Monday, 17 December 2007
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12/17/2007 12:31:00 am
![]() date : 17th December 2007 time : 0137hrs Helluez! It has been a while since I last typed in.. Hope you people are feelin' good and gorgeous..! As I'm typing now, I'm chatting with Zul at the same time.. He's at his friend's house.. he was surprised that his father let him overnight.. well, actually me, Kurt and Zaf wanted to overnight but to think of it, tomorrow Kurt's working.. Zaf's on leave and me, I'm on holiday!!! Last Friday was my last term test paper.. My girlfriend came Hougang in the afternoon and we went to my school.. she's not working on that day.. when we reached my school, I lead her to the canteen and then I went to my test classroom.. te paper was quite ok.. I managed to finish it in 30 minutes.. so I left at 1600hrs.. quickly went down to the canteen and meet my evadearest girlfriend.. she was playing her PSP.. Then I brought her to ITAS to have our lunch there but unfortunately, most of the stalls are closed.. so I ate nasi padang and my girlfriend had chicken seaweed and some light snacks.. afte our lunch, I showed her around school.. went around ITAS block, business block, the library - we went to every floor, design block and lastly, engine block.. after her around-the-school trip, we walked out of the school and took bus to Tampines.. we then walked around Tampines Mall and Century Square in search of spectacles.. hehe.. she wants to make "ye-ye" girl spectacles - those with huge lense and frame.. where else I was looking for cool shades.. if only my looks are like Matt Shadows.. hehe.. I think my girlfriend gonna love me more.. hehe.. wait a minute, I don't have to be or to look like Matt to be loved by my girlfriend.. she loves for who I am.. and *music* that's the way.. uhuh uhuh.. I like it *music*.. After walking around, I sent her home.. The next day, Saturday, I promised my girlfriend to attend to her family's barbeque event.. it's my first time meeting her siblings.. I was so nervous.. I mean, I passed the "meet-the-parents" test and now have to pass the "meet-the siblings" test.. before that, I had jamming session with band.. from 1500hrs to 1700hrs.. I took taxi to Pasir Ris Park.. When I reached there, I was damn nervous.. I meet my girlfriend first and then went toilet to touch ups.. put on some cologne and went up to the family.. woo! They are nice people except that maybe I'm new and they don't talk to me much.. but Abang Zai was very friendly towards me.. I didn't talk much to her siblings but instead I played with the kids.. One day I must make an effort to go up to my girlfriend's brothers or sisters and talk to them.. the barbeque went on till 2200hrs and Kak Nor sent me home.. she always disturb me.. but I know that she's joking.. About Sunday, slack at home in the morning.. did some house chores and then meet Zaf and Kurt.. bought Donuts for them.. then we went Hougang Central to play LAN game.. we went back around 2330 hrs.. Well, meeting my girlfriend later.. it's 0233hrs and I still not sleepy.. maybe I watch movie or something.. I'll end here.. take care! - aif - time : 0224hrs |