Monday, 24 December 2007
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12/24/2007 08:45:00 pm
date : 24th December 2007 time : 2105hrs Helluez! Wootz wootz! Tomorrow is Christmas and it's a public holiday.. most of the people not working.. Well, I'll be at home.. entertaining my sprain leg.. I myself not sure why it sprained.. yesterday hang out with Kurt till around 0000hrs.. while sitting and had a conversation with him near my house, my left ankle feel a lil pain.. I thought it's gonna be alright later but when I reached home, my ankle begin to denyut-denyut... damn painful.. I can't have a good nite sleep.. irritating.. I slept at 0100hrs, woke up at 0330hrs played my PSP (trying to forget the pain but can't) till 0600hrs.. did my prayers and then managed to go back sleep after that.. woke up at around 0800hrs, smell of burning papers from some people doing offerings and incense from some houses doing prayers, I moved to my parents' bedroom.. smell of my own parents.. I wonder why they have to burn.. I mean, let's say if I'm still asleep and I didn't notice the smell, and I keep inhaling it, who knows I'll suffocate and.. you know.. Alhamdulillah Islam doesn't need to burn this and that.. and to me it's a more healthier religion.. and back to my story.. Zaf and Kurt meet me in the afternoon.. Adil also followed me.. Kurt as usual keep skipping work and I don't bother about his life anymore coz if he don't wanna change, it's up to him.. My girlfriend worked half day today.. we all meet up at Hougang and went McDeez at Hougang Mall.. ate Filet meal.. yummy! My girlfriend bought bandage for me and she bandage my leg.. we then saw my mom going in Hougang Mall.. she's going to OCBC to do some transactions.. she then called me to ask whether I wanna go for foot massage.. I told her that if by tomorrow it's still in pain, I'll go for the massage.. Zaf, Kurt, and my bro Adil went AMK to play LAN games there.. me and my girlfriend waited for my mom to finish doing her transactions.. when we meet her, she asked whether we wanna eat or not but my girlfriend keep asking me not to eat anymore.. walaw.. my mom then went POSB to do another transaction but me and my girlfriend went to my block first.. we wanna do PSP game transfer.. games from her PSP is transfered to my laptip and from my laptop, I download it into my PSP.. now has quite a number of games.. after my mom reached home oready, she told me and my girlfriend to come home.. we had our dinner and my mom shared her stories with my girlfriend.. so nice to see my mom talking to my girlfriend.. my girlfriend went off at 2000hrs and I sent her to the main road.. so that's it for today.. Before I end, just wishing you Christians or Catholic or whoever celebrates it, a very Merry Christmas!! Have fun! - aif - time : 2129hrs |
Sunday, 23 December 2007
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12/23/2007 01:40:00 am
![]() time : 2321hrs Helluez! Heylo!! Wow.. actually I'm so damn tired now but I'm feeling very happy at the same time.. Hmm... Let me share with you about what happened in the past few days.. I'm supposed to go Kuala Lumpur today with Zaf but luck is not on my side.. I followed my mom and Adil to ICA at Lavender to extend Adil's and my passport.. but unfortunately, my passport has already expired and have to make new one.. and I can only take the new one on 27th December.. so I was feeling damn down and disappointed.. I was thinking and thinking until I saw like most people in that ICA building owns a PSP.. then I ask my mom if i can get a PSP instead of going on a KL trip.. she was reluctant at first.. and after some persuasion, my mom agreed.. Woots Woots! After extending Adil's passport and applied for mine, we meet my girlfriend at the MRT station.. we then took bus to Raffles Hospital coz my mom wanna eat at Banquet.. my mom and my girlfriend has good chemistry.. I mean, they can talk and talk and talk.. which is good! After our lunch, we went Bugis to get Adil's tee shirt.. he kkeps wearing my tee shirt so my mom wanna get him a few tees.. he bought 2 tees.. after that, we went Bedok to go my nek yah's house.. my mom wanna bring her to Batam, to enjoy.. we then went Hougang Mall to get my PSP.. At the shop, the guy talks alot of "cocks & pussies" and he's selling his damn PSP at $400++.. Fcukin' heinous! My mom did not wanna buy as it is damn expensive for her.. It's ok to me if she doesn't wanna buy but in my heart, I really want that PSP!! My girlfriend knows that.. hehe..! As it is already 2000hrs and my mom is already feeling very tired, we all decided to go home but I'm sending my girlfriend first.. as me and my girlfriend was eating donuts, I suddenly got the idea of calling Jimmy.. he told me that AMK Hub sells PSP at a reasonable price.. then I was like.. OK! I rush to my mom who was having dinner with nek yah at the coffeeshop near my house and my mom gave me $400.. me and my girlfriend took taxi to AMK Hub and went to the store.. the guy told me that the "fat" PSP is sold out but the "slim" PSP si still available.. The console costs $298.. I was like.. Oh my gawsh! So expensive.. then