Monday, 28 September 2009
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9/28/2009 04:28:00 pm
day : Monday time : 1711hrs Alo~ I was taking some time to rest after doing some work.. I remembered that the song "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas reminded Darlz of me.. haha.. maybe I keep singing that song to her.. so yerpz, I took my guitar and covered the song.. Darlz, this is for you...... And also, I heard a song being played in the radio.. this is my second cover of the day.. to semangatkan lagi suasana Hari Raya.. haha.. enjoy~ That's all for my entry today.. adioz~ - aif - time : 1732hrs |
Sunday, 27 September 2009
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9/27/2009 08:15:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0818hrs Alo~ HAPPY 3 YEARS 1 MONTH ANNIVERSARY ![]() Alhamdulillah we have been together for 37 months and it keeps going strong.. we keep alive our ups and conquered our downs.. I love you~ Norirawati binte Kasbani, You are my lover, my sweetheart, my advisor, my companion.. Life without you is like 'a baju kurung without a kain samping'.. You filled me with love and care just like how my mom filled the container with kueh tart.. Oh Darling.. I love you so much! Muackz! Once again, Happy Anniversary to us! - aif - time : 0828hrs |
Monday, 21 September 2009
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9/21/2009 12:11:00 am
day : Monday time : 0022hrs Alo~ Alhamdulillah that yesterday was GEREK! I enjoyed my Hari Raya.. not because I got duitcollection (dah tua-tua pon dapat collection - masih sekolah pe wai~), but I love to meet my cousins and relatives that I only meet once a year.. In the morning I went for Solat Aidilfitri at En-Naeem mosque.. went home straight after that to have breakfast with family.. we then seek forgiveness from each other and took our Raya Family Photo.. once done, we went nenek's house which is just next door.. haha.. In the afternoon, family after family come and go.. so kecoh.. things start to calm down around 1700hrs.. my family and Cik Suhaimi's went to Nek Mia's house nearby.. after Nek Mia's house, my family went to my Tok Selamat's house at Pasir Ris.. lama never meet my datok la~ We went home around 2200hrs.. Just now Cik Enal's family came.. haha.. now we're so tired but GEREK, babe! Tomorrow is a holiday and at least we all get to rest.. I think that's all for my entry.. wanna sleep liao~ - aif - time : 0039hrs |
Sunday, 20 September 2009
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9/20/2009 02:11:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0223hrs Alo~ I just wanna wish all Muslims......... |
Thursday, 17 September 2009
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9/17/2009 01:13:00 am
day : Thursday time: 0116hrs Alo~ Yesterday I dyed my hair and SERIOUSLY I look like matrep.. only look like one of them but I don't behave like them.. actually, sometimes I do lah.. haha.. it has been a long time since I last dyed.. zaman ITE, beb.. LAMA.. ![]() Anyway, I went Mustafa Centre with Kurt yesterday.. bought a couple of jeans and a shirt.. we then went Beach Road to get my skate shoes.. we break fast there and later walked to Arab Street.. we then went Amirah's Grill.. had our second meal.. had Fish n' Chips.. bayek~ after that, ape lagi, shisha ah~ |
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
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9/15/2009 11:26:00 pm
day : Tuesday time : 2329hrs Alo~ Today I went terawih.. bayek~ Anyway............................................................ |
Monday, 14 September 2009
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9/14/2009 08:48:00 am
day : Monday time : 0851hrs Alo~ What a great Monday morning and I'm at home.. IT'S THE HOLIDAYS.. GEREK~ Feels like continuing my sleep but later I'm going out with Ryna to get our hair done.. I think I wanna cut it short and neat.. about dying, maybe I'll dye myself.. let the colour be a surprise for Raya.. haha.. Anyway, my weekends were great.. on Saturday, Darlz had to help her sister out to bake some kuihs so I went iftar with my bestdudes.. went Marina Square with Kurt.. met Fuad, Zaf and Alvin at the food court.. break our fast there.. after that we don't know where to go.. so at last we all decided to play L4D (tak abis-abis!) at Grandlink.. haha.. but GEREK ah.. we went home after that.. ![]() ![]() Yesterday went Geylang with Darlz.. met her at Tanjong Katong Complex then we headed to Joo Chiat to meet my mom and my bros.. Darlz help mom with choosing for her baju Raya.. she likes to layan her bakal mak mertua.. haha.. after that we went separated ways.. me and Darlz went to look for her dad's baju Raya while my mom and bros donno-go-where.. During the search, we bumped into Dr Maliki Osman.. one of our proudest Malay Ministers.. we just smiled at each other.. he's one of the people I look up to.. a great example to the Malay community.. Power~ I thought of getting a bag like those mat2 and minah2 carry but Darlz help me get a better one.. it's like a camera bag.. nice ah.. GEREK~ Anyway, at first I thought of just wearing last year's