Monday, 27 April 2009
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4/27/2009 07:15:00 am
day : Monday time : 0716hrs Alo! Before going to school, I wanna wish Darls and myself................ Alhamdulillah we've been together for 32 months and still going strong.. Insya'Allah our relationship will last forever.. Darlz, you know how much I love you.. I really do.. I can say more than that but words are just not enough.. I know I rarely say "I love you" to you but only my faithfulness is a way to replace the 3 words.. you know how much I care and you know how much I need you.. Thank you, Darlz for everything.. Alrite, let's boogey boogey, baby! |
Sunday, 26 April 2009
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4/26/2009 08:33:00 pm
day : Sunday time : 2054hrs Alo! What a lazy Sunday today.. I woke up at 1100hrs.. had lunch.. then sleep again.. till around 1800hrs.. I realised my knees were swollen.. no pain but just swollen.. I think due to the effect that I played soccer of Friday.. but I'm ok.. no worries.. I had a great day yesterday.. met Darlz, Tauhid and Jimmy at Ang Mo Kio in the afternoon.. then we took bus 130 to Thomson Road.. went to O'lando Jamming Studio.. the jamming room was big and spacious but when we jammed, the sound was like muffled.. we jammed and had fun anyway.. End jamming at 1700hrs and we makan at The Prata House just across the street.. Darl's treat.. thank you, Darlz.. we also took alot of funny pictures.. after makan, we took bus 132 to Orchard.. we bumped into Zaf in the bus.. he was heading to Orchard too.. we alighted at Far East Plaza and waited for Zaf's friend, Rauf.. never met him before but after talking to him, he's a nice guy.. easy going.. We all then went Lido to get movie tickets.. we bought "Friday the 13th" @ 1920hrs tickets.. the movie was good.. lots of killings and bare-naked ladies.. at least it was better than "Watchmen" - dicks were like everywhere.. I didn't expect to see tits lah but my purpose of watching the movie was to see people being killed.. haha.. nolah.. I love thriller and suspence.. I give a rating of 8.0000003/10.. the value 0.0000003 is for the naked ladies.. haha.. just joking.. we went home after the movie.. ![]() Click here to watch trailer ![]() Be Courteous ![]() Enigmatic Dose - HardCore ![]() Enigmatic Dose - Versatile ![]() Enigmatic Dose [Kid - Jimmy - Aif - iRa] ![]() The Guys ![]() Friendship The thought of going to school tomorrow is so demoralising.. hehe.. but I must be positive.. to be positive, I must tell myself that I can bully Ihsan in school.. haha.. nolah.. just kidding.. oklah.. I wanna watch tv now.. take care.. have a great week ahead! - aif - time : 2158hrs |
Friday, 24 April 2009
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4/24/2009 12:00:00 am
day : Friday time : 0003hrs Alo! Thank God it's Friday! Survived 1st week of MP.. haha.. boring ah but the Cinema 4D software like interesting.. can make cartoon animations out of it.. and I think my MP also like kinda cool.. haven't really start on my project yet.. Anyway, I'm so freaking sleepy now.. let the pictures do the talking.. 2nd Day of MP My Product VERY GOOD! Dah malas Focus, beb.. My Product.. cey~~ Mine and Ihsan's work 4th Day of MP Cool ah graphics My graphic ![]() During Fire Drill ![]() so now at least we know what to do when the school is on fire.. *take pictures* Good night! - aif - time : 0009hrs |
Monday, 20 April 2009
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4/20/2009 10:23:00 pm
day : Monday time : 2226hrs Alo! Aaaah.. I just reached home.. tired but able to tahan.. Today is the first day of MP/SIP.. "Interactive Kiosk 2" is my project.. attached to IDC Asia.. in school ah.. My project partner is Ihsan.. I chose him because I love to bully him.. haha.. nolah.. he's good to work with ah.. I think we're fortunate to get a very friendly and approachable Supervisor, Mr Jason.. basically our project is to design a kiosk for student to know more about our Temasek Poly.. the kiosk will be touched-screen and also able to detect movements.. like you read an e-book, you just swipe your hands and the system will automatically turn the page.. lke cool ah.. but I think the process or program is heinous ah.. somehow I feel like I'm interested in it.. After school, me, Ihsan, Tauhid, Zul, Azim and Ahmad went to the library to borrow some books.. me and Ihsan like semangat ah.. haha.. we then went to Tampines Interchange.. that's when Tauhid bought a cake for Azim coz it was his birthday.. just a small slice.. after the very mini celebration, Azim went to meet his friends.. the rest of us walked around Tampines 1.. then we had dinner at kedai nasi ayam power-gedemak-kau-pey......... sounds vulgar eh but cool ah.. haha.. we went home after dinner.. Tomorrow also gonna be a slack day.. Wanna have my rest now.. good nite! - aif - time : 2242hrs |
Sunday, 19 April 2009
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4/19/2009 12:28:00 am
