and add one more picture to it.. the skin looks more about me.. I love dark background though I'm a cheerful dude.. and the skeletal pictures are to show that I'm in support of Avenged Sevenfold.. and the pictures of couple kissing is to symbolise love and affection.. sweet.. now I'm like that.. hehe.. and the two hearts symbolises how me and my girlfriend are connected (see how the heart connect).. cheh! Doesn't have to be only my girlfriend, it could be anyone I love especially my family and bestfriend.. And not forgetting, God.. except that HE has no heart.. Well, I got to go.. I'll talk again later.. see ya! - aif - time : 0925hrs |
Saturday, 27 October 2007
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10/27/2007 05:53:00 am
date : 27th October 2007 time : 0555hrs Helluez! You guys might be wondering what the hell I'm doing so early in the f**kin' morning.. actually I woke up at 0500hrs because suddenly I felt thirsty, so I grab a cup of cold plain water from the fridge.. but then I can't get back to sleep after that so I'm now online.. but nobody was in MSN.. so just checkin' someone's profile in friendster.. I mean, anyone's profile.. bored lah.. so here I am blogging.. Well, blogging is not that bad afterall.. Oh ya! Speaking abt boredom, I can kill my time by playing my PS2.. walaw.. why didn't I think of that.. maybe later after I've finished typing this entry.. This week is just the first week of year 1 semester 2 of school.. though the timetable is f**kin' heinous, I managed to get used to it.. as in, I know what to do when there's freakin' 3 hours of break.. all the subjects are ok accept that I've to 'pull up my socks' for Java.. it's hardcore bullsh*t.. I understand abit here and there but entirely, it's brain damaging.. the girls in my class are crazy people.. I wonder how they become the "Einstein" of Java.. the 2 malay girls that are good are Dilah and Izzati.. I'm not that close to Izzati so maybe I'll ask Dilah for help.. I can only communicate with Dilah.. she's easy to communicate la.. unlike Izzati and Shaq.. I donno why in the world I can't even say hi to them.. just a simple smile will do.. Not only me alone, Zul too can't communicate with them.. though Dilah may be someone very quiet in class, she's the one who me and Zul can talk to and rely on.. but still, I NEED HELP IN JAVA!!! The other subjects are ok.. if I don't understand, I'll ask Shasha to tutor me.. Btw, Shasha is Jen's friend that day jalan raya with my gang.. she stays just across the street.. hmm.. Oh! I know how much Zul dowanna be anything "related" to Izzati besides being just friends.. but our classmates keep disturbing him and her.. unfortunately, he has to sit with Izzati during telsys tutorial.. kinda romantic.. hehe.. Enough of school stuff and I move on to what happened yesterday.. I fetched my girlfriend from work.. I wore my new black shirt and dark blue jeans and my green Converse shoes.. meet my girlfriend at the bus stop outside her workplace.. she's becoming more prettier.. long time never meet her since the jalan raya.. we're busy with our own activities.. we then took bus to Yio Chu Kang then we took train to Admiralty.. once we reached Admiralty, we took bus again to Shahida's house, my girlfriend's friend when she's studying in BMC 2 or 3 years ago.. try to be abit sociable so I join in the conversation when both of them are talking.. hehe.. kepo.. I'm not sure what time we left the house.. but I know we waited for the bus to go back Woodlands for ages! My gosh! There's only one bus service and it took so long.. oh btw, I didn't mention that we're going my girlfriend's house.. back to my story.. after waiting for I-don't-know how many minutes, the bus arrived.. the journey to Woodlands interchange wasn't that long.. Again, we have to wait for the bus going to Yishun.. AND AGAIN, we have to wait for ages.. walaw.. we can take either bus number 169 or 965.. when we saw 169 came, we were so happy! And at the back, there comes also 965.. what the.. haiz! But we just take 169 since we saw it first.. I wasn't really that nervous before meeting the future-in-laws, insya'Allah.. hehe.. we alighted at the bus stop near the mosque.. then we have to walk.. while walking, there's this Indian lady in front of us walking and talking on the phone.. we were some distance away from her lah.. in front of us was a playground and for some I-don't-know-what reasons, that Indian lady went up the playground and slides down from the slides.. and the most f**kin' funny part is, when she slides down, she falls on her butt.. like.. WHAT THA F**K WAS THAT! My girlfriend (who loves to laugh alot) burst into laughters but I asked her to control..! But me, I'm still wondering, thinking, stressing WHY ON EARTH SHE WENT UP THAT PLAYGROUND AND THEN SLIDES DOWN AND FELL ON HER BUTT! She could at least stop with her legs after the end of the slide.. I think children are much more smarter then her.. ok, then she pick herself up and continue walking like nothing happened.. me and my girlfriend laughed out loud after we were far away from her.. so many weird people in this World.. btw, she looks like she's in her 30's.. imagine that.. I don't have to imagine coz yesterday, I've seen one and it's f**kin' hilarious.. when we reached my girlfriend's house, it's already 2200hrs.. her parents bought for me sup tulang.. it was damn tasty..! I ate like 3 tulang..! After the makan, we chit chat for awhile while I'm tasting my girlfriend's kuih muih that she bake.. her mom really knows how to do loads of stuff so she passed on her skills and knowledge to her daughter who is, my evawonderful.. so lucky to have a girlfriend who knows how to do kuih.. hehe! I went home around 2300hrs.. my girlfriend gave me cab fare.. I told her that I got money but she still insist.. I got no choice but to take.. Actually I don't want to take/use her money unless I'm really broke.. even if I were to borrow money from her, it wont be more than $5.. I don't feel like a gentleman taking money from a lady.. cheeeaah! When I look at my fingers now, they are all red because of the colour of the sup tulang.. Well, that's all for the entry.. wanna play my game.. see ya soon! - aif - time : 0707hrs |
