Sunday, 9 November 2008
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11/09/2008 12:02:00 am
date : 09 November 2008 time : 0002hrs Helluez! It's just past 0000hrs and it's Sunday today.. so yesterday was quite effed up but end up to be wonderful.. I went for drama in the afternoon.. reached 1405hrs.. and met Achit outside the CC.. he was asking about the rest.. how would I know.. haiz.. then I went up to the practice room at level 5.. only the girls and Abang Ali from Seng Hong (or what eff the group's name is) and Titi were there.. Titi mentioned about Acit talking bad or was mad with me for being late (is 5 minutes considered FUCKIN' late?) earlier on before I came.. but when I met him, he's ok with me.. get wat I'm trying to say.. ok nvm.. forget Acit lah.. that is SO normal for me.. around 1430hrs, people start to come.. some came even later but nobody was scolded.. compared to me, just because of 5 minutes late, someone talked behind my back.. Ok.. Pissed off #1.. Training as usual but today we got to see how Seng Hong performed.. they still need more practice.. anyway, later on Sis Azimah came and some how I saw that she throw the "fuck you, Aif!" face at me.. maybe because I told her that I can't come for Saturday's Bangsawan training coz I also need time for myself.. During training, she didn't talk to me so that was fine.. then when I told her that I need to leave at 1600hrs, she was pissed off.. once again, I saw that "fuck you, Aif" face coming.. I wonder why when other people need to leave, they left peacefully but when I need to leave, I got that expression.. Eff it lah.. I just left and met my Darlz downstairs.. We took bus 147 to City Hall and met my Darl's work colleagues.. we walked to the Singapore Flyers.. there was this Halloween event on the ground floor.. but we were very excited to board the capsule.. I saw Wan, who was working there, when we're about to board the capsule.. I asked him for 2 free tickets.. haha.. but the tickets are for my next visit..! We took alot of pics.. me and Darlz enjoyed ourselves.. and so does her work colleagues.. after the ride, both of us separated from her colleagues.. we had our dinner at Madam Lin's restaurant and it's halal.. the food was ok for me but not for my Darlz.. after dinner, we walked to Marina Square.. we left Marina Square and took train to Yishun.. met Iznan - Darl's cousin, with his girlfriend.. I head home after sending DarlZ home.. Later will be meeting Kurt, Zaf, Jimmy and Rafi to play LAN.. Kurt's treat.. hehe.. What have I learnt today.. hmm.. I've learnt that some stuffs are meant to be kept in my heart.. no point being straight forward to people who can't accept whatever I've said.. and I learnt that sometimes I got my rights and no more behaving like a Mr. Nice Guy.. Eff whatever they wanna say about me.. whether it's good or bad.. not that I don't like TPK but I effin' hate the unfairness that was given.. I felt unappreciated.. I came for Tuesday's, Thursday's and half of Saturday's training but what I get was just a "fuck you, Aif!" expression.. Feeling demoralised? Yes I am.. sometimes I wonder why I'm into this mess.. feeling not appreciated.. and some more, I'm busy with other commitments like family, Darlz, school and band.. I only get to meet Darlz ONCE in a fuckin' week.. and now with my Saturday's being taken over by drama, I donno how I'm going to spend time with Darlz.. Sundays? Sundays are for me to do my school assignments.. assignments and projects are killing me.. and if I'm free on Sundays, I'll meet my band for session.. fortunately for me, Darlz understand my situation.. thank you so much, Darlz.. I promise to make it up to you.. I got to go.. Kurt and Zaf are waiting for me.. here are some pics from yesterday's outing.. Enjoy..! Oh by the way, I'm sorry about the vulgarities.. it's just an expression of words.. heh.. ![]() See how adorable she is ![]() Twist of Fate ![]() On board the Singapore Flyer for the first time ![]() And it feels GREAT! ![]() Happy Darlz = Happier me! ![]() I ain't afraid of heights. I'm a brave dude! ![]() She's cool with high heights.. cey~~ ![]() Amazed with how technologies changed the world. But nothing beats God's creations. ![]() Little Miss Sunset ![]() Gotta be honest, she's brave & daring! ![]() At this point, we're at the top of the Singapore Flyer and everything seems small. ![]() She just saw Superman flying across.. I donno.. ![]() I'm not sure if I'm scared or am I excited ![]() Freaked Out ![]() Darlz trying to reach the top ![]() "What's in your head.. Zombie.. Zombie!" ![]() She's my Angel ![]() Some prayers for Arwahnye Pak Lomet So there you go.. I got to go.. Cizoo~~ time : 0056hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- time : 0910hrs Helluez! I just got back home from lepak-ing with Bestfriends and Bandmates - Kurt, Zaf, Jimmy and Rafi.. Around 0115hrs, me, Zaf and Kurt took cab to Upper Thomson Rd.. met Rafi and Jimmy there.. we played LAN.. Zaf left at 0400hrs coz he'll be having bike practical later.. the rest of us left an hour later.. we slack at the Prata House which was just nearby.. I had murtabak and tea.. after supper/breakfast, I rest my head and slept eventually while the guys had their conversations about these lembut guys who sat behind us.. we left the shop at 0800hrs and head home.. While I was in the cab going to Upper Thomson just now, I was thinking about my Darlz.. like.. she's the sweetest person God had ever introduced to me.. to be honest, her laughters makes me so happy.. At least I know I'm not "perangai Salleh".. haha.. I may not be the most jiwang person in the Universe but I love to have this kind of feeling.. Today my cousin Ana getting married but I'm, not able to be there coz I have loads of assignments to do.. my mom will send my regards to her.. To Ana, - semoga kekal ke anak cucu cicit cocot.. That's all folks! - aif - time : 0929hrs |