Saturday, 29 May 2010
0 comment(s) / 5/29/2010 01:16:00 pm

time : 1332hrs


2 days ago was my Monthsary with my Darling Ira.. Alhamdulillah.. We've been together for 3 Years 9 Months.. My most wonderful relationship.. Though there were ups and downs, we went through it with ease with the guidance of the Almighty.. cey~ like Ustadz ah..

Anyway, here's my family photo taken after my Graduation Day.. I thank my family for their support and encouragement throughout my schooling years.... I love my family.. and now that I'm already working, my turn to repay them... but it's not gonna be enough compared to the sacrifices they've given me..

Have a wonderful weekend.. but I have to work.. Haha..

Yours GEREK-ly,

time : 1340hrs

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