Tuesday, 30 December 2008
0 comment(s) / 12/30/2008 11:15:00 pm

date : 30th December 2008
time : 2320hrs


Tomorrow's New Year eve but I still need to go back school to do some projects.. haiz! I'm not sure what's the plan for tomorrow.. maybe later planning with Darlz.. I don't feel like watching the fireworks.. ahakz.. I prefer chillin' with my peepz.. see how lah..

I got my term test results oready and Alhamdulillah I passed my DMSD and my EWA.. ahakz.. I didn't go for my Itech so I'm not sure about my result.. same goes for my IA.. since Thursday is a public holiday, no IA lesson.. next week lah then..

This Saturday is a busy weekend for me.. Theater Peti Karma is having a meeting in the afternoon and after that we'll be having an orientation or they call it 'recruitment drive'.. to recruit people to join TPK and experience what theater is about.. Anyone interested, can get to me through the links on the right..

I'll not stay long for the recruitment thang coz at 1800hrs I'll be having jamming session with the band.. Ooouuu.. I love jamming.. Playing drums is my passion.. It's cool to be with my band.. it's like, we can agree with one another.. and there's not much "politics".. we're open coz every suggestion is very important.. I can't wait for jamming..

So yerpz.. busy weekends.. anyway, just got the 'Setulus Hati, Setitis Jasa & Secebis Harapan' photos.. for more photos or more info about Theater Peti Karma, please click the link on the right.. Enjoy!

Theater Peti Karma presents..........

The Audience

The Doa

The casts of that day
Back row : Faizal (in blue kurung) - Luqman (in green kurung) - me - Najib - Lukman - Acit - Khairah - Zaf
Front row : Fakhirah - Liza - Titi

At the backstage

Introduction to "Cikgu Puteh"

I can be a good teacher

Cikgu in a street fight

Cikgu : Stabbed

Budak² Naqal


"Naina" and "Dato Bendahara"

Party for Cikgu
(actually I want chicken forthe party but......... haiz!)

Backstage Bestfriend

Cikgu Puteh, Cikgu Lin and the students

"Mommy! It's over!".. But we had fun!

"Why so formal?" - look@me!

Oroits.. that's all yah.. good nite! Woooootz~~

- aif -

time : 0004hrs

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