Wednesday, 5 March 2008
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3/05/2008 11:37:00 pm
date : 5th March 2008 time : 2340hrs Helluez! Waddup people! I'm back after so damn long of not updating my blog.. tonight, is the night I'm updating it.. ok, what tha hell.. having my holidays now but also preparing myself for supp papers.. I don't think I did well for my exams.. Anyway, I dowanna think about it.. Just wanna enjoy myself for the time being.. spending time with myself, I mean, relax at home and just wasting 24 hours of my life doing stuffs that doesn't bring any good.. well, thought of working ONLY after I've gone for my holidays.. maybe after Zaf get his license, we rent car and go Kuala Lumpur or maybe just go Johor.. Yeah! Last Saturday, we celebrated Zaf's birthday.. his birthday was on 21st February but we celebrated a lil bit later due to budget.. hehe.. I'm the one who planned everything.. It's my bestfriend's birthday so I wanna make it a lil bit special.. Ira was there, Kurt was there, Fitri and Emmy was there and Emmy brought along his brother and also his cuzzin from Australia and GOD!, his Aussie slang tak bole angkat.. he looks very malay but I think if you've never seen him before and he talks to you on the phone, you'd probably think you're talking to an Australian guy.. Orite, so we had lunch at Seoul Garden Marina Square.. I paid for Zaf and I ask Fitri, Emmy and Kurt to share money to buy Zaf a present.. they bought for him a pouch.. like a trendy kinda pouch.. quite cool.. after lunch, we met Sam (who is not invited) around Marina Square.. we then took Emmy's car to Orchard.. there we separated.. Fitri, Emmy and bros went somewhere and me, Ira, Kurt, Zaf and Sam meet up with Jimmy and SSG.. actually we thought of watching movie but Kurt, Zaf and Sam was financially faggot.. so ira, me, Jimmy and SSG watched "Meet the Spartans".. the movie started at 1955hrs and ended at 2100hrs.. after the movie, we meet up with Zaf and gang.. went to Lido's McDeez for awhile before we left for home.. I sent Ira home first and then I meet up with Kurt and Zaf at Hougang.. Spend the night outside like "Vampires" except that we ate mee goreng in the middle of the night instead of blood.. we went home around 0600hrs the next morning.. I was at home the whole day on Sunday.. and also on Monday and Tuesday.. Today I met up with Kurt coz I want him to accompany me to make new ATM card.. my old card is chipped.. after it is settled, we slack at the nearby void deck.. I also planned to cut my hair.. so we went to Hassan Barber to have my hair done.. I asked the barber to cut "Liberty Spike" but end up normal armani hairstyle.. but I'm quite satisfied with it.. at least my hair is short.. I took a picture of myself and MMS it to my girlfriend.. she loves it.. ahakz! I'll post the pic later.. well, I looked at my PSP now and I thought of playing it.. maybe after I've loaded the pics here.. I load now.. ![]() ![]() So there you go.. I love my life.. great friends, great family, great life.. till I type again next time..! \m/_ aif _\m/ time : 0017hrs |