baju kurung but when I went Aniz bazaar near Paya Lebar, the baju kurung, MAK DATOK!, cheap lah.. ALERMAX~ Ape lagi, I bought a set ah.. light blue baju kurung with samping.. GEREK~ After getting out stuffs, we headed to Toa Payoh to meet up with my mom and bros again.. haha.. there also we bumped into my uncle Suhaimi together with his wife Cik Yana and my cuzzin Jannah.. they were with their friends.. It's Darlz first time meeting my uncle in person.. haha.. insya'Allah when we're married, you'll get to meet him till you jelak.. haha.. After breaking our fast, my mom and bros went home while I sent Darlz home.. chilled awhile at her house.. her mom gave my mom kuih tart and kuih ros.. haha.. and Darlz also baked for my mom Chocolate Chip Cookies.. fuh~ sodaaaaap~ I love my Darling.. thank you~ Alroitz~ I'll end my entry here.. wanna lie on my bed for awhile.. so tired.. haha.. have a great week.. - aif - time : 1004hrs |
Saturday, 12 September 2009
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9/12/2009 09:34:00 am
day : Saturday time : 0944hrs Alo~ ALHAMDULILLAH~ I'm done with MP/SIP.. unfortunately, me and Ihsan have to come back for a day to debug some coding.. maybe next 2 weeks coz next week Ihsan has to serve his CWO - Corrective Work Order.. kesian dia.. haha.. I see others complaining about MP/SIP - how boring it was, how frustrating it could get.. but for me and Ihsan, we're cool.. we spent the first 4 months of our MP/SIP walking around Engine school, Facebook-ing, chatting in MSN and etc.... maybe it's because we got the most coolest Supervisor, Jah-song (that's what we call him).. haha.. he didn't pressure us and he would help us if we need him.. the best part is that he likes taking off and he went for reservist for one week.. alot of freedom for us.. and also, our lab only consist of 5 occupants - the other group has 3 dudes.. and the 3 of them are as cool as us.. Our lab is so spacious that I can play catching and wrestle with Ihsan.. I think although our group is only 2 person, we're the most rowdy compared with the 3 dudes.. haha.. This paragraph is dedicated to Ihsan.. I've known him since my second year in TP.. we're in the same lab for ''.. fortunately for me, I sat beside him and eventually became his project partner for that subject.. we began to get to know each other and I introduced him to Zul and a few others.. from then, we began to chat and hang out together.. coming to our third year, I chose him as my MP partner because I know he's good at programming and I'm comfortable doing work with him.. While doing our MP, we get to know more about ourselves and the friendship tightens.. I would even wrestle him on the floor.. sometimes we will massage each others' back or karaoke on youtube when our lab is empty.. he's also my personal DJ, introducing great songs (except from Metallica).. haha.. Regarding our project, I saw how the way he work.. if he don't understand or can't do certain stuffs, he will Google it or he will post it in Forums.. he sometimes also research on things not related to our project like 'how to hack a vending machine'.. haha.. of all the things he had done, I will remember him for only one reason - he farts alot.. everyday without fail, he will fart.. twice he farted and the smell went down my throat.. *HOO-WHOT THA!*.. He's on his way to become 'The World's Most Important Man' and he's gonna take me as his right-hand man coz I think I sit on his right.. haha.. *I need to leave for work* time : 1030hrs time : 1648hrs *I just got home.. just now went to work and after that went AMK for awhile to meet Jimmy.. later leaving house again to iftar with bestdudes.. lets continue from where I left........* Another reason why I enjoyed my MP/SIP is because of the friends I've met.. It's amazing that now I'm talking to Izyana and gang.. if not, I donno how to start.. haha.. and who could have thought that I can be very close with Ryna.. we started off by just being classmates in ITECH.. not very close.. then one day during MP, me and the guys asked her out.. then we chatted and became close.. and yeah till now.. we just wanna keep her smiling and let her have a positive mind towards finishing up her MP/SIP.. to Ryna, I know you can do it~ Ok, enough of emotional dedications.. haha.. yesterday had iftar with TPK members - Rudy, Abang Sham, Kak Zi and Raudah at Kampong Glam Cafe located at Arab Street.. after that we all headed to Geylang and met Zaf there.. so long never met up with them.. yesterday was great.. Our Hari Raya event will be on the 10th of October 2009.. I'll update it on the announcement box.. Today I'm having iftar with my best dudes at I'm-not-sure-yet.. maybe we'll hunt for food later.. tomorrow gonna do shopping with Darlz.. what a tiring week.. fuh~ oklah.. I got to go now.. have a great weekend.. wootz~ - aif - time : 1712hrs |
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
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9/09/2009 11:38:00 pm