Monday, 22 October 2007
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10/22/2007 11:16:00 pm
date : 21st October 2007 time : 2316hrs Helluez! Waddup! I just came back from slacking around.. Well, just now me and Zul met up with Kurt and Zaf at Tampines Mall.. Today is our first day of 2nd semester.. the timetable sucks like f**k.. Insya'Allah we'll cope with it.. before I move on to that, I'll share with you what happened yesterday.. Yesterday me and my friends jalan raya.. we got the girls: Fitri, Jennifer, Shasha (Jen's friend), Shaz (Zaf's friend) and my evawonderful.. and the guys: Emmy, Zaf, Kurt, Najib, Man, Zul and Me! We all meet up at Eunos MRT first.. planned to meet up at 1330hrs but Zaf, Shaz, me and my girlfriend was late.. reached around 1400hrs.. janji melayu.. hehe.. we were all there except Man who joined us later.. We went Fitri's house first.. we ate nasi lemak.. it was nice! After we had our photo session, we head for Zul's house at Pasir Ris and Man joined us from there.. after we spend some time and had photo session, we went to Yishun to Fitri's friend's house who stays near my girlfriend.. who I don't even know but the host treat us very pleasantly.. they cooked nasi ayam penyet and soto! It was yummy! We got to know that the auntie who cooked the delicious meal, sells at Northland Secondary School.. my girlfriend used to study there and she said that the auntie cook damn nice.. and again, before we leave, we took photos again.. after that, we went down to Sengkang to Aishah's house.. she cooked for us mee goreng and nasi ayam.. the chicken for the chicken rice was so tasty and well cooked that me and Zul can't stop eating it but of course, we left some for others to eat.. hehe.. before we left, we took photos and while Aishah is taking our pictures, her brother stand next to her.. I remembered he's my senior back in Montfort Secondary School.. we talked for awhile only.. we head down to Zaf's house next.. sit for awhile, took photos and left.. then went to the last house that is mine.. My mom cooked fried noodles and chicken.. she cooked so much that she packed 2 bundles for Kurt and a bundle for Zaf.. she also packed alot for my girlfriend and she also gave her cake.. my mom seems to like my girlfriend.. she gave the "green light" for me to be with my girlfriend.. Alhamdulillah.. took pictures and they received green packets from my mom.. didn't regret going to my place coz it's the only house they get green packet.. hehe.. though my house is the last one, I have to send my girlfriend home.. but Zul also hitched a ride with us.. we sent Zul first then we went Yishun to my girlfriend's house.. once everyone's home, I took taxi coz there's no more bus.. Today my girlfriend woke me up at 0620hrs.. but I sleep again till 0730hrs.. Luckily I'm punctual for class.. new subjects, new teachers.. some classes we attend have new people joined in.. oops, my girlfriend call.. brb.. break time : 2357hrs start time : 0049hrs I'm back.. I pity for Zheng Xing.. he jumps from classes to classes.. well, maybe he can do better for this semester.. I'm happy to get back to my click 5.. Gab, Jeff, Ahmad, Zul and me.. talk about what we did during the holidays.. we end school around 1800hrs.. i asked Zul along to meet Zaf and Kurt.. Kurt treat us KFC as he just got his pay.. then after our meal, Zul went home but the three of us slack for awhile.. went back around 2200hrs.. Well, it's oready late.. wanna have my rest.. good night..! - aif - time : 0055hrs |
Saturday, 20 October 2007
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10/20/2007 09:58:00 pm
date : 20th October 2007 time : 2158hrs Helluez.. Hey peepz! I'm so happy today.. I bought new guitar! It comes with a package.. a guitar cover, a pick, a pick holder, a guitar lesson book and the GUITAR!! For only $70! I bought another 3 picks which cost $1.80 altogether and a pair of drumsticks which cost only $6.. it's damn worth it.. when I got home, I tried the guitar.. it was awesome.. and since I got the motivation, I clean my old guitar and my bass.. wanna change my bass strings but I'm not that sure.. I'll leave it to the experts.. Today I thought my family are going jalan raya but my parents are working so we going next week.. Only my girlfriend went with her family.. tomorrow we're going jalan raya with our friends.. I pick my girlfriend up at Yishun then take bus to Eunos MRT.. meeting our friends there.. Zul is following us.. so fun when they can click with one another.. I got super cool friends.. we're going Fitri's house first then I'm not sure where.. maybe I'll leave it to the great minds of Zaf.. Me and my girlfriend are wearing green tomorrow.. our "Raya uniform" for this year.. hehe.. Till now my girlfriend has not message me.. maybe she's having fun with her visitings.. Today only Cik Ayong and Cik ma's in-law came.. got some hong bao.. sometimes it's good to go back school.. people still give money during raya.. My gosh! There's a fight at the badminton court in front of my house.. a lady pulled the guy's hair.. One man carrying a knife.. what the f**k.. I don't think he dares to kill anyone.. maybe he threatens the kids.. but still what the f**k.. I think I'll end now.. so tired.. wanna rest.. wait for my girlfriend to call.. nights! - aif - time : 2238hrs |
Friday, 19 October 2007
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10/19/2007 01:48:00 pm