the guy discuss with me about my budget and stuff.. then he modify for free and I bought a 2GB memory stick, a game - "street supremacy" and the PSP crystal cover.. all for only $389.. hehe.. I was so happy.. My girlfriend updated her version for $10.. Then Jimmy came to meet us.. I was so damn excited that we all took out our PSP and play at AMK McDeez.. I'm now part of the PSP group.. hehe.. oh anyway, I bought purple colour PSP slim.. sweeeeeet.. Today, I sent my parents, nek yah and Adil to Harbourfront as they are going to Batam.. When we reached there, we met up with cik mala and her daughters - kak ana and I don't know the youngest daughter name.. I think it's Inna.. whatever.. hehe.. once they enter the departure hall, I went home.. rest for a while as I'm meeting my girlfriend in the afternoon.. We planned to go Sentosa.. long time didn't go there.. I met my girlfriend at Yishun and we took train to Harbourfront.. we then bought the monorail tickets for $6 for two and it's our first time boarding it.. so fun! We alight at the 'Beach Station' and went straight to Coffee Bean to meet my bro Afiq coz he wanted to give free tickets for the Luge Ride.. when we meet him, he say that I have to pay for the tickets but as staff price for $5 instead of $9.. so since I have cash, I bought 4 tickets for $20.. we took the skyride (picture on top), and then we ride the luge downhill.. my girlfriend was scared the first time she's on it but she's more confident on the second ride.. it was fun.. the rain doesn't stop us from enjoying ourselves.. we then walked around Sentosa and take loads of pictures and finally we took the monorail back to Vivo City.. from Vivo City, we took bus 855 to Yishun.. and to kill our boredom during the journey, we challenge each other to a Tekken battle in our PSP.. hehe.. so fun.. Maybe the reason why I can't go KL is becuase Allah wants to give me a PSP.. Alhamdulillah.. and thanks to my parents too.. and also to my girlfriend for advising me alot.. so life is getting more wonderful for me.. Alhamdulillah..!!! - aif - time : 0000hrs |
Monday, 17 December 2007
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12/17/2007 12:31:00 am
![]() date : 17th December 2007 time : 0137hrs Helluez! It has been a while since I last typed in.. Hope you people are feelin' good and gorgeous..! As I'm typing now, I'm chatting with Zul at the same time.. He's at his friend's house.. he was surprised that his father let him overnight.. well, actually me, Kurt and Zaf wanted to overnight but to think of it, tomorrow Kurt's working.. Zaf's on leave and me, I'm on holiday!!! Last Friday was my last term test paper.. My girlfriend came Hougang in the afternoon and we went to my school.. she's not working on that day.. when we reached my school, I lead her to the canteen and then I went to my test classroom.. te paper was quite ok.. I managed to finish it in 30 minutes.. so I left at 1600hrs.. quickly went down to the canteen and meet my evadearest girlfriend.. she was playing her PSP.. Then I brought her to ITAS to have our lunch there but unfortunately, most of the stalls are closed.. so I ate nasi padang and my girlfriend had chicken seaweed and some light snacks.. afte our lunch, I showed her around school.. went around ITAS block, business block, the library - we went to every floor, design block and lastly, engine block.. after her around-the-school trip, we walked out of the school and took bus to Tampines.. we then walked around Tampines Mall and Century Square in search of spectacles.. hehe.. she wants to make "ye-ye" girl spectacles - those with huge lense and frame.. where else I was looking for cool shades.. if only my looks are like Matt Shadows.. hehe.. I think my girlfriend gonna love me more.. hehe.. wait a minute, I don't have to be or to look like Matt to be loved by my girlfriend.. she loves for who I am.. and *music* that's the way.. uhuh uhuh.. I like it *music*.. After walking around, I sent her home.. The next day, Saturday, I promised my girlfriend to attend to her family's barbeque event.. it's my first time meeting her siblings.. I was so nervous.. I mean, I passed the "meet-the-parents" test and now have to pass the "meet-the siblings" test.. before that, I had jamming session with band.. from 1500hrs to 1700hrs.. I took taxi to Pasir Ris Park.. When I reached there, I was damn nervous.. I meet my girlfriend first and then went toilet to touch ups.. put on some cologne and went up to the family.. woo! They are nice people except that maybe I'm new and they don't talk to me much.. but Abang Zai was very friendly towards me.. I didn't talk much to her siblings but instead I played with the kids.. One day I must make an effort to go up to my girlfriend's brothers or sisters and talk to them.. the barbeque went on till 2200hrs and Kak Nor sent me home.. she always disturb me.. but I know that she's joking.. About Sunday, slack at home in the morning.. did some house chores and then meet Zaf and Kurt.. bought Donuts for them.. then we went Hougang Central to play LAN game.. we went back around 2330 hrs.. Well, meeting my girlfriend later.. it's 0233hrs and I still not sleepy.. maybe I watch movie or something.. I'll end here.. take care! - aif - time : 0224hrs |
