Sunday, 28 June 2009
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6/28/2009 01:16:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0151hrs Alo! I had a great 34 months anniversary with Darlz.. Alhamdulillah.. I'm so lucky to have Darlz in my life.. she's such a wonderful girlfriend, a FUN-tastic bestfriend and a reliable partner.. We didn't celebrate like so grand.. just a simple outing.. yesterday went like this.. Me, Kurt and Ihsan left my house at around 1030hrs.. Kurt went home while me and Ihsan went Bishan to meet up with Kid.. The plan was to surprise Ryna while working.. but turned out mepek.. me and Ihsan were late so Kid went to surprise Ryna first.. ahakz! We later joined him.. ahakz.. I pity Ryna working alone at the outlet.. and some more she was sakit.. hmm.. I hope our presence was not an irritation.. wait.. read my tag box.. she thanked us.. that means she appreciates us.. you rock lah Ryna.. Ahakz! Jimmy came around 1330hrs.. Darlz joined us after work.. Around 1400hrs, we left Junction 8 and went Chinatown.. Kesian Ryna alone.. Anyway, yesterday's jamming was awesome.. no more "That thing you do" and "Pieces".. Anyway, we're pulling ourself out of the school gig.. me and Kid were demoralised after they postponed it.. Back to jamming, we jammed our songs and we also tried out Jimmy's new song.. we haven't really come out with the lyrics but the song's rhythm was cool ah.. After jamming, Kid met up with Jamie while me, Darlz and Jimmy went Peninsula to change Jimmy's bass' strings.. Actually that bass is my own personal bass but since I'm the drummer in the band and Jimmy has no personal bass, I lend it to him.. ahakz! After everything's settled, Jimmy went Central Mall to meet *ehem ehem* and I spent some time with Darlz.. Romantic! Before I left her, she passed me a very sweet letter that she wrote.. so nice of her.. aww.. To Darlz, 1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u. 1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u. 1st time i kiss u i was scared to luv u. but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u! ![]() Rudy told me that Kak Zi is getting engaged tomorrow.. Alhamdulillah and Congratz! Finally Kak Zi met someone who sincerely loves her.. I'm very proud of Abang Sham.. You go guys! One day I'm gonna get engaged and married too.. but before going through all that, I wanna betolkan my keimanan.. cey~~ but true ah, until when do I wanna enjoy..?! Ahakz! I guess I'll end now.. wanna sleep ah.. so tired.. have a great Sunday..! - aif - time : 0239hrs |