date : 18 October 2007 time : 1347hrs Helluez! Hey people! I'm back.. long time no blog.. been busy with daily activities only that today I'm quite free.. well, today I didn't go for Friday prayers.. I feel so "heavy" just now.. I am physically heavy but my heart is like "heavy" to go for prayers.. I'm such a loser to win the syaitans.. Insya'Allah next week I'll go.. anyway, my coming semester's timetable sucks like f**k..! Monday and Wednesday, I end at 1800hrs! Then on Tuesday end at 1900hrs.. Thursday end at 1600hrs and on Friday end at 1200hrs.. at least there's ample time to go for prayers.. but Monday and Tuesday is f**kin' unreasonable.. just had the weekends and it's a long day on Monday.. then on Tuesday, lessons from 1200hrs till 1500hrs then break for 3 hours and continue psychology lecture at 1800hrs.. lecture for one stupid hour and then go home.. heinous, man! I prefer last semester's timetable.. anyway, no matter what, have to live with it.. at least it's school, not NS.. I don't think Zheng Xing will be in the same maths class as us again when the term starts.. well, at least get to see him in other subject lessons.. what I've learn in life is that when you help someone, he/she will be nice to you.. like Zheng Xing, I listen to his problems, and I feel touched when he called me to ask for advice when he failed his Engine Fundamentals subject.. Some people in my class doesn't like him much because of his "NS talks" when he's not even enlisted yet.. anyway, I don't mind entertaining his conversations though sometimes I find it out-of-point.. Zheng Xing reminds me of 'Tom'.. my camp mate in Khatib Camp.. everybody ignores him and always make use of him.. even me sometimes bully him but when he needs help, I'm there for 'Tom'.. I can't remember his real name but he asked us to call him 'Tom'.. He looks like "fido dido" and he walks like a walking zombie.. he's so stress with life that he wanna kill himself.. that's what he shared with me.. not only he has problem in camp but also with his family.. but I'm glad now he has finish NS and he works in a better environment with better pay.. I miss 'Tom'.. These people do taught me what's the meaning of life.. to be nice to people, and care for each other.. I know some of you people might find me very egoistic or arrogant.. hey, that one, I'm just testing you people whether you can handle me or not.. looks like my girlfriend is handling it quite well.. hehe.. sometimes I pretend to be angry with her and I wanna test how far she can hold her anger.. but Alhamdulillah we don't end up in a major fight or quarrel.. my bestfriend has passed the test.. long time ago.. hehe.. and also, I've learnt not to look down on weak people.. they may be weak in certain things but we don't know what's their capabilities.. Me and my friends will be going Raya visitings this Sunday.. planned by me and my bestfriend, Zaf.. Zaf and Kurt had a tiff about the time to meet up.. but I manage to pull it off.. since Kurt is more sensitive, me and Zaf gave in and follow his timing.. so instead of 1200hrs, we changed to 1330hrs.. but we meet up at Fitri's house first.. sometimes we're so frustrated with Kurt.. he brings out points that is so irrelevant to his topic.. example, I've already told him that if we go out at 1200hrs, we get to go to many houses.. then he points out that travelling from one house to the other will take alot of time and spending on one house will waste around 15 to 30 minutes.. then I highlight to him that isn't it better to leave at 1200hrs and he said it's better at 1330hrs.. yah I know, it's TOTALLY OUT-OF-POINT.. I just laugh in my heart and just follow what he says.. it's f**ked up when he's bloody pissed off with people.. he even backstab you when he hates you irregardless you're his best friend or close friend or any kind of damn relations u are with him.. but, we've been friends for 10 years so I must becareful on what I wanna share with him.. unlike Zaf, who is more respectable and knows your feelings.. that's why he stays as my bestfriend.. And besides him, is my girlfriend.. she's my adviser.. she sounds cute when she snores on the phone.. we'll be talking for a very long time but when the conversation becomes very relax, sometimes you can hear she snores.. hehe.. and she'll say that she breathes hard.. that's the most cutest part.. hehe.. when I asked her to sleep, she thought that I don't wanna talk to her.. but I'm concern about her.. she work during the day and I want her to have enough sleep at night so that she can focus on her work the next day.. well, we talk to each other every night except on some occasion when she's too tired or I'm busy entertaining my friends, we wont be able to have our night conversations.. Tomorrow is Saturday.. maybe going out with family members.. go for Raya visitings.. hope it doesn't rain.. it had been raining for the past 3 days.. and it rains heavily.. I think it's the monsoon season.. it's coming to the end of the year also.. so loads of rain is expected.. I guess I'll end my entry here.. wanna watch some dramas or movies online.. my girlfriend introduces me this website where you can watch movies online.. so people, adios! - aif - time : 1448hrs |
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
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10/16/2007 11:40:00 am
date : 16 October 2007 time : 1142hrs Helluez! Waddup, people..! I just had my shower and now feeling fresh and energetic.. today going for my class bbq/chalet in the evening with Zul.. Meeting him around 1600hrs or earlier.. I don't wanna go too early ah.. like what only.. I'm not sure if I'm overnighting.. if I overnight, people will worry.. especially my parents and my girlfriend.. they give me freedom but I know inside, they damn worried about my safety.. Maybe I'll just go home around 2200hrs.. I thought of buying guitar today but to think of it, after I bought it, I have to go chalet.. and who knows if an unskilled guitar player play my brand new guitar and snap the string or more worse, broke the damn thing.. I'll be f**king pissed off, man..! So to play safe, I'd rather be patient and wait till I'm totally free to get the guitar.. actually, I already have a guitar.. an acoustic one.. Cik Ma bought it for my birthday.. I also got my own personal electric bass guitar and 2 pairs of drumsticks.. I have 3 at first but 1 I gave it to Li Yan, my camp mate, coz he's going to be a drummer soon.. but he doesn't have drumsticks.. so he wants my drumsticks as a good luck whatever-f**k-sh*t.. hehe.. after the fasting month, this 'F' word starts to come out.. I thought of buying an electric guitar but it's above my budget and also it's like a waste of money coz I'm not a guitarist for my band.. so I've decided to just get an acoustic guitar which cost around $50 or below.. wanna buy those expensive ones also like no point.. even if I buy, it's radically