Friday, 31 July 2009
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7/31/2009 11:09:00 am
day : Friday time : 1110hrs Alo! Firstly, HAPPY 20th FUNKIN' BIRTHDAY, DUDE~ This dude of mine is a funkin' rocker.. A guitarist for Barricade, he's a very successful musician.. though he may be younger than me, he's my inspiration to pursue my dreams in musiq.. Today I'd like to wish this guy a HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY! May you have a wonderful birthday with your loved ones.. all the best in your future..! Thank funkin' goodness it's Friday.. the end of a week of heinousity.. I'm not sure about tomorrow's plan.. still thinking where to go.. Anyway, me and my band will be jamming this Sunday.. actually with Irzad, our new guitarist.. but he got family involvement.. we just proceed with just the 4 of us.. This morning I was funkin' surprised to see this picture :- Viper Hotspurs FC back row : Azhar - Fareez - Azhari - Fahren - me - Mandeep - (tak tau) - Melvin - Haniff - Azmi front row : Rizal - (lupa nama ni anak) - Aizad - Sean - Razli - Firdaussi Like, WOOOOO~ Razli uploaded this in Facebook and tagged me in this photo.. it really light up my day! My gosh! I miss these dudes.. this pic were taken when we're in Sec 2.. we formed up a soccer team and called ourselves "Viper Hotspurs FC".. we are so into soccer.. haha.. challenging other teams like maciam paham onlee but we faham ah.. ahakz! My postion, left-midfielder.. cey~~ that time walaupon boncet tapi kuat lari lah.. ahakz! I hope to see these guys again.. masing² dah busy.. hope to see them during Raya..! I think that's all for my entry for today.. have a great weekend! - aif - time : 1145hrs |
Sunday, 26 July 2009
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7/26/2009 10:53:00 pm
day : Sunday time : 2255hrs Alo! Weekends are always wonderful.. especially when you have great people around.. it all started on Friday.. me and my dudes - Ihsan, Ahmad, Chuck and Kid did something unusual.. we bought the stuff what people call the "laughing gas".. it was my 2nd time doing it.. my first was with my campmates back during the NS days.. After getting the stuff, we look for as spot where there were not many people.. we started sniffing and after a while, everyone started to laugh.. we also changed our location after noticing some people were looking at us.. our last location was at ITAS where we finished the stuff.. around 1500hrs, we returned to our lab.. Zul and Rina then came asking me and Ihsan to accompany them to watch Torres (From Liverpool FC) at Tampines Mall.. so we followed.. We went Tampines One, no Torres.. went Tampines Mall, no Torres.. went Century Square, STILL no Torres.. when Zul called his friend, Torres was actually at Ikea Tampines.. HAIYAH! We walked around Tampines and around 1630hrs, we walked back to school.. haha.. though there's no Torres, we still had fun.. After school, me and Kid went Clarke Quay to meet up with Darlz and Jimmy.. after that, we walked to the jamming studio near Clarke Quay.. the good thing about the studio is that it has a sofa in it, the amplifiers were great and the guitar/bass were not bad.. BUT! the drums were bit HAIYAH! Both the cymbals were small and sounded the same (doesn't crash that loud) and it has only one paddle for the bass drum.. we are so not gonna jam at that place again.. ahakz! We managed to jam all of our songs and also covered some of MJ's songs - Beat It and Billie Jean.. we went home after jam.. cool Friday night! On Saturday, Darlz brought me to the Army Museum near Singapore Discovery Centre.. Zaf and Kurt supposed to follow but they didn't reply to Darl's message.. so we went as a date.. since I'm a NSman, me and Darlz can go in for free.. when we went in, it tells us abit about why we must serve the NS.. many video clips and pictures that reminds us about life during the Japanese occupation.. then as we walked, we entered a theatre where it plays the 4D show about what will happen during war.. it felt so real.. after that me and Darlz went for the IMT (Individual Marksmanship Training).. first we shoot using the SAR21.. both of us got EXPERT.. we the asked the guy if we could shoot the M-16 and since there were no people queue-ing, he granted our favour.. cey~~ I got EXPERT for it but unfortunately, Darlz got Marksman.. not bad! We then walked around and suddenly I came across a picture where there were troops throwing their caps after POP (Pass-Out Parade).. reminded me of the time I finished BMT (Basic Military Training).. I miss my NS days.. After exploring the museum we took photos with the military vehicles.. power lah! We then walked towards Singapore Discovery Centre.. actually we just wanna check out the price.. we then saw a shuttle bus waiting outside SDC and we thought it will bring us to Jurong Point or somewhere outside SDC so we can take bus to Boon Lay BUT! it's not.. we sat down and suddenly there was this tour guide on board and stand in front.. the bus brought us around SAFTI-MI (Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute-Military