day : Thursday time : 0032hrs Alo~ Firstly........................... ![]() HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY, dude~ May all your wishes come true.. although we're not as close as my ear to the headphone, you're still a great friend.. GEREK~ Anyway, just now me and a few school peeps - Ahmad, Zul, Chuck, Ryna, Kid (with Jamie) and me went iftar together at Victory Eating House at Arab Street.. we reached there just nice for break fast.. the menu like, WOOOOO~ so I thought of eating nasi ayam goreng but the dude said they only have murtabak and nasi briyani.. I was like, ALERMAX~ after break fast, Chuck went to Ahmad's crib, Kid went Bugis with Jamie and the three of us - Ryna, Zul and me went Geylang.. we walked around the bazaar.. we also tried the 'Naughty G' energy drink.. we thought it's gonna make us horny or at least stimulate our sex hormones and make us feel like making love all night but it didn't.. ALERMAX~ haha! We left Geylang and headed home around 2200hrs.. Today insya'Allah breaking fast with my NS mates - Abang Aziz and Aidil.. not sure if they're bringing anymore peepz.. then tomorrow breaking fast with TPK members.. GEREK~ I think that's all for my entry.. have a great day~ - aif - time : 0048hrs |
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9/09/2009 05:16:00 am
day : Wednesday time : 0532hrs Alo~ Alhamdulillah it had been a great week for me.. And I realised that it has been more than a week since I last blog.. Get to iftar with family, girlfriend and peepz.. I love being fair to everyone.. Oroits.. here's a few highlights.. On last Wednesday, iftar with my Darlz.. met her after school and I rushed down to AMK's banquet.. I was late but at least Darlz had her drink already.. after makan, we had our chit-chat session.. it's nice to have our face-to-face conversation after such a long time.. we had a great time together though it's for a short hour.. we went home after that.. ![]() On last Friday, AGAIN, rushed down to AMK's banquet.. but this time iftar-ing with my best dudes.. met up with Kurt first.. later Zaf, Fuad and Alvin came.. after makan, we went Geylang.. met up with Man there.. walked around and there were so many people.. I dont have to mention the population of mats & minahs, you guys should know.. Anyway, after that we went Grandlink to play Left4Dead.. haha.. we played until past midnight.. Fortunately for us, it's Saturday the next day.. Me and my band were supposed to jam on Saturday but most can't make it.. Darlz & Irzad having iftar with respective family, Kid had to get his baju kurung, so I can't possibly jam with Jimmy only.. haha.. so I spent 70% of the day sleeping, 20% on Youtube and 10% on others.. haha.. but the god thing, I get to iftar at Nenek's house with my aunties all.. On Sunday, I met up with Kid, Chuck and Ahmad at Outram to go to work.. it's from 1200hrs to 1400hrs but we only work for 5 minutes and we get the same amount of pay.. BAYEK PE~ after work, walk around Chinatown with Chuck and Ahmad for awhile before meeting Darlz at Bugis.. Chuck wanted to look for a CPU but unfortunately it was sold out.. I later met Darlz at Bugis MRT station and we walked to Arab Street to book seats at Vintage Delicafe.. we had a hard time looking for the cafe but when we've found it, we're disappointed to know that it doesn't operate at normal working hours during Ramadhan.. all the other cafes aren't that good so we're left with Amirali's Grill.. we booked the VIP room.. after that we went Sultan Mosque to have my Asar prayer.. also met up with Dzafirah there.. around 1800hrs, we walked back to Amirali's Grill and chill at the VIP room first.. later Emmy and Fitri came.. they bought a cake which Darlz and me thought of buying earlier - Polar's Nutella cake.. Zaf, Kurt, Jen and Chris came abit later ALSO with a cake, so 2 cakes for Kurt this year.. Yana and her boyfriend, Shahrin, came after our makan.. we then went to the veranda for shisha, had the second cake and played games organised by Zaf.. haha.. it was fun.. I had such a great time with my close dudes, best buddz and Darling gurlfriend.. EPIC~ In the VIP ROOM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The First Cake ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Second Cake ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() At the veranda ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() from left : Emmy - me - Yana - Shahrin - Fitri - Zaf - Kurt - Jen - Dzafirah - Chris - Ira Alhamdulillah my Major Project (MP) is almost done.. left with putting the application in the Ubiq system.. and the next heinous thing to do is the report.. to think of it, we could finish our MP in a week but due to slacking, waiting for softwares to come and stuffs, it took us months.. haha.. I enjoyed working together with Ihsan.. he's on his way to become the "World's Most Important Man".. this week is the last week of MP.. after that, no more bullying of Ihsan.. haiz.. haha.. And Jah-son also is the most relax supervisor.. he doesn't pressure us but of course he can be very sarca when we didn't do our work.. overall, I think I enjoyed my MP.. haha.. And today insya'allah ifta-ring with my school dudes.. hopefully they can make it.. oroitz, have a nice day and have a great week.. GEREK~ - aif - time : 0643hrs |