out-of-point.. pointless.. whatever.. Maybe the old one I gave it to my girlfriend so she can play when she's bored but I have to clean it and change the strings.. gave her just like brand new.. I wanna have my breakfast ah.. so hungry.. brb.. break time : 1210hrs start time : 1214hrs I'm back.. There's nothing to eat.. my mom's cooking.. there's kuihs but I prefer to wait for my mom to finish cooking then I'll eat rice.. just a little coz there's still bbq in the evening with my class.. tomorrow I'll have recording at Jon's house and after that pick my girlfriend up from work.. Jamming is postpone to next Wednesday.. my class's timetable has not come out yet.. school re-open this coming Monday.. walaw.. I'm looking forward to get back to my books.. my Poly classmates are not as fun as my ITE classmates.. my Poly friends not that active in soccer.. like in ITE, during breaks, we play soccer.. don't really enjoy lah in Poly.. except that Zul, he's one cool dude.. can get along well with me.. others are like.. I donno.. "step"? Haha.. like they do their own thing ah.. the best people are still my besties and girlfriend.. and in school, it's Zul.. I think I'll end now.. wanna walk around my room.. nothing better to do.. oh yah! Have to shave my "whiskers".. I mean, mustache.. so see ya next time! - aif - time : 1230hrs |
Monday, 15 October 2007
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10/15/2007 11:56:00 am
date : 15th October 2007 time : 1200hrs Helluez! Back to Monday...! So boring.. everyone's working.. only me, my mom and Adil at home.. Adil is playing game and my mom is watching Korean drama through youtube.. my mom and my classmate Izzati is the only malays I know who watch Korean dramas.. I don't really like dramas.. to me it's all the same, irregardless whether it's malay or Korean or whatever drama.. it's all about love, separations, sadness, happiness, whatever.. Maybe they wanna base on real life situation.. yah.. life has it's ups and downs.. without dramas (and depends on singing and entertainment only), the tv is nothing.. who knows the percentage of violence will increase if these dramas did not teach basic morals or respect.. and those people who are always facing problems, maybe they can learn how to get over it by watching all these dramas.. maybe having these dramas on tv has their positivities.. but I still don't watch dramas.. Actually today or for this entry, I don't really wanna talk about dramas.. I wanna share with you people what I've been doing during the weekends.. Saturday was Hari Raya.. Sunday people visits my house.. wow.. alot of different family came over.. my parents entertained the guests while me and Adil made drinks.. me too entertained the guests after that.. only get to see them during Raya and also some other family occasions.. everyone is wearing baju kurung.. so nice.. the ladies wear the kebaya (hot!!) and the guys wear the baju kurung (cool!!).. Oroits.. Cik Wati just gave us a call.. she's coming over.. I go shower first.. be back later.. break time : 1224hrs start time : 1321hrs I'm back.. After shower just now I help my mom with some stuffs.. refill the kuihs and then clean the hall and kitchen.. now I'm back online and blogging.. Cik Wati have not come yet.. maybe Cik Chacha coming also.. my mom's adik tiri.. both are lah.. it's 1325hrs and I remembered my evadearest working half-day today.. she haven't messaged me.. maybe later.. Today my class starting the chalet.. they meeting up at 1600hrs.. I don't think I'm going.. just go tomorrow.. tomorrow includes the bbq.. I'm going with Zul.. This Sunday 21st October me and besties group going jalan raya.. the group are the people that me and Zaf knows.. or the people that knows me and Zaf.. hehe.. can't wait lah! today stay home, tomorrow go bbq and Wednesday meeting my evawonderful.. As I'm blogging now, I'm chatting with Zamir.. last time I went tuition with him in Mendaki at Damai Secondary School when we're secondary 3.. that was when I'm 15!! And now I'm 22!! 7 years ago! How fast time flies.. Well, my aunties are here.. type in again later..! - aif - time : 1344hrs |
Saturday, 13 October 2007
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10/13/2007 10:12:00 pm
![]() time : 2215hrs Helluez! Selamat Hari Raya! Well, it's coming to an end of Hari Raya.. 2 more hours.. Had a great day.. afterall, not the bad Hari Raya I'm expecting it to be.. I'll tell you what happened throughout the week.. Went Geylang market to buy things on Thursday.. helped my mom carry loads of stuffs.. I took it like as if I'm doing workout.. On Friday, meet Zaf and Kurt after Friday prayers.. I miss hanging out with them.. they are funny dudes and they are my besties.. we went home around 1700hrs and I did house cleaning once I reached home.. me and my family did together till around 0000hrs.. I changed the cushion covers, curtains and cleaned all the dusts! Now it's damn clean.. As today is Hari Raya, relatives come over to my house.. lucky for me, my grandma stays just beside.. so when people visits my grandma, they'll come over my crib.. style! Anyway, Adil, me and my dad went Aidilfitri prayers in the morning.. as there are alot of people in the first badge, we went for the second badge.. starts around 0915hrs.. went home after that.. at home, we seek forgiveness and stuffs.. took pictures.. then Cik Aman is the first to come.. then we went to nenek's house to sit around and eat.. I love to eat! Others start to come and we seek forgiveness as one whole family.. hehe.. I get loads of "collections".. Still schooling mah.. 22 years old still receive hong bao.. ok what.. hehe.. Around 1745hrs we went Nek Miah's house for awhile then went Tok Selamat's house.. makan again.. went home around 2030hrs.. when we reached home, there's guests in my grandma's house.. they went over to my crib after that.. now Nek Miah's in my house.. Now to think of it, I don't need to hate anybody.. I don't hate my grandma nor Cik Ma.. just be patient and look at the bright side.. that's what my girlfriend told me.. she's always my adviser.. I love her.. I think I'll end now.. Selamat Hari Raya..! - aif - time : 2247hrs |
