Friday, 22 July 2011
0 comment(s) / 7/22/2011 11:14:00 pm

date : 22nd July 2011
time : 2253hrs


Today is the day my Sabrina Haris make history.. She passed her Class 3.. that means she's officially a driver.. I love a lady who can drive.. at least after we're married, both of us can drive.. awesome kan~ Alhamdulillah..

I just wanna share how I feel towards my Sabrina.. Our relationship has its ups and downs but we managed to pull it through.. thats what I love about this relationship.. she knows how to win my heart, I know how to take care of her.. She's more than just a girlfriend.. she's my bestfriend.. we are so comfortable with each other that I dont even mind if she burped purposely..

Amazingly is that we can even communicate telepathically without uttering a word.. we have alot in common.. for example, she shares the same birthdate as my mom.. My birthdate is near her parents'.. her grand-dad also named Selamat.. besides that, the people that we know are also inter-connected, meaning, her aunty was my teacher back in ITE Tampines.. My cousin Nainna knows her cousin Ayie.. one of my distant cousin was a classmate with my Sabrina.. wow~ Small world ya..

I find this relationship unique xia.. I love it.. And I'm lucky to be with her coz she knows how to cook and bake stuffs.. thats what I want in a wife.. she's also a good advisor.. I'm a very lucky guy lah.. Alhamdulillah..

Oklah, I think I will end now.. will update again if I'm free.. Wootz!

Yours GEREK-ly,

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