Tuesday, 3 May 2011
0 comment(s) / 5/03/2011 11:36:00 pm

date : 3rd May 2011
time : 2139hrs


I miss my NUR SABRINA BINTE HARIS  so much that it hurts.. I swear that I think about her almost 90% of the day.. and it's worth it.. I thought I can never love someone 100% but I did.. I'm so putting a 100% commitment in this relationship.. And I will take great care of my Rina as responsible as I can..

On Sunday, 30th April 2011, I met up with my hunz, Rina, at Tampines after work.. we then took train to City Hall coz we planned to go Esplanade.. When we reached the Waterfront's stage, there was a band from La Salle playin' Avenged Sevenfold's "Fiction".. I was so impress xia and lucky for me, I get to record it.. They were good ah.. 

After the performance, we walked to Singapore Flyer and I showed my girlfriend around.. I'm so gonna bring her to ride the Flyer one day.. after touring around the place, we walked to Marina Bay Sands.. I thought of bringing my girlfriend to take the Sampan ride but it was already not operational at that time.. shuckz! We then headed to Lau Pa Sat to have our dinner.. I think my girlfriend enjoys eating there, especially the barbecued prawns.. haha.. We were bloated after the heavy dinner.. so we walked to Peninsula Shopping Centre to take cab home..

Anyway, I was at home the whole of Sunday afternoon.. BORING~ I thought of bringing my family out for dinner in the evening but they were full.. so I called Kurt up and met him.. we went to Nex and had dinner at ToriGo.. I've been dying to eat there eversince I first saw it but I can't afford during that point of time.. heh~ The chicken was.... OMG! Gotta bring my girlfriend to eat there.. me and Kurt then walked around the mall and we ended up at Swensen's and we had ice-creams! Apple Crumble Sizzling Pan kicks my ass! It's fucking nice xia! FUCKING NICE! Kurt's Banana Crumble Sizzling Pan was too sweet.. mine was, FUCKIN' NICE~ kay, enough! From Nex, we headed to Kurt's crib..

I overnight at Kurt's.. he played his PS3 and I played his laptop.. haha.. no gay agenda okay~ We left his crib very early in the morning around 0900hrs.. I went home for a while to get changed before we left to meet Zul at Woodlands.. From Woodlands, the 3 of us took bus to Johor.. we went Larkin coz I need to get a new pair of shoes.. I ended up getting 2 - a pair of pink/black Crossover skater shoes and a pair of purple Radii Straight Jacket shoes.. WOOHOO!

From Larkin, we took cab down to City Square to walk around.. we had dinner at Kenny Rogers and I ate till I was FUCKIN'  bloated larrr! Only Allah knows how heavy I was.. Anyway, after dinner we head back to Singapore.. we cabbed down from Kranji to Tampines.. damn far~ at Tampines, we met up with my girlfriend.. we booked tickets for "Thor" 3D.. while waiting for the show, we had light meals at Wendy's.. It was my second time watching the movie.. Anyway, the movie ended at about 2330hrs.. we went home after that..

My weekend wasnt that boring afterall.. thanks to the awesome peepz.. Alhamdulillah.. Well, I have an announcement to make, - I MISS MY NUR SABRINA BINTE HARIS FUCKIN' BADLY! :) Anyway, enjoy this video below..

Yours GEREK-ly,

time : 2324hrs

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