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
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10/10/2007 10:19:00 pm
date : 10 October 2007 time : 2220hrs Helluez! I just came back from Geylang with my mom and Adil.. Bought kuih and some stuffs.. tomorrow going Geylang with mom again.. buying things for Raya.. not kuih again but those poultry, vegies and spices.. going in the afternoon.. Just now met some of my old friends.. Honestly, I love going out with my mom.. it's not about she always blanja, but I just love to be around her.. I must treasure the moment when she's alive.. there's alot of couples at Geylang just now.. I wish my girlfriend is with me.. hey wait.. she's always in my heart.. so she's with me just now.. but not physically with me.. My mom cooking ayam masak merah this Raya.. Yummy.. it's chicken cooked in chili whatever, I'm not sure.. hehe.. but it's f**kin' awesome! Those who are coming my house on the first day will get to eat it..! I'm supposed to go Jon's house in the afternoon but I'm busy doing "AifIra" theme for my mobile phone.. it took me 2+ hours to finish everything.. it's nice! Yesterday I did Avenged Sevenfold mobile phone theme.. also nice! but I prefer "AifIra" theme.. Got me and my girlfriend's faces.. I'll end here.. Wanna rest myself.. so tired.. nites! - aif - time : 2233hrs |
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
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10/09/2007 09:06:00 pm
date : 09 October 2007 time : 2108hrs Helluez! Is it ok if my life depends on music.. I don't think so.. Not many Singaporeans support their local music.. even if they do, if my band is growing old, people wont support us anymore.. they will look for newer and fresher bands.. so I think working for companies or under government agencies are much more better.. but I'll still play music as it is my interest.. Just now went Jon's house to do recording.. did Sazli's song.. can't remember the title.. but I love the song.. anyway, maybe tomorrow will have to go his house again to finish up everything.. but Hari Raya is this Saturday.. I haven't even start to clean the hall.. hmm.. My girlfriend is baking kuih for Raya.. no wonder she's not online.. yesterday my grandma (my mother's side) gave my family kuih that she makes.. alot.. I think around 5 or 6 different kinds.. my dad bought 2 kinds before that.. so we don't really spend much on kuih.. I miss my girlfriend.. I know she misses me too.. aiyah.. so jiwang.. so mushy.. like mash potato.. heh.. I wanna change my hairstyle.. wanna spike it but my hair is soft.. I can't make it stand.. maybe I'll cut the sides.. and keep the fringe.. Style ah eh! Ok.. there's nothing to write anymore.. maybe I'll end here.. take care! - aif - time : 2128hrs |
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10/09/2007 08:00:00 am
date : 09 October 2007 time : 0801hrs Helluez! Good Morning.. My girlfriend just messaged.. she's going in work already.. I prayed that she's gonna be ok at work.. as for me, I woke up at 0730hrs just now realising that I didn't had my sahur.. I hope that I'm gonna be ok without sahur.. yesterday I didn't had sahur also but I managed to survive till buka.. Yesterday I went Bugis with Adil coz he bought a tee-shirt with the wrong size.. luckily I checked the night before.. if not, he'll wear 'small'.. haha.. imagine him in small size tee-shirt.. walaw.. it'd be funny..! After that, I messaged my girlfriend to ask her buka together... she has been wanting to meet me.. she's so pretty yesterday except that she's not in tudung.. hehe.. she's even sweeter in tudung.. we had our buka at Ang Mo Kio's banquet.. me and Adil bought Spring chicken and she had chicken noodle.. I wish I have money to treat everybody.. after our meal, we sent Adil to the bus stop.. and after Adil took the bus, we went AMK interchange to take Bus 169 to Yishun.. my girlfriend so sweet.. I've never had someone who is so lovable.. afterI sent her home, I took bus 965 home... Later maybe going Jon's house to do recording,, he sometimes can be unpedictable.. later he can't make it lah.. or whatever lah.. if we can't finish the recording, don't blame me.. Hari Raya is this Saturday.. so fast! It feels like just yesterday started Ramadhan.. time flies so fast yah.. and we're growing older.. I'm so not excited for this Raya.. but the best part was, I get to buy new clothes.. for both Raya and school.. I love my polo-tee,, maybe after I get my "collection", I'm going Queensway SC to get more polos.. nice, dude! I also bought a couple of shoes.. and maybe if got extra cash, I'm getting a pair of skate shoes.. depending on my budget la.. My dad is listening to Hari Raya songs in the hall.. and I realise that their lyrics are all the same.. I mean.. there's "ampun dan maaf" and "marilah makan.. blah blah blah..".. it's like 90% of Raya songs contain these lyrics.. what tha hell.. are their vocab limited? Maybe if I'm the one writing songs, I'll include these lyrics.. forgiveness, food and strengthen family bonds, isn't that's the motive of Hari Raya..? Hehe.. well, I can't blame the composer to have the same lyrics afterall.. Well, I think I better end my entry.. wanna do some chores.. maybe today do the rooms and tomorrow clean the hall.. have fun people! See ya! - aif - time : 0838hrs |
Sunday, 7 October 2007
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10/07/2007 11:26:00 am