day : Sunday time : 0036hrs Alo! Woooooo.. I am tired but I don't feel like sleeping.. maybe after I finish this entry ah.. Darlz actually wants to talk to me now but I honestly told her that I am blogging and tomorrow we'll chit-chat.. Yesterday accompany her to get her mom's birthday present which falls tomorrow.. it goes like this.. After slacking the whole night at Hougang Mall's McDeez, we left around 0745hrs to send my bikes home.. then we slacked at my void deck.. edit some pics.. haha.. we went home around 0815hrs.. had my 3 hours sleep, woke up around 1100hrs.. Darlz called.. got myself ready and left home to meet Darlz at Tampines.. Saw Kak Yana and Nabilah Huda there.. We walked around the new mall.. it's called "Tampines 1".. it was huge lah but the shops are all like selling the same stuffs - clothes, accessories and restaurants.. what do you expect.. haha.. there was nothing to get for Darl's mom.. she don't want tudung, she don't want picture frames, she don't want accessories.. so what I can think of was to suggest Darlz to get her mom a handbag.. Frabulousy yempreng tom pong! Means, "Excellent! What a great idea! You're a smart kid, Aif" in some Norwegian language remixed with Thailand and abit of Melayu.. Anyway, we also went to Tampines Mall and Century Square UNTIL Darlz came across this bag which she thinks her mom will like, at Century Square.. it looks nice to me and she bought it.. after that we had lunch at this nasi ayam stall behind the Tampines library.. I called it the power-gedemak-kau-pey-................. nasi ayam! You can fill in the blanks with your own words.. it's ok if you don't want to.. sounds nicer "power-gedemak-kau-pey-nasi-ayam".. After lunch, we head to Orchard coz Darlz wanna get a cap/hat like mine.. walked around Far East Plaza and went 77th Street.. bought her cap.. very nice.. tengok lah siapa pilihkan.. and I bought a wristband for myself.. hehe.. From Far East Plaza, we walked all the way down to Plaza Singapura and we took bus to Yishun.. We went North Point coz Darlz need to get some more stuffz.. she bought fruit tarts for the birthday celebration.. Yummy! Then her dad needs her to buy for him roses.. he wants to give it to his wife / her mom.. hehe.. I suggested pink roses.. looks more romantic.. red roses are like very gothic and dark.. haha.. not being superstitious but that's how I look at red roses.. We went home after that.. Today is Darl's nephew, Salihudin's birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOY! And tomorrow is Darl's mom birthday.. tomorrow then I message her mom.. maklumlah, insya'Allah jadi bakal mak mertua.. hehe.. Oklah.. have a great Sunday.. tomorrow is the beginning of MP/SIP.. hopefully I can tahan the 19 weeks of heinousity and hardcorism.. take care! - aif - time : 0121hrs |
Saturday, 18 April 2009
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4/18/2009 03:14:00 am
day : Saturday time : 0315hrs Alo! Wassup! It's 0315hrs and guess where am I.. haha.. at Hougang McDeez with my bestfriends playing our laptops.. haha.. we didn't even buy anything.. haha.. the three of us had our own laptops and it's awesome.. haha.. each doing our own stuff.. and me, updating my blog.. haha.. Later meeting my Darlz.. accompanying her to buy present for her mom and her nephew.. their birthday is tomorrow, I think.. we planned to go Tampines Mall.. I heard they expand the mall to be like Orchard.. haha.. I think it's exaggerating ah but I guess what they meant was, the mall was bigger than before.. must check it out.. if there's nothing to buy there, we'll go Bugis.. and if there's still nothing, we'll go Vivo or Jurong Point.. and if there's still nothing to get, then I donno what to say.. haha.. Oklah.. just a short entry.. wanna polish my photoshop skill.. Monday school re-open and time-table is unforgivingly heinous! Anyway, have a great weekend..!! ![]() Start at 0800hrs till 1800hrs For 19 weeks, from Monday till Friday What you see here is just half of my time-table ![]() bye, guys! - aif - time : 0358hrs |
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
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4/14/2009 01:03:00 am
day : Tuesday time : 0137hrs Alo! My eyes are tired but I wanna post this entry.. haha.. like excited ah to put up the stupid pics.. haha.. It goes like this.............................. Last Sunday, Jimmy invited me, Tauhid and Kurt to his nephew's birthday party.. before that, me and Kurt bought a present at Hougang Mall.. a fireman toy - whenever you press the helmet, there will sounds and lights.. it's also like a frame where the birthday boy can put his pic.. who knows when he grows up, he'll become a fire fighter.. Anyway, we reached the chalet around 1815hrs.. Tauhid was already there, eating.. the first thing we did when we reached was, MAKAN!! Hahaha.. there's fried mee hoon, fried mee, hotdogs, fishballs and the best was the AWESOMELY DELICIOUS PASTRIES.. bole mati kesedapan ah makan dia punye pastry!! Barney came out around 1845hrs and it was like WALAAAAAAW!!! It's pink and it's damn skinny.. it had big nose and its eyes were like 2 kuih tart raya belen-belen dari last year punye, they put super glue and glued it on muka Barney.. haha.. Barney Budget abis! There was also a balloon maker who made for us a hat which we later use our imagination to use it to become something else.. took alot of photos.. and we had fun! We're like the entertainers of the party.. cool pe! Haha.. We didn't get to eat the cake due to overwhelming crowd.. haha.. but we're not disappointed.. Jimmy's mom gave us chewing gums.. haha.. Oh well, we left around 2030hrs and head home straight.. ![]() Big-nosed, tart-eyes Barney [it's pink and it's damn thin (budget Barney)] ![]() The Family ![]() Happy Birthday! ![]() Birthday Family ![]() Kurt - me - Barney - Tauhid - Jimmy [bestfriends] Yesterday went Parkway Parade with Kurt.. jalan-jalan there and also chilled at Coffeebean and surf the net using our laptops.. then we walked to Katong area, had dinner at some Indian stall.. then walked to Geylang.. took bus home after that.. and dalam bus ade muntah.. walaaaaw! Uwek! The Cyclops ![]() ![]() ![]() Mask Riders ![]() ![]() ![]() The Complete Mask Riders ![]() Arabs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I think I'm gonna surprise Darlz after work today.. haha.. then have dinner with her.. yeehaa! That's all for today.. have a great day! - aif - time : 0200hrs |