Institute).. after the tour, the both of us were like "isn't that part of the SDC package tour and we just board it for free?!".. haha.. it was fun though.. after that we had dinner at Banquet Jurong Point.. After dinner, we met up with Kid and Ryna at Marina Square.. walked around and we went to the Marina Stairs around 1900hrs.. a few minutes later, fireworks started to fill the skies.. it was amazing! Makes the sky so colourful.. ahakz! After that, we went Suntec's Fountain of Wealth to chill and enjoy the music.. we also played games like "chilly chop" (some girly game but I'm man enough to play it).. haha.. we returned home aound 2230hrs.. Alhamdulillah everyone enjoyed their day especially Darlz.. Just now met Rina at AMK coz she thought I could fix her external hard disk but I couldn't.. haha.. end up just slack at AMK library.. after that dinner at AMK Banquet.. she also planning on something adventurous and it sounds interesting.. but to make it happen, have to discuss with Kid also.. time check : 0000hrs HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO AIFIRA! Oroitz! I'm going to bed now.. have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow.. Adioz! [2 YEARS 11 MONTHS] A short but meaningful message from me to you : I love you from the bottom of my heart.. Insya'Allah what we wish for will come true.. thank you for always being there for me.. MUACKZ! - aif - time : 0011hrs |
Friday, 24 July 2009
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7/24/2009 12:22:00 am
day : Friday time : 0023hrs Alo! PRISON BREAK IS AWESOME! Finally, Prison Break's series have come to an end.. it is such a wonderful show to watch.. it's not only about suspense, it's also about romance.. I've been watching Prison Break since Season One and I find the plots very interesting.. I like the way Michael Scofield thinks and how he plan things out.. genius.. but all credit goes to the director and producer of the show.. they are very creative.. Well done! I love the actors in this show.. acted damn well.. Prison Break is Awesome! ![]() Escape from Fox River ![]() On the run ![]() Escape from Sona, Panama ![]() Bringing down the Company and Michael Scofield's death For those who miss any Prison Break episodes or wants to watch Prison Break online, you can visit Cucirca.. Anyway, I almost teared up when Michael Scofield gave his last message to Linc and Sarah.. I give this show a 9.87654321/10.. SUPERB DA! |
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
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7/21/2009 09:37:00 pm
day : Tuesday time : 2221hrs Alo! I was tagged by Aishah to do this questions. 1. Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed? Cheeks, forehead and somehow, my neck.. ahakz! 2. How do you feel when you wake up this morning? Feel wonderful.. my every morning is wonderful.. I'm a positive dude, remember.. 3. Who was the last person you took a photo with? My Darlz - the adventure date at Henderson Waves.. 4. Would you consider yourself spoilt? Erm.. yah.. erm.. no.. half spoilt, half independent.. I donno ah.. I think I'm spoilt ah.. but at times, I'm independent.. ok, lets move on.. 5. Would you ever donate blood? I wanted to but.. I myself need blood.. 6. Have you ever had a best-friend of the opposite sex? Yeah! Darlz is my bestfriend, the bestest.. I love you! Besides Darlz, Ryna also, but she sometimes tak guna.. got sticker on my baju also dowan to tell.. kepala hotak.. ahakz! 7. Do you want someone dead? Erm.. no.. I'm cool with everyone but I'm sure everyone wants me dead.. ahakz! 8. What does your last text-message says? *wait, I take my phone* Ok, here goes - to Darlz,"Thank you (because she gives me the determination to go jog).. nw i nak go pray then go jog.. u do ur work k? muackz!" 9. What are you thinking about right now? What to answer for this question.. I guess - nothing.. haha.. actually I'm thinking on how to make people around me happy.. how to be fair to everyone.. Darlz, help me.. 10. Do you wish someone to be with you now? Like DUH! Ahakz! I want Darlz.. Darlz, come here.. kuchi kuchi.. 11. What time did you go to bed last night? 0100hrs i think.. 12. Where did you buy the t-shirt you are wearing now? FYI, I'm not wearing any.. ahakz.. 13. Someone on your mind now? Darlz.. you're always in my mind..! And somehow, Ihsan also.. maybe something's telling me I should wrestle him in the lab tmr.. 14. Who was the last person that texted you? Darling iRa.. 15. Tag 8 random person to do this survey: 1) Darlz 2) Zaf 3) Kurt 4) Ryna 5) Aishah cuzzin 6) Ahmad 7) Izzati 8) Everyone that find this crap interesting, do lah.. 16. Who is number 2 having a relationship with? ZAF?! He's having a relationship with me, man.. 17. Is number 3 a male or a female? Male.. male bear.. 18. Say something about number 1: I love you!!! 19. Does number 6 loves your butt? I think so.. he keeps looking at it sometimes. 20. Who is number 5's bestfriend? I think, got to be her mom.. 21. Do you think number 7 is good looking? Erm.. she is lah but she's very garang.. seram, beb.. 22. Have you had any feelings for number 4? As a close friend.. kan Ryna.. kan kan kan..? 23. What do you hate about number 8? Eh! Rhyme ah! "What do you hate about number 8".. entah.. i love everyone.. That's all folks.. - aif - time : 2229hrs |