date : 07 October 2007 time : 1127hrs Helluez!! Mamamia!! Well, the urge to blog suddenly came.. so here I am.. since I'm here, I'll share what I did yesterday.. As it is Saturday and Saturday is a "must-go-out" day for me, I went out with my friends.. I left home aroung 1315hrs after my Zohor prayers and went to meet Jimmy and Sazli at Yio Chu Kang.. Then we took bus number 13 to Aljunied for our jamming session.. Our jamming session went quite well.. I came up with new beats which makes our song nice.. after jammiing, Jimmy and Jon went Bugis, Sazli went back home and I went Geylang to meet up with my besties.. I walked to Geylang so that on the way, I can drop by Masjid Wak Tanjong to do my Asar prayers.. Zul already reached Paya Lebar MRT station.. from the mosque to the MRT station is not that far.. so after my prayers, I met Zul.. then we walked to the bus stop near to Joo Chiat Complex to meet up with Zaf, Kurt and Sam.. me and Zul reached earlier than them so we walked to a nearby restaurant to book for seats.. they reached 10 minutes later.. I had chicken murtabak for buka.. surprisingly, I can't finish.. maybe, as what my girlfriend say, my tummy has shrink.. Shish! After buka, we walked around Geylang.. in the bazaar, there's this "Mat Emo" selling burger if I'm not wrong.. He dressed up really "Emo" but he sells all these stuffs.. haha.. shouldn't he supposed to squat down at one corner and make a sad face?? I feel like asking him to change his clothes to a decent tee-shirt and a proper long pants and wear an apron lah.. Irritating you know to see people dress up improperly.. I mean, in the wrong place.. while walking I also saw "Mat Hiphop".. he dressed up really Hiphop and walked around Geylang.. I mean, "Get back to your roots, man!".. He with his cap and bandena on.. Walaw! Even if you're into it, don't be too fanatic ah.. makes me sick, man.. Whatever.. then we walked around until we're very tired and we sit in the coffeeshop in the temporary market area.. while drinking, there's this beggar who came to us and shake hands with us.. then he did this gesture to tell us he needs money.. I don't think he's able to speak malay that's why he showed us those hand gestures.. when he hulur his hands out, Zaf shake hands with him AGAIN! Lol.. we all wanted to laugh but we just tahan.. then the beggar did the gestures again and hulur his hands out for the 2nd time.. AGAIN, Zaf wanted to shake his hands.. that makes me even wanna laugh.. I can't tahan so I just giggle.. I think the beggar was fed up with us then he went away.. then we all started laughing.. we pity the beggar but we ourselves need the money.. After our drinks, we walked towards Eunos MRT station coz Zul is taking train and Sam is taking bus there.. we have to walk through housing estates to get there.. then there's this 2-storey flat.. one of the house has this small bell outside the door.. as Sam was the slowest to walk, the 4 of us pass by the house first.. Zaf was getting ready to ring the bell.. when Sam reached just in front of the house, Zaf rings the bell.. and we all ran except for Sam who doesn't have the ability to run.. About Sam, he's one ungenerous being.. his salary was around $2k but he can't even treat us to anything.. and I say ANYTHING.. sometimes although he has his own cigarettes, he'll ask from us.. what the hell.. but we, though we're not working (even if we're working, our pay will be a few hundreds), we dare to treat each other.. we are kind-hearted people.. hehe.. dowanna talk about useless beings.. anyway, after the both of them left, me, Zaf and Kurt took bus to Hougang.. we planned to go Kurt's house coz Zaf wants to check his friendster.. the bus we took doesn't stop at Kurt's house, so we alighted opposite Bowen and took taxi.. Kurt lend me some DVDs.. me and Zaf left Kurt's crib around 0200hrs and took taxi home.. I had the most terrible dream.. I dream that my class organised a trip to "Sentosa" but the people going were my family members only.. what the hell.. and it's organised by my class.. haha.. when we reached Sentosa, I saw alot of old folks.. haha.. and suddenly I feel like I'm the organiser.. then I organise games.. can't remember what the game is all about.. after the game, we had lunch... but it looks like night.. so I guess it's dinner.. HEY! it's a dream, anything can happen rite.. haha.. then while I'm walking around "Sentosa", I was kidnapped by a group of gangsters.. they asked me why I didn't take part in Polytechnic's annual gang fight competition.. in that dream, I remembered that I have also another dream which are related to the gang fight.. annually we'll have gang fight with other Polytechnics.. haha.. so this "gangsters" bash me up for not turning up.. what the hell.. fortunately, I was waken up by my mom who asked me to have my sahur.. after sahur, I went back to sleep..and I dream of another stupid dream.. my house was invaded by grasshoppers!!! Haha.. just because Brasil's crops were destroyed, these grasshoppers fly to my house.. haha! Every minute, there'll be swarms attacking my window.. WALAW! Maybe I had this dream because I saw alot of cockroaches at Kurt's house.. and their "beings" attacked me in my dreams.. haha! What crappy dreams I had.. Wow.. my entry is so long.. well, maybe I'm going Geylang later with my mom to get Hari Raya stuffs.. we haven't buy kuih-muih and stuffs for cooking.. Maybe I'll meet my girlfriend on one of these days.. today she's baking kuih at home.. she messaged me just now telling me she was baking suji.. I love suji.. I'm so tired.. wanna rest.. just wanna lie down and watch the DVDs which I borrowed.. See ya again! - aif - time : 1249hrs |
Friday, 5 October 2007
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10/05/2007 02:17:00 pm
date : 05 October 2007 time : 1428hrs Heyz! Waddup.. I'm feeling kinda positive today.. I'm always positive.. but of course I was feeling kinda down before that but to think of it, I'm gonna be ok in future.. I'm always thinking of my future.. what it's gonna be like.. but I hope that my diploma will help me get a good job.. most of my friends are working oready but I'm still studying.. I thought of signing on Army or any uniform organisation but to think of it, life will not be the same.. at least if I work outside, it's more better.. to me signing on is another typical way.. from what I know is that after they get the money, they will get married straight away.. but if you sign on for the sake of money, I don't see any point.. you'll not enjoy life.. if you work outside as in private sectors, you'll tend to have more freedom but yah, you'll have lesser incentives.. I'll think about it.. for now I'll just concentrate on my studies and if I have enough cash, I'll achieve more, insya'Allah.. I'm now listening to Avenged Sevenfold's songs.. they are like the best band in the world but of course, people wont agree with me as they have their own favourite bands.. I mean