Saturday, 27 June 2009
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6/27/2009 12:31:00 am
day : Saturday time : 0033hrs Alo! HAPPY 2 YEARS 10 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY ![]() Alhamdulillah today is our 34th month anniversary.. Of course in relationship there are ups and downs but thank Allah that we managed to go through all that.. "the ship is sailing smoothly in the calm sea".. Insya'Allah our relationship will last long.. Woohoo!!! Anyway, me, Ihsan and Kid had our haircut after school just now.. my head feels lighter after that.. no more irritating long fringe.. ahakz! I think it's better to have short and neat hair.. long hair pon maciam cool ah but I don't think I look good in long hair.. Kurt and Ihsan are in my house now accompanying me coz my parenst and Afiq went Kuala Lumpur.. Adil is in his room donno do what.. ahakz! The coolest thing is that each of us has a laptop and we're on our own laptop surfing our own stuffs.. ahakz! No porn.. Jamming with the band later at 1500hrs.. Gonna surprise someone before that.. ahakz! Oroitz.. wanna play my wrestling with Kurt.. not physically but in PSP.. Have a great weekend! - aif - time : 0059hrs |