Tuesday, 2 February 2010
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2/02/2010 11:26:00 pm
time : 2327hrs Helluez! Exam is around the corner.. I still haven't prepare anything but I've planned what to do.. I'm still worried about whether I can pass my exams or not.. MCOM scares the sh*t out of me.. I flung my quiz 2 and hopefully I will put in my best effort for the final year.. Graduation is not what I want but at least it's better than repeating the same module all over again.. I watched The Biggest Loser just now and it was the most disappointing episode ever! A friend of mine took part and just now he eliminated himself.. Anyway, before that he was already voted off by 2 person.. reason for leaving : he loved a girl from the opposite team.. WHOT THA FUDGE ARE YOU THINKIN', DUDE?! Maybe I'm selfish but I think he made the wrong decision! The girl is not even close to pretty.. aku tau aku tak handsome sangat tapi IT'S A COMPETITION, MAN, AND YOU HAVE TO STAY COMPETITIVE WHAT.. Takmo lah kerana perempuan kau lembik macam sayor.. And the girl was from the Philipines.. and even if they're in love, no matter what, she has to go back to her homeland after the game is over.. And now he's out, she's still in the competition trying to win the big cash - like US$1,000,000 I think.. correct me if I'm wrong.. tapi serious sh*t~ I don't find it right.. love can wait.. he can win the money first and then get the girl.. haiyah! Blinded by love~ ![]() Moral of the story, you can fall in love but PLEASE! be at the right time.. haha.. bole gitu eh.. Anyway, here's a quote from Sam Keen "You come to love not by finding the right person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly".. So I guess that friend of mine can see the perfectness in that girl which I can't.. Maybe I'm the one who is blind.. who cares anyway.. ahakz~ Yours GEREK-ly, - aif - time : 0006hrs |