if you're looking for good technical rock band, A7X will be the choice.. if in terms of punk rock, I recommend Rufio.. They play their songs very technically.. but as I'm listening to A7X now, we'll talk about them.. I was introduced by Elly, a friend of mine in friendster.. she sent me the song 'Seize the Day' through MSN.. It caught my attention after that and I start downloading other Avenged Sevenfold's song.. and I realised that they are good.. and till now, I'm listening to them.. and after knowing my girlfriend listens to rock, I let her listen to A7X.. she loves them.. and she's like crazy for Matt Shadows now.. As for me, I love The Rev.. A7X drummer.. he's one good motherf**kin' drummer.. another drummer who I love most is from Saosin, Alex Rodriguez.. they are my source of inspiration.. I started learning music when I was in Primary School.. Learning how to blow the recorder.. which I suck at it.. so my interest in music not that strong.. During Secondary School, I watched my friend performed a gig and it's kinda cool to me.. so I asked him to teach me bass as he is the bassist for his band.. he taught me and I learnt quite fast.. and once I'm good at it, I asked him to teach me basic stuff of playing a guitar.. he taught me power chords and it's rather kinda easy.. it's similar to bass chords except that u have to use extra finger.. hehe.. I started having a band when I was in ITE.. my friend saw my capabilities in playing both the guitar and bass and he asked me to join his band.. but his band has 2 guitarists and a bassist.. then looks like I have to be the drummer.. so I start to kick and hit the drums.. and I didn't realise I was doing quite well.. so at home I practice air drums.. just doing the basic beats.. and I applied it to my jamming sessions.. unfortunately, after 'Stardom', like ITE's battle of the band, we separated.. after that, I jam with my friends for fun.. and during NS, I met Jimmy who pulled me into his band after he heard Li Yan told him that I can play drums because before that, I showed Li Yan my jamming videos and that time also Jimmy was looking for a drummer so he offered me to join his band.. I was shy at first but the band was very cool.. I met Jon and then during jamming sessions, I get to meet Art.. Art is one hell of a talented guy.. he plays keyboard, bass, guitars and drums.. cool huh.. but since I'm the drummer, he plays keyboard.. but soon after our gig at Prince of Wales, he left coz he wanna have proper future.. he's now teaching in a music school.. now SSG or his real name, Sazli, join us.. he's Jimmy's friend too.. we've been a band (with Sazli in) for 5 to 6 months.. I'm not sure.. Jon and Sazli are 2 good guitarists, Jimmy is one superb bassist and me, I'm just an ordinary drummer.. we call ourselves Nightfall.. we don't do covers except for 1 or 2 songs but most of our music we compose are our originals.. all thanks to the great minds of Jon and Jimmy.. Sazli is the master of guitar and I just add in beats that goes well with the song.. Currently, we're doing our recordings and doing some jamming sessions every Saturday.. I'm happy with my bandmates.. they are cool dudes.. I type my blog slow was because I was adding some stuffs into my blog site.. Ihsan, my Poly friend, help me with it.. now it has a tag box and links.. but the song I add it myself.. I choose the song 'Unholy Confessions' from Avenged Sevenfold because I confess most of my feelings through my blog.. hehe.. so there you go.. I'll leave now.. thank you for taking your time to read.. adios..! Oh by the way, I went for Friday prayers just now.. ahakz! - aif - time : 1622hrs |
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
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10/02/2007 09:20:00 am
date : 02 October 2007 time : 0920hrs Hey readers.. I had a wonderful week last week.. Though the weekdays are boring, but the weekends were schweeeeeeeeet.. On Saturday, I had jamming session with the band.. Jam from 1500hrs till around 1700hrs.. after that I called my mom to ask her whether she will be coming down to Geylang.. she and Adil were at Queensway Shopping Center and they planned to drop by Geylang after that.. so I told them to meet at Joo Chiat Shopping Complex.. the rest of my band mate went home.. sometimes I think that my band mates were unfair.. when they want to watch movies, I'll follow but when I ask them to follow me somewhere, they have their reasons.. but fortunately, I have my family.. back to my story, instead of taking bus to Geylang from Aljunied (which is quite far), I walked.. my mom and Adil took taxi to Geylang.. I only waited for five minutes before my mom and Adil reaches there.. we walked around Geylang for awhile.. by the time it's already 1800+hrs.. so we bought some stuffs for buka and we ate at "east coast" behind the Muslim Convert Building.. the place looks like east coast beach except that the "sea" is a carpark and the "chalet" is a residential bungalow.. hehe.. me and my girlfriend called it "east coast".. so after our meal, we continue our walking in Geylang.. Adil keep complaining that he's tired.. so everyone decides to go home.. but before we do so, we past by a murtabak stall and had chicken murtabak and a few drinks.. the lime drink is so nice, that I ordered 2 more cups.. yummy! We head home after that.. On Sunday, I met my girlfriend at Yishun before we went Geylang for shopping.. Though I'm from Hougang, I'm earlier than her.. she's like 50 minutes late.. I was frustrated at first but I understand her situation after awhile so we started talking in the train.. we get over things very fast.. as soon as we reached Geylang, our primary target is to look for our baju kurung.. The colour for this year is green.. we look through the bazaar but there's not a single nice one.. then we cross over to Joo Chiat SC.. there's this tentage owned by A'nis.. the baju kurung there is so nice and cheap but I told my girlfriend to get hers first coz guy's can get easily and ladies' baju kurung and kebaya is hard to get especially the cheaper ones.. so we went in Joo Chiat SC and went to every shop starting from the highest level.. then there's this