Sunday, 9 March 2008
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3/09/2008 01:02:00 pm
date : 09 March 2008 time : 1304hrs Helluez!! What a wonderful afternoon.. I just woke up.. not exactly just woke up but I feel so wonderful.. I woke up 1230hrs just now.. I slept at about 0200hrs on my floor.. I donno why but I feel like sleeping on the floor.. then I woke up early in the morning, I think around 0500hrs or 0600hrs.. then I get back on my bed.. and yah, I woke up at 1230hrs.. good sleep.. no backaches, no whatsoever.. I thought of going cycling today but Zaf dont have bicycle and Kurt also don't know how to cycle.. aiyah.. maybe I just accompany Zaf cut his hair.. Zaf just ORD-ed last friday.. finally frredom for him.. he wants to take a one week vacation before looking for job.. I feel happy for him.. most of my friends finished NS oready.. except for SSG, my guitarist.. hehe.. Yesterday was a very fun day.. I had jamming at 1300hrs.. my girlfriend can't join us earlier coz she's from her sister's house.. me and my band jam for the usual 2 hours.. my girlfriend came half an hour before we end jamming.. there's no jamming session better than jamming with my bandmates.. we know what to play and we had fun playing songs.. but I'm glad we have our own songs to play.. we cover only some songs.. after jamming, we went Orchard Cineleisure.. we meet up with Fizah.. then Kurt and Wadi came along.. so there were like 8 of us.. cool.. big group.. too bad Zaf can't join coz he had to attend his cuzzin's wedding.. we watched "10,000 bc".. the 1725hrs show.. before the movie, we ate the "Seafood Basket place".. I donno the actual name of the fastfood restaurant.. my girlfriend paid for my meal coz she wants to and she knows I don't have enough cash.. thank you, sayang..! There's a lot of people watching till we have to get separate seats.. but fortunately, our seats are just separated by stairs.. me and Ira's seat were 2nd from the front left corner.. Jimmy and SSG's seat were behind us.. across their seats were Jon and Fizah and infront of them were Kurt and Wadi.. so yah.. hehe.. it's a good movie.. I give a rating of 7/10.. still not that realistic to me.. after the movie we hang out outside Cineleisure.. smoking and talking about he movie.. John really has alot to say.. but seriously, Wadi's joke wasn't funny at all.. we don't get what he's saying and he laughs at his own jokes.. me and my girlfriend was like "WHAT THA HELL!".. I pretend not to look at him coz I dowanna force myself laughing at his lame and not-understandable jokes.. haha.. his jokes are always repeating.. same like Kurt.. no fresh jokes.. BORING! Anyway, I'm glad that John, Jimmy and SSG always came up with good and funny jokes.. sometimes I'm not involve in the conversation coz I dowanna spoil the fun.. haha.. me and Jimmy thought of "Monster Hunter-ing" at Ang Mo Kio but he's too faggot.. John went home while me, Ira, SSG and Jimmy took train.. Kurt and Wadi went to 'only-GOD-knows-where'.. me and Ira alighted at Ang Mo Kio but Jimmy and SSG continued to Yio Chu Kang.. from AMK, we took bus to Yishun.. I went home after I sent Ira home.. It may sound boring but I really had a fun time with my friends yesterday.. and especially to my girlfriend.. just wanna let her know that it's wonderful to be with her.. she's like different from other girls.. she helps me alot.. thank you so much, my dear.. not only my friends, my family too has been great to me.. I love the people around me.. including Wadi eventhough his jokes were alil bit off.. here's the photo of Zaf ORD day.. ![]() I got to go now.. Wanna have my shower and meet Zaf later.. take care! \m/_ aif _\m/ time : 1351hrs |