Sunday, 27 July 2008
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7/27/2008 11:16:00 pm
date : 27th July 2008 time : 2317hrs Helluez! Today is my 1 year 11months Anniversary with my girlfriend!! Alhamdulillah!! I love her so much! Next month will be our 2 years Anniversary.. will be very special!! I'm the happiest man to meet a nice lady like her.. woots woots! Well actually I just came back from outing with my friends.. as always, my weekend has been very wonderful.. On Friday evening, met my girlfriend.. I'm supposed to meet her at 1830hrs but end up I'm late.. so I met her at AMK instead.. she wasn't that happy.. she didn't talk to me.. after walking around AMK hub, we went Yishun.. at her void deck, I tried to talk to her.. Alhamdulillah, she forgives me.. and life became wonderful.. hehe.. Yesterday, had my drama session with Theatre Peti Karma at Serangoon CC.. get to know 2 new members - Alang and Aliff.. Sis Azimah, Najib and Zyra were there.. Zaf came alil later.. after drama, my girlfriend meet up wth us and we went Suntec.. Aliff didn't follow coz he has personal matters to attend.. we went Suntec to watch Achit's performance with Variasi Theater Group for 'Hang Nadim'.. we were late so we missed it.. oops.. continue later.. my girlfriend calling.. stop time : 2232hrs date : 28th July 2008 time : 2353hrs Hmm.. I'll continue from where I stop. Ok.. we were hungry so we looking for place to eat.. Sis Azima, Najib, Zyra and Alang ate at Burger King while me, my girlfriend, Kurt and Zaf went KFC.. after dinner we met up and the guys had our smoking break.. hehe.. after that I accompanied my girlfriend to buy her MP4.. she wants to put games only in her PSP so she gets a MP4 where she can put videos and music.. we went Harvey Norman.. She bought the Samsung MP4 which is metallic pink and it's very cool.. we met up with the rest soon after that.. around 2145hrs, we left Suntec.. Sis Azima and Zyra went Esplanade, Najib went home, Alang went to his aunty's crib, Kurt accompanied Zaf to collect van at Hougang and I sent my girlfriend home.. Zaf and Kurt picked me up at Yishun.. after that picked Sis Azima and Zyra at City Hall.. from there, we sent Sis Azima home first.. slack for awhile, then we sent Zyra coz she was kinda sick.. then sent Kurt then me.. Zaf had to work at 0300hrs.. when I reached home, I didn't feel sleepy.. I played my PSP till 0500hrs then I forced myself to sleep.. On Sunday, I had meeting with TPK in the afernoon.. Zaf picked me up then we went Serangoon CC.. Sis Azima was there already.. her house is near.. Then comes the students from Serangoon Garden Secondary and their teacher.. their teacher look damn young.. I thought she was a NPCC instructor coz the students were wearing NPCC polo tees.. the meeting ended around 1400hrs.. Zaf then sent Sis Azima home coz she needs to change her clothes.. after she's done, Zaf sent me to Aljunied coz I'm having jamming session at 1500hrs.. after I reached Aljunied, Zaf sent Sis Azima to Esplanade to meet Zyra there.. Jon, SSG and Jimmy were in the jamming studio oready.. hehe.. we jam our set.. a set is like 8 original songs altogether.. the last few minutes we tried out our new song which I think SSG composed.. the song concept is like Avenged Sevenfold's "AfterLife".. The most amazing thing is that my drums are perfect for that day.. I donno.. my double paddle seems to be on time.. not that I'm arrogant or what but I'm amazed with myself.. hehe.. but the new song was nice.. I love it.. very Avenged Sevenfold.. I get to play double paddle.. hehe.. double paddling is hard but it sounds sweet.. very hardcore.. I donno if that's the word to describe it.. After jamming, the four of us went SimLim Square.. SSG wanted to get a game.. I asked Zaf to drop-by coz my PSP was in his van.. after Zaf reached, we walked around for awhile before me and Zaf separated from the band.. Zaf and me went to get the van and we picked up Sis Azima who was in Esplanade.. and after that we picked up Sis Tina.. then followed by Achit.. Zaf drives us to Changi to have dinner.. Sis Tina treated my dinner.. I was paiseh but she still insist.. so I bought Beef Hor Fun.. sounds like WTF.. Beef Whore Fun.. I dono.. haha.. but it's nice.. Thank you, Sis Tina! Next time it's my turn to treat Sis Azima and Sis Tina.. after dinner, Zaf sent us home.. What a weekend..~ Today I was late for OOP.. but what tha heck.. after school, I went Bishan to meet my girlfriend.. she had lesson just now.. I sent her to school then I went mosque to do my prayers.. after prayers, I went ITE Bishan to wait for my girlfriend.. while waiting, I studied Wireless.. at least covered 2 chapters.. she ended around 2200hrs.. her friend Christpher wave at my girlfriend but when I wave to him, he ignored.. (I know he didn't see).. then I joke with my girlfriend that I'm going to call him "Gopal" just because he didn't wave back at me.. hehe.. I sent my girlfriend to Yishun interchange then she took bus home and I took 854 to Hougang.. now I miss my girlfriend.. she's simply a wonderful person.. Hmm.. I'm quite sleepy and tired now but I love life.. haha.. I watched a dance documentary just now at Arts Central.. it's about how people express their emotions through dancing.. it looks like they dance anyhow but it's actually to potray how they feel.. well, I'm not into dancing.. but I have my ways of expessing myself.. by drumming and drama.. I express my feelings whenever I'm jamming with the band and able to be someone else when I'm acting.. I am the "Drama Drummer".. haha.. but it's a good stress reliever.. Here's some pics to see during the outing.. ![]() (The day we celebrated our 1year 11months Anniversary! - taken using Zaf's new phone) ![]() (Zaf and Sis Azima in the van) ![]() (Sis Azima and me in Zaf's van - I look like WTF) I guess I'll end now.. wanna play my PSP.. take care! - aif - time : 0036hrs |