Monday, 20 July 2009
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7/20/2009 11:35:00 pm
day : Monday time : 2336hrs Alo! This entry is dedicated to my Darlz who had given her best in engraving my drumsticks.. it's not easy to think of designs.. well done, Darlz.. you are always my inspiration and aspiration.. Alhamdulillah! Thank you so much and I love you! Check out my new drumsticks.. ![]() There's my logo - Aif (above the finger) ![]() My E.D. stage name - "The Rave" ![]() The Rock hand-sign and our name. ![]() The Pair Music has been my friend since I was young.. started with just playing the bass guitar, now I'm experimenting my grooves with the drums.. there are drummers out there who inspired me and these are the top 3 in my list.. #3 - Alex Rodriguez of Saosin ![]() #2 - Joey Jordison of Slipknot ![]() #1 - The Rev of Avenged Sevenfold ![]() I think Joey Jordison is a much more better drummer than The Rev but technical wise, I prefer The Rev.. They are the reason why I'm playing drums.. and of course, my passion for playing drums.. Once again, thank you Darlz for taking your time to engrave my plain drumsticks.. it ROCKS! - aif - time : 0010hrs |
Sunday, 19 July 2009
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7/19/2009 01:18:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0143hrs Alo! As what I've posted in my Facebook, I'm gonna have a wonderful weekend and I did..! Fun-tastic..! It started off on Friday.. I'm supposed to celebrate Fina's birthday at Popeye's Changi Airport but I don't really like the Airport.. like.. I donno ah.. so me and my babe and dude went Vivo City instead.. we took bus there and it was effin' heinous but we enjoyed the ride.. walked around the huge mall and finally we chilled at "the pantai".. we share stories and tease each other.. nice~~ around 2200hrs, we left Vivo.. we took train together.. me and Kid alighted at Orchard as Kid was meeting Jaime and I was meeting Kurt.. Ryna continued her journey home.. ![]() ![]() ![]() @ Vivo's ToysR'Us I met Kurt at Lido's entrance.. then we get the tickets for........................................ ![]() Click here for trailer This movie has alot of shockings.. actually not that scary lah but can make it.. not bad.. try watching it.. who knows you might like it.. and it's based on true story so it's kinda cool.. I give this movie an 8.6/10.. After movie, me and Kurt had late dinner at Forum's McDeez.. we took taxi home after that.. and thank you very much Kurt.. you rock! Yesterday morning Darlz had her First-Aid course.. I woke up at 1000hrs wondering what's gonna be the plan for the day.. Darlz told me that she wanna watch Ice Age 3 but when I checked the timing, there were not many time slots.. and I've looked through all the cinemas.. the latest timing was at 1435hrs.. So I researched on Singapore's Places of Interest.. nowhere caught my eyes UNTIL! I remembered Ihsan talked about Henderson Waves.. so I began researching on that.. I left home in the afternoon and met Darlz at Hougang NEL station.. both of us coincidentally wore red and it was awesome! We then took train to Harbourfront and after that took bus to Henderson Road.. after we've alighted, we have to climb up this effin' heinous stairs.. damn high and tiring! Once we've reached the top, we took some pics and plan our route.. cey~~ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Henderson Waves After a blawdy long walk through Henderson Waves, we decided to continue our adventure through the Forest Walk.. this one is effin cool.. we walked on a long metal bridge.. check it out..! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Forest Walk The long bridge leads us to HortPark.. a horticulture park full of different plants.. nice! Then there's also a huge garden.. with different kind of flowers.. nice~~ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HortPark We then continued our journey walking up another high stairs which leads us to Kent Ridge Park.. by this time, we were damn shagged.. but no matter what, that wont stop us from exploring.. ahakz! ![]() ![]() ![]() Kent Ridge Park From Kent Ridge Park, we finally walked down to Science Park.. took bus to Buena Vista.. from Buena Vista, we changed bus to Clementi.. we were so hungry so we had dinner at Long John Silvers'.. ![]() ![]() @ LJS After dinner, we took bus to Yishun and I sent Darlz home.. I know she missed me so much.. and I miss her too.. it has been a long time since we last went on an adventurous date.. hehe.. we really enjoyed ourselves though it was tiring.. there's still more to explore from Henderson Waves to Kent Ridge Park.. Oroitz! I think it's time for me to go to bed.. sleepaaaay! Hopefully I can wake up in the morning and go jog.. Have a great Sunday! - aif - time : 0239hrs |