Thursday, 6 December 2007
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12/06/2007 06:17:00 pm
![]() date : 06 December 2007 time : 1825hrs Helluez.. Waddup... I've been writing incomplete entries... but this one, I'm going to write full.. where shall I begin.. Ok.. as I'm typing, I'm listening to Avenged Sevenfold.. Their new songs are not as good as the previous album but still, I'm a die hard fan of A7X.. Their new songs like 'Scream', 'Afterlife' and 'Almost Easy' are nice and superbly done by them.. the drums have more impact and more technical.. Jimmy Sullivan or "The Rev", drummer of A7X, is the best drummer that I've ever known.. I wanna be like him but looks like I have to practice 100 times harder.. Alrite.. I continue where I stop on the previous entry.. So I switch on my laptop and I did my project.. my girlfriend helped me with it.. Alhamdulillah she's around.. we sat there till 1600hrs and we left for Lido.. When we reached Lido, we're just in time for our movie.. it ends around 1800hrs.. we then went Istana Park to take pics.. hehe.. so much fun taking pics with my girlfriend.. and the pic on top is one of it.. I just download M2M's "Pretty Boy" and it's very romantic.. hehe.. feels like, I miss my girlfriend so much.. heh.. so mushy.. I wish my girlfriend will sing this song for me.. Ok, continue, after having our lovely conversation, we went back home.. The next day, my PSPS teacher rejects my group's PSPS project.. it was very frustrating.. we did the project and she rejects it.. that's frustration #1.. well, my group member are Zul, Dilah and me.. of course Zul and me are good friends and we can communicate.. when I called Dilah about asking her to do her part, she didn't even pick up.. she told us before that she has problem but, hey, as humans, who doesn't have problems and we use our fucking brains to think.. I have problems at home, school and even outside.. but when comes to school work, I try to focus and not let other stuffs get involve.. the PSPS project is like as if I did alone.. like really.. in class, I'll be playing around and act stupid coz I'm testing whether my group is cooperative or not.. Dilah will be with herself and she'll only talk when we ask her to talk.. like she don't bother.. and Zul is Mister "Erm... what ah?".. I wanna blame Dilah, but she's very sensitive.. at least Zul helped me a lil of here and there.. but the rest was on me.. I don't mind doing alone.. I mean, if I were to wait for them, our project won't be done.. I don't wanna talk about it.. What I know is that it's over.. now have to concentrate on my WebApp and Psychology project.. and next week is my term test.. I'm so not prepared.. I really have to pull my damn socks.. I didn't do well for my quizes and I'm certainly dead for good.. tonight I'm going to study intensively and make sure I'm able to understand the topics.. Well, I think I'll end here and do my prayers.. after prayers, I'll do my revisions.. u guys take care yah! See ya! - aif - |
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
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12/04/2007 10:54:00 pm
date : 4th December 2007 time : 2258 hrs Helluez! Wassup!! Long time no blog yah! And tonight, here I am! Well, many things happened past few days.. and it ain't the nicest ones.. at least my girlfriend is able to calm me down and listen to my complains.. I'll start from what happened on Saturday.. Me and Zul planned to meet up and do our PSPS project.. Ahmad called me and I asked him to meet me at Esplanade as me and Zul are doing our project there.. My project group is actually me, zul and dilah but dilah can't make it on weekends.. so, we don't blame her.. but to think of it, it's not fair.. she told us that she has to go to her grandma's house.. but shouldn't her parents understand that she has to finish her project.. it's unfair to me and Zul doing the project all by ourselves.. once again, when in class, we try not to think about it.. while doing our project, Kurt and Zaf came.. after we finished it, we watched the gig at "The Waterfront".. the band performing was good.. after that we head to Peninsula's Burger King.. Zaf lft early coz he's meeting his friend at M.O.S.. we went home at around 2230hrs.. On Sunday, I meet my girlfriend at Yishun in the afternoon and we went Orchard Lido to watch movie.. we bought "Enchanted" movie tickets and it's a 1630hrs show.. we realised that we still have 2 hours before our show starts.. so I thought of going to the shop where I bought my MP3 coz I want to repair it.. When we reached the place, the uncle told us that it's better that we send directly to the repair centre.. So I agreed and we left the shop and head down to Orchard Point.. Me and my girlfriend sat at McDonalds and we ordered fries and drinks.. as it is a wireless place, I switch on my laptop.. oops! my girlfriend call.. brb.. Ok back.. acytually I'm kinda tired and wanna get to sleep.. I'll continue tomorrow.. see ya! - aif - "Fahrenheit 9/11" |