shop which caught our eyes.. the baju kurung perempuan was nice and the price was perfect! I asked my girlfriend to try and she simply loves it.. it cost her only $80.. cheap and it's super nice! Anyway, it's turquoise (more to green actually) in colour.. without hesitation, we quickly went to look for my baju kurung at A'nis.. we saw this green baju kurung and I asked for my size.. I bought it at only $38.. then we cross over to City Plaza to get my kain samping.. my green baju kurung goes well with white kain samping.. scweeeeeeeeet..! We're so happy that we've bought our baju raya.. then we walked to Tanjong Katong SC to buy my jeans.. after I got my jeans we went opposite Tanjong Katong SC to this restaurant coz we wanna prepare for buka.. my girlfriend ordered dry i-don't-know-what noodles and I ordered seafood fried rice and also a plate of butter chicken.. for the drinks, we ordered coke, lemon tea and a bottle of mineral water.. around 1830hrs, I asked my girlfriend to take for me the kuih but when she came back, she said that the kuih were all finished.. it's oklah coz I understand as there's alot of PELAHABS all over.. we only took the keropok.. it's already 1840hrs and the waiter only serves us my girlfriend's lemon tea and my mineral water WITH NO ICE.. terrible business! Then we remind this makcik who is a waitress there but we waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and then comes my girlfriend's dry i-don't-know-what noodles.. and so we continue to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and then comes my fried rice.. not the quantity that I expected.. but nevermind.. we remembered that we still have the chicken.. and we waited and waited and waited and then we heard the azan as that is the time we break fast.. so we eat whatever is served.. my coke and chicken haven't arrived yet.. so we waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited until we're sick and tired of waiting.. we stood up and went to the cashier and told her that we didn't receive our coke and butter chicken.. we paid only for the food we had.. terrible business.. we then went to the bazaar coz I wanna get shoes.. I remembered there's this shop which sells cheap good shoes.. after we've found it, I selected my choice (with the help of my smart girlfriend), I bought a green low-cut Converse shoes which cost only $39.90.. then Zaf messaged me to meet up at Paya Lebar.. he was with Kurt and Man.. Met up with them for awhile before me and my girlfriend took train to Yishun.. We saw my cuzzin Aishah when we're at Yishun.. said hi-bye, and we walked separately.. I accompany my girlfriend home.. I told her that I'm taking bus back to Hougang but she stubbornly asked me to take taxi coz she knows I'm tired.. she gave me the cab fare, and I took taxi home.. Thank you, dear~ The next day, which is yesterday, is Children's Day and my girlfriend was not working.. we planned to do our shopping at Queensway SC.. I asked my mom for a hundred then this time my girlfriend is meeting me at Hougang.. from Hougang Interchange we took feeder bus 153 directly to Queensway SC.. we went to the shop recommended by my mom.. it's owned by a malay man.. and they are nice people.. I bought a striped polo tee, a pair of jeans and a black shirt.. it costs me a total of $117 but the uncle only took $110.. see how nice they are.. I also bought a pair of high-cut levi's shoes which costs $39.90.. but that's from a different shop.. we then walked around as my girlfriend wants to buy a bag for herself.. but instead, she went in a shoe shop and she got herself a new pair of shoes.. it's nice as it has stars all over it.. after we're done with our shopping, we took feeder bus 51 to Geylang and had our buka at the coffeeshop behind Tanjong Katong Complex.. my girlfriend bought mee rebus and I had nasi rawon and we also bought char kway.. nice! At least eating at a coffeeshop is much more better than eating at a restaurant.. we took a taxi to Yishun after break fast.. after we reached my girlfriend's void deck, her dad and her sister, Kak Nor, went down the stairs.. her dad is sending Kak Nor to work.. once they left, my girlfriend asked me to visit her mom for awhile.. I agreed but before that I need to have my puff of cigarette under the void deck.. as soon as I've finished my puff, her dad returned.. so we went up together with her dad.. had a good talk with her dad and while my girlfriend served me a glass of coke.. refreshing.. her mom cooked lontong and she asked my girlfriend to take for me a plate of it.. wah.. I'm already full, and she asked me to eat some more.. but how can I reject an offer.. it's rude.. so I ate it and it's damn delicious! Power Gedemak, beb! Fuszooooooooooo! Her mom also made a jelly pudding and she gave me one.. wah, syiok ah! After a "steamy" meal, I told them that I need to head back home.. my girlfriend accompany me to the road and she hail a taxi for me.. and she, AGAIN, gave me a cab fare home.. walaw.. Thank you, sayang~ I'm not going out today.. sit at home and do some house chores.. but before that, maybe play some games from my brother's PS2.. Well people, I think I write off now.. tired of typing.. I'll be typing again later or tomorrow.. see ya around! - aif - time : 1059hrs |
Monday, 1 October 2007
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10/01/2007 10:28:00 am
date : 01 October 2007 time : 1059hrs Helluez!! What a good Monday morning.. I was waken up by my dad's voice.. he asked me how to save the downloaded Hari Raya song.. I taught him awhile just now.. then I showed my mom I bought yesterday for Raya.. She told me that my baju kurung is nice.. my baju kurung and samping is only $51.50.. then I bought a pair of jeans for only $25.. and I also bought shoes for $39.90.. today going shopping again with my girlfriend.. she'll be coming Hougang later at around 1400hrs.. then we'll go Queensway Shopping Center to get my tees or polos.. then maybe going Peninsula to get my black shirt.. My parents not working today.. my mom having fever.. Well, I'm watching Avenged Sevenfold now and it's f**kin' awesome.. I love the band.. I'll write in again later.. - aif - time : 1116hrs |