Friday, 5 October 2007
0 comment(s) / 10/05/2007 02:17:00 pm

date : 05 October 2007
time : 1428hrs


Waddup.. I'm feeling kinda positive today.. I'm always positive.. but of course I was feeling kinda down before that but to think of it, I'm gonna be ok in future.. I'm always thinking of my future.. what it's gonna be like.. but I hope that my diploma will help me get a good job.. most of my friends are working oready but I'm still studying.. I thought of signing on Army or any uniform organisation but to think of it, life will not be the same.. at least if I work outside, it's more better.. to me signing on is another typical way.. from what I know is that after they get the money, they will get married straight away.. but if you sign on for the sake of money, I don't see any point.. you'll not enjoy life.. if you work outside as in private sectors, you'll tend to have more freedom but yah, you'll have lesser incentives.. I'll think about it.. for now I'll just concentrate on my studies and if I have enough cash, I'll achieve more, insya'Allah..

I'm now listening to Avenged Sevenfold's songs.. they are like the best band in the world but of course, people wont agree with me as they have their own favourite bands.. I mean if you're looking for good technical rock band, A7X will be the choice.. if in terms of punk rock, I recommend Rufio.. They play their songs very technically.. but as I'm listening to A7X now, we'll talk about them.. I was introduced by Elly, a friend of mine in friendster.. she sent me the song 'Seize the Day' through MSN.. It caught my attention after that and I start downloading other Avenged Sevenfold's song.. and I realised that they are good.. and till now, I'm listening to them.. and after knowing my girlfriend listens to rock, I let her listen to A7X.. she loves them.. and she's like crazy for Matt Shadows now.. As for me, I love The Rev.. A7X drummer.. he's one good motherf**kin' drummer.. another drummer who I love most is from Saosin, Alex Rodriguez.. they are my source of inspiration..

I started learning music when I was in Primary School.. Learning how to blow the recorder.. which I suck at it.. so my interest in music not that strong.. During Secondary School, I watched my friend performed a gig and it's kinda cool to me.. so I asked him to teach me bass as he is the bassist for his band.. he taught me and I learnt quite fast.. and once I'm good at it, I asked him to teach me basic stuff of playing a guitar.. he taught me power chords and it's rather kinda easy.. it's similar to bass chords except that u have to use extra finger.. hehe.. I started having a band when I was in ITE.. my friend saw my capabilities in playing both the guitar and bass and he asked me to join his band.. but his band has 2 guitarists and a bassist.. then looks like I have to be the drummer.. so I start to kick and hit the drums.. and I didn't realise I was doing quite well.. so at home I practice air drums.. just doing the basic beats.. and I applied it to my jamming sessions.. unfortunately, after 'Stardom', like ITE's battle of the band, we separated.. after that, I jam with my friends for fun.. and during NS, I met Jimmy who pulled me into his band after he heard Li Yan told him that I can play drums because before that, I showed Li Yan my jamming videos and that time also Jimmy was looking for a drummer so he offered me to join his band.. I was shy at first but the band was very cool.. I met Jon and then during jamming sessions, I get to meet Art.. Art is one hell of a talented guy.. he plays keyboard, bass, guitars and drums.. cool huh.. but since I'm the drummer, he plays keyboard.. but soon after our gig at Prince of Wales, he left coz he wanna have proper future.. he's now teaching in a music school.. now SSG or his real name, Sazli, join us.. he's Jimmy's friend too.. we've been a band (with Sazli in) for 5 to 6 months.. I'm not sure.. Jon and Sazli are 2 good guitarists, Jimmy is one superb bassist and me, I'm just an ordinary drummer.. we call ourselves Nightfall.. we don't do covers except for 1 or 2 songs but most of our music we compose are our originals.. all thanks to the great minds of Jon and Jimmy.. Sazli is the master of guitar and I just add in beats that goes well with the song..

Currently, we're doing our recordings and doing some jamming sessions every Saturday.. I'm happy with my bandmates.. they are cool dudes..

I type my blog slow was because I was adding some stuffs into my blog site.. Ihsan, my Poly friend, help me with it.. now it has a tag box and links.. but the song I add it myself.. I choose the song 'Unholy Confessions' from Avenged Sevenfold because I confess most of my feelings through my blog.. hehe.. so there you go..

I'll leave now.. thank you for taking your time to read.. adios..! Oh by the way, I went for Friday prayers just now.. ahakz!

- aif -

time : 1622hrs

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