Wednesday, 28 April 2010
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4/28/2010 01:24:00 am
time : 0125hrs Helluez! HAPPY 3 YEARS 8 MONTHS MONTHSARY TO ![]() me & sweetheart Honestly I totally forgot it was our Monthsary yesterday.. Maybe I was thinking too much about my first day at work.. Sorry, Darlz.. Alhamdulillah our relationship remain strong and healthy.. She's simply the awesome-ness angel.. I love you, sweetheart.. Well, my first day at work was ok.. made new friends with a dude named Karim.. nice guy.. he looks like Rancour's guitarist.. or maybe he is.. haha.. I didn't talk to him much coz most of the time we were doing our work.. and besides him, there are also other dudes who I talk to but not very much.. well, making friends at work is not as GEREK as making friends in school.. Well, maybe their personal policy is to work and not make friends.. or maybe it's just my first day.. sooner or later we'll get along well.. who knows yah.. Once again, Happy Monthsary to me and my sweetheart.. Have a great day yah! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0134hrs |
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
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4/27/2010 12:02:00 am
time : 0004hrs Helluez! I'll be starting my first full-time job tomorrow as a Technician at a company.. It's located near Serangoon Ave 5.. so near.. and my shift is in the afternoon.. can wake up late.. the pay, POWER.. if I do over-time, LAGI POWER! Got job, get car, get married. Sweeeeet~ Anyway, last weekend me and my bestdudes overnighted at Jim's place.. We played games from PS2 and PS3 till the next morning.. we also went down to get supper.. we also produced videos recorded just by using my mobile phone.. lame yet funny.. out of the 4 vids, I love "Weird Wrestling Entertainment - Dickson VS HandJob".. I never get bored of it.. haha.. the videos are in my Facebook.. do check 'em out! ![]() I think that's all for my entry today.. Hopefully I'll be able to blog again after I've start work.. Have a great week, peepz! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0019hrs |
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
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4/21/2010 10:17:00 pm
time : 2217hrs Helluez! Alhamdulillah I've resigned from Sakura and now insya'Allah will be working at Singapore Zoo.. Have to go for check-up though.. I'll be going this Friday.. Tomorrow will be collecting my robe.. will be going with Ryna and meeting up with Zul at TP.. Anyway, last time while I was working for Sakura, my colleague keep singing this song, "Parachute" by Cheryl Cole.. at first I find like a minah/mat punye song but after listening to it, like nice ah.. so I did my own rendition of the song.. hope you like it.. |
Monday, 19 April 2010
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4/19/2010 11:18:00 pm
time : 2336hrs Helluez! Alhamdulillah 2010 is a great year for my parents.. They are so proud of their sons -
Anyway, I'm also happy that my MP3 is repaired and also I bought a headphone from Kurt.. GEREK! At least I will not get bored when I'm on my way to anywhere.. The song "if we ever meet again" by Timbaland featuring Katy Perry really caught my attention.. nice, beb! So here's my rendition of the song.. sorry if it sucks.. haha.. Enjoy! These are the pictures that me and Darlz took when we went out on the past 2 weekends.. Incredible~ |
Saturday, 17 April 2010
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4/17/2010 10:33:00 am
time : 1037hrs Helluez! It has been a long time since I blogged.. And I guess you've already saw what's new huh.. it's my awesome blog layout.. all thanks to the help from my Darlz.. Even though I came from a course that deals with codings, but she's better than me.. haha! The only same thing is the colour.. Purple is the new Black.. Anyway, I just registered for my Graduation Day online and already booked a robe.. can't wait to wear it.. haha.. It's very hard to meet up with the TP dudes and babes nowadays.. either they are working, or I'm the one working.. different schedule.. but we do keep in touch every now and then.. looks like I'll only get to see them on graduation day.. Last Thursday, me and Darlz watched......................... ![]() It was one awesome movie.. We thought it was a kid movie but there was gore and filthy words so, that changed our thoughts.. I think it's way more better than watching "Clash of the Titans".. I heard the movie sucks big time.. Anyway, me and Darlz enjoyed "Kick-Ass".. there was this groovy song which played during the credits and we danced our way out of the cinema.. haha.. GEREK KEPPE~ Maybe later just slack with Darlz at town.. BUT BEFORE THAT! I'm going to take back my MP3 that was sent for repair.. Bayek~ And maybe I wanna meet Kurt to take a headphone that he said he wanna give me.. wait, was it give or sell it to me.. haha.. K, have a nice weekend.. Enjoy! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1059hrs |
