Tuesday, 9 March 2010
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3/09/2010 10:38:00 am
time : 1213hrs Helluez! I had a great weekend.. Spent the whole Sunday with my family.. Went to my makcik's sedara's wedding at Jurong West.. I think I'm beginning to mix around very well with the relatives from my mom's side.. We then thought of having tim sum at Bukit Timah but the shop is not there anymore.. so I drove my family to railway station - my dad's all time favourite makan place.. had our supper there.. After sending my family home I picked Zaf, Kurt and Ryna up and we went Seletar Dam.. we played teka-teki and the best riddle was from Kurt and it goes like this "dalam banyak-banyak fishtank, fishtank ape ade air tapi takde ikan?".. it took us more than 45 mins to answer this "interesting" riddle.. and the answer is "fishtank yang takde ikan".. MENGAROOOOOT~ Haha! We left Seletar Dam around 2 and head towards New Hawa restaurant but unfortunately it was closed.. we then sleep for awhile at a nearby carpark.. around 0400hrs, I sent the dudes home and after sending them, Ryna felt hungry, so 2 of us went Upper Serangoon nearby Chomp Chomp.. Only Ryna had her supper, I was too full to eat anymore.. we went home after that.. ![]() ![]() I had a few hours of sleep and I woke up thinking of sending my mom to work but she took a full day off coz she was sick.. Darlz was not working so we meet up in the afternoon at AMK and I drove her to the new SSDC.. so cool to see an indoor driving centre.. Darlz tak abis2 looking out for her favourite instructor and I pretended to be jealous.. haha.. we had our lunch there and after that we went Bishan to send the car back.. We took cab to Lido and get tickets for... ![]() Alice in Wonderland 3D It was a great movie.. Johnny Depp is forever a fantastic actor.. What I like about the movie is how the White Queen react to certain things.. she's easily disgusted.. haha.. I give a rating of 8.7/10 for Alice in Wonderland 3D.. SUUUPERB~ After movie, me and Darlz walked to Esplanade.. we sat at the Waterfront to enjoy the view of the water.. we had a wonderful time together and we shared alot of stuffs and gave each other's point of view.. We must do it more often.. hehe.. Anyway, when we're in the lift going up to her house, the lift's door didn't open.. we were stuck.. luckily the "catastrophic event" lasted for less than 15 minutes.. haha.. we were not panicked but the idea of being stuck in the lift is WTFudge.. ![]() I am really looking forward to spend more time with this ladee before I start working.. Darlz, you're simply amazing.. "You ah.. SUUUPERB lah dey~ I lurp sama you lah~" I looked through Avenged Sevenfold's website and they got a drummer to play with them.. he is Dream Theater's Mike Portnoy.. great drummer.. I don't think he will be part of the band but just helping out with the drum tracks.. his skills are as good as The Rev's.. No matter what, Jimmy "the Rev" Sullivan is always my favourite drummer.. Keep rockin' A7X! |