Monday, 5 April 2010
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4/05/2010 01:33:00 am
time : 0141hrs Helluez! I am so lucky to have such a DROP DEAD GORGEOUS girlfriend.. She looks stunning in make up.. You are my SUPERMODEL! ![]() my girlfriend, the model. ![]() iRa - Fitri - Firah These babes went for make-over last Saturday.. Fitri's friend had a project or something so they need models.. Fitri called up my gf and Firah to help out as models.. they were so lucky.. they got dolled up and experienced photo shoot in the studio.. Lucky girls.. Anyway, I was bored at home so I decided to do a cover of my former band, Nightfall's "Hello My Friend".. Jimmy is gonna shoot my head using a canon if he knew about this.. but, who cares.. haha! cover of Nightfall's "Hello My Friend" Alright, I'll end my entry here.. have a great week! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 0203hrs |
Saturday, 3 April 2010
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4/03/2010 09:47:00 am
time : 0947hrs Helluez! Firstly, I would like to wish my friend, Ryna, a Happy 21st Birthday (belated)! Actually her birthday was on the 25th of March.. Haha.. I still owe you a present, beb.. that Stitch mug doesn't count.. On that day, I picked up Hidd first, then Ryna and finally Kid.. we had supper at Railway station.. we then head down to Marina Barrage to chill.. Left the place around 0500hrs and sent Kid to work followed by sending Hidd home.. me and Ryna then went East Coast to watch the sunrise.. Allah's creation = beauty.. The next day, I'm supposed to go dating with Darlz only.. but plan went cock up.. haha.. blame my mother lah.. haha.. but I'm glad that Darlz got to know my grandmoms and my grandmoms got to know her.. On the 31st March, me and Darlz watched "Remember Me" at AMK Hub.. it was our first time watching there.. not bad ah the cinema.. spacious and comfortable.. I know how much Darlz love that Robert Pattinson.. Oklah.. he's good looking, I got to agree with her.. I pretend to sleep whenever she talks about that Robert.. haha.. Anyway, the movie taught me to treasure the one you love before he or she or you yourself depart from this world and also, it has a good story line.. I may not be a romantic kinda person but I give the movie 8/10.. not bad.. it could have been better if Darlz replace that female actress - Emile De Ravin (her name very Indian.. maybe she is.. haha!) ![]() Alhamdulillah It's Friday (yesterday).. haha.. Zaf supposed to plan the outing but end up I'm the one who arranged this and that.. but I like to organise events.. then main event was having dinner at Sakura (Cairnhill).. before dinner, there were 2 separate events.. they got the choice of going to the National Museum to see the Mummy Exhibits or they watch "Clash of the Titans" at Lido Orchard.. End up the ones who supposed to watch the movie shifted their time to watch after dinner but the people going for the exhibition continued as planned.. Wati got the tickets at a discounted price.. bayek! The exhibition was interesting and there was a real Mummy, coffins and ancient Egyptian artifacts.. nice ah! Today is the last day before the dead pharaohs returning back to Egypt.. ![]() From left : GG - Wati - Fitri - Kurt - iRa - me After walking around the exhibition, we head down to Sakura (Cairnhill) to have dinner with the others who supposed to watch movie.. We had an awesome dinner.. Shahrin never fail to make us laugh.. that dude is simply amazing.. And GG is another cool dude who can comfortably blend in with us.. nicelah.. the best thing is, no one feel left out.. It was GEREK! ![]() Wati - Fitri - Yana - iRa ![]() Fuad - me - GG - Zaf - Shahrin - Kurt - Jimmy ![]() Korang GEREK! Maybe today I'll just stay home.. or maybe going out with Kurt or whoever ask me out.. haha.. Darlz will be having her all-girls out with Fitri all.. I think Yana and Firah also tagging along.. Ok, I'll end my entry here.. have a GEREK weekend! Yours GEREK-ly, ariffmohamed time : 1044hrs |